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Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:00 pm
Angel smiled at the man sitting at the desk. Something about his blue eyes reminded her of Mokuba.
"Hello Mr. Kaiba. I'm sorry I'm so late." Angel apoligized as she sat, straightening her black blazer simultaniusly. She hated the stupid thing, but business is business, and a suit is recommended.
Angel's green eyes studied Kai, taking in how tired he really was, and she felt bad for him. She (as well as the rest of the business community) knew that Kai Kaiba lived alone, with no living family or friends to speak of. Angel at least had her adoptive brother, Mokuba. Sure, they had the same raven-colored locks, and could maybe pass off as biological siblings, but there was still the fact that they weren't related. Angel always felt a motherly affection towards her brother, especially now that they were on their own. Sure, relatives of thier adoptive father sometimes visited, but that wasn't the same as a flesh and blood relative.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:58 am
Kaiba nodded at the woman before him. "It's no big deal really, what would be the big difference if we signed this now instead of earlier? It's not going to go into the records until later tonight anyway," He stated. "But, you understand I don't dismiss such things so easily, just don't let it happen again. And who is your.... Associate? I don't believe you informed me of bringing anyone along with you."

He was looking at the strange kid behind the other with black shaggy hair and wide violet eyes.... He felt like there was something familiar about the other, or maybe it was the fact that he was just exhausted.

Arashi Cloud

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:29 am
Angel blinked in suprise. Opps, she had indeed forgotten to inform Kai of her little brother.
"Oh, I'm sorry, do forgive my rudeness. This is my little brother, Mokuba Himura. Mokuba, this is Kai Kaiba." Angel intoduced the two, wishing that it didn't feel redundant somehow. Something in the back of her mind told her that this was unnecessary, this intoduction, but she made it anyway.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 11:58 am
Kaiba nodded, somehow feeling that that name was very familiar but he was too concerned with the deal to really think on it it. The boy didn't seem to be interferring with anything. "Shall we get started with looking over everything in the deal? I've made some modifications to it that you might want to take a good look at before we sign anything." He explained.  

Arashi Cloud

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:48 pm
Mokuba looked up at the tall man in a suit like his sisters. Only it seemed to give him more of a leader look then it did on Angel. His eyes wandered his body and nothing more. His violet orbs scanned the man in front of him, something about him made him feel strange. He remained behind his sister, slightly scared of the man. And once the tall figure took notice of him, he cowarded more behind his sister. His hands grasping some of her suit, slightly messing it up.

But during his sisters introduction, he seemed to be pulled from out of behind her. He just stared at the man, his expression somewhat blank. But there was something in his eyes, that admired Mr. Kaiba. He looked so simular to the boy from his dreams, those eyes were hard to forget. And something about him made him want to be closer, but the man seemed uneffected by him. It didn't matter, it was crazy to think that some stranger could just appear out of a dream. He was always told of being strange, it was more of a trademark. When Kais attention was turned to other things, he almost walked closer. Taking a step forward, and then two back.

This was insane, he would be more noticable if he had made a scene. Shaking his head in defeat, he placed the suitcase on the floor. His eyes began searching for a water cooler of some sort. His throat had suddenly become more dry. Spotting one, cruely placed behind Kaibas desk. He let out a soft unnoticed sigh, it was unfair how he was pulled to him. Now the gods have been playing tricks on his thirst. He gave a small shrug and slowly headed behind Kaibas desk. Walking on eggshells, attempting to do this in stealth. Hoping Kaiba was too into their meeting to notice a small boy walking behind him.

He was on the side of the desk as Kaiba gazed at his sister, the perfect oppertunity. Once his eyes were fixated on something else. He headed for the cooler. Taking one of the numerous paper cups held in place. Once he pulled one from the row, another took its place. His finger reached and held down the small white nozzle, water spouting from the opening. Filling the small cup in his hand slowly, once filled to his content, he released the nozzle. Hastingly drinking the water down, not making a sound. The cool rush cleared his throat of the dry ache. Rushing down to his stomach, filling it with a cold full feeling. He with held a sigh, he was use to going about unnoticed.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:10 am
Though, unknowingly to Mokuba, Mr. Kaiba was very efficient with noticing the going ons in his own office. "I'm truely sorry, I should have thought about having someone bring refreshments for you before you showed up." He commented, nodding at Mokuba.

There was just something about the kid that brought warmth back into his being. But he figured most children did that to him, it was why he made the products he did. "I'll have my secretary bring something up, if you'd like."

His looks went between the two. "As I'm sure this will be a very long meeting, as there are many details yet to be discussed."

(OOC: I didn't mean to make him so formal, but I've learned one thing about business owners and that is that they say one thing while meaning another... Or so it seems.)

