Entry Tag: Teh Cheryl | Unicorn | Moderate | Solo Custom
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species: Unicorn Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original
WIP Needed? Yes please! At least a sketched position of the phoenix wanted before anything else.
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Main body is a light silver. Image of an ice phoenix is wrapped around the body. Head of the phoenix is placed on her upper chest/lower neck, facing upwards in flights. The head of the phoenix should have head feathers/frills and the eye should be fire red. Wings should be spread out, with one reaching up to her back and the other down her chest. Long trailing tail should wrap around to by her stomach and be seen wrapping down one of her back legs. Feathers should be varying shades of blue/silver, with ice shards coating some feathers as seen in Reference 1. Colors should be softly blended together on the feathers, except for when iced.
She'll have mists of blue/silver flames and ice shards tipping all four legs that blend up from light blue socks (where the solid portion of the socks should end before the knee like in Invictus).
(Exact position of the phoenix is subject to change depending on colorist, but she is to be the mother of Imperio and grandmother of Invictus. Only request is that the phoenix is positioned on the body differently than those two. Please feel free to use the phoenix on their bodies as a reference as well.)
Face: Ice blue eyes with black winged eyeliner detail and darker blue hints of eye shadow. See Makeup Reference for inspiration. A diamond tear should be coming from the corner of her right eye . Mouth edited to not be smiling. (I know you can't see most of this because of her hair, but if I can ever breed her... <.<)
Mane: Cropped. Blond colored, edges barely tipped varying shades of blue. Mane should colored to have a slight shimmer to it, as though frosted over with ice. Coming out from behind her right ear should be a simple silver chair with a light blue and white, teardrop gem hanging from it.
Tail: Edited: Long, touching the ground and falling in loose curls with the occasional braid woven through. Draped in silver chains and white/blue gems. Please see Hair Inspiration 1 and Hair Inspiration 2 for ideas that follow along those lines. I love draped chains and gems in hair, so those are only ideas but can follow your choice as long as it follows the theme. Color should be blond with streaks of shades of blue blended into it. Like the mane, it should have a shimmer as though frosted over.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Silver hooves, edited fetlocks. Longer fetlocks, similar to those found on the warhorse body, but not as long as an Angeni.
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Original horn, shades of blue to match other body markings. Colored to shimmer to match the ice-covered idea of the mane and tail.
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Crucia Owner: Teh Cheryl Breed: Spirited Temper: Cold Mate: N/A -- Remove from tag Tag Background: This or this. Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): Short feathers, CC colors.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:05 pm
Entry Tag: AstoriaFallen | Hippogryph| moderate | Solo Custom
Edit Category: - Edited Soquili Species: - Hippogryph Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Choose one - • New Concept - I think this would be a new concept? It's a sister for a pre-existing character
WIP Needed? Not needed but wouldn't mind if you wanted to do one.
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Opposite coloration of him. Her body would be the fading colors of his mane and tail (without the blue and purple). White or pastel rainbow (whichever looks better) "glowing" designs (CC the designs if you like to give her a feminine look) and the black with rainbow accents would be in her hair/feathers. So, for her mane she will have a black base with some rainbow strands or even black fading to the accent colors on Mac Lirs body. Something of that effect. Her feathers will be black with the same effect. However you feel it would look best. You can CC this if you find something more suited. She will have the typical Hippogryph claws in front and hooves in the back. Face: I want her eyes to be slightly lighter than his. I would like for her face to fade from that peach color to pink. Mane: I would like for her to have knee length hair that has a slight windblown look. I don't want it to cover her face like her brothers is. I would also like her to have a few feathers that accent around her hair near her ears. I don't want a full crest or anything, something that accents her. CC it to make it look best if you like. ^^ I trust you. Tail: If you can custom something then CC it to be a more feminine version of his tail if not then just do Peacock with some of the regular curled feathers mixed into it. Hooves/Fetlocks: n/a Reference Image(s):Mac Lir details more details ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Wings: Falcon Style Hippogryph
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: TBD Owner: AstoriaFallen Breed: SemiCustom Temper: Cheeky Mate: no Tag Background: would like the same one as her brother Tag frame color: same as brothers Tag feather color(s): would like a rose like her brothers ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes agreement
AstoriaFallen Crew
Winter Wolf
Anxious Human
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:34 pm
Entry Tag: Ebonrune | Skinwalker | Moderate | Solo Custom
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species: Kalona/Cerynei Body Build: Regular, both legs down Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original Character WIP Needed?: Up to you
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): CC Wings: CC Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: Owl Other Notes:
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: Bandaged legs (maybe with runes inscribed on them too) Custom Items: Bird claw necklace, bird claws somehow on front/all four feet while still obvious that they really have hooves Reference Image(s) for Items:Necklace
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: TBD Owner: Ebonrune Breed: Skinwalker Temper: Deceitful Tag Background:Red Thorns or Wildfire Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC
~*~ Skinwalker ~*~ Original Breed: Kalona/Cerynei Pelt Species: Owl
Personality (required): He's curious, if by enjoying dissecting animals and Soquili he could be considered such. It isn't just seeing the insides that thrills him, but how long he can keep his victim alive while opening them up and he varies his methods to see what kinds of results he gets. Sometimes he does something even worse however and makes a special effort to keep them alive, instead doing his best to alter them instead and seeing what comes out of it.
