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Return of Jack, Episode 3: Jack's Redemption [Event] Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:41 pm
Crystal would stop in her tracks once she felt that recognizable twitch in her tail, ears going straight up as her face grew severe. "Watch out," she called out, eyes glowing light blue as she used her mental powers to try and lift up another shelf before throwing it at the large tree root going after Sub. "Just wonderful... A haunted, decrepit urban jungle of sorts. Just what we needed." She would try and focus after that, focusing on trying to locate any more larger roots that might try to attack and counter them as soon as possible.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:49 am
With the Snagems inside the Thrifty Megamart, someone from outside might her the scuffle starting within. "What the heck?!"

"Nea?" The small Pokemon as his feet replied, turning toward the building as well.

"I come to research the local soil and a bunch of kids get themselves into trouble nearby..." The man groaned, rubbing at his forehead with a free hand. Stowing his papers and the few small vials he'd been working with on the beach nearby into a knapsack his Pokemon was carrying. Taking the bag back from his Pokemon, he threw it over his shoulder and began to walk toward the megamart, bare feet meeting the crumbling road with practiced care. "We should offer them some help, Hem."

"Cac!" The Pokemon replied, hobbling along next to his trainer.

When the pair reached the entrance and looked inside, at first, they couldn't see anything. "What's going on?" And then all of a sudden, everything became clear. The man's eyes adjusted to the lower light inside the building fairly quickly and then he could see the Snagems struggling against the flames and roots. "What the heck, you arsonists! Hemlock, Mud-slap!"

The Cacnea nodded and slammed one of his spiky arms into the ground, releasing some of the moisture within to collect the disgusting dust and grime off the floor before flinging the nasty composite of goop toward the flames, the application of ground-type energy to the gunk causing it to rapidly expand. Human and Pokemon alike could only hope that the attack would douse the wild fires these kids were looking to start.

Odd could only look over his shoulder at the man's appearance and groan. "Sub...We've got a civilian..."

"Civilian?" The man in question asked, several of his brunet dreadlocks falling from his wrap as he blinked in confusion. "Does he mean me?" The man asked his Pokemon, ice blue eyes showing nothing but pure confusion at this point.  

Requiem of Whyspers

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:02 pm
Numerous roots were destroyed by physical and ethereal flames conjured by Pokemon under the ownership of Rein and Odd as well as several others frozen and shattered. Arkelos would be spared by the quick action of his Rockruff as well as Sub would be as Crystal mentally hurled an entire shelf at the root which threatened to grab him. Overkill but hey, it worked.

While everyone was safe for the time being the chaos was just beginning. During the brief moment Sub was able to actually think and pay attention he turned to face Odd who pointed the 'civilian' in their midst, the man now looking at the newcomer. "Um...dude? This is not-"

"Treveee!" Roared the owner of the roots as more suddenly exploded out from behind the shelves and other various shadowy places. At the center of the mart a cluster of shelves were blown away as the body of the root owner appeared, rapidly rising up out of the ground, a massive Trevenant trunk now positioned at the center of Thirty Megamart.

"That's a uh...big murder tree." Sub commented.

Without delay the monster would attack again, this time taking care to point out each individual trespasser. A root which its end looked positively like some horned beast would charge 'horns' first at Rockruff, the 'horns' giving off a green glow as this particularly root executed a Horn Leech, threatening to not only send the pup flying into his owner but to also drain some of its juices away.

Two roots would come for Odd, each one crawling on the ground with their newfound 'hands' as each of their ends carried a Shadow Claw. The hands would swipe and claw at Odd, as if purposely trying to get him to move away. Eventually they would attempt to corner him between two shelves and if successful the pair of roots would slam into the outside of the shelves, attempting to sandwich Odd between them.

Rein would have to deal with a thick root would a bulbous end coming straight for him, as if to punch him. Certainly his Litwick would come to his rescue and once it did the room would just drop into the floor and quickly disappear, room reappearing from the ceiling to slam down on the Litwick from above with Feint Attack.