Arashi Cloud

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:10 am
((No its okay, Seto is a formal person. He ususally is only nice to children and not to people. Hes civil but cold. Your playing him off fine 3nodding ))

Mokuba looked over at the man, his face showed how shocked he was. No one had ever noticed him, he was use to the world just ignoring him and pretending that he didnt exist. This man had caught him like he had been watching him this entire time. He stared at Kaiba like he did not understand what he had said. He also appeared rather shocked. "You mean...you saw me? But..I didn't make a sound..no one ever sees me." he replied in disbelief. He had not said a word to Kaiba until then, his voice must've shocked a few people once he finally spoke.

He just stared at Kaiba in shock. The paper cup had slipped from his grasp as he stood. Once it hit the group, he scrambled a bit. Leaning down he picked up the cup nervously. Then he placed it in the trash bin right next to Kaibas desk. His heart sank, slowly he stared up at the tall man next to him. His eyes were wide as he stared, a lump caught in his throat. His heart skipped many beats, he felt like he was going to die. This guy made all those dreams come clearly back to him. he backed away from his desk, still fixated on him. "S-Sorry.." he whispered before bowing low in respect. "Drinks would be nice if you please." he responded.

Mokuba had never been this formal with someone, it was a strange sight. But it felt more strange for him. He was use to staying out of the way, not even bowing or anything. But for some reason, even with his fear, he felt a strange respect for the man. In fact, he felt some sort of adortion for him. He remained in the bow longer then nessasary before he stood up. He quickly walked to an open seat and sat down. Staring at his hands in silence, his cheeks were red like a little girl with a crush. What could he sauy? The suit looked good on him. Hopefully no one noticed the blush on his cheeks. His bangs were pretty long, and most of his hair was in front of him.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 7:59 am
"I would be a fool not to watch my own back, Mr.Himura especially since I took over the company by using that tatic against Gozoburo," He pressed a button that linked to the com for his secretary. "Emily, could you please fetch some refreshments for Miss Himura and her brother, as well as a strong coffee for myself, thanks."

He sat there for a while, choosing to ignore the child's obvious clumsiness. "Don't worry about it, it's only water." He replied, remembering how many cups of coffee he'd spilled when falling asleep at his desk late at night. "So, I take it your brother is here because he is the heir to your company? Or at least that is what I'd assume."

Arashi Cloud

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:52 pm
((Sry I haven't been on... wisdom teeth were harder to remove than they thought, and Murphy's Law kicked in so... yeah... Sry sweatdrop ))

Angel carefully hid her suprise behind a mask of understanding. Mokuba was usually unnoticed by other business owners, and he usually wasn't this embarrassed by their attention.
"Thank you, Mr. Kaiba. Yes, Mokuba will someday inherit Himura Inc., so I'd like him to see and know everything that's going on." Angel bowed her head in respect, it was nice to see someone be nice to her little brother for once. Angel could see her little brother blushing out of the corner of her eye, and bit back a grin.
"So... Mr Kaiba... what have you changed about the contract? I'm intrigued." Angel wanted to get this over with, there were implications here on a personel level that she wanted to muse over as soon as possible.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:02 am
"Well, for one, I increased the term of the contract from three to five years. Secondly, I took your suggestion about sharing Kaiba Corps. Warehouses with Himura Inc., I believe that we can spare a couple that are nicely located near your manufacturing factories," He stated. "As for the names that will appear on projects that we both will be partnering up to work on, I believe K.H. or H.K. Collaberation will be fine. Just depends on which company name we want to put first. There are a few small details we have yet to work out, such as how many maximum projects we'll be working on together and of course whether or not you'll allow for your products to go on sale alongside ours in Kaiba Corp's amusement parks."

Kaiba paused as his secretary came in with a tray of two glasses and a pitcher of milk along with a good selection of cookies and of course his mug of coffee. "Thank- you, Emily, now could you please run these down to Mr. Donavin? And tell him I'd prefer these done before the deadline, if he could this time, thanks." He handed her a file of papers, which she took before leaving. "Help yourselves." He stated, taking a careful sip of his coffee.

Arashi Cloud

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:14 am
Mokuba sat in silence, not even replying to Kaiba. He was too shocked that someone noticed him. Every other worker Angel had spoken too never gave him the light of day. He remembered that from the orphanage. Thats why none of the adults ever picked him up. They either looked right over him or he did not appeal to their likings. Something about him people didn't seem to like, he wasn't sure what. He was nice and he liked people to degrees, to him, he was alright. That was probably the reason why he was attached to Angel so much. She picked him out of everyone else. She was the first to think he was cute. She meant a lot to him, but this man...he was different.

He could not stop blushing, he didn't know why. Something about this guy made him nervous yet excited. It made his stomach have butterflies, but why. Surely it wasn't a crush, maybe it was. After all, he could admit Kaiba was a lot better looking then other employers he had seen. But it may not be, but there was something about him. Something that made him stand out. Whatever it was, it made Mokuba feel like he wanted to be closer this guy. He almost didn't notice when the tray come in and was placed on Kaibas desk. When he did, he was confused. He could not recall Kaiba requesting cookies. No other corperate executive had cookies and milk, just water. This sudden change made his face go even more red, like all of this was for him and him alone.

