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[MLE] Here Be Dragons (Writing Contest) Winners pg 2 & 3! Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Silver Metallic Dragon

Hygienic Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2024 1:18 pm

Username:Silver Metallic Dragon
Preference List: 8, 2, 3, 1, 7, 6, A, B, C, D, E, F, retool

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Plants

A collector of all things green, our dragon friend has a green claw and isn’t afraid to use it! The type of plant isn’t important, they collect them all. Of course, like any collector, there are favorites. Plants with medicinal properties top the list, and our dragon friend likes to use these plants to heal others. They aren’t stingy, and will often share their hoard with other plant lovers. If you are kind to them, they return the respect and will offer anything one desires! Fragrant plants and flowers given to others to make perfumes. Vibrant colored flowers for dyes, of course plants for eating.

Happy as they are to share their hoard, they are also happy to share the knowledge they have gained over the years. Scrape on your leg? We have a plant for that. Pain? You know there’s something in that vast hoard to help relieve it. Strange, probably contagious disease? If anyone has a plant for it, you know they do. Oftentimes they’ll trade that knowledge for trinkets made from their plants, but their favorite payment? A new plant. Doesn’t matter if they already have it, they’ll take a 14th of that specific plant. They’re easy enough to shop for.

Most of their hoard has been acquired through trades and far off travels. They love traveling in search of new and exotic plants that can be added to their collection, and they work hard to maintain an environment suitable for all of them to thrive. Some kept within a cave, where humidity can be better managed, others out in field with lots of sun. They are an expert in caring and maintaining their hoard.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 2:59 am

Username: tefla
Preference List: 8, 3, 5, 2, 6, 7, 1, 4, reroll (ineligible for a familiar)

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Negative thoughts

There was a time when this dragon's particular hoard was nonexistent. Even the slightest indication that a hoard was necessary in the beginning was too ludicrous to even comprehend. But, as time progressed forward, little by little, our diminutive dragon found it necessary to travel out into the deepest recesses of it's world. Rarely seen, and even seldom less encountered, this dragon maintains the minimalist presence necessary in order to work its magic. For it isn't gold, gems, or any other tangible object that our dragon pursues; no, instead this dragon was busy ferreting out negative thoughts. Yes, you heard me correctly: negative thoughts. Oh, sure, you might laugh at this. I used to be a doubter too. But then I learned the truth.

For you see, the reason that this dragon is seldom seen is because it lives inside of a person's mind. It's only job is to leave its sanctuary whenever it senses a negative thought forming. There are times when the dragon's search proves fruitless and its host is left in what could only be described as a negative funk, but for the most part, when the dragon goes out on its mission it is able to pinpoint the root cause of the negative thought. From there the dragon gently plucks the negativity out from the place in the mind where it was forming and carries it back to its lair in claws that gently keep the thought balled up. Even though the negative thought is now safely gone from the mind, the dragon knows that it must bury the thought as deep as can be to prevent it from returning to inflict probable damage once more. Once our dragon subject can be assured that the negative thought is deeply buried away where it will not cause any significant interruptions can the dragon curl back up, like a cat, in order to rest until it is needed again.

Because of the delicate work our dragon does, it cannot risk the hoard it keeps being shared amongst others. For if the hoard is unearthed then it risks leaking back out into the mind and our dragon has to start its work all over again.

As it is though, our dragon can sense when others of its kind are similarly at work inside the minds of others. Telepathic messages can be shared from one dragon to another mainly as a way to keep in touch and offer silent support but there is never more than one dragon in each person's mind. Our dragon leads a lonely life but a fulfilling one.

As the years progress forward our dragon always feels the need to expand it's lair. For as one ages, there's more to weigh us down. Negativity is relentless as we grow older. A chilling thought to tide you over; this dragon will forever be working tirelessly to expand its hoard.