Background (required): He loved and lost once, and it consumed him to the point of obsession. Performing dark rituals on dark nights, learning the secrets of life and death. Maybe he thought he could bring them back, or maybe he just wanted to keep anyone else he cared about from dying. Even he had forgotten by the time he was turned. All he knew was he enjoyed the work and now his thirst for experimentation has only grown. Plot ideas (required): Dark Nights Animals are showing up maimed and mutilated, and there are haunting screams in the night. It all originates from a cave high on a cliffside, and what's inside is disturbing, but it's the occupant of the cave that's truly horrifying.
Allies of Blood He's made an alliance with another Skinwalker for some objective that is major enough to require assistance. Of course, that's if their need to tear one another apart doesn't overwhelm them first.
I, Ebonrune swear to uphold the Rules with the Skinwalker I wish to receive via these and any other bribes, and should I ever step outside of the boundaries promise to work with the RP manager and shop to make it fit.
I Agree that, should I refuse to fix the mistake or argue with the rp manager or shop, I will lose rights to the problem breed (Skinwalker) for 6 months, during which I will be unable to breed, win, RP, gifted, buy or be bought them. If I haven't fixed the problem by then, I agree that this punishment will continue indefinitely until fixed.
I also understand that if I get extremely out of hand and the rp manager is required to call upper management, the punishment may increase in length or severity.
I swear to follow all Skinwalker rules, and keep anything that doesn't fit shop canon out of the shop threads and guilds:
-------QUESTIONNAIRE------ It is required to answer these questions to have a chance. I WILL work with you so you can understand where you got it wrong if you do get it wrong so you can fix it.
Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms? Answer: He finds this mare of particular interest to him for some reason, likely because he enjoys using/forcing/manipulating her or if she's of a more vicious breed, outright beating her into submission. Perhaps it's with her he discovered how pleasurable intercourse is, and the process of pregnancy and birth would also be of interest.
Question: Do Skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks? Answer: Big fat nope. If that aforementioned mare stays with him after they've coupled, it's highly unlikely to be by any choice of hers and certainly not because he cares about her wellbeing or that of their foals. They are satisfying his curiosity in some way and that is all.
Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?. Answer: Not play them in the form, or only in crack RP's which have no influence on the storylines of any Soquili involved.
Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type? Answer: No, they can't be entered into wishing stars. The gods/faeries/what have you definitely don't want more of these things around.
Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups? Answer: Conflict of interest. The very fact that they're loners and hate everything and everyone but themselves. Others are potentially useful, but usefulness only gets you so far and any perceived weakness is going to cause an attack. Fellow Skinwalkers are rivals and potentially dangerous. Not to mention not really very entertaining.
Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of Skinwalkers. Answer: They're meat-eating psychopaths with only one use for others; temporary entertainment. Temporary might mean years if the Skinwalker is patient enough, but only with those that are weaker than them. They are utterly incapable of caring for anything or anyone, though some may be able to pretend to very convincingly. Their own interests are all that matters, and everything else are either potential victims or adversaries, or at the best, temporarily useful for a greater goal.
