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Project Catwalk

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Project Catwalk is a guild dedicated to Gaia's fashion community, and those interested in designing avatar outfits. 

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Destructive Daredevil

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:23 pm

User Image
Designer: Darkerdemons
Model: Daphne (1st Choice)
Equipped List:

User Image
Designer: Darkerdemons
Model: Madison (2nd Choice)
Equipped List:
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:29 pm

Designer: Kitten254
Model: Zahara (1st Choice)

User Image

Equipped list:
User Image

Designer: Kitten254
Model: Dita (2nd Choice)

User Image

Equipped list:
User Image


7,350 Points
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OG Capitalist

8,125 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:39 pm

User Image
Designer: BlueLobsters
Model: Zahara (1st Pick)
Equipped List:
Lustrous Lucie
Verdant Winter Knight
Some Bunny to Love Today
Crystal Clear Lotus
Euphoric Fire and Blood
Nymph of Radiant Waters
Summer Fairlily
Queen of Lotuses
Rabu Rabu Deito
Spiritual Wartorn Dancer
Lotus Harvest Moon
Fragrant Fabella Genesis
Stunning Wish Protector
Radiant Nautical Pearl

User Image
Designer: BlueLobsters
Model: Trinity (2nd Pick)
Equipped List:
Lexxon's Garden
Lolly Roger
Serene Like Rose
Indistinct Reality
Shion's Memento
Milk Stuteaous
Wonderland Carousel
Tiny Royal Bachelorette
Honorary Ghost
Eastanglia Abby
Serene Choice Poison
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:55 am

User Image

Designer:Your Local Gay
Model:Daphne (1st pick)
Equipped List:
User Image

User Image
Designer: Your Local Gay
Model: Ebony (2nd pick)
Equipped list:
User Image

oh man the las onet was rough, i had 3 different designs and i could. not. pick.
thanks indecisiveness!

Your Local Gay


Excited Cranberry

27,575 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:15 am

Designer: POTR
Model #1: Trinity
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Designer: POTR
Model #2: Mia
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:15 am


User Image
Submission 1 (first choice)
Designer: XYumekoX
Model 3: Keran
Natural Exorciblings (top)
Natural Exorciblings (belt)
Sunday Spring Garden
Darling Don't Speak (legs)
His Issues
Destructive Ragnarok U (his eyepatch)
Ascension Arms (skin tone D)
Spring's Dawning Rose (crown)
Tiny Cherie Bachelorette (wings)

User Image
Submission 2 (second choice)
Designer: XYumekoX
Model 13: Madison
Grimm Heartless Apprentice (gates)
Dusky Mage Karasu (legs)
Kodona Usagi (coat)
Dusky zip it shut, now! (smoke)
Booming death speaker (cap)
Obscure Zelan 2114 (necklace)
Astra: Black ascending wings (still)


Fashionable Vampire

10,875 Points
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Welcoming Pal

24,050 Points
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  • Dramatic Shipping 25
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:06 am

User Image
Designer: x_suicide_is_inevitable_x
Model: Ebony (first choice)
Item list:

User Image
Designer: x_suicide_is_inevitable_x
Model: Noelle (second choice)
Item list:

I will finish filling this out within the next few days. Work is keeping me on my toes and I'm getting stressed because I have a personal deadline approaching rapidly that I refuse to miss.
There are so many people auditioning for the next cycle, yay! Everyone's entries are great so far! ★ emotion_yatta
Edit log:
Edit 1: Ebony done! Now for the second choice model.
Edit 2: Noelle's image doesn't seem to like being resized. Still working on fixing this, but can't use avi builder image because back pose is different.
Edit 3: I realized that the items I listed and were in the picture were wrong and from a previous version. Fixed! I'm using the avi builder image until I can figure out how to upload an image with the right proportions. (UGH. I still haven't figured it out, yet?)
Edit 5: I FINALLY GOT IT! (Insert somewhat hysterical, manic laughter here.) I forgot something on Ebony, though, so I'll reupload that in a few minutes.
Edit 6: Turns out I also used the wrong skirt before. :/ I use the avi builder image for Ebony because I like how the back pose looks, but Noelle's back pose add pants that don't match. (Thanks a lot, piano bench.) Unless I suddenly find a mistake, I think this is the last edit. (But it's 2 A.M., so I've probably made a mistake somewhere.) There were so many possible differences in these outfits, but I really like how they came out. ^-^
Edit 7: This will be my last edit, honestly this time. Used the wrong Ebony image and list again. (I knew there'd be a mistake.) That one was for personal reference for a set of different outfits I tried. Also changed a couple items on Noelle because the colors weren't quite right. AND I GOT IMGUR TO WORK! FFFFF- YES!

Edit 8: (The most minor edit.) Just sizing down the edit text and putting them under a spoiler so as to not stretch the page.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:49 am

Designer: Empress Ekko
Model: (First Choice) Mia
User Image

When I first saw Mia, I instantly thought "Beach Bride," so I went with it! Barefoot on the beach with a light and flowy dress.
Something borrowed (her grandmother's necklace), something blue (well... a few blue things). Instead of a large bouquet, just a simple rose. Her perfect day.

Designer: Empress Ekko
Model: (Second Choice) Copper
User Image

Copper is a little out of my comfort zone. I don't really work with orange that often, so she would be a fun challenge for me! I'd guess her to be a sassy little fashionista who dreams of Paris!
That's kind of the look that I was going for here. Autumn in the city while dreaming of making it in the city of love.

Empress Ekko

Dangerous Delight


Adorable Marshmallow

PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:29 pm

User Image

Designer: Nacii
Model: Dita (First Choice)
User Image

User Image
Designer: Nacii
Model: Zahara (Second Choice)
User Image
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 4:54 pm

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Designer: Tornboy
Model: Brooke (First Choice)

SDPlus Special #013 Bedtime Ivan
Brow Basics
Snug Mori
Crisp Semester
Mournful Rose Wedding
Silver Eclipse
Lunar Moth To A Flame
Last Year's Lookbook
Last Year's Monochrome Lookbook
Me Day
Classic Choice Poison

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Designer : Tornboy
Model : Noelle (Second Choice)

Butterfly's Lament
Brow Basics
Sweet Like Rose
Vile Reputation
SDPlus #551 Kath
Ursa Minor Yildun
Queen of Diamonds
Moira's Pink Rebellion
Me Day
Seven Kisses
Alleycat's Nose
Professional Mahou Kanoko
Beard Season


Cinnamon Butt

Shy Rabbit

9,800 Points
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 5:24 pm

User Image

Designer: Krul Tepes
Model: trinity(first choice)


Titania 1 4,016p
Shy April Blush 1 16,663p
Pure Utahime 1 24,462p

User Image

Designer: Krul Tepes
Model: keran(second choice)

Counterfeit Consort 1 2,516p
Cruel Don't Give A 1 324p
Heartbroken Bridal Walk 1 861p
Dark Angelic Lace 1 103p
May Flowers or Whatever 1 3,726p

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