Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:09 am
° ...EdelNickname...Eddy Gender...Female Breed...Dragonfly DOB...January 6th, 2009
Parents...Unknown Siblings...None Mate...Al'ar Children... With Arythil;Danae and Aquila With Sciophobia Orion and Lior
Height...14 Hands at Normal Height. Eye Color...Light Green Temper...Noble Familiar...Dusk Other Images...Uncert | Preggers Uncert Obtained...Masquerade Raffle
Likes...Unique Encounters, Oddities, Sight, and sweet fruits Dislikes...Anger, Frustration, and the World
Personality...Edel, well let's say, she enjoys her peace. She didn't always used to be that way. When you first run into her, she can give off a bad 'all about me' vibe, and it's hard to really get over at first. She says a lot of snobby things, just in an attempt to get you to leave her alone. But, if you can ever manage to get past her safeguard, she'll stand up for you whenever you ask.
Her curiosity can often get the better of her at times. She can open up too fast to complete stranger if they have the right personality and some interesting trait about them. She's also into the habit of wandering into some pretty sticky situations. She could certainly use a travel partner...or two. History...Edel comes for a rather spontaneous past, when she was young she had a blinding incident with a fire and though not entirely blind, she does wear a light blind fold, she can just barely see though it, to protect her eyes. She lost her family in the fire, which started due to an awful rivalry and was started by someone she thought she could trust. No more.
She's come to realize how harsh the world is and can be. She hides behind her blindfold, but hopes to one day remove it for good and embrace the world a new!
She's slowly getting into the world again...
Edel is having children, with a Stallion she doesn't even know! She's torn up about it, never seeing him again, and has no idea what to do with herself! She's looking for someone to teach her how to really love. Someone to be with her for the rest of her life. Someone, to share her secret with...
RP Color...Darkblue
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:12 am
° ...Melody FortèNickname...Mel, or simply Melody Gender...Female Breed...Poke'Soq - Chingling DOB...April 26th, 2009
Parents...Unknown Siblings...None Mate...Mecho Amachi Children...Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, Baroque, Farruca, Rhapsody, Mezzo, Fermata, Echo, Allegro, and Opus Herd...Yectebehua
Height...16 Hands Eye Color...Bright Red Temper...Musical Familiar...None Other Images...Uncert | Preggo Obtained...Pokemon V.2 Raffle
Likes...Bells, Music, Caves, and anything Mysterious. Dislikes...Silence, Dark thing, the color orange, and bugs with more then eight legs.
Personality...Melody Fortè likes to think of herself as a Mystery solver, and willing to take on any challenge that presents itself to her. Once she picks a side, she'll fight for it till the end, unless something comes a long that can seriously, honestly convince her other wise. For the most part she's playful and easy to be around with, though she can often completely blank out of a conversation if she's distracted or finds it boring. History...You might think you know Melody fairly well. Since most of the time you've known her, she's been with her very caring, loving mate Mecho Amachi. It's almost hard to believe there was a time when they were never together, and even before that a time when neither of them belonged in the Kawani lands at all! Mecho's herd belonged out in the dessert, and Melody's herd was actually quite far away out in the plains.
Melody can recall tales of her old herd as quick as she could bat her eyes! The Farhaana Herd was very female oriented, much likes the harpies except they weren't quite so captive with their stallions. However, choosing mates was never really based on real romance. You were paired up with your mate depending on the gene pool. Melody's own mother was the herd Alpha, and therefore she had her mate picked out for her as soon as she was able to walk. This is mostly part of the reason she abandoned her old herd to begin with. Her sisters loved their future partners, but she couldn't exactly stand hers, or really just the whole idea behind it. And yes, all of Melody's siblings that she knew before she up and left were mares, Melody herself is quite surprised that she has two lovely sons!
Anyway, the herd's biggest beliefs revolved around dancing. There are several varieties of dance in their herd that bring about their fortunes. Should something go wrong in the dance, or should the wrong dance be preformed on the wrong day, misfortune is said to be quick to befall the Farhaana Herd.
If you were to take a good look around the herd, you would probably notice that many of them were of natural colors, usually all shades of brown, blacks, and a few darker blues of even greens. Maybe the occasional deeps red even, but the point it that most of the herd blended in nicely with their simple surroundings, but they did express their individuality enough with all their colorful scarfs and bells. One thing her tribe took pride in were their accessories! Everyone wore bells around their hooves for the dancing, even the Stallions were allowed to take part in several of the dances, very few were strictly mares only.
