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Pan's March Unedited Customs [WINNERS pg5] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 [>] [»|]

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Aged Codger

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:33 am

Entry Line: Kyribird || Fluttercorn|| Solo Custom

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Fluttercorn
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? No

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: CC - Mock breeding
Face: CC
Mane: CC - Splice at will wink
Tail: CC
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s):
Quiandiah - Mother
Cepheus - Father
Cepheus Family:

Quiandiah Family:

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): CC
Wings: CC
Other Notes: Please have fun with the mock breeding and use any of the throwbacks that you'd like.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Will name later!
Owner: Kyribird
Breed: Fluttercorn
Temper: TBD
Mate: NA
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Yes, Cepheus and Quiandiah are lifemated.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:42 am

Entry Tag: lysia_nyteblade || flutter || Unedited || Twins

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Flutter
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• New Concept - plushie

WIP Needed? One to see progress, please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: twin one : Galaxy, nebula, pink (see ref) Twin Two: Cotton candy blue, galaxy, nebula (basically the blue base to the twin brother)
Face: Twin one razz ink (see ref) Twin two: Cotton candy blue
Mane: Both: Pink with some rainbow touches. Ringlets style with some smaller braid splicing in there.
Tail:Both:nMatch mane
Hooves/Fetlocks: Both: Stock fetlocks
Reference Image(s): Reference
Wing ref

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - N/A
Wings: Both: Describe Wings - Black flutter wings. A stock style that looks close to Arietta's wings only larger if possible.
Fins: Describe Fins - N/A
Scales: Describe Scales - N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: N/A

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Both: Tail bow long (black). Plumeria in mane by ear (black with pink center fading out)
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: Permission


Dangerous Lover


Seasonal Shapeshifter

36,475 Points
  • Simple Romantic 50
  • Doting Romantic 100
  • Lavishing Romantic 250
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:42 am

(Edited: 3/18/16 / Ref image to link)

Entry Line: Blue_Sparkle27 || Angeni || Solo Custom
Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Angeni
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Foal
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? Yes, Please~!

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Her wings are brown like the picture though only the top part of the wings are that brown, the middle part of the feathers on the inside are the light green like the top of her mane and tail, and well as her leg marking and face marking colors. The end feathers are the light blue like the ends of her mane and tail as well as her hooves. The outside of her wings are brown at the top and at the bottom fade from light green to light blue at the tips. Her head wings are light green while the leg ones are light blue.
Face: Midnight blue for the eyes with the inside of the eye darker than the outside, eyebrows, and inner ear.
Mane: Windblown
Tail: Windblown
Hooves/Fetlocks: Just the normal Angeni fetlocks~!
Reference Image(s):

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Wings: Angeni style 2
Other Notes: A version without the two wings.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Princess Tanzanite Midnight
Owner: Blue_Sparkle27
Breed: Angeni
Temper: Loving
Mate: Sir Sleet Storm
Tag Background: Something that will go good with her or a combination of things that look good with her?
Tag frame color: Something that goes nice with her and her Rose.
Tag feather color(s): A Frost Kissed Light Blue/Light Green Rose, the Light Blue and Light Green from her mane. I'm not sure about thorn-less vines or thorny vines, though if they look good with everything else. If the Rose doesn't work then a Long and Short feather that will look like feathers from her wings.

~*~ Angeni ~*~
Desired Domain: Sleet
Justification for Domain Choice: While growing Tanzanite loved anything to do with water, frozen or otherwise, so she spent her time learning as much as she could about water in it's different forms. Of course she also learned about what you can add to water either to give it a flavor, make tea, or to make medicine of some kind. Being the loving creature that she is Tanzanite decided to learn more about herbs so that she could go around tending to others. Even with her power being sleet she could only do so much to help others at that young age so she used her knowledge of herbs to help them. Of course month after month she grew stronger and so did her control when using her power to stop the sleet from hitting certain spots to keep others safe.