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:35 pm
Entry Tag: xX Green Tea Tree | Cerynei | Moderate | Solo Custom
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species: Cerynei Body Build: Regular Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Choose one - • New Concept - Lily of the valley flowers
WIP Needed? Not necessary unless you want to~
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Colors should resemble a lily of the valley flower. Any markings or designs can be CC within the realm of resembling the flower. Maybe have a silhouette of the of the flower on her hind flank? Face: CC Mane: Edited: the long braid mane with more volume to the braided portion and cleaner bangs. Her left eye is visible and there aren't as many fly-away pieces on the right side of the face. Tail: Poofy Tail please~ Hooves/Fetlocks: Yes please to Fetlocks and fleet footed stance for cerynei Reference Image(s): I'm just linking pictures of lily of the valley that I thought were pretty and a few ideas for body designs. v u v Use them as inspiration~ c:
Lily of the valley: xxx Marking/Body design: xx ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Two point prong sized up so they extend a little bit past the ears. Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: N/A
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: CC Custom Items: A large silver bell where her braid is tied together Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Dianthe Owner: xX Green Tea Tree Xx Breed: Cerynei Temper: Faithful Mate: None Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species: Light Ulun'suti Body Build: Draft - alternate bent front leg if possible Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Art Inspired Personal Character
WIP Needed? Yes Please
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Off-white pieces in slightly different shades which look like they have been shattered and reattached, between them are SFX glowing lines as if the soul was shining through. The apparent break should clearly radiate out from the chest where a heart shaped 'piece' is surrounded by the SFX. If possible, I want it to look as though the 'pieces' were originally white but have been tarnished and darkened with time. The glow should be a soft gold, darkening towards red the closer you get to the heart. The inspiration for this is from Destiny Blue's Last Piece but this should not be puzzle pieces, just shattered pieces, as though she was a glass sculpture that had been broken and put back together - not all the pieces are there and not all the pieces fit where they have been put. The SFX line's color should come from her pieces: Open my Heart to You and Sew Closed my Soul. Face: Like the body, there should be glowing SFX around 'broken pieces'. There definitely should be glowing areas where tears would have run down the cheeks, but her expression should be one of hope and determination. The eyes should be based on her Let me Speak piece (non-roman nose) Mane: Edited long light mane. Should flow and billow and be based on The Sun and Not Alone art. Tail: Long serpentine scaled tail (breed unedited tail), colored like the rest of the body. Hooves/Fetlocks: Fetlocks edited to match mane, billowing light. Reference Image(s): Linked through out above. ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Ulun'suti scaled horns, should match the body and glow at each join, as if broken and put back together. Wings: CC on style of wings but tattered webbing - so that it is clear she can't fly - she is pure Ulun'suti but her wings have been crippled, I like the frilled wings, but I don't want to block her markings so either mostly transparent and tattered or spread and tattered. Fins: N/A Scales: Back, leg and tail scales - these should again look as though they were part of her shattering, but were fitted together more carefully so no glow shines through. Pelt: N/A Other Notes: Ear frills please.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: None Custom Items: An open shackle by her back leg with a chain leading away. Reference Image(s) for Items: Shackle should look like the one from this photo.
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Ki Kou Owner: LydaLynn Breed: Spirited Temper: Hopeful Mate: ~ Tag Background: 025 Dusky Night by King Inversitle Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC
~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~ Element: Light
I think I have this whittled down to moderate, if it's still too much - I'd love to work with you to get it where it needs to be. Please see my quest threat HERE for the spirit behind the custom. This one is important to me, it's a reflection of me, of my journey. And I will be thrilled to see what you create from it.
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:41 am
Entry Tag: [X]Natty-Chan[X] | Draft | Minor | Solo Custom
Edit Category: Minor Soquili Species: Regular Body Build: Draft with roman nose, feet down Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Cosplay WIP Needed? No, but would be nice
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Orange-ish red body, with a sliced green apple on his rump Face: 3 pale yellow freckles on his cheek, just under his eyes Eyes: Green Mane: Medium; orange Tail: Medium; Orange Hooves/Fetlocks: Hooves; Pale yellow Fetlocks, same color as body Reference Image(s): 1 2 3 4
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: N/A Custom Items: The brown yoke around his neck Reference Image(s) for Items: 1
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Big Macintosh Owner: [X]Natty-Chan[X] Breed: My Little Pony Temper: Simple Mate: N/A Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
~*~ Angeni ~*~ Desired Domain: N/A Justification for Domain Choice:
Floppy Sex Symbol
Fashionable Mage
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:20 am
Entry Tag: Pollack | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom COMMON SENSE IS UNCOMMON!
