1. What is your name?

2. Do you have any nicknames?
Rei or Ringo

3. How old are you?

4. Where are you from?
Westland, Michigan

5. When is your birthday?

6. What color hair do you have?
Brown; Preferred: Purple

7. What eye color do you have?
Dark Brown / Black; Preferred: Bright Yellow

8. Do you wear glasses?

9. How tall are you?
5" 01'

10. Do you have any siblings?
Two Brothers

11. Do you have any pets?
Two Cats

12. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
No; Don't want any

13. What is your favorite color?
Imperial Purple and Silver

14. What are your hobbies?
Playing Video Games, Reading Manga, Watching Anime, Writing

15. Do you have any pet peeves?
None that I want to list.

16. What are you most afraid of?
Spiders and Insects

17. What is/was your favorite subject in school?

18. What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
An Artist

19. What are some goals that you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?
Visit Japan

20. How would you describe yourself using only 5 words?
Eccentric, Mysterious, Thoughtful, Creative, and Empathetic

21. Who is your role model?
My Uncle Ron (I'm very touched that she said this - Ron)

22. Do you like to travel? Where would you like to travel to?
Yes, it's very fun! Either Japan or France

23. If you won the lottery, what would you do with all that money?
Not Really Sure

24. What's your favorite song?
Papercut by Linkin Park / Funky Dedler by Hideki Naka Mura

25. Do you play any musical instruments or sing?
The accordion and the Kazoo; I happen to like to Sing! (Gee I wonder where she got her Love of Singing From - Yes her Uncle Ron again)

26. What makes you most happy in life?
Playing Video Games and Listening to Music

27. Do you have a favorite season?

28. What is your favorite holiday?

29. What is your favouirte quote or saying?
"There's no year like the year that you're in."

30. What is your favorite food?
Curry Rice

31. Do you have a food that you refuse to eat?
Anything with Fresh Onions

32. What is your favorite dessert?
Ice Cream Cake

33. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Ramune (Melon Flavor) / Faygo Redpop

34. What is your favorite animal?

35. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
A Fox; they're adorably hostile

36. What were your favorite toys to play with as a child?
Action Figures and Plushies (Especially Pokemon Plushies - Sorry Ron again, Yes you should see her Room)

37. Who is your favouirte hero/side kick duo?
Richie and Sparky (From Pokemon)

38. If you could have any super power, what would it be?

39. What is your weapon of choice?
Pistol or Scythe

40. If you could attain any skill, what would it be?
Shadow Clone Jujitsu (From Naruto)

Ron again heaven help us if their were hundreds of my 19 year old niece running around, She wore both my brother and I out back on Black Friday from Shopping. Ask a Teenage girl if she wants to go shopping and hang on for the ride!!

41. Do you like to play video games? Which ones?
Yes; Pokemon and Animal Crossing

42. What game systems do you own?
Nintendo DSIXL; Nintendo 3DS; Ninetendo 2DSXL

43. What is your favorite TV Show?
Growing Up Creepie and One Punch Man

44. What are some of your favorite anime?
One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Soul Eater, and Osomatsu San

Ron Again - At Youmacon 2018 Cherami Leigh did Patty's Voice from Soul Eater for Miranda. Also Cherami signed my brothers Fairy Tail Book - Lucy. I stole the show when I gave Cherami a Sailor Venus Transformation Rod - One of my Personal Props. She went right into Minako / Sailor Venus Character and said loudly for all to hear - For Me!! Then she gave me a hug and signed my Limited Edition booklet from the First season of the Sailor Moon Anime Blu Ray Redub!! She signed Thanks for your kindness on the Sailor Venus Page. Yes Cherami Leigh is my favorite Voice Actress. By the Way she also did the Voice for Asuna from the Sword Art Online Anime / Manga Series.

45. What is your favorite movie?
Pokemon 3: The Movie

46. What is your favorite genre in both shows/movies and books?
Comedy and Horror

47. Do you like to read? What is your favorite book?
Yes; Horns and Wrinkles

48. Do you read any manga or comic books?
Yes; Both

49. Do you have a favorite actor/actress?
Johnny Depp

50. Who is your favorite voice actor/actress?
Todd Haberkorn, Jay Micheal, Taetum, and Jonny Young Bosh

51. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why?
Todd Haberkorn

52. Have you ever been to a convention before? Which one(s)? If not, would you like to? Yes; Youmacon and Shutocon (Both in Michigan)

53. Have you ever cosplayed? What were they? If not, would you like to?

54. What are some future cosplays that you would like to do?
Too Many to count

55. When you are not in school/working, what do you spend most of your time on the computer doing? Watching You Tube and Tumblr

56. Are you a fast typer?
Not Really

57. Do you enjoy playing board games? Any favorites?
A little; Pokemon Sorry!, Catan and Risk

58. Do you have friends who are interested in anime, video games, conventions, etc? Yes a Lot

59. Do you believe in "The Force?" No? Sort Of?

60. Lastly, did you enjoy this questionnaire? Any feedback for future quizzes, surveys, contests, etc?
Very Intriguing; Not at the Moment