Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:00 am
Hey Faithofthefallen. I'm curious to know what you have to say in response to these suggestions. From the looks of it you're already creating a plot thread - does this mean that you're not interested in the stat option that you mentioned in the first post?
Waiting for further input. XD
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:17 am
I do enjoy world events (even simple things like weather and seasons can go a long way) and metaplots and the like too! :3 It just depends on the subject matter as to which ponies of mine end up getting involved.
Actual shop wide open RPs tend to be hit or miss with me unfortunately. (But that is a personal failing of being unable to approach unfamiliar folks and shouldn't be counted as a failure of the idea itself.)
The reason I had suggested a user run idea list was for people like me looking to stat ponies and not knowing exactly what direction to go with for said pony kind of thing. So if you find something you like and feel inspired by to write then it is indirectly stats anyway and doesn't drop more work onto staff. Setting up a random plot ideas list sort of thing would be pretty easy to do to go along with it to.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:10 pm
Metaplots=awesome, I also agree that it would be a lot of work to put on a big thing though. I like the idea of even just some weird weather or random occurance as a conversation starter for meet and greets. Thats a cute idea! As far as my opinion, I love the idea of both honestly. I started making the plot thread because I love the idea of a community cumulative plot idea resource that lots of people could add to to give people inspiration, but I saw Uta's post and I can understand the point of view of the staff not wanting to step in if we start setting something up. While a small part of my idea was, well maybe an extra stat point would be cool to motivate people, it was more just something to toss out there, not something super necessary, but since its been part of the discussion now I didn't want to take that option away from people until I say what the response was after Uta's post. I'm not super sure that an extra stat would end up being a strong driving force as, if you post monthly, a single stat point here and there doesn't actually max your soq much faster. So TLDR, I basically paused setting up after I saw that setting up a user run thing would make the staff back away from the idea, to see how people responded after Uta's post. Because if people really like the idea of getting stats and want the staff to do it, it didn't seem fair for me to make that decision without others' input since it seems like this is something people are quite interested in and the original idea -was- for a staff run thing and continuing to set up my thread would disqualify it from ever potentially earning stats. But on a personal level, after reading all the responses, I feel like something we could all run together would be easier to maintain in the long run.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:33 pm
Personal Opinion:
Metaplots etc, provided by the staff. POSSIBLY do some perks (like RP to get event exclusive items for your soq or something liek that, ie, get involved in the event).
I like the idea of the user run RP prompts. That way it's not just for one or two stats, it's something that you can expand into a whole new plot/story that you hadn't thought about before.
But either way would be really good and if someone has enough drive you can always use a staff run event or prompt as your own jumping off place.
Nyx Queen of Darkness Crew
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 2:51 pm
I like the idea of meta-plots. But it would be nice if instead of one huge thread they were broken up by locations or activities or something. I have a hard time with huge threads because I typically have limited time in a single sitting. I log on and get about half-way through the replies before I have to go again. And when I come back there are more replies that I can't get through before I need to go so I never end up having the time to actually post. And what I wanted to react to has come and gone and isn't applicable any more. Something that breaks meta-plots up into smaller threads would be much easier for me to interact with.
As for the plot-starter ideas . . . I don't really see a need for it. I've never really had a problem coming up with ideas. But I don't want to rp on my own, I want to rp with someone else. I plot all kinds of things for my characters to do or have done but I'm not going to write them out on my own because I don't find that enjoyable. So the plot list isn't really helpful for me. But for those who would use it, I think it's a cool enough idea.
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:28 pm
So, I did speak to Caj earlier today. She actually did like the idea of running a prompt thing, so it's very possible that we might be able to implement something for a Familiar or Stat or whatnot -- depending how staff behind the scenes feel.
All that said, the more I think about it, the more I realize that maybe we can do this independently. Nothing is stopping any of you guys from trying to encourage folks to plot/RP with one another. If Faith wants to make a list of RP/prompt ideas, thats totally fine.
The thing is is that you'd have to keep it within the shop setting and they can't be like major-metaplot things that are going to jack up the entire world i.e. suddenly new Demon Trees appearing, an explosion in the mountains, the sun blowng up, etc. xD
But smaller more limited ideas like folks usually come up with, or even herd stuff, is fine.
I'd just leave the world-wide meta-plot stuff for staff. That's my biggest concern -- I just don't want folks power playing, since sometimes things can get out of hand fast.
So I think we might be able to find a happy medium. You guys can do a user-run plot/prompt ideas for groups, and herds, and the usual stuff just for the fun of it. If it gets you guys RPing then that will get you stats anyway, so hooray!