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species: Regular Body Build: Normal Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: It's orginal WIP Needed? Yes please if you can!
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: I want her to have a dark navy/purple base color. She should have glowing yellow swirls on her legs that look like a enhanted forest. On top of those swirls should be glowing white orbs. Face: Just under her eyes I want "Firework" like lines. None should go over past the side of her eye. Like on her legs I want little glowing orbs on top of them. Her eyes are a slivery ice blue. I would love if she could have half misted eyes with thick black eyelashes and a custom smirk on her face. Mane: She has her hair pinned up in a up-do at the top with the "Bun" spanning across her head before her hair falls down into a curly mass. It goes all the way down to her hooves, pooling either around them or off to the side. (Whichever you think is better.) I want her hair to be pure black. If you want to add some beads or flowers to break up the black that would be fine with me. Tail: Her tail should be in three to four ringlet braids before being tied together by one large cuff. It's a little hard to explain so I'll just give you refs on how I want them. V__V Hooves/Fetlocks: I would love custom fetlocks that cover her hooves whole. CC as to how they'll look. OR. Just Ameh's alt fetlocks if you don't want to do them. (Which I totes understand!) Reference Image(s Main ref Eye ref How the legs should look. (I just couldn't get it right when I redid it. xD') Ref for the ringlet braids and also the style of up-do. (I own her so no worries about permission.)
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ NA
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: Custom Items: I want her to have one sliver tiara behind her ears resting on the her large bun. In the middle there should be three jewels made from Moonstone. A matching tiara should be on her base of her tail witht the same charms. Two cresent moons should be facing away from each other with a oval in the middle of them. She should have a large sliver gorget that ends mid-chest. I want a larger version of the same charms from her tiaras. The last thing is a simple sliver chain spanning across her back. Spaced eveningly out are stand alone jewels like the from the rest of her jewerly. All of these jewels/charms should be made out of a milky white moonstone with a hint of blue to them. Reference Image(s) for Items: See main ref for item and placement. Tail cuff Hair band
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Elune Owner: Pollack Breed: Handmaiden Temper: Loyal Mate: NA Tag Background: <3 Tag frame color: Black and a dark navy. If I could perhaps white glowing orbs could be scattered around the outside of the frame? I understand if you can't. Tag feather color(s): CC
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: White Body with Light Grey Dappling along the Flanks/Back Legs/Unicorn Tail, but no further than halfway down the Legs and Tail
Face: Eye Color - Glowing Teal Blue Eyebrows - Very Light Blonde Inner Ears - Natural Pinkish Tone Expression - Slightly Edited Very Sweet Smile (No teeth showing) Facial Markings - Pinkish Nose like a Natural White Arabian Horse, with a little light blush to her cheeks
Mane: Stock Windswept Mane Color - Very Light Blonde
Tail: Stock Unicorn Tail Style 1 Color - White with the Grey Dappling and with Very Light Blonde streaks in the Tail Puff
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock Angeni Cloven Hooves with Stock Angeni Fetlocks Color - CC but please keep it in the natural/complimentary colors
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Stock Regular Unicorn Horn - Pristine White Color Wings: Stock Angeni Style 2 Fluffy Wings - Pristine White in Color Other Notes: Traits I'd like you to use: 1.) Angeni Belly Fluff 2.) Angeni Foot Winglets
Traits I do not want used: 1.) Angeni Ear Winglets
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: 1.) 3 Hoop Earrings - Gold in Color 2.) Full Cloth Tabard with Cloth Neck/Belly/Butt Connectors and Fur Trimming for the Ends - Cream Cloth with White Fur and a Small Flame Insignia on the Tabard Ends in Black 3.) Plain Cuffs for all Four Feet - Gold in Color Custom Items: 1.) Simple Circlet on her Brow - Gold Color with Sapphire Stone 2.) Lantern in her Mouth - Gold Color with a Black Candle and Blue Flame Reference Image(s) for Items: 1.) Similar Circlet 2.) Similar Lantern (I own this familiar, Proof: [X]))
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Ilysa Monleigh Owner: Wasteland Wyvern Breed: Celtic Princess Temper: Shy Mate: N/A Tag Background: Crystal Forest with Butterfly Modifier Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): Regal Blue Rose with Black Leaves and with Frost Kissed Modifier (No Thorns or Vines please!)
