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President Number 2

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 9:26 pm

Darth Daddicus
Heliko pylori
Darth Daddicus

*hands him a box of tissues and some allergy pills* That darn cat dander!

*Blaaaat!* Augh! Thank you! *tosses tissues into fire* I think that mother-in-law of mine has had these cats crawling all over my office chair! Where are those dang dogs of mine? Aren't they supposed to be able to handle things like cats?

Boba Pett steps in and lays ears down, "Woof! You'rse wants da cats sent ta da Hutts? He gives a little whine, "Arf? But won'ts da mamma in law be mad boss man? Growf!" Looks around and sees the griffon, "You'res wanted dat thing in here boss man? Woof!"
PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:51 pm

Boba Pett
Darth Daddicus
Heliko pylori
Darth Daddicus

*hands him a box of tissues and some allergy pills* That darn cat dander!

*Blaaaat!* Augh! Thank you! *tosses tissues into fire* I think that mother-in-law of mine has had these cats crawling all over my office chair! Where are those dang dogs of mine? Aren't they supposed to be able to handle things like cats?

Boba Pett steps in and lays ears down, "Woof! You'rse wants da cats sent ta da Hutts? He gives a little whine, "Arf? But won'ts da mamma in law be mad boss man? Growf!" Looks around and sees the griffon, "You'res wanted dat thing in here boss man? Woof!"

You do realize you're one of the biggest flea problems, right? If you want to be useful, get me some repellant! Perhaps you can send these fleas to the Hutts? I don't know. They're not exactly the furriest things in the galaxy.

Darth Daddicus
Vice Captain

Ruthless Leader

30,525 Points
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Darth Daddicus
Vice Captain

Ruthless Leader

30,525 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:58 pm

Blood Maverick
Darth Daddicus
User Image

I like to keep an open-door policy when it comes to running my temple. This insures that anybody caught bothering me in my office while I'm trying to huddle in the corner and take a nap can be escorted more quickly out of it! I ask that if you have any complaints, suggestions, comments, concerns, rumors, gossip, or special cafeteria menu dietary requirements, please write them on large pieces of college-ruled notebook paper, fold them or ball them into tight little wads, and place them in the proper receptacle next to my desk. This will help to cut down on heating bills and reduce my level of stress.

-crawls in slowly and fluffs fur and feathers and slowly walks to big red chair and stretches and sits on chair and then puts front paws on desk and give very sad griffin doe eyes at good alien friend Darth- FRIEND REVE TOLDSED BLOOD TO COMES AND SITS HERE!!! FRIEND REVE SAYSED BLOOD SHOULD ASKSED FOR FISHES FOR BLOOD'S BELLY SO BLOOD NO STARVESED!!! BLOOD NO HAS NO FOODS FOR BLOOD'S BELLY AND BLOOD WANTS HAPPY BELLY AGAINSES!!! BLOOD SAD BLOOD NO HAS HAPPY BELLY NO MORESED!!!

-paws with back legs at chair and flips tail and then fluffs back up fur and feathers dropping several fleas- BLOOD NO MOVESED NO MORESED UNLESSES BLOOD'S BELLY HAS HAPPY!!! BLOOD NO WANTSED FLEAS NO MORESED TOOS!!!

Here, Blood, take this: User Image
First, use the fire from it's mouth to get rid of the fleas, and then, just plop that thing right into your belly! Better now? Feeling good? scream NOW GET OFF MY CHAIR!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:18 pm

Darth Daddicus
Blood Maverick
Darth Daddicus
User Image

I like to keep an open-door policy when it comes to running my temple. This insures that anybody caught bothering me in my office while I'm trying to huddle in the corner and take a nap can be escorted more quickly out of it! I ask that if you have any complaints, suggestions, comments, concerns, rumors, gossip, or special cafeteria menu dietary requirements, please write them on large pieces of college-ruled notebook paper, fold them or ball them into tight little wads, and place them in the proper receptacle next to my desk. This will help to cut down on heating bills and reduce my level of stress.