Enigmatic Star

19,400 Points
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Rinial Sisterdragon

Mythical Sex Symbol

23,100 Points
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  • Demonic Associate 100
PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:54 pm

Username: Rinial Sisterdragon
Preference List: 8, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 1, 7 (ineligible for familiars)

Hoard: Seeds
Entry: There was a click as he counted his seeds, each a little world of their own. He kept them because when he found a place to settle down, he'd plant them all, and his hoard would only grow. Some hoarded only the simplest of things, a few bits, bobs, shiny things, pretty things, words, and more, but without a seedling to start, no other hoard would exist. Every seed could become more than what it began as. And so his seeds continue accumulating until he finds the perfect place to allow these seeds to grow.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:02 pm

Username: o-Elixir-o
Preference List: 8, C, B, A

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Color Glass
Entry: Fragile it may be, but the dragon cannot help itself. All kinds of glass of many colors of the rainbow find its way in the lair. Be it a chalice, a plate, a figure made of translucence the list goes on. Why yes, majority do break, but pay no mind for the shards are equally pretty.

For when the sunlight hits at the right spot the lair is one big kaleidoscope.


IRL Shoujo

14,250 Points
  • Party Machine 500
  • Cool Cat 500
  • Partygoer 500


PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:55 pm

I won a familiar so I am disqualified I think heart

Username: foxbunni
Preference List: B D F C A E

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Tears
Entry: Dragon's fascination began centuries ago when he encountered a weeping maiden in the forest. The maiden's tears, shimmering like diamonds, caught the dragon's eye. For once in his long life he found himself moved with sympathy for the human, and approached to gently comfort her in the coils of his tail. Intrigued by the beauty of her shimmering teardrops, Dragon gathered them in a crystal vial. As he held the vial, he felt a deep understanding of the maiden's sorrow, almost as if a part of her memories and sadness had transferred into him. He stayed with this human whose name was Elinor, as her companion until her short life ended. Then was the first time in millennia that Dragon himself shed tears over losing his only friend.

Over time, Dragon learned that each tear held a unique story and emotion—sorrow, joy, grief, loss, and love. He believed that by collecting these tears, he could preserve the essence of humanity's deepest feelings. Dragon traveled far and wide, seeking out those in moments of intense emotion. He did not instigate their tears but offered comfort and solace, collecting the tears as they fell. He became fascinated with the shortness of human life, its fleeting nature, compared to the resilience these tiny scale-less creatures had. Dragon found for himself a profound sense of peace as he met new humans, learned about their personalities and dreams, protected and enlightened them, and embraced them during their deepest sorrows and final moments. He remembered every single one, every face, every laugh, every moment together, every detail of every conversation - and when he recalled them, Dragon himself cried over their loss.

Dragon's hoard became a testament to the rich tapestry of human experience. He saw himself as a guardian of these emotions, ensuring they were not forgotten. The tears, stored in intricately carved crystal flasks, shimmered in his lair, casting a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions. Legends say that Dragon's collection possesses magical properties. A single tear from his hoard could heal the deepest wounds or bring immense joy. However, Dragon was selective, sharing his treasure only with those truly in need, believing that the essence of those emotions should be honored and preserved.

(Just calling him Dragon for now, since I can't pick a name at the moment.)
PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:56 pm

