Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:00 pm
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:46 pm
Iola Loxias Name: Iola Loxias Meaning: "Greek variant of Iole meaning 'violet'" | "Another name for Apollo, Greek God of the sun, prophecy, music, medicine, and poetry*" Nick-names: Iola Received: Winter Workshop via Amirynth on January 1 2013 [x] Stages: Adult Cert: Cert Color: Indigo Gender: Male Race: 2012 CYO Plushie Conversion | Cerynei Orientation: Heterosexual
Scent: Grapes and wheat Theme: Undertale OST - Undertale Extended Likes: Calmness, harmony, friendships Dislikes: Tension, mindless violence, rudeness Personality: Iola is a rather quiet Soquili - he's been on his own so long he's forgotten what it's like to be around and interact with others. As such, he's a bit of a social klutz and generally tries to avoid speaking whenever possible. When he does speak, however, it's usually something cryptic or insightful, having given it a lot of thought. (This of course leads him to a be little behind in fast-paced conversations or for his conversation partner to feel the interaction is dragging on.) At his core, Iola is a sweetheart that genuinely wants to make friends and have connections, and is thus constantly frustrated by his own social ineptitude. History: Good things to come here but I have papers to write and tears to shed (Temporarily TBA)
Mate: Mate URL Breedings: 1. Open 2. Open 3. Open 4. Open
Important People: Name - Relationship
Things in progress: Roleplays with other Soquili