She knows the different forms of water can hurt others so while growing up she proved to the others around her that she would never use her power to hurt them for any reason. Whenever she isn't already tending to someone that has been hurt and or isn't feeling well she'll search for others that might need her help. Once she has helped everyone that she can and or once she runs out of energy she will find a place to lay down to sleep for a while. Knowing full well that she can't help others if she runs out of energy, feels ill, and or can't concentrate very well. Even though she can't stand the idea of others suffering she has to remind herself that if she miss treats them it could cause them to feel that much worse. She just can't stand to see others not feeling well, in pain, and or suffering for any reason once so ever.

Powers from Domain: Tanzanite can create sleets storms, though, she doesn't have any real reason to do so unless it's to help put some distance between certain others. If someone is chasing after another or others to harm or kill them it's the only way she knows of to slow them down. It gives her enough time to size up the situation before she tries distracting the one that's going after the other or others. Of course it takes years before it gets easier for her to use her power since it takes her a good amount of her concentration or her full concentration and for her to be healthy to use her power. She can also stop sleet storms which also takes a good amount of her concentration or her full concentration as well as being healthy. Tanzanite can also keep a certain area clear of falling sleet to keep others from getting hurt and or getting hurt worse.

Personality: Raised by other Angeni she never knew her Parents, though, she felt like they were her Family. They raised her to be someone that doesn't just stop to greet another and then walk away because the other might want someone to talk with or maybe they need help of some kind. So they taught her to take her time with others to try getting to know them a bit before she parts ways with them.

Tanzanite is very caring and very loving so she becomes concerned when others appear to be ill and or hurt and she'll try to help even if she doesn't know them. Having more than enough time she'll take said time to tend to the other if they want her help since she won't force her help upon anyone. She's very careful about what sort of situations she walks into because she never knows if it could be a trap or not so she'll size the situation up before blindly rushing in to help the other. She also pays attention to what she's doing because if she's helping another she doesn't want to accidentally hurt them. Of course she is also very protective of others and will defend them against those who wish to hurt them or hurt their loved ones. Tanzanite was also raised to be understanding and sympathetic towards others since she doesn't know have or haven't been through.

I, ___Blue_Sparkle27___ swear to uphold the Rules with the Angeni I wish to receive via these and any other bribes, and should I ever step outside of the boundaries promise to work with the RP manager and shop to make it fit.

I Agree that, should I refuse to fix the mistake or argue with the rp manager or shop, I will lose rights to the problem breed (angeni) for 6 months, during which I will be unable to breed, win, RP, gifted, buy or be bought them. If I haven't fixed the problem by then, I agree that this punishment will continue indefinitely until fixed.

I also understand that if I get extremely out of hand and the rp manager is required to call upper management, the punishment may increase in length or severity.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:03 am

Entry Line: Fatal Irony || Mutant Gryph (plus possible triwings?) || Solo Custom


Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Mutant Hippogryph
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: Mockbreeding - permission here
WIP Needed? Not needed

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC based on parents
Face: CC based on parents (note: I LOVE glowing eyes)
Mane: CC based on parents
Tail: CC based on parents
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC based on parents - all clawed
Reference Image(s):

User ImageUser Image

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): CC based on parents
Wings: CC based on parents - Open to Triwings!
Fins: CC based on parents
Scales: CC based on parents
Pelt: n/a
Other Notes: Feel free to have fun splicing whatever you want to make it work! if at all possible some sort of "changeling" look would be preferred! Even if all that can be accomplished is the fading of colors through the stages. smile

Also feel free to add any "twists" you want!