Mares tend to have shorter mane and tail styles, simply because they get in the way at time when dancing. However, if they wish to grow out their manes or tails, they must simply bind them up while dancing. Stallions wear their manes and tails however they please, and the mares don't tend to care what they do with them, so long as they also bind them out of he way if they wish to dance.
RP Color...Crimson
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:15 am
° ...DanaeNickname...Danny Gender...Male Breed...½ Uni | ½ Mutant Flutter | Gen 2 DOB...June 28th, 2009
Parents...Edel and Arithyl Siblings...Aquila | Half-Siblings Orion and Lior Mate...Eillafae vel Sol Children...None yet.
Height...15 Hands Eye Color...Lavender Temper...Chivalrous Familiar...None. Other Images...Basket | Foal | Adult Obtained...Nerpin Breeding
Likes...Daydreaming, Flowers, Fun, and the Sky. Dislikes...Cloudy Days, Smelly Things, and Rain.
Personality...Danae likes to think of himself as the boss in his own life. He doesn't take orders from anyone and isn't easily scared. He likes to think of himself as a missing Prince, since he never met his father. He's a big day dreamer, and loves to have happy conversations with just about everyone he bumps into.
Of course, that doesn't mean he's a total pushover. He knows when someone is being rude to him, and he doesn't take kindly to that kind of behavior. History...No, Danae doesn't wear his blindfold because he believes in his mother's 'principles'. In fact, there was a time when he never needed it. And all through growing up he learned to us what little power he was given from his father, but being on half Uni, and half mutant Flutter, it wasn't much. Still, what he couldn't do on sheer instinct, he learned to control by what means he could gather from the environment. There's no doubt that he has real talent, but herbs help along the process, and he's not only excellent at healing physical wounds, but emotional as well.
Of course, then he was blinded. He came across a pure-kalona attacking a terrified larger stallion. Well, Danae couldn't just stand by and watch. He whipped his tail at the Kalona, and didn't realize what exactly he was getting himself into. He was knocked down, hard, and decided, (since the stallion he had saved had run off) that it would be best for him to just stay down. Well that's when the Kalona decided to use the Dark magic on him, to spread an illness inside him that caused him to go blind.
He wondered at first if there could be a way to save his eyes, but after several visits to countless Pure Uni's, it was obvious to everyone that he wouldn't be getting his eyesight back. He didn't know why it wouldn't work. He had heard of countless time when a Uni would reverse the affects of the Dark Magic, but for some reason it wouldn't work for him.
So, he adopted his mother's blindfold simply because he didn't want people staring into him empty eyes, he was afraid it might freak some Soquili out. Still, he was no less of a healer. and he's still excellent to this day.
RP Color...Darkorchid
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:40 am
° ...Lt. SamualNickname...Sammy Gender...Male Breed...Steampunk DOB...June 30th, 2009
Parents...Unknown. Siblings...None. Mate...Edana Children...Meridah, Cael, and Macklyn
Height...16.5 Hands Eye Color...Blue Temper...Spunky Familiar...None. Other Images...--- Obtained...Lil June Customs
Likes...Stars, Different Rocks / Stones, Rivers, Mountains, and Winter. Dislikes...Deserts, Sour Fruits, Dry Days, and Frilly Mares.
Personality...Sammy is Quirky and oblivious to most of his surroundings. Her prefers to spend his time alone, but likes to think of himself as the happy-go-lucky type. He's friendly when you approach him, but can easily be distracted by just about anything. History...Samual was born into a family that worked for a King of a distant land. His family was closely connected to the royal family, they'd be their protectors for ages. So, Samual had to step up to high expectations. He was expected to know how to fight and protect, and have a wonderful mind. No one was surprised when Samual excelled in his field.
But he always resented having to work for the Royal family. He was bossed around by them and his parents. It drove him crazy, when he was young he hung on their every word, but after a while he began to realize his family was like a toy to the Royals, and his parents were blind to it.
He played along for years, rising to the title of Lieutenant in their forces. Then, when war began, he abandoned his Kingdom. He used to chaos to make his escape, and he never once turned around to learn what had become of them. He knew if their survived he'd be whispered about as the betrayer. But he didn't care.
He has a life of his own now, and he couldn't be happier about it.