As for Crystal things might be a little more 'spooky' for her as a root began to rapidly wrap its self around a nearby shelf containing old animated Stufful dolls. Back in the day they would make cute sounds and hug you when you hugged them. This time however their hugs would be less pleasant as the Trevenant placed a Forest Curse on them, the Stufful rapidly becoming covered in a moss-like substance which would bring them to life, the dolls immediately jumping off the shelves one by one and coming straight for Crystal, their newly wood covered arms flailing.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:36 pm
“What are you kids doing in here?!” The newcomer to the group demanded, stepping inside as he questioned the group at large.

“Gah!” Odd jumped back at the sudden appearance of the clawed roots tryIng to scratch at him. He’d normally defend himself but this just wasn’t something he could defend himself from. Bobbing and weaving around the clawing roots, Odd found himself squished between two rack of shelving with little to nowhere to go. “Need a little help here!” He called a moment before the shelves around him him began to move. “Oh crap...” Luckily for him, his intangibility acted automatically in these sorts of situations. As soon as the shelves converged on him, he’d phase through them. “That’s gonna sting later... “

Hey! I know this guy!

“What?” Odd asked, the lantern on his hip.

This guy’s name is Kapre if he’s the same Trevenant I think he is.

“What difference does that make?!” Odd demanded, signaling Chorale to come to his side. “Frost Breath!” The Frosslass nodded and blew a narrow stream of freezing air at the roots around them.

If you can get me close enough, I think I can reason with him.

“Great...Who wants to play ‘Catch the evil spirit’?” Pointing to the newcomer, he waved at him. “These things look like they’re ignoring you for now. Catch and get close to that thing while we distract it!” He ordered as he unhooked Jack’s lantern and threw it toward him.

“I’m lost...” “Cac cac...” looked like he and his Pokémon were in agreement there. “They seem like they actually need help after all. Think we can get in there?”

“Cac!” Hemlock nodded and started hobbling toward the middle of the room. His trainer nodded silently and followed him, watching where he placed his bare feet.  

Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

Ms Edyn

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 4:57 pm
"Looks like this is the place," Sihlo said, looking up at the megamart and brushing her hand across the head of the Purrloin in her arms. The girl had received an anonymous tip on her phone telling her to come here. Considering the limited number of people who had access to that number, she chose to follow the advice and come.

Despite the uneasy feeling she was getting from the seemingly abandoned building, Sihlo set the small feline down and pulled one of her pistols from its holster before making her way inside, "Let's do this."  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 5:54 pm
Ms Edyn
"Looks like this is the place," Sihlo said, looking up at the megamart and brushing her hand across the head of the Purrloin in her arms. The girl had received an anonymous tip on her phone telling her to come here. Considering the limited number of people who had access to that number, she chose to follow the advice and come.

Despite the uneasy feeling she was getting from the seemingly abandoned building, Sihlo set the small feline down and pulled one of her pistols from its holster before making her way inside, "Let's do this."

As soon as Sihlo showed up a root would appear from a dark corner of the mart, the root 'spitting' several seeds at Sihlo's direction. The seeds would stop short of hitting Sihlo and instead of harming her direction they would 'hatch' and release several snake-like roots which would glide along the ground at an astonishing speed and head straight for the woman. Once near they would reveal themselves to have mouths and sharp thorn-like 'fangs'. The Leech Seed snakes would attempting to bite down on Sihlo and drain her of her life force, the root snakes relying on their numbers to overwhelm her as they were physically weak.  



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Ms Edyn

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 6:10 pm
A few colorful curses would fly from Sihlo's mouth as she jumped back from the weird looking roots making their way towards her. Raising her weapon, the girl fired several shots at the roots before calling out to her pokemon, signalling to him it was safe to enter the fight without the risk of getting shot, "Sabbath!"

At hearing his name being called, the Purrloin wasted no time in throwing a Dark Pulse at the roots closest to Sihlo's feet, giving her a chance to, hopefully, escape the weird snake-like things.  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:17 pm

As for Crystal things might be a little more 'spooky' for her as a root began to rapidly wrap its self around a nearby shelf containing old animated Stufful dolls. Back in the day they would make cute sounds and hug you when you hugged them. This time however their hugs would be less pleasant as the Trevenant placed a Forest Curse on them, the Stufful rapidly becoming covered in a moss-like substance which would bring them to life, the dolls immediately jumping off the shelves one by one and coming straight for Crystal, their newly wood covered arms flailing.

