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PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:05 am
If someone doesn't agree with a certain country's policies you can't just tell them to 'grow up'.
There are plenty of adults who've disagreed with actions taken by America for a long time, so don't say "kids today" as though it's a fad.

I think calling Bush-haters jealous is childish. What about people in your own country who dislike him? What on earth are they jealous of then? Or do you see them as plain stupid?

I don't even think it's real anti-Americanism. I think it's more anti-American government.

not very many people here (that i know of) really dont care about bush. We basically take our money and stop caring. It's just that the intolerance of these people sickens me. How can anybody expect to fix anything that is wrong in the world if we just mindlessly hate one another?  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:26 am
Silenus Slade
What is it with kids today about anti-americanism? I see it everywhere, Gaia, 4chan, etc. It's stupid. They go on ranting about how fascist the american government is, and the redundant thing about that is that their beliefs are actually more intolerant than america is. I mean, there are racsists who live outside america. the Ku Klux Klan had members who were born and raised in canada. Canada didnt accept chinese into the country for over 50 years, and disencouraged jewish immigrants from coming into the country during world war 2, even going so far as to send a boatfull of refugees back to germany. The UK enslaved hundreds of thousands of blacks. the spanish conquered latin america, forced its people to give up their culture and a lot of it's language, the chinese view themselves as a superior race of humans, the japanese typically hate outsides. The american government doesnt think it's a good idea to rebuild new orleans, and OOPS, GEORGE BUSH HATES BLACKS. I mean seriously, america has had worse leaders. i typically veiw bush haters as jelous that a fat moron could be president.
i mean seriously. grow up.

There are enough logical fallacies and oversimplifications in that rant that I am not even reading the responses let alone adding my own, but I will say this:
Americans, like everyone else, have to negotiate the boundaries between realism and idealism in some way. People are going to do so according to the paths provided to them by books, parents, acquaintances, music, tv, etc. Those people will continue the pattern. I have yet to see anyone escape.
i am not even going to have thios debate anyfurther all i will say is that everyone is perfectly intitled to their view, and no one can change that but i think that perhaps...it is just to rebel against the country? the simplest explainasion yet quite possibly a reason that kids hate the country...just to rebel.

I briefly mentioned that at the beginning of my post, and yes, I agree with you. I think many teens just rebel as a way to justify their existense; to make themselves known and (in some way) be unique.
yeh, but its different when it comes to other countries cuz over here ((scotland)) many people including adults dislike america cuz of bush allowing alot of british soldiers to die becuase of HIS war, its also the reason alot of people hate tony blaire, cuz he allowed that to happen. also many english people have died becuase of the american war, with many terrorist coming over and putting bombs on our busses and trains because the soldiers are in their country, of coarse america has had to face terrible tragidies just like these but it doesnt mean that we are not mad about them coming to britan. ((personaly i think that anygoverment that goes to war is going to be hated, but the goverment that takes another country with them to war should expect people to not particularly like their country.))  


Isobel Bellamy

PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:23 am
What is it with kids today about anti-americanism? I see it everywhere, Gaia, 4chan, etc. It's stupid. They go on ranting about how fascist the american government is, and the redundant thing about that is that their beliefs are actually more intolerant than america is. I mean, there are racsists who live outside america. the Ku Klux Klan had members who were born and raised in canada. Canada didnt accept chinese into the country for over 50 years, and disencouraged jewish immigrants from coming into the country during world war 2, even going so far as to send a boatfull of refugees back to germany. The UK enslaved hundreds of thousands of blacks. the spanish conquered latin america, forced its people to give up their culture and a lot of it's language, the chinese view themselves as a superior race of humans, the japanese typically hate outsides. The american government doesnt think it's a good idea to rebuild new orleans, and OOPS, GEORGE BUSH HATES BLACKS. I mean seriously, america has had worse leaders. i typically veiw bush haters as jelous that a fat moron could be president.
i mean seriously. grow up.

*text mountain here*

Being anti your government and anti your country are two very different things, for example, I don't agree with many of the things my government does in the name of my country, but, I am still proud of where I come from and what it has done for the world. Not all of the people that protest against Bush are unpatriotic good loyal citizens, they just disagree with what their leader does in their country's name.
There are, and always will be, immature people that follow a trend, whether it be for wearing black (yes, wearing black is a trend, an alternative one, but that doesn't exempt it from becoming a trend).
And of course, there will always be the people that go against the grain whtever, if for example, overnight everyone became flag burning anarchists, they would become the most patriotic flag honouring person imaginable.
This is just something that happens all over the world, in every country imaginable.
As for those examples you gave (I'm not exactly disagreeing with you, they are all correct if you take them at face value, but just for people that read things and take them literally, here's extra info).

