congratulations, dreamer!
    you now have the honor of completing the perhaps this is the time challenge. to complete this most excellent quest and unlock the powers that lie within, you must complete these requirements.
  • a solo (750 words) on Alister finding himself in other ashdown and stuck there until he finds a way out.
  • 2 RPs wherein Alister connects with other Visitors (at least one must be a warg player) and learns more about other ashdown.
  • a RP where Alister finds himself running into something in other ashdown (tag in Whaler!).
  • a solo (750 words) where Alister tries to make sense of his place and how other ashdown will change his life.

    in exchange, your character will unlock the following power:

    FOCUSED HOOK - alister’s punches hit harder than normal human beings. the more he concentrates, the longer he winds up a punch, the more it is going to hurt someone. this can be no more than twice normal human strength. his hands and arms also take no damage from punching like this.

    have fun, and let us know when you've completed your requirements!

happy bonsai