-crawls in slowly and fluffs fur and feathers and slowly walks to big red chair and stretches and sits on chair and then puts front paws on desk and give very sad griffin doe eyes at good alien friend Darth- FRIEND REVE TOLDSED BLOOD TO COMES AND SITS HERE!!! FRIEND REVE SAYSED BLOOD SHOULD ASKSED FOR FISHES FOR BLOOD'S BELLY SO BLOOD NO STARVESED!!! BLOOD NO HAS NO FOODS FOR BLOOD'S BELLY AND BLOOD WANTS HAPPY BELLY AGAINSES!!! BLOOD SAD BLOOD NO HAS HAPPY BELLY NO MORESED!!!

-paws with back legs at chair and flips tail and then fluffs back up fur and feathers dropping several fleas- BLOOD NO MOVESED NO MORESED UNLESSES BLOOD'S BELLY HAS HAPPY!!! BLOOD NO WANTSED FLEAS NO MORESED TOOS!!!

Here, Blood, take this: User Image
First, use the fire from it's mouth to get rid of the fleas, and then, just plop that thing right into your belly! Better now? Feeling good? scream NOW GET OFF MY CHAIR!

-pops her head in the door looking at him with a big grin- Don't you just love how busy your office has become Bossman? That temple map is a beautiful thing! -giggles-

Reve Casse

Spicy Witch

36,075 Points
  • The Edgiest 250
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  • Ghost Hunter 250

Darth Daddicus
Vice Captain

Ruthless Leader

30,525 Points
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  • Megathread 100
PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:25 pm

Reve Casse
Darth Daddicus
Blood Maverick
Darth Daddicus
User Image

I like to keep an open-door policy when it comes to running my temple. This insures that anybody caught bothering me in my office while I'm trying to huddle in the corner and take a nap can be escorted more quickly out of it! I ask that if you have any complaints, suggestions, comments, concerns, rumors, gossip, or special cafeteria menu dietary requirements, please write them on large pieces of college-ruled notebook paper, fold them or ball them into tight little wads, and place them in the proper receptacle next to my desk. This will help to cut down on heating bills and reduce my level of stress.

-crawls in slowly and fluffs fur and feathers and slowly walks to big red chair and stretches and sits on chair and then puts front paws on desk and give very sad griffin doe eyes at good alien friend Darth- FRIEND REVE TOLDSED BLOOD TO COMES AND SITS HERE!!! FRIEND REVE SAYSED BLOOD SHOULD ASKSED FOR FISHES FOR BLOOD'S BELLY SO BLOOD NO STARVESED!!! BLOOD NO HAS NO FOODS FOR BLOOD'S BELLY AND BLOOD WANTS HAPPY BELLY AGAINSES!!! BLOOD SAD BLOOD NO HAS HAPPY BELLY NO MORESED!!!

-paws with back legs at chair and flips tail and then fluffs back up fur and feathers dropping several fleas- BLOOD NO MOVESED NO MORESED UNLESSES BLOOD'S BELLY HAS HAPPY!!! BLOOD NO WANTSED FLEAS NO MORESED TOOS!!!

Here, Blood, take this: User Image
First, use the fire from it's mouth to get rid of the fleas, and then, just plop that thing right into your belly! Better now? Feeling good? scream NOW GET OFF MY CHAIR!

-pops her head in the door looking at him with a big grin- Don't you just love how busy your office has become Bossman? That temple map is a beautiful thing! -giggles-

*shakes fist* You will rue the day you decided to hide out in my temple, Woman! You will rue the.....*scratch scratch scratch* Augh! Blood! Hand me that Gwee! Kill these fleas!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:35 pm

Darth Daddicus
Reve Casse

Darth Daddicus
Blood Maverick
Darth Daddicus
User Image

I like to keep an open-door policy when it comes to running my temple. This insures that anybody caught bothering me in my office while I'm trying to huddle in the corner and take a nap can be escorted more quickly out of it! I ask that if you have any complaints, suggestions, comments, concerns, rumors, gossip, or special cafeteria menu dietary requirements, please write them on large pieces of college-ruled notebook paper, fold them or ball them into tight little wads, and place them in the proper receptacle next to my desk. This will help to cut down on heating bills and reduce my level of stress.

-crawls in slowly and fluffs fur and feathers and slowly walks to big red chair and stretches and sits on chair and then puts front paws on desk and give very sad griffin doe eyes at good alien friend Darth- FRIEND REVE TOLDSED BLOOD TO COMES AND SITS HERE!!! FRIEND REVE SAYSED BLOOD SHOULD ASKSED FOR FISHES FOR BLOOD'S BELLY SO BLOOD NO STARVESED!!! BLOOD NO HAS NO FOODS FOR BLOOD'S BELLY AND BLOOD WANTS HAPPY BELLY AGAINSES!!! BLOOD SAD BLOOD NO HAS HAPPY BELLY NO MORESED!!!