Yes, Britian did enslave thousands of Black people, as did France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Denmark and just about every other western european country of that time, to greater or lesser extents. But let's not stop at what the Europeans did with Africa, this is a continent that went around commiting genocide, mass murder, raping, pillaging, pludering, and enslaving just about everyone that came their way for as long as you care to ask. But, think about it, the British colonised just about every corner of the earth, countries like Australia, and New Zealand wouldn't exist the way they do now, without European settlers neither would Canda or even America, so your great country was founded on the same slavery, it certainly wouldn't be as rich as it is now if it hadn't been started with the blood of the slaves it was created with.

What the Spanish did with latin america was brutal, calous and nothing short of evil, BUT, remember, the Spanish settled North America as well, with the French, Dutch and English. There was mass genocide of the Native Americans as well, your ancestors (if you are descended from the Europeans) committed that. Remember; the Europeans in Europe aren't the ones that colonised America, they just come from the same country they originated from. It's the Causasians in America that are descended from those people.

Every race views it's self as superior, Aren't you forgetting Hitler and his Nazi's? Yes, Japan has a reputation for disliking outsiders and being isolationist, but is this not what America's standpoint is, or has been in the past? America refused to enter the Second World War until it was attacked in Pearl Harbour, until then it was pleanty satisfied with waiting for the smoke to clear and a winner to be declared and then siding with them. Until the war was taken to it's own shores the then American government continued to employ it's isolationist stance and keeping it's self separate from the troubles of other countries.

But, in these matters, it is wise to remember that not everyone in every country has the same views, there may, and are, some Chinese that see themselves and their countrymen equal, not superior to other nations and races. Not all Japanese view themselves as apart from the world (like America did and to some extent still does), they see themselves as a part of the world and the need to co-operate.

I believe the Amaerican Government believe it is a bad idea to re-build New Orleans because it was so completely and utterly destoyed by it's inadequate flood defences for a city built below sea level it was an accident waiting to happen and they now realise this. I doubt any government, no matter how ill advised, would endorse something that is only likely to re-create death and destruction, so no, it's not a case of being racist, just not wanting to ruin their chances for re-election.

As for
i typically veiw bush haters as jelous that a fat moron could be president.
i mean seriously. grow up.

You're proving yourself to be just as juvinile as those that dislike something because of a trend. If you're going to do that, at least do it with correct spelling and grammar. It's jealous, i comes before e in view and when you refer to yourself as "I" it's capitalised because I is a noun, furthermore you always capitalise the beginning of sentences.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:37 pm
The truth is, I don't think there is a place in this dimension that I could truely like. I do not like America because there are too many hypocrites, but that's true of the entire world. I still think America's a great place though, but there seems to be a glitch in society in which people can't accept new things. I only dislike George Bush because I view him as a freak that doesn't care about worldly issues, like global warming.  

Ming Chen


PostPosted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:44 pm
Isobel Bellamy
You're proving yourself to be just as juvinile as those that dislike something because of a trend. If you're going to do that, at least do it with correct spelling and grammar. It's jealous, i comes before e in view and when you refer to yourself as "I" it's capitalised because I is a noun, furthermore you always capitalise the beginning of sentences.

1. i decided to not include anything about the nazis and all that because it is also not only he most overused example of racsism, but it's become nothing more than a crude joke

2. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET. but seriously, dont talk s**t about anybodys grammer or spelling. for all you know, they could have some kind of mental handicap (such as dysgraphia). somebody could take offence at the rantings produced by your inflated ego.
and spelling and grammer is over-rated. It's stuff like this that makes language evolve. see: 1600's grammer.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:30 am
1. i decided to not include anything about the nazis and all that because it is also not only he most overused example of racsism, but it's become nothing more than a crude joke

2. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET. but seriously, dont talk s**t about anybodys grammer or spelling. for all you know, they could have some kind of mental handicap (such as dysgraphia). somebody could take offence at the rantings produced by your inflated ego.
and spelling and grammer is over-rated. It's stuff like this that makes language evolve. see: 1600's grammer.

