Misvicious IV
Daichi Sweets
Misvicious IV
Daichi Sweets
Misvicious IV
Daichi Sweets

It's nice to meet you too!
Thank you for welcoming me emotion_bigheart

I play a few PC games, Xboxone games, and 3ds 'v'

I'm very shy in discord groups so I'm not a very active person in them TvT

Of course it's no problem. I love welcoming <3

Oooo, what kind of PC games emotion_kirakira

XD lol I'm very shy in discord groups as well, and I'm an admin in our server.... emotion_facepalm god I'm a failure crying

Currently I play League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and very very very rarely Overwatch.

You're not a failure! 'v'
It's often harder to talk in such a stimulating environment! Plus I relate so much so TvT

I LOL as well (Pretty sure I suck tho XD), I don't play World of Warcraft, Hearthstone is free right?, I have overwatch, I also only play very very rarely lol( pretty sure I suck at this game as well XD).

(≧▽≦) Aww! Thank you for saying so! <3
It really is harder to talk in such a stimulating environment. Gosh, I'm so thankful so emotes. I don't even have to say anything and I can just react to what people say with an emoji. Though as an admin I try and need to do my best to talk as much as I can! T^T

I'm not great at LOL but I enjoy the gameplay and champions 'v' what role do you usually play? Yeah Hearthstone is free! 'v' I suck at Overwatch so bad honestly x'D

Of course! emotion_bigheart
Emotes make things so much easier! Talking in stimulating environments makes me really nervous so I don't usually do it often TvT so you'll probably very rarely see me in a voice chat.

More than anything I love playing with others <3 I usually play support, and every now and then I play mid Laner. Ah so Hearthstone is free. ^^ I should try it out sometime. You and me both, I suck at Overwatch terribly so lol.

Yeah, talking in stimulating environments makes me really nervous as well or sometimes I don't know what to say or I'm indecisive because I don't know how they'll react to certain things and whatnot. Or I just have nothing to say XD Well, no one will force you to join a voice chat or anything and you could always just come into a voice chat, stay muted and type what you want to say in a voice-text channel~

I agree completely, I just enjoy playing with others. Personally I play adc or top lane 'v'
Overwatch will never be one of my strong suits I swear haha.

i just never know what to say so I listen more than I talk TvT Very true though I could do that! I didn't even think about that aspect of voice channels, just go in muted and type 'v' thank you for that idea!