RP Staff will look into maybe also offering prompt-based things too (and can do world-changing stuff) but possibly for small prizes -- either extra stat points, or maybe familiars, or items, or something of that nature. Sort of like we had tried to do with the open-RP. This will take a little time to figure out, especially since I don't want to step on Phail's toes. It might be monthly or maybe every-other month. Just depends on what's going on behind the scenes. :3
I'll also work on getting some metaplot stuff for next year. These won't be as big as the kalona event, but they'll be world-wide events folks can choose to participate in or not, and we'll probably give out pony prizes since yay ponies.
I think that would satisfy everyone? I think I'd been confused earlier on what your list would look like, Faith. xD But after thinking it about, I think we're good to be able to do all the above without anyone feeling put off.
The more RP the better, I say!
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:41 pm
Oh yes- sorry if I in any way implied that the plot thread would include meta plots. As a seperate idea that could be run by staff I think thats a cute idea, but I was definitely thinking more along the lines of just throwing out small plot ideas for inspiration and for fun!
Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:53 am
Alright, well I've opened a VERY rough draft version in the chat and plot zone. Haven't made it pretty yet, but I'm going to open it to posting since it doesn't have to be pretty to be useful at this point HereFeel free to start posting suggestions and things in here, I'll try to pull it together ASAP and get it organized!
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2016 2:35 pm
Faithofthefallen Just a quick suggestion, not super thought out because I'm on a coffee energy buzz right now, so I'm just throwing words on the page buuuutttt... I thought it could be a fun idea to start doing official rp challenges where a staff member, maybe someone on the rp staff, presents a scenario for people to place their characters into. Maybe for an extra stat or it could just be purely for fun and inspiration. I was thinking it would be a great way to encourage rp every month. Ideas would be things like: rp a character having a mental breakdown rp your character being caught in a storm rp your character infiltrating an enemy lair rp your character playing a prank gone awry rp your character in a battle rp your character seeking revenge I mean you could really go so many directions with this and if you keep it vague it could be interpreted in a lot of different ways. You could even do things where you rp your character meeting a kalona, or flutter, etc. I thought it would be a cool way to motivate people to contact other owners for rp and to jumpstart muses which is something I know a lot of people struggle with. You could contact other owners and do the scenarios together or you could do an SRP with NPCs or just your own soq if you want to, it would really be open. Anyways, definitely not something that would absolutely need to happen, just a suggestion that I thought people might enjoy that wouldn't be a lot of extra work for staff. Thanks for reading! We're going to start implementing this, or a variation of it, in the near future. When you brought up this idea I actually liked it quite a lot. I don't feel that it's a lot of extra work on my plate and it would provide a fun backdrop for things. No one is, of course, required to incorporate Soquili environmental scenarios like this into their RP, but just know that the powers that be heard your idea and we'll see what comes of it. XDDD
With Uta leaving there are some behind the scenes staff changes that we'll announce soon.
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:21 am
Mx Cherie Faithofthefallen Just a quick suggestion, not super thought out because I'm on a coffee energy buzz right now, so I'm just throwing words on the page buuuutttt... I thought it could be a fun idea to start doing official rp challenges where a staff member, maybe someone on the rp staff, presents a scenario for people to place their characters into. Maybe for an extra stat or it could just be purely for fun and inspiration. I was thinking it would be a great way to encourage rp every month. Ideas would be things like: rp a character having a mental breakdown rp your character being caught in a storm rp your character infiltrating an enemy lair rp your character playing a prank gone awry rp your character in a battle rp your character seeking revenge I mean you could really go so many directions with this and if you keep it vague it could be interpreted in a lot of different ways. You could even do things where you rp your character meeting a kalona, or flutter, etc. I thought it would be a cool way to motivate people to contact other owners for rp and to jumpstart muses which is something I know a lot of people struggle with. You could contact other owners and do the scenarios together or you could do an SRP with NPCs or just your own soq if you want to, it would really be open. Anyways, definitely not something that would absolutely need to happen, just a suggestion that I thought people might enjoy that wouldn't be a lot of extra work for staff. Thanks for reading! We're going to start implementing this, or a variation of it, in the near future. When you brought up this idea I actually liked it quite a lot. I don't feel that it's a lot of extra work on my plate and it would provide a fun backdrop for things. No one is, of course, required to incorporate Soquili environmental scenarios like this into their RP, but just know that the powers that be heard your idea and we'll see what comes of it. XDDD
With Uta leaving there are some behind the scenes staff changes that we'll announce soon.
heart heart heart heart