Crystal turned her gaze to the now animate Stufful dolls, taking a step back in slight confusion. "I... Ah..." March march, flail flail, all towards her, and the dolls were accompanied with what she could have sworn was a horribly distorted version of what they probably said when they were functional. "Why?... Why the Stufful?" She fumbled for a Pokéball before deciding to grab it mentally and throw it out.

~"Okay, what the hell,"~ the purple furred fox cat would send to only her trainer after being released from the Pokéball, staring down the Stufful. ~"I kinda want to see what they would do to you now. You know. Try to beat you to death with tiny... Are those wood,"~ the Espeon would ask, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes, you brat, now use a Swift on them! There's something else animating them that we'll need to deal with next," Crystal growled, flattening her ears.

~"Fine, fine... But I'm bringing this up to Daruma later,"~ she stated as light blue stars would surround her, enough for each one of the plushies. With a flick of the pure Espeon's tail, the stars would launch out at the plushes, trying to slice each one through.

"... And why do you get to call him just Daruma, Apolla?"  



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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:35 pm
Requiem of Whyspers

The roots near Odd and Chorale would recoil in fear as the freezing breath swept across them, one of them not fortunate enough to get away as it was frozen solid, falling to the ground where it would shatter into pieces. The surviving clawed root would shake at Odd violently before the shadowy hand at its end condensed into a ball form and flew off the end of said root as a Shadow Ball was launched at Chorale, though when just several feet away from contact from the Froslass the Shadow Ball would explode violent, sending a wave of spectral energy outward from its core, hoping to knock back both the trainer and his Pokemon.

The haunted tree and his roots would no longer ignore Hemlock now that Jack was in his possession, a single root shooting up out of the ground in front of him, the twisted and distorted root filled with such frightening ghost energy that Hemlock would not see a root but some horribly grotesque monster towering over him. While the Trevenant tried to distract and instill fear in Hemlock with Astonish another root would attempt to covertly sneak up on Hemlock from behind, looking to wrap its self around his leg and drain him of his life force.

Ms Edyn

A few of the tiny snake-like roots were destroyed in the Purrloin's blast of dark energy, however many more were unscathed as they began to leap off the ground and attempt to latch onto the Purrloin and act like leaches as they would suck the cat's energy away. While Sihlo was safe from the 'snakes', even though her Pokemon wasn't, she would catch a glimpse of an unfamiliar man and his Cacnea, said man being startled by what looked like a plain root to her. If anything would interest her in him though it was the fact that another root was sneaking up on him from behind, the man named Hemlock completely unaware that it was about to snatch him up.


As for Crystal her enemies the Legion of Demonic Dolls, the Swift attack would pelt the reanimated dolls, the blue stars slash through one after another. While several of the dolls were hit Crystal and Apolla would come to a startling conclusion: Just cutting them in half or lobbing their head off didn't stop them. The dolls would keep coming, even those who were only half the doll they previous were or ones with one leg. Just cutting them up wasn't enough, they needed to annihilate them.

The mostly mutilated dolls would now throw themselves at Crystal and Apolla, the dolls punching, kicking, and biting once they latched onto their prey. The occasional one, once they bit down with their new thorn fangs, would drain away their victim's life force, like little fluffy mutant zombie vampires.

One of the dolls would miss its mark and crash into a shelf containing barbecuing products, ancient bags of charcoal and lighter fluid scattering across the floor.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:24 pm

Arkelos stood there as the Leech Horn drew closer. Rockruff stood there eyeing the attack. As it got closer and closer, the two just stood there in aticipation. With a loud crack, shelving, cans, debris all went flying in different directions. Arkelos covered his face only revealing enough to let out a howling cackle. "Great Substitute Rockruff. Now FIRE FANG! LIGHT A FIRE THAT WILL BURN IT IN THE AFTERLIFE!" Rockruff came out of the shadows, fangs burning brighter and hotter than the sun itself. Landing a bite so hard he nearly broken through the root. Veins like flames crept along the root, stopping a inches away from the bite. Fissures erupted from the glowing veins, with flames and embers.