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC if any!
Custom Items: n/a
Reference Image(s) for Items: n/a

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: n/a

— Angeni --
Desired Domain: n/a

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: n/a

Fatal Irony

Friendly Gawker

12,500 Points
  • Peoplewatcher 100
  • Flatterer 200
  • Brandisher 100

Malikztiah Ankhwave


Dangerous Nerd

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:23 am

Entry Line: Malikztiah Ankhere || Kirin || Solo Custom
Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Kirin
Body Build: Reg
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original design - Music box inspired
WIP Needed? Nah

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: White, can add little gold markings if you want
Face: Same as body, gold-pink/rose gold eyes.
Mane: CC the template, or spliced template for style. White with gold/rose gold streaks placed throughout.
Tail: Kirin tail, same coloring as the mane
Hooves/Fetlocks: Kirin hooves in gold [the version that looks more like a classic uni/kirin with the little fluffy fetlocks.]
Reference Image(s): here

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Kirin style 1, gold
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: Gold, the rounded scales. I think that's Style 1?
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Yes: Saddle [CC which one you think works best.] And the TP Cloth wrap in gold. CC the saddle color.
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 10:55 am

Entry Line: .Tortured. .Pumpkin. || Mutant Hellahybrid || Solo Custom
Edit Category: -Unedit
Soquili Species:Mutant Uni/Kalona/
Body Build: Anything but Warhorse
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? Up to you.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Black/white paint
Face: Black/white paint. White nose, pink blush on nose. Pale blue eyes, grumpy Kalona expression with fangs
Mane: CC. I like spliced templates a loooot. <3 Not a fan of super short manes, or baldness
Tail: Fox walker tail template please. Black with a white fox-tip
Hooves/Fetlocks: Canine feet. No fetlocks
Reference Image(s): None

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Curved Unicorn horn, Ram Kalona horns, CC color
Wings: The templated Owlwalker wings would be absolutely amazing ;-;
Fins: None
Scales: None
Pelt: None
Other Notes: Feel free to have some creative freedom here! <3

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC.
Reference Image(s) for Items:

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

.Tortured. .Pumpkin.

Backwoods Garbage


PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 11:05 am

Entry Line: Sawaki || Cursed Catwalker || Solo
Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Cursed Cat Skinwalker
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Cosplay of my cat, Coco.

~*~ Skinwalker ~*~
Original Breed: Regular
Pelt Species: Cat

Personality: Coco is greedy, arrogant and vain. He likes to inflict emotional torture on anyone he comes across. He enjoys taunting other males into violent battles with him, knowing he'll win, and when they respectfully decline, will slightly harm them anyway just for sport. Strong-willed mares amuse him enough to consider copulating with. Weak mares and other soquili who fear him aren't even worth his time, he'll usually let them go unharmed. Coco thinks very highly of himself, and his biggest hobby is collecting trinkets.
Background: Coco loves to horde treasures. He covets his treasures, and only keeps them if they are pure gold or diamonds. Silver and crystals are not good enough for him. He'll stalk soquili that have valuable jewellery, and if they don't give it to him willingly after he threatens them, he'll maim or kill them for it. His bell on his collar was the first treasure he poached, from killing his human companion when he first became cursed. Now, he likes the sound it makes when he stalks his prey. He isn't a silent stalker, but when someone hears his bell as he approaches, they know they're in for trouble.
Rough Plot ideas:
1. Coco threatens another soquili, and they give him their valuable jewellery or stones in fear. Pitying them, Coco doesn't harm them.
2. Coco meets a powerful and strong-willed mare with a death wish. She comes to him begging him to hurt her, but he doesn't. He's amused by her masochistic ideas, and decides not to hurt her, but string her along just for his own pleasure.
3. I'd really like him to permanently maim someone for trying to stand up against him (with the permission of the owner of the other soquili, of course).

Disclaimer & Questionnaire for Skinwalkers
I, Sawaki, swear to uphold the Rules with the Skinwalker/Angeni I wish to receive via these and any other bribes, and should I ever step outside of the boundaries promise to work with the RP manager and shop to make it fit.

I Agree that, should I refuse to fix the mistake or argue with the rp manager or shop, I will lose rights to the problem breed (angeni/Skinwalker) for 6 months, during which I will be unable to breed, win, RP, gifted, buy or be bought them. If I haven't fixed the problem by then, I agree that this punishment will continue indefinitely until fixed.

