sora: so yeah i was like totally kicking serious heartless a$s back there, did you see me did you did??
i am soo awesome, man i wish riku was here, he'd be sooo jealous i was with you kiari. but yeah ...... *he continues talking for 30 more minutes*

*kiari rolls her eyes and thinks jealous of what we never do anything but listen to you talk about the heart less and then about riku this and riku that boy i get bored, i bet riku would of snogged with me*

*gets tired of waiting and KISSES SORA!!*

sora: ... *blushing feverishly*

kiari: yeah, yeah ... thats what I THOUGHT!

*sora leans in to kiss her*

kiari: uh... NO!! i'm going to go find riku now

sora: but, but... why

kiari: because he is a bad boy and mami LIKES!! *winks*

*six hours later *



*Kiari sees riku and goes up to him*

k: hey riku, i finally found you *she says flirtingly*

R: uh, yeah hi Kiari! *scratches the back of his head*


R: HEY SORA! *goes up to him and starts talking*

k: hey riku you know what i was thinking?

R: uh... questions is do i care? *he mutters*. uh no what kiari?

K: i was thinking you and i go back to the docks and share a P-fruit

R: *thinks to himself heavens NO, me share my heart with her, i'm already sharing it with darkness why would i want to share it with her too, i want to share it with.... * uh no thanks maybe later

S: *thinks oooh yeah he turned her down, now she'll come running back to me, i just gotta play it cool* hey i'll catch you later i need to .. uhh.. do something

R: *leans in and whispers to sora* you're leaving because of kiari huh?

S: No! *walks away toward raft on other side of island*

K: *runs up to Riku and kisses him* ooo, i thought he'd never leave

R:*pushes her off* ew what are you doing?

K: ... but but i love you

R: i dont love you, i love....

*kiari runs off crying to go find sora*

Riku: hmmm whats her deal, oh well!

*sora sees kiari running to him and tries to play it cool but sees she is crying and pulls out key blade to prepare for an attack*

K: Sora i'm sorry, i was foolish, i love you, ONLY YOU, will you take me back? *she looks at key blade confused*

S: kiari...

*sora gets cut off by a distant splashing noise he turns ready to attack*

ARIEL: hey sora, want to come to atlantica and play video games?

*without thinking sora runs into water to go with ariel leaving kiari on the shore*

K: uh... what the heck just happened

sabation: *in Jamaican accent* you just got dumped thats what happened

*kiari kicks the little crab into the ocean and think ooh no some half human half fish freak take MY MAN*

K: sabation take me to see ariel, NOW, please

Sabatian: man, why is it always me

*kiari goes to find ariel, she finds her fin to shark fin with sora*

K: hey soooo-ra

S: *turns and sees how HOTT KIARI LOOKS AS A MERMAID AND GETS TOTALLY HOTT* kkkkkiari, hi, you look...

K: what is it sora?

*ariel leaves room to find prince eric (who is magically a merman)*

*sora swims up to kiari and kisses her passionately and kiari thinks OHHH MAN I WAS WRONG SORA IS SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN RIKU*

-back on shore-

*riku sits on tree watching sunset, mysterious woman appears, he smiles and puts his arm around her*

..... dun ..... dun..... dun....

*mickey pops up*

MICKEY: TO BE CONTINUED!!! xd rofl rofl rofl rofl