Username: Sabra Knight
Preference List: 8, C, A, B, D, rr

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Hearts Tokens of Affection
Entry: This dragon collects….hearts. Well, not physical hearts since that was his predecessor’s hobby to rip out the still beating hearts of the living and this particular dragon isn’t quite so fond of messy things and wanted something different. So instead he gathers tokens of affection that represent the love in one’s heart, whether by shapeshifting and wooing some poor soul who gives him a treasured item before he breaks their heart by disappearing once his prize is won or by simply bartering a favor for something that is treasured by those desperate for help. This dragon is fascinated by the emotion of love and how many are willing to sacrifice something precious to them for it. It’s even more fascinating to see how one can be so depressed about separating from a simple trinket - all because it represents something or someone they loved at one point in their short existence. His obsession began because of the distraught expression of a mother who was poor without real treasures of gemstones and gold to offer but was in dire need. Never before had anyone been desperate enough to ask this dragon for help without some sort of shiny treasure in return, but this one had begged and offered a worn wooden bracelet from their dearly departed lover to help save their child. It was the only trinket left that they had from their beloved but the life of their child was worth the loss of such a treasure. At first the dragon had scoffed and nearly followed the examples of others by devouring the fool, but that expression made the dragon hesitate. Never before had the dragon witnessed such raw emotion, not when their own heart felt like an unfeeling stone in their chest, and so they had agreed simply out of sheer curiosity and boredom. Ever since the dragon has been keen to offer bargains if one is willing to sacrifice what is dearest to them, simply because the dragon thrives on witnessing those conflicted emotions in others and later on as the dragon learned that they could get tokens by getting closer to others through disguises he got more creative with how to earn these tokens of affection. The dragon became quite good at acting as a perfect lover, tricking others to gain a token from them before shedding his disguise and taking to the skies once more, leaving a trail of broken hearts behind him as his horde of tokens grew. Perhaps one day the dragon will understand what it means to love another to the point that something as insignificant as a wooden bracelet could suddenly be worth more than any gold or gemstones, but for now the dragon can just amuse himself by separating such tokens from those who hold them so dear…thriving on that emotional moment of separation and collecting the emotions and memories embedded in the heartfelt tokens given to him. Others may not understand the horde of various items ranging from the simplest of things like plain ribbons and worn dolls to actual pieces of gleaming jewelry and engraved weapons, but every piece represents a story of heartbreak that the dragon will never forget as he enjoys his ever growing trove.

Sabra Knight

Feral Galaxy


Nebula Dragon

PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 7:59 pm

I have won elsewhere.

Username: LydaLynn
Preference List: 8, 5, 6, 7, d, a

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Math Rocks
Entry: As a young dragon she was introduced to 'games'. And at first the games were fairly simple and basic and came with little square math rocks in an odd off white with black spots. They were not interesting or special and she thought nothing of them.

Then, as she got older, she learned more games. And learned that math rocks come in different colors and styles and sizes and shapes. Some sparkle and some swirl, some have so many sides they are almost a ball, others have just two or three sides. And they can be made from different things, cast or carved or printed. Some even had liquid inside or tiny figures.

And while she was told that they were all random, as likely to land on any side as any other, clearly when she used them they had preferences, and that was without even getting into the ones that were weight loaded.

Then there were the math rocks with letters or symbols or runes. All for different funtions or purposes. Ones with moon phases or zodiac signs or even to help one decide what to eat for dinner.

And the games were fun and creative and brought together parties and heroes and villans. And it all revolved around the math rocks. And you could get a 'dice jail' for the ones that didn't roll how you wanted, or a tiny throne for the best of them. And all the colors could be layed out in mosaics or kept in sets.

And even though sometimes other players came for games and 'forgot' their math rocks, she wouldn't let them touch just any of her hoard. There were a few, very plain and simple, sets that others could borrow, just for a game. But she always took every opportunity to show off her collection. The way the light reflects on this one, the smooth finish of that one, the bell-like sound of these others. And the ultimate ones that were bigger than her claws could comfortably hold.

Shelves and drawers and even crystal bowls full of math rocks decorate every surface of her dwelling. And they are glorious!
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 12:21 pm

Username: Moire Frost
Preference List: 8, 3, 1

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Secrets, lies, and half-truths. He is the Collector of All Words Left Unsaid.
Entry: Language is poetry, but between the lines, there are always things that are left unsaid, to be inferred by whomever chooses to listen. This dragon takes pride in hearing the words behind what is said, the implied meanings, even if they're not meant to be heard.

This dragon has been told his fair share of lies, the first and hardest being, "your mother will survive." Ever since her death, he has understood that in every white lie, every carefully calculated half-truth, there is something dark. No one has pure intentions; ulterior motives are the lifeblood of every living creature on earth. Even the pious, the righteous, don't do it purely because they are good and it is right; they do it because it makes them feel good, or because it gives them a boost (be it ego, finances, social standing, clout, etc).