RP Color...Firebrick
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:43 am
° ...JoukoNickname...Jay Gender...Female Breed...Grounded | Ninja OC Cosplay DOB...July 5th, 2009
Parents...Unknown. Siblings...None. Mate...Price Children...None yet.
Height...15 Hands Eye Color...Blue Temper...Klutzy Familiar...None. Other Images...Uncert Obtained...Dawnie July Customs Month
Likes...Flowers, Shades of Red, Helping, and Laughing. Dislikes...Gray Skies, The Dark, Enemies, and Falling/Tripping.
Personality...Jouko is naturally sweet and trusting to anyone she meets. When it comes to meeting other she'd always upfront with them, not really caring if anyone likes what she has to saw, though she very rarely says anything bad about people. She's a wonderful conversation starter. In fact, the only real problem anyone has with her, is that fact she's awfully klutzy. She trips over just about anything. Most of the time, her own scarf. History...Jouko doesn't ever remember having a family, for as long as she's been around she's always been a wanderer by nature. The only clue into her past is her headband, a symbol that she once belonged to a tribe, but whatever had happened to them or her, she wasn't with them any longer.
She's a bargainer of sorts, she likes to trade and attempt making the world better. She likes to think she helps others, but most of the time she just gets in the way. She loves everyone, and just about everyone loves her in return, despite her annoying moments.
RP Color...Gray
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:45 am
° ...Minuet AmachiNickname...Minny Gender...Female Breed...Pokèsoq! DOB...December 14, 2009
Parents...Melody Forte and Mecho Amachi Siblings...Rondel, Cabriole, Baroque, Farruca, Rhapsody, Mezzo, Fermata, Echo, Allegro, and Opus Mate...Rakko Aquila Children...None yet~ Herd...Yectenehua
Height...16 Hands Eye Color...Gold Temper...Pianissimo Familiar...None. Other Images...Uncert Obtained...DiHi. Breedings Slot! <3
Likes...Collections, Dancing, Laughing, Playing, and generally being Innocent. Dislikes...Storms, Getting Lost, Crying, and feeling Abandoned.
Personality...Minuet is typically a very quiet Mare. Although she loves to interact and meet with new Soquili, she'll usually wait for them to notice her or she'll slyly begin a conversation about them. She can be a bit nerdy at first, asking them silly questions about themselves. She knows not to go too far with her questioning though. She loves to help around the herd, and she absolutely loves to be with her father.
She's a mare that could easily become heartbroken however. With her mother having left them before she was old enough to remember her, she typically feels abandoned, and with often ask what was wrong with her, that her mother had to leave them. She's a quiet ponderer, but she tend to be very intuitive about others. History...Minuet, well from the time she popped out of her basket she had a hard life. Of course, when she was young it was clouded by her fondness for her father, who was barely there, andf by the care of Cuauhcoatl. You see, from the moment she could walk, her father Mecho Amachi herded her and her sibling to the Yectenehua Herd, and along the way they lost her older sister Rondel. Still, there was no turning back to look for her. As soon as they arrived at the Herd's current location, her and her older brother Cabirole were left in the Alpha's and Protector's care, while her father went in search of their missing sister.
She excelled under Cuauhcoatl's care, and Ikinya's as well. She grew up with her older brother and Ikinya's adopted son, and was content with her life. She even taught herself to dance, even though there wasn't anyone around to teach her. She would even dance with her brother, although he was clumsy and never really good, still she managed to match his offbeat just fine.
Then, when she was a young teen, her father returned. Not only with their missing sibling, but with her mother as well. She didn't know how to handle the sudden return of her mother. She was a bit hesitant at first, and can still be a bit hesitant with her to this day.
Then, just when things were looking better for her family, and the Yetenehua Herd was getting settled, the unthinkable happened. Cabriole, the one person that went through as much parental trouble as herself, was kidnapped by harpies. She decided she wanted to handle the news on her own, so she took a little break form the herd. And that's when she was reunited with an old friend. Rakko Aquili, she spent a lot of time alone with him, and then decided it was time to bring him home to her family. They'll be together forever, and despite everything, she's managed to make a happy life for herself.
RP Color...Dodgerblue
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:48 am
° ...LiorNickname...N/A Gender...Female Breed...Flutter Mutant DOB...February 28, 2010.
