Semi-Custom Familiar Grab Bags
Start: Now
End: April 30th 11:59 PM EDT (EST observing daylight savings)
Slots: Some number of cc’s through out the month and 3 rolled after the end
All slots are unedited
These count as your freebie familiar for the month
Rules:These are Semi-customs with no choosing species, items, or markings.
Each person may post up to five images
Images may include almost anything: art, color palettes, pets YOU own (with clear ownership), Soquili or familiars that OTHERS own with permission in
this thread (and linked here), or photos…
Restrictions on images: no collages (a pair of pets is allowed), realistic gore
Post all images in one post. You MAY edit your post. Do not void and repost.
If you win, I will not roll between your images. I will choose the one that inspires me the most or I believe I can do the best justice to.
If an image is larger than 500 pixels high or wide, please spoiler it.
If you have questions please PM me.
[b]Username:[/b] (full username please)
[quote="Entry 1"]
[img]url here[/img]
[quote="Entry 2"]
[img]url here[/img]
[quote="Entry 3"]
[img]url here[/img]
[quote="Entry 4"]
[img]url here[/img]
[quote="Entry 5"]
[img]url here[/img]