I also understand that if I get extremely out of hand and the rp manager is required to call upper management, the punishment may increase in length or severity.

I swear to follow all Skinwalker rules, and keep anything that doesn't fit shop canon out of the shop threads and guilds: Yes, I agree.

Question: If someone you wish to breed your skinwalker with insists on all three breedings being together, how would you explain this in story canon? And How should this be handled in breeding forms?
Answer: Since Coco doesn’t really love or care for them anyway, he would first try to explain to them that he will leave them and won’t stick around for more than one fling, or to care for the offspring. If they still insist, he’ll physically hurt them or break their heart, then leave. OOC, he’d have separate flings with different people.

Question: Do Skinwalkers form family units or care what their family thinks?
Answer: No, they do not form family units. They don’t care for anyone else, and aren’t capable of love.

Question: If you have a hard time RPing a skinwalker in character, what can you do?.
Answer: I can refer to the RP guide in the guild, or ask staff for help.

Question: Can skinwalkers be entered into Wishing Stars and if so what type?
Answer: No, they can’t.

Question: Skinwalkers can, on rare occasions, form packs/herds to organize an attack, but they always break apart shortly afterwards or sometimes even before they manage to stage the raid. What do you think happens to cause these breakups?
Answer: A group only gets along if members at least treat each other with respect, even if they don’t like each other. Judhasza doesn’t treat anyone with respect, and on top of that, is a greedy stallion and loves to hoard treasure, so they probably break apart because they can’t reach an agreement since Judhasza wants an outrageous share of the raid.

Question: In your own words, please explain the nature of Skinwalkers.
Answer: Skinwalkers are evil. They aren’t capable of feeling any kind of love or affection, and don’t form family ties or groups with others. They survive on meat, and hunt for their meals. Not all skinwalkers have the same personality though - some may have no control over their actions whereas others do.

WIP Needed? Yes please, if you can.

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: See pictures
Face: See pictures
Mane: If you can do an unpelted form, Long Style 2
Tail: If you can do an unpelted form, Long Style 2
Hooves/Fetlocks: Regular - His right paw is black (you can see it if you look closely to ref 5), so can his right hoof (the bottom part only) be black, and the other three pink-y like his other paws? It would be a cute detail.
Reference Image(s): 1 2 3 4 5
I can provide more pictures of him if you're stuck on a certain part.
~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Pelt: Just like him.
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Anything that will look like his collar. (It is silver with jewels, a silver bell, and green nameplate)
Custom Items:
Reference Image(s) for Items:

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Coco
Owner: Sawaki
Breed: European Shorthair
Temper: Intelligent
Mate: None
Tag Background: 001 Mountain Forest
Tag frame color: CC
Tag feather color(s): CC
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:06 pm

Entry Line: Wasteland Wyvern || Mutant Pawed Angenicorn Triwing || Twins

Twin 1

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Mutant Pawed Angenicorn Triwing
Body Build: Draft with Leg Up, and Without Roman Nose
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? Yes please? May I also request a unwinged/naked form?

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: White Body with Light Grey Dappling Along the Back and Rear Legs.
Several Scars, one on the left front shoulder and one on the stomach and one on the back left leg, that look like they were inflicted by a Mountain Lion.
Eye Color - Glowing Yellow
Eyebrows - Black
Ear Type - Stock New Foxwalker Large Ears - White with just a small bit of black at the tips
Inner Ear - Lightish Pink (Natural Colored?)
Expression - Stock Cat Skinwalker Expression with Large Sharp Teeth
Facial Marking - Just a lightish pink muzzle like a natural dappled horse would have.
Mane: Stock Long Braid Bangs with Stock Tight Braid for the Back - Black Color
Tail: Stock Cat Skinwalker Tail (the male model) - White with some light dappling on the top continuing from the back with a black tip.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock New Mutant Feline Feet - White with Black Claws and Black Footpad (No fetlocks)
Reference Image(s):

