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[FamilyPRP] A Growing Bond [ Bloodline 2 Shadow & Tsumetai ] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:15 pm
User ImageFaya blushes as she hears Irridessa as she opens her eyes to look at her. "I am not that bad. And yes Mist if you are ever down I will do my best to cheer you up. That is what family is for." She giggles with a smile. Looking from Mist back to Irridessa as she smiles. "I see your young ones are still the same as always. I wonder when Terence will feel comfy around us." She points out with a bit of a pout as she then sees Shadow, Tsumetai, and Cassitaya. "Well they are looking good. I see my mom still has a bit of a limp but it isn't as noticeable as it use to be."

WC: 120  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:23 pm
User ImageHearing her twin as she opens her eyes again and looks at Irridessa as she smiles. "Come now it would be funny to see Faya flirting. She would fail at it in the cutest of ways." She teases Faya a bit as she looks about. "Oh I see Terence is here now. Clinging to his father. Some things just don't change." She teases a bit but that is just who Mist is. She looks to see Cassitaya. "Mother what took you so long? A stallion?" She teases again because she can't help it. There is something that calls to her to tease others. Looking about a bit as if she lost someone. "I brought someone with me I wonder where he went off to?".

WC:: 124  

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:27 pm
User ImageSeeing her brother she prances up to Terence and snuggles him. She has a soft spot for her brother and just adores him to bits as she looks at him. "Wanna play a game later? I think that there are a few others that will show up. But this is good right we are blessed that our family is still around to meet up like this right?" She snuggles against him more like a sister trying to comfort her younger brother. But that is how Vidia is when Terence is about she tries to baby him and comfort him in any way she can think of. As if he needs to be babied. But he is her only sibling and will always be her dearest one no matter what.

WC:: 129  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:31 pm
User ImageSighing a bit as he looks at Terence and then before he can really speak sees Vidia snuggling and trying to comfort her brother. He knows that his daughter is just trying to be helpful as he snickers a bit. Bowing to Irridessa as he looks back at his kids. "Hello Terence. I am not going anywhere. I am part of this family and will always be welcome here at the get togethers and plan to make it to every get together that is planned." He points out as he smiles to his son. "Vidia give your brother space would you?"

WC:: 101  

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:37 pm
User ImageLooking back at Terence. "No need to worry. Your father is a part of our family and allowed to join us when he wishes to as well as stay as long as he likes." Thanks to Cassitaya, Shadow is use to all this and he was meadow to begin with so being calm around others is what he is good at. But when it is just him or just him and his sister he will freak out from time to time and just go off on rants. Cassitaya has seen him do this and his kids have as well but only once. Then all of a sudden he feels Cassitaya nuzzling him. "Nothing as of yet. I know Tsuki Sachi will try to make it. He did tell me that he and his mate might be late." He points out as he nuzzles her back.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 6:44 pm
User ImageSmiling at her daughter Faya as she wonders if any of her other kids will show up. She has adopted a few and loves all of them no matter if they are blood related or not. She giggles a bit watching all of those that have showed up so far as she turns seeing Cassitaya and then hears her comment. "Oh yes. Chronos made it. I love everything he has made me. I collect them. I have honestly lost count of all the things he has made it. I have my familiar help me change out to different ones. I felt that the rainbow one would do today." She smiles. "How are you today Cassitaya?"


Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko


Feline Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:48 pm
User ImageShe looked over towards her son who finally arrived and as she thought, he was close to his father. Ever since her children stepped out into the world he has clung to the stallion. She wasn't sure why he was the way that he was but she loved him all the same. Because of his temperament he was coddled more than he probably should. She loved both of her children dearly and not just because they were her first and currently only. It was also a bond with Gai that couldn't break even if he walked away for good. He was her first love after all and having the two was special.
She smiled "He worries over his father. As long as mine treats Gai like family, I believe Terence will warm up to everyone. It can always start with a friendly cousin." She mentioned, looking over at Faya. She stood close to her sister, giving her a smirk at the teasing that came her way now. "I think it's cute he loves Gai so much."
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:56 pm
User Image She awwed over the bead with which Tsume wore "He is so sweet and gifted" she responded before moving back to Shadow's side.
At least now he could count on her being right there since no one was around but family. As long as he was in her sight, she didn't wander a bit. She grinned over at her daughter after hearing her teasing question. "Oh you know me.
Handsome stallions are quite the distraction. But none beat this stallion here"
she beamed and nuzzled at Shadow's neck once more. "Glad I hadn't missed anything. I feel like I haven't seen our Tsuki in such a long time. I am just a little curious why they might be late" she giggles "but they are a young couple in love.
I'm sure it's something or another."