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
Personality (required In general): Ilysa is a very kind and gentle sort, soft spoken and sweet of temper. She shies away at the idea of violence and is somewhat of a wallflower. She like her sister is an accomplished healer of both herbal and unicorn magic and is often on the move looking for new patients to help. Plot ideas (required): A Healer's Heart: I would like this to be a plot where she comes across a wounded stallion who's less than sweet. As she works upon him she comes to get a crush on him and he puts that down swiftly saying she's too shy for his tastes. This will crush her and make her heart a little bitter and she a little more wary of the opposite sex. The Un-Healeable: This will be the first time she fails to save someone who is injured and they pass away violently. Maybe in a seizure of some sort. This will make her doubt her abilities and she will begin soul searching to figure out if healing is something she should continue. Amnesia: This will be a big plot in her timeline that involves her hitting her head violently and she looses it all, right from her birth and on. She will never regain her memories and will have to learn to live again. The Stallion Who Stole My Heart: I want this to be tied in with her amnesia plot. She will recall only vaguely that she shouldn't trust the opposite sex, and this will taint her reactions with this stallion who helps her learn to live again. Eventually, and I mean like 3 RPs later, they will fall in love. This is her LM plot.
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: White Body with Light Grey Dappling along the Flanks/Back Legs/Unicorn Tail, but no further than halfway down the Legs and Tail
Face: Eye Color - Glowing Emerald Green Eyebrows - Very Light Blonde Inner Ears - Natural Pinkish Tone Expression - Slightly Edited Very Sweet Smile (No teeth showing) Facial Markings - Pinkish Muzzle like a Natural White Arabian Horse, with a little light blush to her cheeks
Mane: Stock Windswept Mane Color - Very Light Blonde
Tail: Stock Unicorn Tail Style 1 Color - White with the Grey Dappling and with Very Light Blonde streaks in the Tail Puff
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock Angeni Cloven Hooves with Stock Angeni Fetlocks Color - CC but please keep it in the natural/complimentary colors
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Stock Regular Unicorn Horn - Pristine White Color Wings: Stock Angeni Style 2 Fluffy Wings - Pristine White in Color Other Notes: Traits I'd like you to use: 1.) Angeni Belly Fluff 2.) Angeni Foot Winglets
Traits I do not want used: 1.) Angeni Ear Winglets
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: 1.) 3 Hoop Earrings - Silver in Color 2.) Full Cloth Tabard with Cloth Neck/Belly/Butt Connectors and Fur Trimming for the Ends - Cream Cloth with White Fur and a Small Flame Insignia on the Tabard Ends in Black 3.) Plain Cuffs for all Four Feet - Silver in Color Custom Items: 1.) Simple Circlet on her Brow - Silver Color with Emerald Stone 2.) Lantern in her Mouth - Silver Color with a Black Candle and Green Flame Reference Image(s) for Items: 1.) Similar Circlet 2.) Similar Lantern (I own this familiar, Proof: [X]))
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Jocelyn Monleigh Owner: Wasteland Wyvern Breed: Celtic Princess Temper: Outgoing Mate: N/A Tag Background: Crystal Forest with Butterfly Modifier Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): Emerald Green Rose with Black Leaves and with Frost Kissed Modifier (No Thorns or Vines please!)
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A
Personality (required In general): Jocelyn unlike her sister is very outgoing and bubbly. She's also very rough and tumble not afraid to get into a fight if she needs to. Now this isn't to say that she goes looking for fights. She just isn't afraid to defend herself. She is her sister's caretaker and will keep her safe no matter what. At least up to the amnesia. Plot ideas (required): A Sister Lost: This is her side of the amnesia story and how she must look on as her sister lives a life without her. As Ilysa's twin this will be very hard on Jocelyn since the twin connection runs very deep with these two.
My Own Life: This will be shortly after loosing her sister for good, since she's deathly afraid of returning to Ilysa's life and causing damage to her brain and psyche by looking just like her. Jocelyn will travel for a long time just seeking what it means to be alive.