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Stock Original Unicorn Horn - Pure White Color
Wings: Stock Angeni Style 2 Fluffy Wings for All 3 Wings (Please use the Upper Angeni Wings for the First Two, then the Lower Angeni Wing for the Final) - White Color with a slightly peregrine effect in Grey to the tips and Slightly Transparent
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:
Please give them the Angeni Belly Fluff and the Foot Winglets but not the Ear Winglets or the Fetlocks
Can you please make his feet slightly transparent? Starting at the knees then fading to the feet but still visible.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items:
1.) 3 Hoop Earrings - Silver Color (If these can't be modified for the Fox ears then just ignore them!)
2.) Plain Bands for all four legs - Silver Color
3.) Mix and Match Tabard - Full Cloth with Cloth Connectors for Chest, Belly, and Bum and Trimmed in Fur with Wolf Paw Prints on the End - Black Color with White Paw Prints and White Fur
Reference Image(s) for Items:
1.) Similar Tabard - Please make it almost exactly the same as this except with the wolf prints instead of the lunar sigil.

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

— Angeni --
Desired Domain: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: N/A

Twin 2

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Mutant Pawed Angenicorn Triwing
Body Build: Draft with Leg Up, and Without Roman Nose
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? Yes please? May I also request a unwinged/naked form?

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Chestnut Body with Light Dappling Along the Back and Rear Legs.
Eye Color - Glowing Yellow
Eyebrows - White
Ear Type - Stock New Foxwalker Large Ears - Chestnut with just a small bit of white at the tips
Inner Ear - Lightish Pink (Natural Colored?)
Expression - Stock Cat Skinwalker Expression with Large Sharp Teeth
Facial Marking - Just a lightish pink muzzle like a natural dappled horse would have.
Mane: Stock Long Braid Bangs with Stock Tight Braid for the Back - White Color
Tail: Stock Cat Skinwalker Tail (the male model) - Chestnut with some light dappling on the top continuing from the back with a White tip.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Stock New Mutant Feline Feet - Chestnut with White Claws and White Footpad (No fetlocks)
Reference Image(s):

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Stock Original Unicorn Horn - White Color
Wings: Stock Angeni Style 2 Fluffy Wings for All 3 Wings (Please use the Upper Angeni Wings for the First Two, then the Lower Angeni Wing for the Final) - Chestnut Color with a slightly peregrine effect in white to the tips and Slightly Transparent
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:
Please give them the Angeni Belly Fluff and the Foot Winglets but not the Ear Winglets or the Fetlocks
Can you please make his feet slightly transparent? Starting at the knees then fading to the feet but still visible.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items:
1.) 3 Hoop Earrings - Gold Color (If these can't be modified for the Fox ears then just ignore them!)
2.) Plain Bands for all four legs - Gold Color
3.) Mix and Match Tabard - Full Cloth with Cloth Connectors for Chest, Belly, and Bum and Trimmed in Fur with Wolf Paw Prints on the End - Black Color with White Paw Prints and White Fur
Reference Image(s) for Items:
1.) Similar Tabard - Please make it almost exactly the same as this except with the wolf prints instead of the lunar sigil.

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

— Angeni --
Desired Domain: N/A

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: N/A

((Please do not scar the chestnut twin!)

Edited on 3/18/16 @ 8:15 p.m. MST to change coding and change the color of the second twin.

Wasteland Wyvern

Dangerous Demigod


Devoted Werewolf

18,175 Points
  • Married 100
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Fantastic Fifteen 100
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 12:26 pm

Entry Line: Rein_Carnation || Kelpi || Solo Custom

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Kelpi
Body Build: Regular leg (bent leg)
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Original Design
WIP Needed? Nope

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: Medium blue from the head back down to the knees (flowing into the tail), The socks would be a lighter teal that complements the medium blue. On his rump to his neck there is white designs fading into the medium blue resembling ocean waves
Face: Eyes are teal like his socks, same body markings should be fading on his muzzle to his forehead.
Mane: Glam Punk Mane, Mane should match socks in teals tipped in white (think seafoam) ~ *I'd love the spiny ear fins if it can go with the hairstyle with same colors as his other fins
Tail: (using Kelpi tail template) *see below*
Hooves/Fetlocks: Hooves are Opalescence
Reference Image(s): Im inspiring him from my Bahamas vacation. Basically the body is the ocean flowing from medium blue to the lighter teal. The fins are Opalescence and hair is shades of aqua that tip in the white seafoam. *** Please note some of the medium blue or teal can fade into the fins but the middle to the tips should be opalescence.