Parents...Edel and Sciophobia Siblings...Orion Half-Siblings; Danae and Aquila Mate...Quirrel Children...None yet~
Height...15 hands Eye Color...Pale-silver Temper...Glorious Familiar...Minkar Other Images...Uncert Obtained...Drunken Cupid Singles Mixer! || Breeding by Rapidashtrainer
Likes...Stars, Traveling, Adventure, Herself, Her brother, Lovely objects/soquili/anything, and Flying(when she gets older and can fly. ♥) Dislikes...Water, Anything ugly/untasteful, Anywhere she can't see stars, Hot climates/days, and Jerks.
Personality...It's almost as if Orion and Lior have switched parts in your typical brother/sister duo. Orion tends to space out a lot, and can be easily distracted, living in his own world. Where as Lior is all about reality, and often sticks close to her brother to watch out for him. She pampers herself like crazy, and like her mother has a love of the stars. The only time she ever becomes spaced out like her brother would be on a clear starry night. She tends to not get along with others when she first meets them, and she'll hate anyone that makes fun of her petite size. History...Lior is Edel's youngest foal, but probably her most aggressive. Edel is raising her in an attempt to make her a little more...homely, but Lior believes she needs to be tough to protect her brother. And there's the fact that everyone else in her family is smaller then her, with the exception of her brother, who is well...whimsical. She doesn't have much of a history so far, other then the fact that she's fairly smart, thanks to her mother's training.
RP Color...Mediumblue
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:51 am
° ...CaliborNickname...Cali, but please don't use it! D8 Gender...Male Breed...Second Gen. Grounded DOB...February 2nd, 2010
Parents...Bella Swan and Callan MacTaíl Siblings...Renesme, Fearthainn, Edana, Arthur, Searlait Mate...None Children...N/A
Height...17 Hands Eye Color...Green Temper...Kinetic Familiar...N/A Other Images... Obtained...Co-Ownership between myself and Paynes Gray! <33
Likes... Dislikes...
Personality...Calibor is the type of Soquili that can get along with just about anyone, he knows how to act around someone to gain their trust or affections. Though, deep down he really is a kind hearted stallion. He would never gain someone's trust with the thought of hurting them in the end. Sure, he's a bit of a klepto like his older sister Edana, but he's actually more of a small time thief then she ever was. He can be a bit childish at time, but that's only because he never really wanted to grow up in the first place. He enjoys he life with no responsibility, and he wouldn't change it for the world. History...
RP Color...Green
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:53 am
° ...Baroque AmachiNickname...CUTIEPIE! <3 Gender...Male Breed...2nd Gen. Winged PokèSoq DOB...December 7th, 2010
Parents...Melody Forte and Mecho Amachi Siblings...Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, Farruca, Rhapsody, Mezzo, Fermata, Echo, Allegro, and Opus. Mate...Bellezza Children...Falsetto, Cadence, and Berceuse Chopin Amachi Herd...Yectenehua
Height...16.5 Eye Color...Red, like mamas! Temper...Dolce Familiar...None Other Images...Uncert Obtained...
Likes...Sweet Yummies Dislikes...Bitter foods
Personality...Dulce, which means 'sweetly and softy'. Baroque is one of the biggest sweethearts out there, always putting others before himself. He'll do an random job around the herd just to be helpful, a sort of 'master of all trades' Soquili. Of course, he's only a foal and barely a master at anything. However, just because he'll do just about anything for a random stranger, doesn't mean he doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. Trust me, he's been raised better then that! History...Baroque grew up safe, and comfortably in the boundaries of the Yectenehua Herd. Of course there were the occasional moments when he wandered off on his own, or with his father in preparation of his Scouting position. When he wasn't off scouting, or somewhere wandering around on his own, he could usually be found with his mother, Melody, learning to dance. Needless to say he picked it up quickly, and eventually even taught Cuauhcoatl and Zyanya in exhange for flying lessons. He loved soaring around in the air, and it came in handy with his Scouting.
RP Color...Orchid
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:54 am
° ...Echo AmachiNickname...Echo Gender...Female Breed...2nd Gen. Poke'Soq DOB...June 19, 2011
Parents...Melody Forte and Mecho Amachi Siblings...Minuet, Rondel, Cabriole, Baroque, Farruca, Rhapsody, Mezzo, Fermata, Allegro, and Opus Mate...Looking Children...None. Herd...Yectenehua
Height...16 Hands Eye Color...Crimson Temper...Eroico [ 'heroically' ] Familiar...Song Other Images...Uncert Obtained...Nerpin Breeding!
