You noticed things out of the corner of your eye when they moved quick as the Legate's ears did. Niu hoped piecing it together would be as swift, but Moto'Seide caught on eventually.

They weren't enemies. Niu just had an obligation to fulfill, a plan to follow. Any enjoyment was purely coincidental.

Dismissed, was she? Niu bowed her head, mannerly as could be, and was heading over the dune when she started shouting. "Keep track of your damn brats, Moto'Seide! We're sick of them terrorizing everyone and running off!"

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Niu spent her last night in Firekin lands outside Azar's dwelling, trying to think less of what to say, more if she should say anything at all. Morning arrived and with it came Shula, right on time as always.

"I heard you screamed at the Legate," Shula said disparagingly.

"I heard your sister made you cry," replied Niu. Funny, she looked just like Moto'Seide with her ears back like that. "Listen, Shula..." A paw rested atop her pretty little head and Niu smiled reassuringly. She'd never been very good at it, though. "You become a captain one day and keep an eye on him. You know he's more of a cub than you are."

Shula never asked why, and after word got around Niu was missing, she realized she'd never get the chance.