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Describe Horn(s) - N/a
Wings: N/a
Fins: Fancy back fin, fancy side fins, leg fins, and fancy tail (base of the tail to the tip that connects to the fins should be the medium blue) The fins themselves should be white like sea foam toward the ends and possibly be pearlescent like his hooves. *** Please note some of the medium blue or teal can fade into the fins but the middle to the tips should be opalescence.
Scales: N/a
Pelt: N/a
Other Notes: Simply use the refs for guidance. The colored unicorn I found online is only a guide its not the final design. Focus on the images from my vacation. This boy will tell you what he wants smile If you want to add something ocean colors wise that inspires you feel free.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: Clamshell necklace beads being opalescence and conch browns/pink mingled in and the shells are conch brown with some pink.
Reference Image(s) for Items: N/a (trading post items)

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/a

— Angeni --
Desired Domain: N/a

-- Ulun'suti --
Element: N/a
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:08 pm

Entry Line: Fea Line || Regular Draft || Solo

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Regular
Body Build: Draft with roman nose and optional leg feathering
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: CYO Plushie

WIP Needed? Nah

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Dark tan like the plush with golden tiger like stripes and feline spots on her back end,
Face: Brown eyes, golden tiger stripes on face, Black Egyptian eye marking under her eye.
Mane: Glamrock - in black like the plush
Tail: Glamrock - in black like the plush
Hooves/Fetlocks: Same light tan as hooves, with Optional leg feathering please <3
Reference Image(s):
User Image (sorry don't have the uncert)

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): N/A
Wings: N/A
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes:

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items:
The Choker: Same dark gold as the plush's with the same creamy white in her ears for the beads
Arm Bands - plain one, in same color as necklace.
Double Bands - same color as arm band

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Akhenaten
Owner: Fea Line
Breed: Egyptian Draft
Temper: Spirited
Mate: N/A
Tag Background: CC matching
Tag frame color: CC matching
Tag feather color(s): CC matching

Fea Line

Spoopy Kitten

15,725 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Hellraiser 500
  • Cool Cat 500


11,525 Points
  • Citizen 200
  • Invisibility 100
  • Peoplewatcher 100
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 1:50 pm

Entry Line: Divena || Mer || Twins
Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Mer
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: Choose one -
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Would be loved but not needed

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: I would like the round ruffled fins, see refs for more details
Face: CC
Mane: Braid for the style for one and curly for the other, see ref for colors and details (This is the only difference between them, everything else is the same)
Tail: Not sure if this goes here or in body, but round ruffled fins, please
Hooves/Fetlocks: Would like the fetlocks, details and colors cc
Reference Image(s): I would like them to be based off of this fish, most of the details are cc.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): NA
Wings: NA
Fins: Round ruffled fins, see ref for details
Scales: NA
Pelt: NA
Other Notes: I’d like them to be a pure mer, so any other details that suits with that and looks nice would be wonderful ^_^ I’ll leave it up to your discretion

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Clamshell necklace in complementary colors, I’ll leave it up to your discretion
Custom Items: NA
Reference Image(s) for Items: NA

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: TBD
Owner: Divena & Divenasmom
Breed: Beta
Temper: TBD
Mate: NA.
Tag Background: CC
Tag frame color: cc
Tag feather color(s): cc

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~

If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: na
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:13 pm

Entry Line: Lady Aria Starstone || Uni/Wind || Solo Custom
Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Uni/Wind Cross
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: New Concept