1. The Nazi regime in Germany is not only an extremly good example of what can happen when people let things get out of hand as well as mass genocide, it's going to be used a lot, deal with it. If you prefer I could use the Tutsi Genocide of Rwanda, or possibly the Serb, Croat and Muslim clashes in Eastern Surope.

2. You should heed your own warnings. I am Dysbraxic, thus, it is extremly hard for me to learn spelling and grammar, but y'know what? I put in the effort and if someone with 'a mental handicap' can do it, so can everyone without such a 'handicap'*.
You examples of incorrect spelling and grammar is just plain laziness, not evolution of language.

* now that I do find offensive. Don't you ever say that to anyone with learning disabilities you pathetic little boy, grow up, get laid and quit pitying all the poor little 'spastics'. We don't need it.  

Isobel Bellamy

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:18 am
Your Attention Please
All right, time for a small reminder to please not start attacking one another.

I know that religion and politics are both subjects that can become highly heated. Please do not resort to insults since it quickly degrades any conversation.
Also, at least ATEMPTING to use spelling and proper grammar is actually part of the rules of the guild. Perhaps one we are a bit lax on enforcing because there are so many members of varying age ranges, but it is still one that should be followed to the best of one's abilities.

/End Of Moderation Points

Now, as for myself I know that a lot of countries do not care for the United States because of the general attitude a lot of people hold when overseas. A lot of Americans don't seem to believe in learning at least a little bit of a different language and start speaking more loudly in English when trying to get their point across to someone who doesn't speak the language. Needless to say this sounds very arrogant and brash to believe that Everyone should speak English just because you do. (An actual example one of my college professors in sociology mentioned). That kind of egotistical veiwpoint is what makes me cringe sometimes at admiting my country of origins online only because I know how the outside world sterotypes Americans.

Now... as for the Bush adminstration... I was against him before it became popular. sweatdrop My thoughts after 9-11 occured were a little different than most people. I looked around the college campus and wondered to myself how many people around me where going to have to leave, have to go to war, and have to die because of this. I worried about if the draft might potentially be re-instated if they did not have enough people, and I felt an impending sense of dread as more and more people where whipped up into a patriotic and relgious fever. I worried about one of the nice co-workers I used to have that was muslim and used to wear her head wrap to work each day. I was afraid for her, scared she would be attacked by bands of idiots who wanted nothing more than to blame the nearest people they could find. I found myself not inspired by Bush's words on the television set, but apprehensive about what direction our future would take.

The "War On Terror" to me became nothing more than propaganda used in order to further Bush's own ends. He hunted down Sadham to further his father's war. The prices of gas began to steadily increase, slowly at first, but then much more drastically and I couldn't help but feeling that his texan oil friends were getting rich off of his position of power. Countless times I saw the faces of people who had died on the news and couldn't help but to feel sorry for them and their families. As the "War on Terror" continued to drag out I wondered if anyone even realized that the United States is not the only country to be attacked. More people began to want their families whole, and more protest groups began to form. At first protesting the war was deemed to be "unpatriotic" but as things progressed and more people became dissatisfied with the state of things that word was dropped as a description for those who did not agree.

For a while you could have even been considered a terroist and investigated by the FBI if you were too blatently against the government. They tried to keep us living in an era of fear. They figured if they could keep us afraid of the events that occured, then they could more easily manipulate and control the general populace... for the most part they were right. More Home Land Secruity Laws were passed than I really care to imagine that resticted our personal freedoms to various extents all in the name of stopping terrorists.

There are many things that I don't agree with within the structure of the american government. That doesn't mean that overall I don't wish to live here, it just means that I think for myself and question things frequently. I don't always accept things at face value and I don't like the conservative direction the government is trying to take us right now. I don't agree with banning gay marriages, and I don't agree with making a difficult decission like abortion even more difficult on women. I think that personal freedoms should be upheld regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, and gender. The world has to continue to move forward, and to me it feels at though the Bush adminstration is taking the United States one step back.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:00 pm
Isobel Bellamy
1. i decided to not include anything about the nazis and all that because it is also not only he most overused example of racsism, but it's become nothing more than a crude joke

2. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET. but seriously, dont talk s**t about anybodys grammer or spelling. for all you know, they could have some kind of mental handicap (such as dysgraphia). somebody could take offence at the rantings produced by your inflated ego.
and spelling and grammer is over-rated. It's stuff like this that makes language evolve. see: 1600's grammer.

