7 minutes in heaven "Im sleeping my way out of this one with anyone who will lie down. ill stay fixated on one star as the world comes crashing down"

i get panic attacks alot, mostly at night. so i take this medicine called zanex and i HATE it! its a sleeping pill. it calms you down and is suppose to make you fall asleep, bu to me i feels like im just losing awakeness so that i cant fight off the panic attack. so i feel like im not gonna not wake up again or like my worlds crashing down on me. i also can see the stary sky through the window in my room. so when i listen to just the 1st 10 seconds of the song i think of that. but not in a bad way. nueteral.

beat the duldrum thats the title? "the tomb stones were waiting... they were half ingraved. they knew it was over just didnt know the date. and i cast a spell over the west to make you think of me the same way i think of you. this is a love song in my own way."

that makes me think of a girl who kinda looks like me i guess shes got a red cape on too . in the cemetaryin the woods ,at night. she walks past some old tomb stones towards i opening of trees. when she gets to the opening you can see a HUGE city like the cemetary is up on a far off hill. then she holds out he arm like shes casting a spell! sweet right?