WIP Needed? Naw

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: White with bright raspberry/hot pink tiger stripes, green eyes
Face: Match the body!
Mane: Bright Raspberry/Hot pink with black tips, in the Long Braid style
Tail: New Uni Tail by Strifey. White fading into the same pink as the mane, with the end being tipped in black to match the mane.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Silver hooves
Reference Image(s): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/katciana/Gifts/MySoq.png <-- When I made that, I forgot his hairtips, and I created him pre-Strifey tail, so it's not on there. Otherwise, like him.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~
Horn(s): Karkdann horn, Silver with pale pink that 'drips' down. (See ref)
Wings: Heron Wings, White upper feathers, black flight feathers with pink barring as in ref
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: I'd like him to have the Uni Beard please!

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Tie Choker necklace (as in reference for colors)
Custom Items: N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: See above.

~*~ Tag Specifics ~*~
Name of horse: Tulum
Owner: Lady Aria Starstone
Breed: Spirited
Temper: Playful
Tag Background: Moonlight Cherry Blossom
Tag frame color: Shades of pink
Tag feather color(s): Vibrant Rainbow with the black pied please.

~*~ Existing Pets ~*~
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

Aria Starstone

Sexy Goat

32,115 Points
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Wintersday Bard 50
  • Enemy of the Goat 25



PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:57 pm

Entry Line: Kesmi || Cerynei/flutter || Solo

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Cerynei/Flutter
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin: original design
WIP Needed? If you wanna. ^^

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC, refs added to play off, she is Rajanikant's sister, but I am leaving markings and design up to colorists!
Face: ^
Mane: Ringlet
Tail: Poofy cerynei tail
Hooves/Fetlocks: CC
Reference Image(s): Rajanikant, PLushie

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): Four point rack
Wings: CC
Scales: -
Pelt: -
Other Notes: -

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items:N/A
Reference Image(s) for Items: -

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?:-
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:01 pm

Entry Line: Calixita || Mutant Triwing Hyperhybrid || Twins

Edit Category: Unedited
Soquili Species: Angeni/Hippogryph/Cerynei
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Female
Starting Stage: Basket
Concept Origin: Mock Breeding between Marchosia and a rogue father. So feel free to add CC traits/colors/markings/accessories from a make-believe father that you think would look good with her.
WIP Needed? Yes please.

-- Colors & Markings --
Body: CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Face: Large fox ears from the skinwalker template. Frown with fangs. CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Mane: Punk Rock mane. CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Tail: The big fluffy fox tail. Possible to have two tails? CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Hooves/Fetlocks: Newer version of the feline paws. CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Reference Image(s): Cert | Uncert

-- Physical Breed Traits --
Horn(s): 9 Point Buck Antlers. CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Wings: Triwing - Both large Angeni wings, plus the Hippogryph wings, if possible to splice them all together. CC colors/markings based on Marchosia and the rogue parent.
Fins: N/A
Scales: N/A
Pelt: N/A
Other Notes: Would like a wingless uncert to show off the markings, please. Also an itemless uncert.

-- Accessories & Edits --
Trading Post Items: CC based on Marchosia and the rogue parent. I would kinda like to see some earrings on their ears though. However, here is a list of accessories I don't want:
  • Lucky Paw Necklace
  • Tiki Shell Necklace
  • Tiki Mask Necklace (using spliced feathers from it is OK)
  • Lei Necklace
  • Tiki Flower Necklace (using spliced parts of it is OK)
  • Blindfold
  • Hairbow
  • Single Feather
  • Feather Anklet
  • Blankets
  • Hoods
  • Tabards (spliced into scarves/wraps is OK)
  • Saddles
  • Bows
  • Ribbons
  • Lanterns
  • Feather Cape & Caplet (using spliced parts of it is OK)

Reference Image(s) for Items: N/A

-- Existing Pets --
If you didn't design this yourself (and it's not a commercial cosplay), did you get written permission to use the design?: N/A

Everything is the same, but:
- Slimhawk mane.
- CC feel free to change up some colors/markings/accessories within the limits for twins.
- Would like them to at least keep the earrings though.