On the flip side, in every lie, there is also truth. "Your mother will survive" did not mean that she would live on as she was. Her body returned to the soil, and fed the earth. Her spirit returned to the sky, watching over him as he grew. The particles of matter, the stardust in her blood, was shared between them; a part of him may have died with her, but she lived on in him.

This dragon uses it to his advantage; his trust is not easily won, and he is often called upon to decipher hidden meanings and loopholes in official gatherings. It also comes at a great disadvantage; with no one to trust, he spends his time alone, poring over All Words Left Unsaid, twisting himself in circles for hidden meanings even when there may not have been one in the first place.

Some think him insane. Why would anyone not trust the dragonlords promising wealth, status, gold, when it is right there for the taking? But he knows that with every positive action is a negative reaction. Yes, he may be promised gold and wealth, but he is also promised violence and danger in return as those without seek to take what is his.

Secrets, lies, and half-truths, All Words Left Unsaid, are the only things he can count on, and it feels safer that way.

Moire Frost


PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 5:28 pm

Username: Lunadriel
Preference List: C, A, B

Hoard: What does your dragon collect? Rocks, minerals, and gemstones.
Entry: As you walk in a cave, there is a still to the air. You see a dim glow ahead and approach with caution. Various colors greet your eyes as you step to the edge of a filled chasm. Inside are polished rocks and gemstones in a rainbow of hues. Feldspar, obsidian, diamonds, rubies, tiger's eye, or wait, is that an actual eye? You dismiss the notion as you see a giant amethyst geode in the raw, perched across the divide. Around it are jade jars, ornaments of large crystal pillars, and incense sticks. Almost arranged like an alter around the amethyst that sits taller than you! It reaches up to the ceiling. Stars glint in your eyes at the wonder of the purple majestic crystal. You don't stare for long as you hear a grainy noise, and the ground in the pit begins to shift. The hair on the back of your neck stands, and your intuition tells you to move. You take a step back. As you do, you knock a rock loose that sat at the edge of the pit. It pounds like a drum into the silence of the cave. Clack, clack, clack-clack-clack. you pause as the sound continues, then is followed by the a deathly silence. Your heart the only sound you hear. Just when you are about to flee, you hear a rumbling noise. Is that...a laugh or a hiss? It's a sound that is both. It makes your skin crawl yet you still don't run.

"I ssssseeee you." the voice calls out with a taunt. "Have you come to bring me a treassssure? If you have nothing, then I will SSSMITE you!" something slithers, grazing your ankle. You give a yelp.

You recall a story about an ancient serpent that lived in a cavern. The legend told of a long serpent with scales, of a draconic size. Long ago, there were two that stayed together there. Together they explored the cave and excavated their findings. Then they would shape what the land had made tumbling, polishing, and cutting their finds to elevate their beauty. One day, they found a massive, spirit sized rock. One of the serpents said they heard a voice, warning them not to remove it. The other protested though, and took it. Not wanting them to hurt themselves, they aided their partner in moving it. As they tried to shove it, it fell over, splitting in half. What it revealed stunned them both. The most divine and beautiful crystal they had ever found. The one that did not hesitate to move it, exclaimed with glee. This only being a good omen after all!

Time continued on, and the two grew apart. Much like the rock that has split apart. The warry partner that heard the voice of warning, woke one day to find their partner gone, along with the smaller half of the mighty geode. They left a note saying that they went to sell half, so that they could afford even grander treasures. Only, they never returned.

The remaining serpent is said to of turned bitter, angry, and lonely. Those that happen upon their cave are forced to pay tribute, or face their wrath for disturbing their misery.

You call out to the stones, still seeing no one there. You promise to return with a stone, if they spare you. The serpent calls out to you. It does not reply, and lucky for you, it lets you leave. Perhaps they aren't the serpent of legend, maybe they are. What stone will you bring back for them?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:27 pm

I had to pull in a guest judge to help me decide! You guys made it tough, but it could only be narrowed down to three!

And the winners are...

1. magnadearel
2. Nayci
3. tefla

Congratulations! Please take your prizes to the General Certing Thread.

