Soquili: Cerrajón Titanoboa (ceh-rrah-HOHN tye-TAAN oh-boh-uh) img links to safe uncert; uncert w/ snake here Breed: Half ulun'suti Element: Wood Ability: Invigorate. "The wood ulun'suti can encourage and manipulate local plant growth." Capabilities: The following capabilities come with much practice and the right mindset to the point of becoming passive ability. It also requires that he be familiar with the general area, environment, and climate. The more "at home" he feels, the more complete the effect. 00. Snakelike movement; movement without sound or hoof print. In actuality, the tiny wounds he creates in plants as he passes, he can mend. With practice he may encourage the plants to slide off of him without damage. The illusion is that, despite his great size, he moved either faster or more smoothly than he actually did. 00. Overgrowth. The titanoboa's lair is a swamp. Over time the surroundings flourish with thick vegetation and moisture, making it healthier than before.
Temper: Contentious Personality: Jon is a bit of a wanderer. He can probably meet with anyone under most circumstances. He is used to thinking of soquili as food, or as offerings to 'Wife,' Yapa the titanoboa (prehistoric boa constrictor). Over time, his desire to interact with other soquili will evolve his experiences into relationships, not just that of hunter and prey. Those he develops stronger attachments to, including shared offspring, he will visit and assist if needed.
He is extremely loyal, and refers to himself the husband of the giant snake, Yapa. This is not a sexual or marital bond in any way. Instead, it is as if he is the familiar or servant of the snake. If someone were to inquire he would refer to her as Wife.
Yapa is jealous, and may attack a companion unless Jon can persuade her not to. A new stallion would be regarded as one of her subjects. On the other hand, a female might find herself the object of abuse, her very life threatened by the snake's jealousy and rage. Any foals of his blood, however, smell familiar and regarded as kin, even fillies.
Looking for: All the plots. All. I just want to give him plenty of interaction, positive and negative. Breeding: Flings, surrogate for other pairs. Lovemate plot is in the works. Notes: 00. Suti characteristics: Long mouth, cheek frill, scaleless tail, cloven hooves 00. Mutations: Double snakelike teeth (?), slit eyes 00. Scales: Those are markings, not scales. So soft~
Sexuality: Demisexual; he would be readily available for a fling or as a surrogate as long as a bond is there.
As per Leena's plot thread post: Plots of interaction with Melomar's Cerrajón as per discussion via AIM:
Castiel: Total flirtation >.> <3 a total win win situation Kuwanyauma: Possibly threats of being eaten XD which could fly over her head Ciel: A napping buddy in the making! Sometimes just having a friend to nap is all that is needed. Fleur: A guide to nurturing through nature.
Breeding: 01. Ichtaca Coaxoch ( dawns_aura ) - Fling Notes: A fling becomes a lifelong tie to an ancient herd. Will often visit and assist with the herd's rebuilding.
02. Invisible (Celestial Requiem) - teepee | cert | uncert Notes: Unavailable until he meets his soq Permission agreement: none yet 03. open 04. open
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:29 am
Soquili: Pól Eoghan (POHL yoh-wehn) img links to uncert
Eoghan was found wandering around wearing some tack, which could only mean that he had lived with humans. What happened between then and now is anyone's guess because he simply will not speak of it. At some point he began traveling with Jon's group, a gentle addition to the ranks. He is fond of the human and often lets her ride on his back, or sling a light cart full of supplies along behind him.
Looking for: All kinds of plots. His personality and history are not clear to me, and I would love a chance to develop him further. He has much experience with kind humans, and gets along with them. Any soquili that has been in service to humans may find common ground with him. He is also muscular, due to carrying or pulling heavy loads behind him.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Plots: None.
We Are Mother
Ozzie, Kivras I have a male half-hippogryph that may fit for certain friendship-centric plotlines. His name is Pól Eoghan; he is loyal and rather stoic. If he gets attached to her, I see him being a rock when she needs it, and forgiving her if he sees she is redeemable, though it may take some time. He would likely believe that she is mentally sick or confused, and needs that support. It's not pity so much as that strong desire to help family in need, if that makes sense. If he sees her cursed form and knows that she can be charmed, then he would likely try to help then too.
A possible plot is where Ozzie abducts a foal of his, or of his sister's. He would try to find the foal and rescue them. If the foal's personality takes after this parent, they may courageously approach her later on to confront her and show her their scars, not knowing how they would feel once meeting her again. Would there be forgiveness or no? Who can say.
Well, now that I have mentioned a sister, I realize that she may make a good influence for Ozzie. Her name is Gael Róisín and she is a recent acquisition of mine. She's a lot like her brother, but more firm and no-nonsense. She would tell Ozzie like it is. If she messed up, she will tell her. But she will also try to help her right wrongs or see the solution to a puzzle. Though her words may be blunt or even harsh, she would treat Ozzie kindly, maybe almost motherly? She would also support Ozzie's decisions whether she agrees with her or not. I also hope that she might help Ozzie feel more confident, speak up for herself, take responsibility, that sort of thing. And that if Ozzie can't do those things, she has friends.
Additional notes: - (28 August) I want to work with other parent before subjecting a foal to this story's consequences. I will not do so without consent of both Kivras and the owner of other parent. As such, said foal may have to be between two of my own ponies (which is fine with me-- obviously after acquiring more ponies). - (1/1/1cool Shelving it because I haven't heard back in a year and a half. Still interested as long as the twins stay available.
