Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] Original Belly Image:[ X ]
I already have an uncert preg image, and a preg cert, but I would really love to have a preg cert that has her lifemate's name on it. If it's easier for you to make a new preg uncert for her cert, feel free! Otherwise I'm happy with the preg uncert I have. Just whichever is easiest for you.
Soquili Information: At the bottom: Okami Cosplay Edition
Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] Original Belly Image:[ X ]
I don't think I ever got a cert version... or if I did, it's on the old version of her cert/I lost it. No need to remake the uncert unless it's easier for you.
Soquili Information: Would it be possible for you to just put her pregger image on a cert? <3 That would be wonderful x3 And I didn't know if you could place it with her familiar as well? If not that's okay! : D <3 Thank you for providing this service though! And here is her familiars uncert in case you do that and you need it! Sonnet
Hrmm well this is slightly off topic but seemed the best place to ask.
I know i used to belly certs and uncerts of Adalyn but i cant seem to find them. I was wondering if anyone here could help me find them? i did not want to post the form since i am not in need of a new one just the one thats somewhere.
Hrmm well this is slightly off topic but seemed the best place to ask.
I know i used to belly certs and uncerts of Adalyn but i cant seem to find them. I was wondering if anyone here could help me find them? i did not want to post the form since i am not in need of a new one just the one thats somewhere.
Hello! Sorry for the late reply; I don't check the thread unless quoted. I see you were able to find her uncert! Do you still need her cert?
Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:46 pm
If you're not doing these anymore, no worries! heart
Proof of Breeding Win:[ X ] Original Belly Image: Lost in computer's death
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:58 am
Caitlyn Hellstorm
To be clear, were you simply looking for the images you lost? Or did you want new bellies for those without uncerts (Frosta, Christabel, and Snow Jewel)?
Man-Hungry Fatcat
Caitlyn Hellstorm
Beloved Vampire
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:46 am
Caitlyn Hellstorm
To be clear, were you simply looking for the images you lost? Or did you want new bellies for those without uncerts (Frosta, Christabel, and Snow Jewel)?
I want new bellies for those who don't have uncerts please and thank you for certs <3
Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:03 pm
Helloooo, and thank you for your patience! You were chosen via MCCL recently by Sweeny, and she'll be the one to drop off Gabrielle's belly image for you later on! :D
Helloooo, and thank you for your patience! You were chosen via MCCL recently by Sweeny, and she'll be the one to drop off Gabrielle's belly image for you later on! :D
!!! I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know! biggrin