Chris looked at Thorne and then simply nodded, eyebrows furrowed together in thought. He didn't really know how to reply, not right now. Fear did do a lot of things, but he wanted to be better than that and well, he thought he and Thorne could do it. Would do it, were doing it.

His mouth curved into a smile, bright, happy, worrying expression. "See that's something only you would say. I can imagine many others having other thoughts. My students are only the first to come to mind, then previous coworkers, then classmates, and well. The list continues," He laughed, pleased to have Thorne's hand, to hold it. Alix was speaking though and he'd listen, give him respect and attention and some curiosity. The fact he was older than most of the spirits than he was used to was something interesting.

"Thank you," Alix said, and then smiled. It was a curious look, like he hadn't made it in a long time and wasn't entirely sure how to make it. It looked a little off, but not wrong in a sense, just trying. "No, she's fine. It's nice to hear her voice, after silence for so long." Chris, however was laughing. He could imagine Mare and her endless voice everywhere, her inability to let silence be in a room or a place. It was endearing as it was unbearable at times.

"That I will," Chris said, pleased. "Alix, you're free to help us if you want. I'd like you around to direct us from the land, since I'm not sure the boundaries but it's up to you. Now come on, let's pick what to start with."