Snow Bird
Lady Kiyoko Runa Snaerblod, ~Twilight...Angel~ Someone finds a pretty birdy in the snow. Maybe she thinks the green feathers would make a good harvest (food too). But as she digs it free, birdy becomes a tree, becomes a half-dead soquili who got lost his way in a snow storm. Also, feathers. Which are now a bit bloody. I was thinking that if she has all this pent-up anger, then perhaps his mild temper would interest her. I don't know if he could teach her anything about it, other than he does not believe anger is a bad feeling to experience. I also think he would absolutely love to learn that she's into gardening. Hm, maybe this should be explored through RP, not brainstorms.
Gael is a somewhat reserved person, though her expression and stance may hint at her natural curiosity in the world. Little escapes her, though her choices in the past have been naive and lead to that current closed personality. Her life has been full of trial and error. Nevertheless, she is honest and dependable, and her bond will last a lifetime. With those she trusts, she may even share her blunt, if honest opinions and beliefs. x - Teepee
Looking for: All kinds of RP/plots. Friends, enemies, frenemies, love.
Sexuality: Questioning. I have not settled on her sexuality, however, leaning toward one of the following: bicurious, bisexual, pansexual As with the rest of her life, she will probably discover the answer through trial and error.
We Are Mother
Ozzie, Kivras I have a male half-hippogryph that may fit for certain friendship-centric plotlines. His name is Pól Eoghan; he is loyal and rather stoic. If he gets attached to her, I see him being a rock when she needs it, and forgiving her if he sees she is redeemable, though it may take some time. He would likely believe that she is mentally sick or confused, and needs that support. It's not pity so much as that strong desire to help family in need, if that makes sense. If he sees her cursed form and knows that she can be charmed, then he would likely try to help then too.
A possible plot is where Ozzie abducts a foal of his, or of his sister's. He would try to find the foal and rescue them. If the foal's personality takes after this parent, they may courageously approach her later on to confront her and show her their scars, not knowing how they would feel once meeting her again. Would there be forgiveness or no? Who can say.
Well, now that I have mentioned a sister, I realize that she may make a good influence for Ozzie. Her name is Gael Róisín and she is a recent acquisition of mine. She's a lot like her brother, but more firm and no-nonsense. She would tell Ozzie like it is. If she messed up, she will tell her. But she will also try to help her right wrongs or see the solution to a puzzle. Though her words may be blunt or even harsh, she would treat Ozzie kindly, maybe almost motherly? She would also support Ozzie's decisions whether she agrees with her or not. I also hope that she might help Ozzie feel more confident, speak up for herself, take responsibility, that sort of thing. And that if Ozzie can't do those things, she has friends.
Additional notes: - (28 August) I want to work with other parent before subjecting a foal to this story's consequences. I will not do so without consent of both Kivras and the owner of other parent. As such, said foal may have to be between two of my own ponies (which is fine with me-- obviously after acquiring more ponies).
The Gift of Song
Troy and familiar Brillar, ~Twilight...Angel~ Since he needs some traveling companions, maybe she could be captivated by his music, and maybe he could become her singing coach. And maybe it goes a bit further. x) <3
(28 August) In addition, their familiars are species that do not get along (cat and bird), to put it lightly. Perhaps this adds some unfortunate drama. (28 October) Lifemating kinda put a damper on this.
Asmund and the Foreigner
Sir Asmund Fjlloacutettrblod, ~Twilight...Angel~ I noticed you have two snow-loving ponies. I also have two plant-ponies. At first I dismissed him because he dislikes foreigners, but she could teach him to trust...some of them, anyway. Since he is a Jarl, he might respect the fact that she is small in size, but powerful in other ways, such as her blunt but kind disposition. Again, if it interests you at all, perhaps it'd be better to flesh out at another time.
Additional notes: Snaerblod Tribe (25 Feb 2017) Breakdown in communication leaves me to shelve this. If you change your mind, Twilight, it's still your reply.
Breeding: 01. none yet
Link(s) to RP: x - none yet
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Familiar: Herodia, female (forthcoming) Breed: Crane with Great Blue Heron coloring
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:29 am
Name: Ilkay-Yuval Agrippina Owner: Melomar Date Received: 11/26/2016 Temper: Poetic Method of Obtainment: Black Friday raffle Colorist: one over three
Names (all given names) meanings: Ilkay: Turkish, "new moon" Yuval: Hebrew, "(to conduct or bear) music" Agrippina: Ancient Roman, "wild horse"
Breedings: 01. Rovaer (Artymus) - fling; permission | agreement 02. could be you! 03. could be you! 04. Dooma's red boy. <3
Wind-up Waffles
Wind-up Waffles
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:29 am
Afanasy is a necromancer who performs his incantations through song, as opposed to gestures, chants, or writings.
By far one of my favorite plushies, and he is now a necromantic pixie. My first mini.
Afanasy Nocturne ah-fah-NAH-see NOKT-oorn Afanasy, a Russian name. "from Greek α (a), a negative prefix, combined with θανατος (thanatos) 'death.'" Nocturne, noun. Music: An instrumental composition of a dreamy or pensive character.