A Kindly Stranger: I would like for her to meet a herd alpha of a good aligned herd and have him/her convince her to come back with him/her and become the herd's healer. It will take some persuasion but eventually Jocelyn will join this herd.
My New Home: This will be a simple RP of her settling in and making a new life for herself far from her sister, but she will always remember Ilysa and will hope her lover is taking care of her.
Entry Tag: Rein_Carnation | Kelpi | Unedit | Solo Custom
Edit Category: - Unedited Soquili Species: Kelpi Body Build: draft (with optional feathers) Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: New Concept - A brand new design of your own
WIP Needed? No
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Medium blue from the head back down to the knees (flowing into the tail), The socks would be a lighter teal that complements the medium blue. On his rump to his neck there is white designs fading into the medium blue resembling ocean waves Face: Eyes are teal like his socks, same body markings should be fading on his muzzle to his forehead. Mane: Glam Punk Mane, Mane should match socks in teals tipped in white (think seafoam) ~ *I'd love the spiny ear fins if it can go with the hairstyle with same colors as his other fins Tail: (using Kelpi tail template) *see below* Hooves/Fetlocks: Hooves are Opalescence Reference Image(s): Im inspiring him from my Bahamas vacation. Basically the body is the ocean flowing from medium blue to the lighter teal. The fins are Opalescence and hair is shades of aqua that tip in the white seafoam. *** Please note some of the medium blue or teal can fade into the fins but the middle to the tips should be opalescence. ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - N/a Wings: N/a Fins: Fancy back fin, fancy side fins, and fancy tail (base of the tail to the tip that connects to the fins should be the medium blue) The fins themselves should be white like sea foam toward the ends and possibly be pearlescent like his hooves. *** Please note some of the medium blue or teal can fade into the fins but the middle to the tips should be opalescence. Scales: N/a Pelt: N/a Other Notes: Simply use the refs for guidance. The colored unicorn I found online is only a guide its not the final design. Focus on the images from my vacation. This boy will tell you what he wants smile If you want to add something ocean colors wise that inspires you feel free.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: Clamshell necklace beads being opalescence and conch browns/pink mingled in and the shells are conch brown with some pink. Custom Items: N/a Reference Image(s) for Items: N/a
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Carribean Seas Owner: Rein_Carnation Breed: Shallow Seas Temper: Tranquil Mate: TBA Tag Background: Seaside Tag frame color: Sand or Ocean (CC) Tag feather color(s): Maybe sand colored or palm tree colored
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:25 am
Entry Tag: DaisyMilk | Regular | Moderate | Solo Custom
Edit Category: - Moderate Soquili Species: - Regular Body Build: CC between Draft and Warhorse Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Commercial Cosplay
WIP Needed? Nope
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Should be colored pattern-wise like a Great white, but the normally dark grey should be closer to #CDE4EA, there should be gill markings on the neck Face: the entire eye (schlera and all) should be #0E5E96, eyebrows should match the mane/tail color, inner ear = CC, and angry or haughty expression Mane: Color = #0A6C85, edited style should be long and a bit wavy/curly, but also choppy and uneven looking Tail: Color= #0A6C85, same as mane, long, wavy/curly, choppy/uneven Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock Reference Image(s): Great White
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): N/A Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: The female lines that have the one foreleg up, if possible please ~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: N/A Custom Items: Shark tooth, bone and skull necklace (the skull can be any kind of small animal and should be the centerpiece of the necklace with large teeth on either side), bracelets of smaller shark teeth Reference Image(s) for Items: Shark Teeth
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Meg Owner: DaisyMilk Breed: Ghost Megalodon Temper: Decisive Mate: N/A Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species:Nymph/Usdia Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Pokemon Cosplay
WIP Needed? Yes
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: All yellow, with extra fluff around the head, butt, chest, belly, and legs. Face: Nymph ears. Blue eyes, with spots a little above the eyes (in the same color as the eyes). See picture for exact placement Mane: Something short and a little wild, whatever suits him Tail: Nymph (fawn style) Hooves/Fetlocks: Some fluff around the legs, but don't cover the hooves (hooves the same color as the eyes). Nymph hooves Reference Image(s): http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f8/595Joltik.png/250px-595Joltik.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/079/b/e/joltik_by_masternobori-d4tdfei.png ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): No antlers Wings: Fins: Scales: Pelt: Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: If any, list them here and desired colors. Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items. Reference Image(s) for Items:
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Naming later Owner: Lunarflowermaiden Breed: Pokemon-Joltik Temper: Deciding later Mate: Lifemate, if any. Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:
~*~ Angeni ~*~ Desired Domain: Angeni Only. Please check the Reserved List. Justification for Domain Choice: Explain why your Angeni has his or her domain.
