I agree with your assessment of that male taur, "He is very hard to get rid of. He thinks because he can acquire goods that most can't, that he can get whatever he wants in exchange" she said with a shudder running though her.

"I have always found a way around paying the "extra" price he sets for his goods and sooner or later he would try to collect on that" "He is repulsive and most of those here don't care for him at all. The females steer clear of him, even those who work in the tavern" she said in a rush. "I am just glad to be rid of him for now at least" as she reached over to pick a piece of wood, she again brushed up against him. She didn't seem to realize it until she felt his arm graze hers. Speaking to herself "Did I just do that again?" and quickly looked up at him.

"I would like to purchase all the wood you have as I will need most if not all of it for my orders as well as a gift for someone" "What price are you looking for?" she looked over at the other goods he had laid out and saw a bow that looked unique not like the others.

"I am curious as to that bow. Is it for sale, if so price?"

She stepped towards to bow but decided not to after making a huge mess earlier she was not going to do that again, although the outcome was being wrapped up in his arms she just may fall again. Laughing to herself she looked at his face from the side of her eye to enjoy the view of his gorgeous face.

Her instincts were beginning to stir, and it felt as if the attraction went both ways, but she needed to be professional, for now. She wanted these wood pieces but at a fair price. She would not use her wiles as some have called it to her advantage. This male is nothing but honorable and she refused to do that to him.

As she awaited him to reply she came up with a Ingenius idea.

Turning to him she said "I know this may be forward of me but how about we finish this discussion over dinner? The day will be over soon, and we can discuss business as we eat. Unless you have someone to go home to I completely understand I....well......ummm....." with that her voice trailed off.

"I am headed to the tavern but not inside, I will be around the back. I have to ask about a order from the cook and I will sit and wait for you until it is fully dark" with that she turned and walked towards the tavern. She did stop and turn around to look at him one last time before continuing on her way.

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