Modification Requested: Correction (removal of Lifemate/Gender Line and hopefully correct pixelation?) Cert Information: Name: Kelakohr Owner Name: ~Latonia de la Courtel~ (If possible, please put user name on separate line as pictured on original cert) Found: 08/04/10 (Corrected) Breed: Fayth Temper: Mysterious (Corrected) Gender: REMOVE LINE (Corrected) Lifemate: REMOVE LINE New Information: Remove Lifemate Name/Line; Can also remove "Gender" line as we are doing on new certs. Feel free to CC cert background/feather colors etc (just something suitable to him) Agreement: We're on the first page as approved LM breaks: "Amiera & Kelakohr / vollyballrocks91 & ~Latonia de la Courtel~ / Broken Jan 28 / Free to go April 1 due to Owner Inactivity " Actual post: Here
Modification Requested: Broken Co-Owner Cert Information: everything is visible Owner: Kara Asumie New Information: Changing Ownership fully to Kara Asumie Agreement:[ X ]
Modification Requested: Co-Owner Cert Information: The only thing that looks like it isn't really visible is the bit that says he's a CYO from 2010 New Information: xX Green Tea Tree Xx should be added to the cert as an owner. Agreement:[ X ] Uncert; Was a rehome so I don't know if I ever got one.
Modification Requested: Owner transfer Cert Information: I think...the temper says...Tangy? I'm not entirely sure, though in all honesty the temper line can be eliminated. Everything else should be visible New Information: Owner: pippi18848 Agreement:[ X ]
Modification Requested: Removing Co-owner Cert Information: WOW Edition Cerynei, Colored by Tooaya New Information: 1 - Remove co-owner. 2 - Can we fix the typo there where it says "Groove Keeper"? It's supposed to be Grove XD Amusing for the past 6 years but it should be fixed lol Nullified Agreement:[ X ]
Modification Requested: Transfer Cert Information: Soq Name: Umbriel Belitas Owner: Endejester Parents: Ultima x Belias New Information: Owner: Kyribird Temper: Efficient Agreement:[ X ]
Name: Clara Whitney Date Received: 3/13/2016 (Original Win was July 4th 2008, would love that to be the date on her cert instead if possible) Temper: Patriotic Method of Obtainment:Given to me by Amirynth | Her Original Win Colorist: Lilwolfpard
Breed: Patriot (If I can, lol) Miscellaneous: Not sure if this counts, but if possible I would love her cert to be as patriotic as possible! emotion_kirakira please and thank you <3
**Phail found all the original things for me/Amirynth, so I linked them all up there!**
Name: Blytia Owner: magnadearel Date Received: 2/7/16 Temper: Snappy Sex: Female Method of Obtainment:CYO 2015 raffle Colorist: PixelDeerest
Hello! Pixel is an active colorist (this thread is for inactive staff only) and her cert requests go here. May I ask you to post there instead?
Thank you so much! - Ryuu
[color=dodgerblue][size=24][b]CERT PLEASE![/b][/size][/color] [b]Owner:[/b] magnadearel [b]Name: [/b] [url=]Blytia[/url] [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Temper: [/b] Snappy [b]Date/Event Won: [/b] 2/7/16, [url=]CYO 2015 raffle[/url] [b]On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: [/b] [b]Tag Colors: [/b]
Ooops sorry I missed that. Posted there!
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:22 pm
-posted there- <3
Hello! Moxx's cert requests go to her certing thread here. May I request you post there instead?
Thank you! - Ryuu
[size=18]Changing Cert[/size] [b]Name of Soquili (and/or familiar):[/b] North Star [b]Uncert and Certs:[/b] [url= Owned/TaraWishMale.png]Uncert[/url], [url=]Cert[/url] [b]The change you are requesting:[/b] Adding Co-Owner: AstoriaFallen; [url=]Agreement[/url]