Co Ownership?: N/A Teepees:ArgentMew Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Same Breed Variants: Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Cropped, Curly on Males, Super Old Templates
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Any Closed Eyes, Open Smile, Grumpy, Sharp Snarl
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): No Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes
Throwbacks?: Yes ---Link to previous Generations: Marlea: Mother | Father
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:09 pm
Speedy Delivery! Link to Pony/pairing Omission Form:Agreement Here Omission style(s) I am/we are okay with: Live Birth Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes
Same Breed Variants:yes; Sure! <3 But please note that Lauzulite's fins count as being edited (as mini templates on full-sized Soquili are not allowed) ---Templates to Avoid: tentacles
Throwbacks?: Sure ---Link to previous Generations: n/a
Zaine x Mephistopheles
Entry Code: Zaine (Moxxiie) x Mephistopheles ([X]Natty-Chan[X])
Which Kingdoms do you want to get twists from?: Eastern, Persian Are you okay with breed twists inspired by mythology?: Yes
Same Breed Variants: Sure ---Templates to Avoid:NA
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Sure! Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Sure!
Throwbacks?: Sure ---Link to previous Generations: Both are first gen. ICly, Steve is the son of an angeni & a unicorn
Speedy Delivery! Link(s) to Ponies/pairing Omission Form:Sabin'sKamiki's Omission style(s) I am/we are okay with: Live Birth, Express Delivery, Gashapon [CC]
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:25 pm
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: yes
Entry Code:
Mister Bubbles (Lunarflowermaiden) x Hebakh Razorwing (tefla)
Name, image, and owner(s) of father: Messiah (Naita and DivineSaturnÂ
Co Ownership?: Messiah: No agreement typed up, Naita to get basket as per demand of DivineSaturn. Staff authorization here Teepees:Sabin's Teepee / Naita does not have a teepeeÂ
Throwbacks?: If you feel inspired Link to previous Generations: Lucifer - Messiah's Father Narcissa - Messiah's MotherÂ
NOTE: Naita has been MIA from Gaia for some time. She will absolutely still get a baby, but I have no problem with an express delivery breeding - I will leave it up to you guys/shop rules about how to go about deciding that.
Speedy Delivery! Link(s) to Ponies/pairing Omission Form:Sabin Stock Permission Omission style(s) I am/we are okay with: Live Birth, Express Delivery, Gashapon (All!) ((Ie, for example if you want to go back and make a foal/basket for the offspring Naita receives, I'd also be fine with that if it is easier for you guys))
Twins/Triplets OK? CC
Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:43 pm
Faris x Myuki
Entry Code:
Miyuki (Kamiki) x Faris (Kamiki)
These kids can be rough and tumble like their parents (Scarred Parent)
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes ---If yes, can it be before the mare’s belly/the baskets are even dropped?: Yes
Unedited?: No
Twins/Triplets OK? Yes
I don't have a non-photobucket uncert ^^; pregnant stage: I want one
Male Manes/Tails (note - this is only if they are not mixed in with additional templates)
Male Medium Male Long Braid Male Slimhawk Male Short Male Bob (tail) Female Manes/Tails Crimped Short Curly (original) Medium Skimhawk Medium (tail) Skinwalker Original Feral Fox
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Old kalona templates
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid: Long streight hair templates
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): Yes
Throwbacks?: Sure Link to previous Generations:[Solemn pre-curse][Sarynae][Arluin]Arluin armor *Note: Technically this breeding happened before his curse. They would be Sarynae and Arluin's siblings.
Link to Breeding Agreement:[ X ] ---Lifemate?: Yes
RP Approved?: No
Low Luck?: No
Breed Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes, I'm okay with the alt unicorn, alt poses and even expressions ---Templates to Avoid: Prehistoric and anything not reg or uni
Other Variants (Stock Templates Only): Yes ---Templates to Avoid:
Random Breeds (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): No Random Variants (1st Gen Throwbacks Only): n/a
Throwbacks?: NO @w@ ---Link to previous Generations: n/a
FACIAL HAIR ---Do you want the facial hair to be passed on: Yes ---Just on Males?: Yes ---I love Fluffy fur. Do you? 83: Yes
Is it ok to livestream the breeding?: Yes. If you could quote me before you start so maybe I could watch.