Likes...Helping, Running, Dancing, the Sound of Bells and her family. Dislikes...Pain, Screeching, Getting Lost, and being thought of a too young.
Personality...Echo is one of the youngest Amachi children, only her younger sister is in the way of her being the youngest herself. And she does not enjoy being looked down upon as young and inexperienced. She tries her hardest to seem mature like her elders. Still, she enjoys to run around and get out her excess energy. She usually does that by learning to dance with her mother and older siblings. Still, Echo has adopted a personality like one might expect to see from an older sibling. She cares very much for others and loves to care for the siblings that are her own age. Sometimes she puzzles over the fact that she's so pink compared to all of her other siblings, but she doesn't let that get her down. She loves to help out when she can, and often fantasies about being a hero in her own right. History...
RP Color...Fuchsia
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:57 am
° ...Eleftheria Nickname...Ele Gender...Female Breed...Hippogryph DOB...September 9th, 2011
Parents...Unknown. Siblings...None. Mate...N/A Children...With Bregan ; Trielae & Aponi
Height...14.5 Hands Eye Color...Orange Temper...Optimistic Familiar...N/A Other Images... Uncert Obtained...Alliance Raffle
Likes...Rain, Clouds, Fruits Dislikes...Sand, Sand, and more Sand.
Personality...Eleftheria is one spunky mare with a lot of guts, and an up-beat positive personality to match. She knows when to get straight to business and she knows when the times call for a more casual existence as well. She's known for her bit of a lucky streak and has always thought she was so lucky because she has such a bright outlook on everything. There's one thing we know for sure, and it's that you want this lady here on your side. History...Eleftheria has always been aware of the alliance between the Hippogryphs and the Ulun’Suti. Having been born in Clearspring she knew of the bond the two breeds shared and was aware of the situation with the Hippogryph that wished to live alone in Gigage Awoyeni. Her father was a part of the Clearspring Alliance and she followed in his footsteps. Often traveling with her father to the alliance home and one day growing up to become a Guardian of the Alliance. Not a lot gets past her and she quite the feisty girl when she needs to be.
Thus, when the rebellion started she was tasked to be a part of a team to bring them back. If not bring them back, than to at least settle the differences between them, right the wrongs and bring back the calmness. Upon setting foot in the Kawani lands she was set to stay i a small Kawani Village and keep an eye on the natives. All of whom were very welcoming and she was a bit shocked by all the variances in breeds of Soquili. She had only heard tales of their old home before being forced out and into their desert homes.
She grew to enjoy the village and decided to uproot herself from her old home and travel the new Kawani lands in wonder. She wanted to know everything she could about the new territory. Of course, she will always be a Guardian of the Clearspring Alliance at heart and welcome to come back whenever she pleases.
RP Color...Teal
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 10:58 am
° ...Alyssia Flew Nickname...Aly Gender...Female Breed...Gen. 2, half Kirin, half Grounded DOB...August 16th, 2012
Parents... Aalun and Arthur Flew Siblings...Alexander & Ruada Mate...Too young! Children...Too young!
Height...18 Hands Eye Color...Blue Temper...Tenacious Familiar...N/A Other Images...Uncert Obtained...Gifted Basket! From Arge! Agneza breeding!
Likes...Fighting, Exploring, Training, and her Family. Dislikes...Storms or continuous rain.
Personality...Alyssia wants to be the perfect example for her siblings. She has a bit of an eldest sibling complex and even though she's not the son in the family, she still thinks of herself as the baddest of the bad due to her size. She can come off as a bit of a tomboy around strangers and she'll often grow on people and become more dignified around those she has known for some time. She knows when to be polite to the right people, taking to the lessons taught to her from her mother. History...As a young filly Alyssia would get into her fair share of trouble. She tended to pick fights that she couldn't possibly hope to win and somehow just manage to scamper her way out of them. She came home often with bruises or scrapes when she was younger. Whether it was from another foal or from wandering off into some dense forest or tumbling down a hill. Nothing could stop the streak of adventure in her bones.
RP Color...Purple
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:00 am
° ...Sedna Nickname...Sedna Gender...Female Breed...Ghostreef - Mutant Kelpie DOB...October 20th, 2012
Parents...Unknown Siblings...None - as far as she knows Mate...N/A Children...None
Height...15.5 Hands Eye Color...Blue Temper...Fierce Familiar...None Other Images...Uncert Obtained...Pumpkin Patch Game! '12
Likes...Fish, the Reef, Water, and Treasure. Dislikes...Land (during the day), Dry Sand, and Birds.