~*~ Ulun'suti ~*~ Element:
Edit Category: Moderate Soquili Species:Nymph/Usdia Body Build: Regular Gender: Male Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Pokemon Cosplay
WIP Needed? Yes
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: All yellow, with extra fluff around the head, butt, chest, belly, and legs. Face: Nymph ears. Purpleish eyes, with spots a little above the eyes (in the same color as the eyes). See picture for exact placement Mane: Something short and a little wild, whatever suits him Tail: Nymph (fawn style) Hooves/Fetlocks: Some fluff around the legs, but don't cover the hooves (hooves the same color as the eyes). Nymph hooves Reference Image(s): http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/f/f8/595Joltik.png/250px-595Joltik.png http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/079/b/e/joltik_by_masternobori-d4tdfei.png ~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): No antlers Wings: Fins: Scales: Pelt: Other Notes: Breed variants, traits not desired for halfbreeds, recustom, alt versions, non-standard traits, etc.
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: If any, list them here and desired colors. Custom Items: List any custom accessories/items. Reference Image(s) for Items:
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Naming later Owner: Lunarflowermaiden Breed: Pokemon-Joltik Temper: Deciding later Mate: Lifemate, if any. Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC ~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:
~*~ Angeni ~*~ Desired Domain: Angeni Only. Please check the Reserved List. Justification for Domain Choice: Explain why your Angeni has his or her domain.
WIP Needed? Since this is highly CC, I don't need a WIP. ^_^
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Okay so what I want here is a Rogue Mockbreeding. Haborym is the father, mother is a rogue pure Kalona.
Things I Like: Fluffy hair/long hair Fluffy fetlocks Critters Jewelry Naturals Wing styles 1, 3, and 5 Custom horns "Trophies" from victims Drafts
Please Avoid: Super short hair Wing styles 2 and 4 Demontail Warhorse templates Roman nose bump
Otherwiiiise, go nuts! ^___^
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: TBD Owner: .Tortured. .Pumpkin. Breed: Purist Temper: TBD Mate: Nope Tag Background: CC Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): CC
Edit Category: Moderate?? Soquili Species: Usdia - Nymph Body Build: Normal? Gender: Female Starting Stage: Adult Concept Origin: Original character WIP Needed? Maybe? Only if you're uncertain about something
~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~ Body: Black/white see refs for markings Face: Green eyes - Nose is solid black and shaped like that of a deer/reindeer Mane: See ref - Really messy and unbrushed with a ridiculous cowlick on the top of her head - Hangs mostly in her eyes, so her eyes will just be barely visible underneath it all. Tail: Faun tail - Solid black and white underneath, fading up her body into the slightly lighter black/grey color (See TLN ref) Hooves/Fetlocks: Normal - Front hooves are solid black, back hooves are pure white Reference Image(s): TLN Cosplay - Body/Colors - Body 2 - Body 3
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~ Horn(s): Large antlers, solid black like her front hooves Wings: N/A Fins: N/A Scales: N/A Pelt: N/A Other Notes: See refs?
~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~ Trading Post Items: N/A Custom Items: A red leather sleigh harness with silver bells on it. Reference Image(s) for Items: Bell harness style
~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~ Name of horse: Trippel Owner: Mameha Otome Breed: Reindeer Temper: Skittish Mate: N/A for now Tag Background: This Tag frame color: CC Tag feather color(s): One black one white
~*~ Existing Pets ~*~ If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: My OC
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:11 am
Entry Tag: Sawaki | Kalona | Moderate | Solo Custom
Username of owner(s): Sawaki Breed: Kalona Level of Edits: Moderate
Reason you do not want to fill out the form: Cosplay
Do you understand that by using this form, you are forfeiting your chances to be CCed? Yes crying