"Great job Rockruff." Arkelos said, "Now pierce it in place, Stone Edge it to the wall, ceiling, ground- hell even to itself it you want. Just keep it in place." Rockruff let out several sharp rock spikes that stabbed and pierced through it immobilizing it. Rockruff returned to Arkelos' side.  


Ms Edyn

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:02 pm
"Sabbath, fall back and keep going with the Dark Pulses, we gotta find a way to get away from these weird snake things," Sihlo shouted, taking a few more shots at the leaping roots before looking around for an escape route. That was when she noticed the other person in the area. Or more specifically, the root coming up behind him.

"Hey, dumbass," she yelled in an attempt to get the man's attention, "Got one coming up behind you." Of her shout failed to alert the man of the coming danger, the girl would simply turn her gun onto the root and take a shot.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 5:18 pm
A ghost mission, late at night on Halloween. Connor was going to pass on this one; for starters, ghost creeped him out. But seeing as he needed Sub's help (just this one time) and the man was preoccupied with "this", he figured he should expedite things by lending a hand. The doors to the store would fly open once more, Connor stepping through with staff in hand and a Chimchar on his shoulder. He took one look around at the paranormal activity and promptly turned around to leave. "Don't know what I expected, really" he mumbled. But then said Chimchar jumped off his shoulder, rolling off into the fray with Flame Wheel. "Hey! Get back here!" he called out to the little monkey. The speedy fireball would head toward Crystal, circling around her and hitting those bits of doll parts. Connor sucked his teeth, turning around to pursue his Pokemon.  


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Requiem of Whyspers

Fashionable Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 9:54 pm
The Trevenant's Astonish worked well enough at startling Hemlock, the Cacnea freezing up and flinching for a moment, dropping Jack's lantern in the process. "Aconite, Spiky Shield!" The call from the young woman behind him alerted the Cacnea's trainer to the root attempting to attack from behind the Pokemon unseen. Throwing out a Pokeball as he called an order, a second cactus appeared facing the rear of the Cacnea. The Maractus rattled her "ears" and a glowing green shield appeared around the pair of them. If that root made contact with it, the shield would erupt with countless needles, skewering the root and driving it back. At least Aconite's presence made Hemlock feel more secure, giving him a moment to recover his composure and reclaim the lantern.

Looking around for someone else that was closer to the source of all this, the Cacnea would attempt to throw himself toward them in order to deliver it. It had sounded important that it get to the tree's body...

Odd, in the meantime, was trying to keep himself and Chorale safe. "Chorale, Light Screen!" He called to his partner. The Ghost attempted to summon a wall of light to protect herself but that attack was so unexpected that it had exploded almost before she could raise her hands, blasting her backwards along with Odd.

"Ugh..." This is getting us nowhere..." Odd groaned as he tried getting up off the floor. "Chorale, return..." Grabbing another Pokeball, he tossed the ball into the air without a word.

"Hooooooonedge..." The Pokemon rang out as it appeared. "Power-up time..." Odd told the haunted blade. As soon as he could get up, provided that the roots hadn't caught him yet, he could't tell for some reason, he'd summon a shaft of ghostly energy and allow the Honedge to affix itself to the rod, ribbon wrapped around it tightly.

"Demons might scream....but Devils whisper..." Odd announced to the Trevenant before taking his shot, hurling Entr'Acte through the air like a javelin, the Honedge absorbing the energy shaft to empower the Shadow Claw he aimed to return to the creature's "feet", a silent scream ripping through the air as unleashed the ghostly energy inside of it. Unless Odd was trapped of course. In which case he just discovered his bloodlust and the vivid fantasies he could imagine to sate it.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:45 pm
Darts wakes up with a snort, a pile of refuse falling off of his body to reveal his prone form beneath leftover cans of spam, discarded empty egg cartons and old newspapers to create the image of blankets over the top of him. How had he got here? Spooooky vagrancy is clearly the only answer. He picks himself up, brushing the front of his jacket off as it waves back and forth at the bottom to dislodge a banana peel from off the fringes. "What are you all doing here?" The sleepy gambler asks with a yawn, not reacting to the mass of supernatural activity. "...what am I doing here?" He asks to himself after a moment, one gold hand fondling his chin as he's struck by the sudden revelation.  


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