Feline Wife


Feline Wife

PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:08 pm
User Image

Icarus had stopped a few feet away for a drink from a stream before joining the family. Much like Gai, he felt some awkwardness around everyone. He didn't have a solid relationship with Silver like most of the other family members. Personally he didn't mind that her eye wandered. He knew the type of mare she was after spending quite some time around her and having even her mother Cassi hit on him.. well he cared enough about Silver to be there when she wanted him. He understood it might never be a lifemate thing but he wasn't in any rush to rush her. After stepping into view, he smiled and joined the group. His coat blended well with her family of cotton candy colors.

"I'm right here cutie. Sorry I stopped a moment." He gave Silver Mist a nuzzle before glancing around at everyone. "It's good to see each of you" he chimed for them all to hear since they weren't in a tight group and proximity. "Afternoon, Faya right? And I couldn't forget Silver's beautiful twin Irridessa" he remarked with a little added charm.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:07 pm
User ImageFaya giggling as she listens to her cousins as she looks at Irridessa more then Mist at the moment. "It is cute how he clings to his father but I think the only reason we find it so cute and adorable is because we are family. I am not sure an outsider would. So that might kill someone else's interest in him. So maybe we should keep that in mind if we ever we match maker with him." She is teasing for the most part as she can't help it. After all Terence leaves himself open for the teasing even if it is better to do it in a manner that is out of ear shot of him. Because they don't wish to scare him more then he seems to be already.

Hearing a voice she doesn't know as she looks over seeing a stallion join Mist. "So who is this?"

She wonders as she looks back from the stallion to Silver Mist. "He looks just like he fits into this family all right. I mean look at his coat. The colors fall right into place here. There are only a few of us that don't have the cotton candy colors." She points out as she giggles a bit more. It was nice seeing Silver Mist have someone. Knowing that the mare is a swinger and seeing that this stallion should know that but still joined her at a family gathering. That much be such a nice feeling. Faya didn't have that yet. She hasn't found some pony to love nor has she been looking really.

It wasn't like her to rush things and she was rather have love find her then go out hunting for it only to have it be a false love or something like that. Knowing that she might never be the type to always fling around but some might happen and she is okay with knowing that. Life isn't perfect and that is what makes it so great. With failures comes success and the accomplishments that come with it all. To triumph in the end is better then to rush into things only to have then fall apart all around you. No one needs to be lonely but things should happen in good time and not be rushed. That is how Faya sees the whole world. Everything that goes around comes around in her eyes so she is happy for Silver Mist but knows that when it comes to herself she will not rush or hurry into things. It will fall into place if it is meant to. If not then she will play the waiting game no matter how long it takes.

Smiling as she looks back at the stallion after spacing out to do all that thinking. "Welcome"

WC: 465  

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:13 pm
User ImageListening to Faya as she then giggles hearing Faya ask who Icarus is. "Oh this is Icarus and yes he does seem to fit into your family's color scheme very well. I am pretty shocked on how well he fills in but he is too cute that I have to cling to him." She giggles again as she looks over at Terence and nods. "Agreed Faya if we ever play match maker we will need to keep it in mind that Terence has a bit of a daddy complex." She can't help but giggle even more as she looks at Icarus. "I thought you got lost. I was about to go look for you." Mist states as she nuzzles against Icarus. She was about to call him her new toy but that wouldn't have been the right way to put it. So she just gave them his name. After all they would catch on without her having to say anything other then his name.

Looking at Faya as she believes that she knows what her cousin is thinking. "You and your belief in things like fate and destiny. Fairy tales of romance and make believe." She points out as she watches Faya finally snap outta it. "And she didn't even blink or even hear me did she." Giggling as she rolls about as she looks back at Icarus. "My cousin Faya is the romantic type. She loves things that link with fate and destiny which suits her well and so fitting of her. Makes her so cute." She teases as she giggles even more but calms herself. Not wanting to over do it and make Faya upset. After all this is a family gathering and as such every pony should enjoy their selves. Even the familiars of the family members that are here as well.

She looks from Icarus and back to Faya and Irridessa as she snickers at the thought of the three of them playing match maker to some of the younger ones. She stretches a bit as she looks about to see if anyone else is on the way and sees something in the distance. "Oh I wonder who that might be? Maybe Tsuki Sachi and his mate. With her sister. I think he was going to bring them both." She points out as she wonders if anymore would show. But the day was still young and so that left a lot of time for the others who were planning to show up to do so. After all they are holding this family thing for two days and two nights so that every pony gets a chance to say their hellos and what not to the rest of them.

