Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:50 am
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:26 pm
Plots: Growing up alone:Deca grew up mostly alone in the woods surviving off of instincts and a little knowledge she came by through her brief contact with her parents. Her mother came from a strict exclusionary Unicorn herd. Her father was a mystery stallion with dubious origin that her mother would sneak off to tryst with. Her mother became pregnant and her father disappeared. Most likely just wandering on with no idea of the situation. Her mother's family frowned on her condition but made plans to welcome the foals nonetheless. Until they emerged from their baskets with Kalona heritage. Looking upon the tainted foals with fear and disgust the herd urged the young mother to abandon her offspring. Unwilling to do so she fled and lost one of the babies along the way. She spent just enough time with Deca that the little filly picked up the basics of language and the simplest survival skills. After a few weeks of searching for the stallion who had sired the foals the little mare was overcome with loneliness and gave up, making a decision to rejoin her herd. Without her offspring. She left Deca in a thicket with promises of return and left without ever looking back. After waiting several days for her mother Deca finally realized that she was alone. She quickly learned how to survive watching the other wildlife. Things like hiding and foraging coming easily to her. When winter came it created a whole new set of survival problems. Forage became scarce and Deca began to starve. Just when she had about given up a stallion appeared. He taught her of her Kalona heritage and trained her how to hunt and fly. He instilled in her that sense of Kalona pride while he was at it. Teaching her to embrace that which had made her alone to begin with. The stallion had recognized her as his offspring. He didn't bother to tell her because he had no interest in her rearing but figured he may as well make sure she could survive. When Deca became once again proficient at caring for herself the stallion left. Stealing away in the night with no warning. Deca was alone again and would remain so until adulthood. Purposefully avoiding contact with others for fear of being abandoned again. Beauty is the BeastDeca is very territorial so when the unfortunate Pollux stumbles upon her home and takes advantage of her little watering hole to cool off she demands payment in the form of favors. However, poor Pollux has no special talent and there is nothing in particular he can do for this self sufficient mare. As Deca will not let him leave without her compensation it leaves him with no choice but to stay with her. Despite the fact that she strongly dislikes having others around she grows used to his presence and begins to soften towards others. Though due to many years alone she still lacks social graces and comes off angry and anti-social. 
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:28 pm
Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:29 pm
Lost Past In a time before he came to the Kawani lands Eldrin had a mate. They were very happy together. She was sweet, calm quiet and reserved. He would do anything for her, wanting to preserve the light and love she brought to his world. Then one day they found out that they were expecting foals. Overjoyed, Eldrin began to secretly build them a secure home in a protective thicket. However, one day while he was off gathering supplies to work on their new home, tragedy struck. When he returned to his mate in the evening he found nothing more than her lifeless body awaiting him. While he had been out she had been attacked and brutalized. Whoever had done it left no clue and Eldrin was left with nothing to hold onto but his grief. So he began to walk and didn't look back. He traveled without rest or nourishment, not even stopping to drink. He had no direction. No goal. There was no telling how long he wandered as he never marked the passing of the sun or moon. He moved until he collapsed, grateful that the end had finally come. Closing his eyes he sighed in relief, visions of re-uniting with his mare flitting through his mind.
When he awoke with the rising of a new sun he knew nothing of who or where he was. His name was all he had to hold onto. All of his other memories gone. That morning he ate and drank as a new stallion. The world around him fascinated him. However, he soon found himself plagued with an unexplainable restlessness. So he began to wander, befriending and helping those he met along the way. Eldrin has never recovered his memories. Though occasionally, on starless nights he finds himself overcome with grief.
After a series of coincidental meetings with a beautiful mare Eldrin learns that he is an expecting father. This news is accompanied by both happiness and a confusing pain. Unsure how to deal with this mix of emotion Eldrin goes on a mountain sojourn at the end of which he decides to help raise his children.
In the mountains:
While in the mountains Eldrin happens to rescue a mare from a snowstorm and nurse her back to health. After hiding her from pursuers he suggests she seek out an old medicine stallion, who happens to be an aquaintence of his, whom lives in a warmer climate. Just what she's looking for.
Unforeseen circumstances:
While on one of his wanderings Eldrin is caught in a rock slide. While not permanently injured he does need some medical attention which is happily provided by the raptor mare Aiesha who found him at the bottom of the slide. They become friends and visit regularly.
The sassy mare:
Through Aiesha, Eldrin meets a sassy, snappy, standoffish mare named Decadent. Intrigued by the duality of this mare's personality, the way she seems to want to make friends but her unsureness of how to treat others, he decides to spend some time trying to befriend her.
Flying lessons:
After watching one of his daughters struggle with learning to fly because of the way her wings are different from her mother's and sister's Eldrin decides to take her to meet Deca to see if she could help out with flying lessons.

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:32 pm
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 9:33 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:48 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 8:58 pm
Plots: Humble Beginnings:Pollux wasn't originally always traveling around. He had come from a big family of Parasaur hailing from the deep jungles. His family was always very tight-knit as he grew within the tribe. However once a Para reaches a certain age in his tribe they are sent on a sojourn of self discovery, unable to return until they have found their calling or place in life. They are sent with a companion that chooses them, not the other way around. The companion is with them for life to watch over them and see how they learn and grow. It is only when the companion decides they are ready that the Para can return to their family. Mekbuda had chosen Pollux even long before his journey started so Mek and Poll have known each other for a long long time. Friendship (The Hard Way!):During Polls exploring he happened upon the home of a defensive mare. He had intruded onto her land and she wishes service from him so he may eventually leave unharmed. Pollux decided that he wanted to befriend the pretty little mare and hopefully teach her the joys of companionship and to lighten up a bit. Be a Man (Swift as the coursing river):Pollux is a wonderfully sweet, if Derpy boy but something will happen to him the make him a little less aloof in life and take charge. He will settle into his own and come out much more desirable as a stallion. 
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:12 pm

Name: Mekbuda Meaning: Lions Folded Paw (star on the extended left leg of Pollux in the Gemini Constellation) Gender: Male Found:06/08/16
Gen: 1 Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A LifeMate: N/A Flings: N/A Offspring: N/A Companion/Bonded: Pollux
Orientation:Very Straight Likes:Sunbathing, climbing Pollux, pretty female lizards, shiny objects Dislikes: scary things, loud noises
Description: Mekbuda is the companion watcher to Pollux. He has known Poll since he was born. Instantly taking a liking to the little Black Para he decided to accompany him on his journey of self-discovery. Hes a little grumpy but good hearted and wise for a lizard. One day he will be proud to send a well rounded and experienced Pollux home to his family.
Home: on Pollux in Decas Cave
RP: [PRP] Beauty is the Beast - Deca/Pollux
Breeding Plans: Eona
Agreements Mek & Eona
Attempts 1.Odet's September Familiar Twisted Birthday Breeding Bash

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:14 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:35 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 9:37 pm
Plots: will expand when the muse slaps me XD A Family Best Forgotten:So this is Love?the story of two mares and their love for eachother Really need to elaborate when i get a chance but here their song Daisy
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:18 am

 cert uncert
Name: Eona Meaning: Eternal Galaxy Gender: Female Found: 06/19/2016
Gen: 1 Parents: N/A Siblings: N/A LifeMate: N/A Flings: N/A Offspring: N/A Companion/Bonded: N/A
Orientation: Likes: Sun Dislikes:
Breeding Plans: Mekbuda

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 12:19 am