-paws with back legs at chair and flips tail and then fluffs back up fur and feathers dropping several fleas- BLOOD NO MOVESED NO MORESED UNLESSES BLOOD'S BELLY HAS HAPPY!!! BLOOD NO WANTSED FLEAS NO MORESED TOOS!!!

Here, Blood, take this: User Image
First, use the fire from it's mouth to get rid of the fleas, and then, just plop that thing right into your belly! Better now? Feeling good? scream NOW GET OFF MY CHAIR!

-pops her head in the door looking at him with a big grin- Don't you just love how busy your office has become Bossman? That temple map is a beautiful thing! -giggles-

*shakes fist* You will rue the day you decided to hide out in my temple, Woman! You will rue the.....*scratch scratch scratch* Augh! Blood! Hand me that Gwee! Kill these fleas!

-grins evilly- Moi? I think not. It shall be the Bossman who will rue the day he kidnapped me. -ignites her saber- Can I help you with those fleas, M'Lord? twisted

Reve Casse

Spicy Witch

36,075 Points
  • The Edgiest 250
  • The Sweetest 250
  • Ghost Hunter 250

Darth Daddicus
Vice Captain

Ruthless Leader

30,525 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:46 pm

Reve Casse
Darth Daddicus
Reve Casse

Darth Daddicus
Blood Maverick
Darth Daddicus
User Image

I like to keep an open-door policy when it comes to running my temple. This insures that anybody caught bothering me in my office while I'm trying to huddle in the corner and take a nap can be escorted more quickly out of it! I ask that if you have any complaints, suggestions, comments, concerns, rumors, gossip, or special cafeteria menu dietary requirements, please write them on large pieces of college-ruled notebook paper, fold them or ball them into tight little wads, and place them in the proper receptacle next to my desk. This will help to cut down on heating bills and reduce my level of stress.

-crawls in slowly and fluffs fur and feathers and slowly walks to big red chair and stretches and sits on chair and then puts front paws on desk and give very sad griffin doe eyes at good alien friend Darth- FRIEND REVE TOLDSED BLOOD TO COMES AND SITS HERE!!! FRIEND REVE SAYSED BLOOD SHOULD ASKSED FOR FISHES FOR BLOOD'S BELLY SO BLOOD NO STARVESED!!! BLOOD NO HAS NO FOODS FOR BLOOD'S BELLY AND BLOOD WANTS HAPPY BELLY AGAINSES!!! BLOOD SAD BLOOD NO HAS HAPPY BELLY NO MORESED!!!

-paws with back legs at chair and flips tail and then fluffs back up fur and feathers dropping several fleas- BLOOD NO MOVESED NO MORESED UNLESSES BLOOD'S BELLY HAS HAPPY!!! BLOOD NO WANTSED FLEAS NO MORESED TOOS!!!

Here, Blood, take this: User Image
First, use the fire from it's mouth to get rid of the fleas, and then, just plop that thing right into your belly! Better now? Feeling good? scream NOW GET OFF MY CHAIR!

-pops her head in the door looking at him with a big grin- Don't you just love how busy your office has become Bossman? That temple map is a beautiful thing! -giggles-

*shakes fist* You will rue the day you decided to hide out in my temple, Woman! You will rue the.....*scratch scratch scratch* Augh! Blood! Hand me that Gwee! Kill these fleas!

-grins evilly- Moi? I think not. It shall be the Bossman who will rue the day he kidnapped me. -ignites her saber- Can I help you with those fleas, M'Lord? twisted

No, no, no! You stay away from me with that thing until you've passed a semester with Darth Venomisci!
PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:04 pm

Darth Daddicus
Blood Maverick
Darth Daddicus
User Image

I like to keep an open-door policy when it comes to running my temple. This insures that anybody caught bothering me in my office while I'm trying to huddle in the corner and take a nap can be escorted more quickly out of it! I ask that if you have any complaints, suggestions, comments, concerns, rumors, gossip, or special cafeteria menu dietary requirements, please write them on large pieces of college-ruled notebook paper, fold them or ball them into tight little wads, and place them in the proper receptacle next to my desk. This will help to cut down on heating bills and reduce my level of stress.