WC:: 452  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:20 pm
User Image"Once he answers me about playing a game with me later then I will leave him be for awhile to as you put it dear father. Give him his space." She points out as she points Terence again. "So dear brother a game later? Yay or Nay?" Pondering as she prances in place looking at her brother. Snuggles and nuzzles him like an older sister to a baby brother would do. She is protective over him and will always remain that way. After all she is the oldest so it is her job to look after her brother. If she ends up with more siblings she will be the same with them as well. Although she will always be more so towards Terence. Looking at her father. "What are you going to do while staying with family all day? Seeing you still feel a bit outta place right?"

She just had to ask that to her father. It wasn't that she was trying to sound rude or mean about it. It was more on the wondering side of things. Because she does worry about her father. After all he is her one and only father. That makes him important and family no matter what happens. Vidia watches her father a bit as she stretches. Looking back at her brother as she smiles watching him now. These two are special to her and there is nothing that will change that. Then for some odd reason she feels the need to lay down so she does so. There was nothing for her to do as she was waiting for her brother to answer her about playing a game. So she will lay and wait seeing that there isn't really any pony outside of her father, mother, and brother that she wants to bother at the moment.

Giggling to herself as she looks at her father after laying on the ground. "I love you father and I hope that you will one day feel as if you belong. Because you do. You belong here with all of us." She points out with a sweet smile. There is nothing more important then letting her family know that they are loved as much as she can. Because you never know what tomorrow brings. So she will tell them words of love every time that she can. It is important to her so she will always hold it dear to her to do so. No matter how old she gets. Her thoughts running from her as she rolls in the grass still watching her father as she smiles more. "Daddy you are important as well as loved more then you know." Her voice calm and collective.

WC:: 450  

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:38 pm
User ImageLooking at his sister as he sighs again. "Vidia please just leave your brother be. He will answer you once he settles in. As for me I am just going to enjoy the company and watch over you, your brother, and your mother." He points out as he knows that he is welcomed here and within this family so he starts to relax. If he was in Shadow's place he might not be so understanding. Glancing over at his daughter with a smile as he thought about it. There was something about that thought in which made him understand Shadow a bit more. Maybe he was welcomed by Shadow out of the love for Irridessa. That made him think that even if he thinks now that he wouldn't be understanding on the matter that he truly would be just to please his daughter.

Sighing a bit as he looks over and watches his daughter. "I know and thank you for saying it out loud. I love you as well my dear sweet daughter." He points out as he stretches after seeing her do so and then watches her lay down as he smiles back at his daughter. There is nothing like family and he is happy that not only Irridessa but his daughter as well are always telling him that he is welcome and that he belongs with them. He knows that is how his son feels and loves hearing it from him as well. Because knowing that your family loves you and tells you that you belong is the best feeling in the world.

So knowing that his daughter says it a lot just so that everyone knows how much they are needed and loved is great and makes him feel more at ease. It was nice knowing that this family was so understanding to things. So one didn't have to worry much. So he allows himself to start to relax and his body to release the tension that was building up. There was something about Irridessa's family that any pony would be jealous of if they themselves didn't have such a close net one. There wasn't a lot that these ponies wouldn't do to help each other out and once adopted into the family then you are a forever member no matter what. So if he had to be anywhere then here was the best place to be. Yawning a bit as all this deep thinking has made him a bit tired. Looking over at his son and then back to his daughter as he smiles. Then his eyes scan the area landing on Irridessa. Oh they made beautiful kids and couldn't wait for more to join the family.

WC:: 451  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:56 pm
User ImageFeeling Cassi as he looks at her. "So that is why you return to me? Hmm because no one beats me?" He teases her a bit as he nuzzles her back. "You haven't missed much at all. I am not sure why Tsuki is going to be late but I am sure he will show up. With or without his mate is another question on his own. Unless they are stopping to drag his mate's sister with them." He points out a bit as that is the reason. Shadow just had a lucky guess on it is all. Looking back at his sister who is looking about. "Did you lose something sis?" He wonders a bit.


Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

Kara Asumie

Nine-tailed Neko

PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:09 pm
User Image"That he is. I love him dearly and glad that I took him in. To me he will forever be my son no matter what."
She told Cassi as she looks at Shadow. "Just looking about to see who is all here and what not." She points out as she continues to look about as she smiles watching Faya and the others. It was such a nice day. To the point that Tsumetai feels a bit sleepy. "Maybe a nap in the sun will recharge me."
She giggles a bit as she said that.

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