Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:16 am
Name: Al-Hattal Meaning: ? Nickname(s): Al-Ha Found: July 7th, 2009 Breed: SoA Temper: Incorrigible
Mate: Haha, no. Parents: ? x ? Children: Probably. Who knows?
Details: A born charmer, Al-Hattal has no hidden depths beneath his handsome, flirtatious exterior. He lives to seduce mares, and pursues that goal with almost single-minded focus; that being said, he will still happily enjoy a mare's company even if it becomes apparent he won't get anywhere, as long as she's pretty and/or her company is enjoyable. He has very little time for stallions, who have absolutely nothing that he wants, and rarely engages with them. He has no preference for any particular species, and will spend time with any female he can speak to...and who isn't an immediate threat to his life. He is considerably more cautious around 'dark' individuals, but so long as they're probably not going to hurt him (much), he will keep company with them.
Al-Ha is not a deceiver. He spins no stories and makes no promises, and doesn't take advantage of anyone. He may stay for a day, he may stay for a few weeks if he's really having a good time, but he will always leave. Usually, he will at least say goodbye. If he ever happens to run into one of his lady-friends again, he is more than happy to take a trip down memory lane, so to speak, but he never actively seeks one of them out.
Seeking: Ladies! All the ladies to RP with! Strike-outs, successes, and everything in between. Childless flings past, present, and future, and potentially some flings that will result in babies.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:29 am
Name: Halaa Meaning: ? Nickname(s): None Found: March 1st, 2009 Breed: Talbuk Temper: Aggressive
Mate: None Parents: ? x ? Children: None
Details: His temper is all I have for him, really, so he's open to development and plotting. My vague impression of him is that he's predominantly solitary and highly territorial, adamantly defending whatever small patch of land he's decided is his (maybe somewhere in the eastern forests?). Gruff, impatient, and probably a little bored, he's always ready for a good fight.
Seeking: RP to help develop him, maybe a lady to share his territory with? An actual mate would be nice, but I might consider one fling.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:30 am
Name: La Croix Meaning: the cross (French; named for Baron La Croix) Nickname(s): None Found: June 6th, 2009 Breed: 3rd Gen Temper: Suave
Mate: None Parents: Windwalker x Ghede Children: None
Details: Croix has a difficult time taking life seriously, and can find humor in almost anything, even in dark subjects. His sole goal in life is to enjoy himself, to see and experience the world and everyone else in it. While he usually travels alone, he thrives in the company of others.
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making him into an actual character. Will never settle down in one place, so he's more inclined to flings or travelling-companions-with-benefits than formal mating.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:32 am
Name: Njozi Meaning: dream (Swahili) Nickname(s): None Found: June 4th, 2010 Breed: 2nd Gen Temper: Mysterious
Mate: None Parents: Safi'dhamira x Arasi Children: None
Details: Soft-spoken, reserved, and thoughtful. Pacifist.
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making him into an actual character.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:34 am
Name: Rjomi Meaning: cream (Icelandic) Nickname(s): None Found: October 17th, 2015 Breed: Temper: Civil
Mate: None Parents: ? x ? Children: None
Details: Warm, altruistic, generous, hospitable, etc.
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making him into an actual character. Would prefer mate over flings, huge bonus for natural horse colorations or tea-themed. No evil sorts.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:35 am
Name: Suanmi Meaning: (named for one of the nine sons of the dragon) Nickname(s): None Found: June 6th, 2009 Breed: 2nd Gen Temper: Hot-blooded
Mate: None Parents: Laohu x Haoxian Children: None
Details: Youthful and reckless, Suanmi is ready to rise to any challenge, be it real or imagined. Outspoken, likely difficult to get along with.
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making him into an actual character.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:36 am
Name: Tang Meaning: bowstring (Sindarin) Nickname(s): None Found: July 28th, 2009 Breed: Ninau Temper: Militant
Mate: None Parents: ? x ? Children: None
Details: Strong, courageous, and above all, disciplined. Tang is a warrior - I would hesitate to call him a knight, as he lacks a specific code or formal training, but he is inherently good. He is very formal to the point of being a bit stiff, all business all the time, but polite and courteous at least. He's judgemental and highly suspicious of any soquili with outwardly dark traits, it would take him a significant amount of time to trust one.
Seeking: RP to help round him out a little more, possibly a mate (no flings for this fellow) or even unrequited love, whether it be on his end or hers. Battles, won or lost, are also welcome! In spite of his experience and skill, he is still just a regular soquili, so in all likelihood would find himself torn up quite often, and ICly bears a lot of scars.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:41 am
Name: Tirith Meaning: guard (Sindarin) Nickname(s): None Found: December 23rd, 2010 Breed: 2nd Gen Temper: Vigilant
Mate: None Parents: Hijinx x Manadh Children: Lhethril, Malthir
Details: I got nothin'. Halp?