-crawls in slowly and fluffs fur and feathers and slowly walks to big red chair and stretches and sits on chair and then puts front paws on desk and give very sad griffin doe eyes at good alien friend Darth- FRIEND REVE TOLDSED BLOOD TO COMES AND SITS HERE!!! FRIEND REVE SAYSED BLOOD SHOULD ASKSED FOR FISHES FOR BLOOD'S BELLY SO BLOOD NO STARVESED!!! BLOOD NO HAS NO FOODS FOR BLOOD'S BELLY AND BLOOD WANTS HAPPY BELLY AGAINSES!!! BLOOD SAD BLOOD NO HAS HAPPY BELLY NO MORESED!!!

-paws with back legs at chair and flips tail and then fluffs back up fur and feathers dropping several fleas- BLOOD NO MOVESED NO MORESED UNLESSES BLOOD'S BELLY HAS HAPPY!!! BLOOD NO WANTSED FLEAS NO MORESED TOOS!!!

Here, Blood, take this: User Image
First, use the fire from it's mouth to get rid of the fleas, and then, just plop that thing right into your belly! Better now? Feeling good? scream NOW GET OFF MY CHAIR!

-raises fur down back, flips tail and stretches out wings dropping more fleas and growls- NO YELLSED AT BLOOD!!! BLOOD NO LIKESED FIRE AND NO WANTESED TO BE HURTED BY BAD FIRESED!!!

-stands on chair and slowly lifts hind leg up and looks at alien friend Darth- BLOOD NO LIKESED BEINGS YELLEDS AT!!! BLOOD GET YELLED AT BLOOD DO SOMETHINGSED TOO ALIEN FRIEND DARTH'S CHAIR!!!

Blood Maverick

Beloved Fisher

22,075 Points
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Fashionable Delight

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:20 pm

Had a question for you Captain! why is it whrn I got to BG some of the screens won't open? makes me angry! twisted
PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:44 pm

Had a question for you Captain! why is it whrn I got to BG some of the screens won't open? makes me angry! twisted

It's because the users still have Aquarium Snowflakes in their inventory. Here is a list of affected users I've compiled:
Angel Spirit Girl
Hot Pisces Pricess
Sub Blu3

If you have more names to add to the list, do so and I'll make a notice later quoting them and informing them of the trouble.

Darth Daddicus
Vice Captain

Ruthless Leader

30,525 Points
  • Hunter 50
  • Survivor 150
  • Megathread 100


Fashionable Delight

33,150 Points
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  • The Sweetest 250
  • Alchemy Level 7 100
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:24 pm

Darth Daddicus
Had a question for you Captain! why is it when I got to BG some of the screens won't open? makes me angry! twisted

It's because the users still have Aquarium Snowflakes in their inventory. Here is a list of affected users I've compiled:
Angel Spirit Girl
Hot Pisces Pricess
Sub Blu3

If you have more names to add to the list, do so and I'll make a notice later quoting them and informing them of the trouble.

ok, thanks for your help!
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:14 pm

U better watch out - u better not cry ... grumpy is in town. xd rofl

Happy New Year. rofl

Lady Of Verona


Romantic Cheerleader

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:23 pm

Darth Daddicus
Had a question for you Captain! why is it whrn I got to BG some of the screens won't open? makes me angry! twisted

It's because the users still have Aquarium Snowflakes in their inventory. Here is a list of affected users I've compiled:
Angel Spirit Girl
Hot Pisces Pricess
Sub Blu3

If you have more names to add to the list, do so and I'll make a notice later quoting them and informing them of the trouble.

Greetings mrgreen I have some names in my bump logs - added one today m'lord.

Nice chair ~~~ Pets the Horns and looks around ~~~ m'lord, have you thought about sprinklers in case the Fagnirs, Quees, and other Fire Breathing / Igniting things might catch the Temple on Fire?

Who checks on the Fire Coding in here? Oh by the way, Subway really isn't all that fresh. Just sayin'

TTYL (like Tigger says)
PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 2:27 am

::pokes head in to see whats all the commotion::

Looks like things are under control! xd


A Fox

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Enigmatic Healer

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 4:33 pm

Seems to be cozy in here 4laugh
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