I will finish filling this out within the next few days. Work is keeping me on my toes and I'm getting stressed because I have a personal deadline approaching rapidly that I refuse to miss. There are so many people auditioning for the next cycle, yay! Everyone's entries are great so far! ★emotion_yatta Edit log:
Edit 1: Ebony done! Now for the second choice model. Edit 2: Noelle's image doesn't seem to like being resized. Still working on fixing this, but can't use avi builder image because back pose is different. Edit 3: I realized that the items I listed and were in the picture were wrong and from a previous version. Fixed! I'm using the avi builder image until I can figure out how to upload an image with the right proportions. (UGH. I still haven't figured it out, yet?) Edit 5: I FINALLY GOT IT! (Insert somewhat hysterical, manic laughter here.) I forgot something on Ebony, though, so I'll reupload that in a few minutes. Edit 6: Turns out I also used the wrong skirt before. :/ I use the avi builder image for Ebony because I like how the back pose looks, but Noelle's back pose add pants that don't match. (Thanks a lot, piano bench.) Unless I suddenly find a mistake, I think this is the last edit. (But it's 2 A.M., so I've probably made a mistake somewhere.) There were so many possible differences in these outfits, but I really like how they came out. ^-^ Edit 7: This will be my last edit, honestly this time. Used the wrong Ebony image and list again. (I knew there'd be a mistake.) That one was for personal reference for a set of different outfits I tried. Also changed a couple items on Noelle because the colors weren't quite right. AND I GOT IMGUR TO WORK! FFFFF- YES! Edit 8: (The most minor edit.) Just sizing down the edit text and putting them under a spoiler so as to not stretch the page.
Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:49 am
Designer: Empress Ekko Model: (First Choice) Mia Equipped:
When I first saw Mia, I instantly thought "Beach Bride," so I went with it! Barefoot on the beach with a light and flowy dress. Something borrowed (her grandmother's necklace), something blue (well... a few blue things). Instead of a large bouquet, just a simple rose. Her perfect day.
Copper is a little out of my comfort zone. I don't really work with orange that often, so she would be a fun challenge for me! I'd guess her to be a sassy little fashionista who dreams of Paris! That's kind of the look that I was going for here. Autumn in the city while dreaming of making it in the city of love.
SDPlus Special #013 Bedtime Ivan Brow Basics Snug Mori Crisp Semester Mournful Rose Wedding Silver Eclipse Lunar Moth To A Flame Last Year's Lookbook Last Year's Monochrome Lookbook Me Day Classic Choice Poison
Designer : Tornboy Model : Noelle (Second Choice) Equipped:
Butterfly's Lament Brow Basics Sweet Like Rose Vile Reputation SDPlus #551 Kath Ursa Minor Yildun Queen of Diamonds Moira's Pink Rebellion Me Day Seven Kisses Alleycat's Nose Professional Mahou Kanoko Beard Season