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Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
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  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0
Calixita generated a random number between 1 and 10 ... 6!



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
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  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:28 pm

Time to roll!

  1. viatorai (Familiar Only)
  2. Fea Line (Soquili Only)
    Tirokio (Won Both Freebies)
  3. nekoFayre
    Mewsings of An Angel (Familiar Only, but no familiar prefs listed)
    magnadearel (1st Place)
    Nayci (2nd Place)
  4. Artymus
  5. Silver Metallic Dragon
    tefla (3rd Place)
  6. Rinial Sisterdragon (Soquili Only)
  7. o-Elixir-o
    foxbunni (Won Both Freebies)
  8. Sabra Knight
    LydaLynn (Won Both Freebies)
  9. Moire Frost
  10. Lunadriel (Familiar Only)
Calixita generated a random number between 1 and 9 ... 1!
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:29 pm

Time to roll!

Rinial Sisterdragon - 2. Gem Dragon

  1. viatorai (Familiar Only)
  2. Fea Line (Soquili Only)
    Tirokio (Won Both Freebies)
  3. nekoFayre
    Mewsings of An Angel (Familiar Only, but no familiar prefs listed)
    magnadearel (1st Place)
    Nayci (2nd Place)
  4. Artymus
  5. Silver Metallic Dragon
    tefla (3rd Place)
    Rinial Sisterdragon (Soquili Only)
  6. o-Elixir-o
    foxbunni (Won Both Freebies)
  7. Sabra Knight
    LydaLynn (Won Both Freebies)
  8. Moire Frost
  9. Lunadriel (Familiar Only)



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
  • Team Poison Master 250
  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0
Calixita generated a random number between 1 and 8 ... 3!



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
  • Team Poison Master 250
  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:31 pm

Time to roll!

Rinial Sisterdragon - 2. Gem Dragon
viatorai - B. Eternal Dragon

    viatorai (Familiar Only)
  1. Fea Line (Soquili Only)
    Tirokio (Won Both Freebies)
  2. nekoFayre
    Mewsings of An Angel (Familiar Only, but no familiar prefs listed)
    magnadearel (1st Place)
    Nayci (2nd Place)
  3. Artymus
  4. Silver Metallic Dragon
    tefla (3rd Place)
    Rinial Sisterdragon (Soquili Only)
  5. o-Elixir-o
    foxbunni (Won Both Freebies)
  6. Sabra Knight
    LydaLynn (Won Both Freebies)
  7. Moire Frost
  8. Lunadriel (Familiar Only)
Calixita generated a random number between 1 and 7 ... 4!
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:31 pm

Time to roll!

Rinial Sisterdragon - 2. Gem Dragon
viatorai - B. Eternal Dragon
Artymus - No prefs left

    viatorai (Familiar Only)
  1. Fea Line (Soquili Only)
    Tirokio (Won Both Freebies)
  2. nekoFayre
    Mewsings of An Angel (Familiar Only, but no familiar prefs listed)
    magnadearel (1st Place)
    Nayci (2nd Place)
  3. Silver Metallic Dragon
    tefla (3rd Place)
    Rinial Sisterdragon (Soquili Only)
  4. o-Elixir-o
    foxbunni (Won Both Freebies)
  5. Sabra Knight
    LydaLynn (Won Both Freebies)
  6. Moire Frost
  7. Lunadriel (Familiar Only)



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
  • Team Poison Master 250
  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0
Calixita generated a random number between 1 and 6 ... 2!



Wild Creature

63,800 Points
  • Wing Mastery 100
  • Team Poison Master 250
  • Knife Club Lifetime Membership 0
PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 7:33 pm

Time to roll! Trimming a bit.

Rinial Sisterdragon - 2. Gem Dragon
viatorai - B. Eternal Dragon
Artymus - No prefs left
o-Elixir-o - A. Guardian Dragon

  1. Fea Line (Soquili Only)
  2. nekoFayre
  3. Silver Metallic Dragon
  4. Sabra Knight
  5. Moire Frost
  6. Lunadriel (Familiar Only)

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