hey im bordso im making this thing lmao i only have 1 ruls in this btich no 1 b a btich lmao or a jack a** b nice in here oh ya lmao and u hafe to talk horny lmao jks but y can if u want it woud b nice 4 me and the guys

Excuse my language, but ******** NO!

[H]ey[!] [']m [bored][,] so [']m making this thing[.] [Laugh my a** off][!] only have [one] [rule] in this [b***h][.] [[N]umber] [one][:] [e] a [b***h] [Laugh my a** off] or a [jackass][.] [e] nice in here[.] [O]h [yeah] and [you] [have] to talk horny[.] [Laugh my a** off] [Just kidding][.] ut [you] can if [you] want[.] t [would] [be] nice [for] me and the guys[.]

All the brackets are for misspellings, filling in words, punctuation, and capitalization.

Again, excuse my language, but s**t, that was bad! I'm gonna wear the print off of the bracket sign on my keyboard! How many ******** asses does this sexist b***h have?