~*~ Familiar ~*~
Owner: Calixita
Name: TBD
Breed: Wolf
Gender: TBD
Temper: TBD
Familiar Description: Mutant wolf with feathered tail, feathered crest, and feathered wings. Possible to have two pairs of wings? CC colors/markings, something that goes well with the soquili.
On its own tag, a soq's, or both?: Both

Everything is the same, but:
- CC feel free to change up some colors/markings within the limits for twins.



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
  • Team Poison Master 250
  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0


Merry Unicorn

13,775 Points
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Foolhardy Benefactor 500
  • Marathon 300
PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 3:24 pm

Entry Line: Tiger_kisa699 || Mutant Hippo/pawed crossbreed || Twins

twin 1

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Hippogryph/Pawed Regular
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male(Both legs down please)
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Please CC what you wish color/pattern/design wise from the images i provide in refs. I like interesting random stuff based off images and i think this male will look pretty awesome. Have fun with him! Add patterns or sparkles or spirals or stars. Anything you feel inspired to do is ok design wise.
Face: CC, if its possible what ever colors you make his eyes could they be glowey? If not that is ok.
Tail: Peacock Hippo Tail, colored like bird ref
Hooves/Fetlocks: Green claws and stock fluffy fetlocks
Reference Image(s): Here is the image ref for his tail/ feathers. Body ref. Im imagining that his mother was a caninepawed regular Soq colored similar to that fox image and his dad was a OwlHippo colored like that bird. So have fun with both images.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): //
Wings: Hawk style wings.
Scales: //
Pelt: //
Other Notes: Owl clawed front feet(Both Feet down), Dog Pawed back feet, Beak mouth, Peacock feather tails. Glam Punk Hair style-green, add some random feathers to their manes.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Plain hood, Midevil Tabard, Earrings(Mix and match), Sharktooth arm band
Custom Items: //
Reference Image(s) for Items: I don't need these items to be colored super fancy. Something that matches and simple, just enough to add to his amazing beauty but not be over the top or eye rape style or crazy

Twin 2

Edit Category: - Unedited
Soquili Species: - Hippogryph/Pawed Regular
Body Build: Regular
Gender: Male(Both legs down please)
Starting Stage: Adult
Concept Origin:
• New Concept - A brand new design of your own

WIP Needed? Please

~*~ Colors & Markings ~*~
Body: Please CC what you wish color/pattern/design wise from the images i provide in refs. I like interesting random stuff based off images and i think this male will look pretty awesome. Have fun with him!
Face: CC, if its possible what ever colors you make his eyes could they be glowey? If not that is ok.
Tail: Peacock Hippo Tail, colored like bird ref
Hooves/Fetlocks: Blue claws and stock fluffy fetlocks
Reference Image(s): Here is the image ref for his tail/ feathers. Body ref. Im imagining that his mother was a caninepawed regular Soq colored similar to that fox image and his dad was a OwlHippo colored like that bird. So have fun with both images.

~*~ Physical Traits ~*~

Horn(s): //
Wings: Hawk style wings.
Scales: //
Pelt: //
Other Notes: Owl clawed front feet(Both Feet down), Dog Pawed back feet, Beak mouth, Peacock feather tails. Glam Punk Hair style-blue, add some random feathers to their manes.

~*~ Accessories & Edits ~*~
Trading Post Items: Plain hood, Midevil Tabard, Earrings(Mix and match), Sharktooth arm band
Custom Items: //
Reference Image(s) for Items: I don't need these items to be colored super fancy. Something that matches and simple, just enough to add to his amazing beauty but not be over the top or eye rape style or crazy

NOTES- So green hair and nails for #1 and blue hair and nails for #2. If you could make their eyes different colors too those would be the only differences between the two of them. Other then that they would look the same.

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