becoming a were
    Should you wish to spontaneously develop your own werecreaturing abilities, please fulfill these requirements and post into shibrogane's modbook for approval. These steps must be completed in this order! (Please note that any RP or solo that is used towards your class change cannot be used towards your growth to another stage as class change is a type of growth!)

  • a mental or physical change relating to your were animal. If it is a physical change, it must be a non-visible change: for instance, Lucas's shifting sense of balance or Eve's loss of color vision. (500 words)
  • meet another were of any species, not necessarily your own (1 RP)
  • an accidental partial transformation into your were's half-form: choose one physical trait. (500 words)
  • a mental or physical change relating to your were animal, whichever you didn't do the first round. (500 words)
  • 5 RPs, separate from the above, on any topic.