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making him into an actual character.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:42 am
Name: Wesa-da Meaning: cat? (Cherokee) Nickname(s): None Found: February 16th, 2009 Breed: 2nd Gen Temper: Mousy
Mate: None Parents: Zhenga x Yinehi-Atsadi Children: None
Details: I think he's fairly shy - though not to an extreme where he's nonfunctional, just awkward-shy - maybe even a little submissive, particularly where females are concerned. Sweet and genuine, and longing for a friend. If he were to find a friend (or friends), he would be absolutely loyal. There's nothing he wouldn't do for someone he cares about, even if it means forcing himself out of his comfort zone to accomplish it.
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making him into an actual character. I think with time and incentive, he could not only come out of his shell, but learn to have confidence in himself and become strong, at least in his own way.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:52 am
Name: Yinehi-Atsadi Meaning: fairy fish (Cherokee) Nickname(s): None Found: April 5th, 2006 Breed: Wildlife Temper: Fragile
Mate: None Parents: ? x ? Children: Atikala Aditya, Yaholo; Wesa-da, Mahpari, Jahzara
Details: Poor Yinehi is basically afraid of the world and just about everything and everyone in it. He frets constantly and scares very easily, and is quick to latch onto anyone/anything he thinks will help him stay safe. He's prone to getting infatuated, but combined with his other tendencies, this has never ended particularly well for him. He's sired some children, but not with mares who were interested in him really sticking around, which is probably just as well, because commitment can be pretty scary.
He will actively avoid any soquili who looks like they might be even remotely dangerous: any kalona traits, anyone wearing a significant piece of pelt (can't be too careful!), even just someone who happens to have paws or talons. Run away!
Seeking: RP and plots! Yinehi is one of my oldest soqs, and I adore him. I would love to find him a mate: she could be a fellow coward, someone who takes pity on him and tries to bring him out of his shell, or a lady-knight in shining armor to protect him.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:19 am
Name: Atikala Aditya Meaning: ? (Cherokee) Nickname(s): Ati-Adi Found: July 25th, 2007 Breed: 2nd Gen Temper: Faint-hearted
Mate: None Parents: Laohu x Yinehi-Atsadi Children: Shika, Sahani Tlomeha, Smudge
Details: Meek and submissive, Ati-Adi is a doormat who will let anyone and everyone walk all over her if they please. With no backbone to speak of, she is anxious, easily intimidated, and easily taken advantage of. She does best in the company of quiet and kind soquili, but even then tends to be a bit nervous. Very boisterous individuals are difficult for her, and evil soquili are right out.
Seeking: Plots and RP! Ati-Adi is sweet but a bit damaged, and could use a friend or two. A mate would be wonderful, someone who could reassure and protect her.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:20 am
Name: Beletseri Meaning: (named for an Akkadian goddess) Nickname(s): Bel Found: March 27th, 2009 Breed: Feli Temper: Scarred
Mate: None Parents: ? x ? Children: None
Details: At some point in her youth, Beletseri witnessed something that frightened and traumatized her so badly that she doesn't even remember what she saw. Loud noises spook her, and conflict of any kind terrifies her. She is prone to anxiety attacks, which usually strike at night. She's a sweet, friendly mare, she just has difficulties to overcome, or at least learn to live with.
Seeking: Plots and RP, has possibly found a mate.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:22 am
Name: Gypsy Charm Meaning: - Nickname(s): Charm Found: June 6th, 2009 Breed: 3rd Gen Temper: Alluring
Mate: None Parents: Dalle-de-Verre x Gypsy King Children: Gypsy Rogue, Laertes
Details: ...working on something.
Seeking: Possibly has something going!
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:23 am
Name: Ilfirin Meaning: immortal (Quenya) Nickname(s): Ilfi Found: December 23rd, 2008 Breed: 4th Gen Temper: Lorn
Mate: None Parents: Memorie x Kirai Children: None
Details: Independent and predominantly solitary, Ilfirin may or may not be quite as dark as she looks, I honestly haven't decided. She's something of a lost soul, not inherently bad from the outset but somewhere in a morally gray area. So she could probably go either way?
Seeking: Plots, RP, assistance making her into an actual character. She already has a potential fling and then a potential mate, so no breeding offers, please.
Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:25 am
Name: Iofiel Meaning: divine beauty (Hebrew; named for an angel) Nickname(s): Fi Found: May 12th, 2015 Breed: 5th Gen Temper: Haughty
Mate: None Parents: Vanmoriel x Ananel Children: None
Seeking: Not really available for anything yet. XD Does have one eventual fling planned.