Of course not, they were for Angel too, he was just being selfish. No one except Angel did stuff for him, he knew that by now. She was the only one he cared for, the only one he trusted. But this man had some effect on his sences, on his emotions. He felt a little unconfortable taking something like this, this was out of the ordinary. But he could smell the cookies, making his face grow more red. Cookies were his favorite dessert besides ice cream. He could not resist much more, before he knew it, he was standing up. Before he could think, he was the only one approching the desk. When he did notice, he grew frightened. The man that made his insides flutter was getting closer and closer with each one of his steps.

He wanted to stop and turn back, but he was already heading towards him. And Kai had gotten the cookies for them, it would be very impolite. He did not want to be impolite to this stranger, in fact, he wanted to impress him. There was no use in going back now, the cookies seemed to be a cruel lure to the mans desk. Now he was sure, the gods had it out for him. Once he reached the desk, he saw that they were chocolate chip and oatmel rasin. He loved both, but he wanted chocolate. Raising slightly on his toes, he picked up two cookies, one for Angel as well. Then he poured the two glasses of milk, one for Angel as well. Silently he retreated back to his chair, handing the good he had gathered for Angel. Being proper and out of the way was going to be a hard habit and gift to break.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:34 pm
Angel was half our of her seat by the time she noticed that Mokuba had grabbed some food for her.
"Oh... thank you, Mokie." Angel thanked her brother, flashing him a rare, warm smile. The poor boy seemed unbelieveably embarrased by Kai Kaiba. Angel supressed her natual curiosity at all of these events and their reasons, turning her mind to business.
"I thank you for your generosity, Mr. Kaiba. I believe the Kaiba name should go first, as it is the most reconizable of the two names." Which was, of course, the truth. Himura Inc had a rather steady following, but it was no where near as renound as Kaiba Corp was. Angel took a sip of her milk, she was more used to coffee, but the change from the usual was good.
"As for selling our products along side yours, not only do I agree, I would be honored." In truth, Angel was quite honored by the offer. Kaiba Corp was known for producing high quality, advanced products.

Angel of Flames2

Arashi Cloud

PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 11:00 am
"Good, then perhaps we can look over this together then..." Kai commented, absent- mindedly taking an oatmeal cookie in hand, he'd always had a bad habit of munching on something while thinking over finite details and such. Usually he was in pretty good control over it, but right now, it seemed that the child had had some sort of influence on him. "Alright, I want you both to look through this and see if this is the exact wording that you'd want the contract to be in, yes, Mokuba, you too, if you're to inherit your sister's company, it's important that you know how to run it on your own someday."  
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 5:58 pm
Mokuba smiled at his sister, taking advantage of the rare occasion of her showing a smile. She smiled from time to time, but it was rare for it to be so warm. But it wasn't all that surprising to him, if anytime at all, the smiles were directed to him. Once his sister returned to business he sat in silence, without much movement. The only sounds he would make were the crunches his cookie made once his teeth bit through the grainy texture. A small smile crept onto his face, he loved the taste, they made their cookies good. In silence he sat listening as the two talked amoungst one another.

It took him by surprise when he was brought into the conversation. He was still new at being directed to, especially by his first name by some stranger. But for some reason, the thought of it being a rude gester from the man did not cross his mind. In fact, it seemed Kaibas voice had a certain tone as it spoke his name. Once he came back to reality, he gave a small nod of agreement. Taking to his feet and walking back to Kaibas desk. This time, he walked with no fear though his heart still pounded upon his ribs. Once he got to the edge of Kaibas desk, he took the papers in hand. His body acted as if this was strictly business, walking sternly back to his sister. Though his feelings said something completely different.

He placed the papers in his lap, he turned to his sister. Moving the papers to meet both of their visions. His sister was more use to looking at contracts then he was. But he always did scan them over, to make sure nothing was overlooked. His eyes read neatly along the lines of the computer font. Though at times he caught himself glancing off task, staring at Kaiba. But he always found his way back to the form in front of him. The contract seemed to look good, no loop holes, no fine print. All of it seemed straight forward. He was sure of it, he was one of those types to find something funny hidden inside the letters. This one was surprisingly clean, very professional, yet he did not expect less from Kaiba. Though cold and serious, he seemed to have a soft side hidden within that rock of a shell.

"It all seems fine to me. I cant find anything hidden. They seem to want to connect with the company. Their deal looks fine to me, you see anything sis?" he asked.

Vice Captain

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:41 am
Angel nodded a few times as she read through the report, half suprised at the starkly honest way it was typed. The word coice was supurb, and there were few places that could generate dispute farther down the line. A couple little discussions with Mokuba, and that was pretty much it. Angel felt a swell of pride at how good her little brother was getting all this business stuff.
"No, Mokie, I don't see anything questionable." Angel responded, resting a hand on her little brothers shoulder. She would have to make up all this business meeting stuff later with a trip to the beach or something.
Angel nodded up at Kai, giving him one of her polite-yet-cold business smiles that she used so often in meetings. "All seems in order, Mr. Kaiba."
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