You can probably post and finish it up.

"Consider it our privilege to help out such a striking beauty as yourself." The dark lion said courteously.

"Yes. We enjoy being able to help you out." P'xan gave her a very toothy grin and hoped they were able to help her find her family. He wouldnt know what to do if he was ever separated from his siblings and parents.

It was true, even Tanhi felt the same way. They had always been a very close knit kind of group. It would feel strange if they were to suddenly never see one another again.

"Perhaps we can get a better lookout from here if your family has perhaps settled in the area." He said walking towards the direction of an overlook. With the high ground to their use they should be able to see quite a bit.

Pxan followed his brothers lead in the direction of the overlook and hoped along with his brother that luck would be on their side. If not. Tomorrow was always another day.