Personality...Sedna is very conceited and doesn't really think there are many people out their who are her equals. She a harder and will quickly attack anyone that tried to mess with her things. As far as land-dwellers go she's more of a neutral kelpie toward them, although she prefers as little interaction with them as possible. She'd be more likely to ignore one than to attack one. She is an omnivore, meaning she can eat on the underwater plants around her reef or she can munch on the different fish she finds underwater. She prefers fish over land-based prey and really hates the fur the accompanies land-based prey. The only type of Soquili she'd ever really attack without any sort of provocation would be winds. She's very jealous of their ability to fly over the ocean and dive into the water from above and also she has a distaste for birds so this doesn't help. History...Sedna believes herself to have been born of the reef she dwells in. As she never knew of any parents she had when she was younger and her first memory is of waking up in the water with fish greeting her and the coral around her bright and colorful. She believes she was born to be the protector of it's beauty and believes it even holds some magical mysteries.
RP Color...Deepskyblue
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:02 am
° ...Rotem Amachi Nickname...Simply Rotem Gender...Male Breed...Regular | Amachi Clan DOB...November 5, 2012
Parents...Fallo Amachi x ??? Siblings...Sabras Amachi and ??? Mate...None Children...None
Height...16.5 Hands Eye Color...Gold Temper...Gallant Familiar...None Other Images...Uncert Obtained...CYO Halloween Plushie Conversion - HG
Likes...Running, Night time, and Rain. Dislikes...The heat (although doesn't really complain bout it), elaborate parties, and snobby Soquili.
Personality...Rotem is one of the easiest Soquili to get along with. He is very agreeable and doesn't really like to push the buttons of others, and he prefers when people don't push his buttons either. However, during confrontation he is more likely to just find some way to ignore you then drag out the fight. Don't let him fool you though, this softy knows how to fight, and he's put it to good use as an Ayaridrak, which is a stockguard for large caravans in the desert. He loves to watch after others and actually enjoys spending time with foals. He likes to teach people how to fight and often enjoys racing Iqbal, and occasionally he'll win when Iqbal let's him or if he finds some short cut. History...
RP Color...mediumspringgreen
Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:03 am
° ...Cadence Amachi Nickname...Caddy Gender...Female Breed...4th Gen. Poke'Soq DOB...March 28th, 2013
Parents...Bellezza and Baroque Amachi Siblings...Falsetto and Berceuse Chopin Mate...N/A Children...N/A Herd...Yectenehua
Height...14.5 Hands Eye Color...Pink Temper...Vivace - 'Lively' Familiar...None Other Images...Uncert Obtained...Mobbu's October Twisted Tunnel
Likes...Adventure, Storytellings, and Dancing. Dislikes...Rain, Tears, and Dysfunctional Beats.
Personality...Cadence has a personality that just can be calmed. She is always working on something, whether it be a new dance routine or working on a new story. She likes a life of adventure and therefore doesn't typically stay around her home herd twenty-four seven. Although it is where she can be found most often. When she leaves she'll only be gone for a few months at most, and comes back with dozens of new stories to tell. She isn't calm and collected like your typical Amachi family member. She has a lot of excess energy that she's constantly burning through. History...Cadence emerged from her basket to a particularly sad mother and a very distraught father. She never blamed them for being so distracted in her early youth that she was mostly raised by her Grandparents and other members of the tribe. You see, when she was only a basket, her basketmate had been kidnapped. Her parents tried everything they could think to do to discover what had happened to her other sibling and Cadence continued to grow closer to her other sibling, Falsetto.
Eventually her parents were able to be around more often and she started to connect to both of them on better grounds. She always loved her parents and was always deeply saddened by the lose of a sibling she would likely never get to know. However, life always continues. Eventutally it came time for her Growing Up Ceremony, a tradition in the Amachi family where a child leave home accompanied by some older relative (Not a parent) and discovers something to bring home. Cadence discovered a rather creepy skull and devised a story behind it. Upon bringing it home she set the skulls down and danced around it as she spun a fantastical tale. She inspires to learn all different kinds of lore and share them with the land.
RP Color...Medium Turquoise