1. The Nazi regime in Germany is not only an extremly good example of what can happen when people let things get out of hand as well as mass genocide, it's going to be used a lot, deal with it. If you prefer I could use the Tutsi Genocide of Rwanda, or possibly the Serb, Croat and Muslim clashes in Eastern Surope.

2. You should heed your own warnings. I am Dysbraxic, thus, it is extremly hard for me to learn spelling and grammar, but y'know what? I put in the effort and if someone with 'a mental handicap' can do it, so can everyone without such a 'handicap'*.
You examples of incorrect spelling and grammar is just plain laziness, not evolution of language.

* now that I do find offensive. Don't you ever say that to anyone with learning disabilities you pathetic little boy, grow up, get laid and quit pitying all the poor little 'spastics'. We don't need it.
1. yeah. because hitler, the holocaust, and anti-setitsism is generally veiwed as a joke. see this. nobody takes nazus seriously anymore.

2. i meant no offence. which is why i said handicapped instead of retarded. or something even more blatantly insulting.

* now that I do find offensive. Don't you ever say that to anyone with learning disabilities you pathetic little boy, grow up, get laid and quit pitying all the poor little 'spastics'. We don't need it.

yeah. heed your own advice. we also need to grow up.  


Silenus Slade

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:53 pm
Isobel Bellamy
1. i decided to not include anything about the nazis and all that because it is also not only he most overused example of racsism, but it's become nothing more than a crude joke

2. WELCOME TO THE INTERNET. but seriously, dont talk s**t about anybodys grammer or spelling. for all you know, they could have some kind of mental handicap (such as dysgraphia). somebody could take offence at the rantings produced by your inflated ego.
and spelling and grammer is over-rated. It's stuff like this that makes language evolve. see: 1600's grammer.

1. The Nazi regime in Germany is not only an extremly good example of what can happen when people let things get out of hand as well as mass genocide, it's going to be used a lot, deal with it. If you prefer I could use the Tutsi Genocide of Rwanda, or possibly the Serb, Croat and Muslim clashes in Eastern Surope.

2. You should heed your own warnings. I am Dysbraxic, thus, it is extremly hard for me to learn spelling and grammar, but y'know what? I put in the effort and if someone with 'a mental handicap' can do it, so can everyone without such a 'handicap'*.
You examples of incorrect spelling and grammar is just plain laziness, not evolution of language.

* now that I do find offensive. Don't you ever say that to anyone with learning disabilities you pathetic little boy, grow up, get laid and quit pitying all the poor little 'spastics'. We don't need it.
1. yeah. because hitler, the holocaust, and anti-setitsism is generally veiwed as a joke. see this. nobody takes nazus seriously anymore.

2. i meant no offence. which is why i said handicapped instead of retarded. or something even more blatantly insulting.

* now that I do find offensive. Don't you ever say that to anyone with learning disabilities you pathetic little boy, grow up, get laid and quit pitying all the poor little 'spastics'. We don't need it.

yeah. heed your own advice. we also need to grow up.

I got bored and read some of this. Wow. I cannot believe you cited that site. That would be an easy way to flunk a paper.

Your comeback to that final statement...Look, Isobel Bellamy made a decent response with excellent examples and brought personal insight to the discussion. Responding with the equivelent of "I know you are but what am I" is neither mature, nor well-thought out. It was just offensive to the person and to intelligent discourse. There was not a single thing in your response that could not be taken as personally offensive. Thank goodness there are apparently no holocaust survivors here, and by merely suggesting the other things you could have said about people with learning disabilities you come across as insincere. Nazis are a big deal as are learning disabilities. Take them seriously because politics and higher institutions of learning do. The massive turnout to the anti-Nazi rally in Madison earlier this year is evidence enough. I seriously hope your "nobody takes 'nazus' seriously anymore" comment was a joke. Or maybe I am getting Nazis and Nazus mixed up.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:20 pm
If someone doesn't agree with a certain country's policies you can't just tell them to 'grow up'.
There are plenty of adults who've disagreed with actions taken by America for a long time, so don't say "kids today" as though it's a fad.

I think calling Bush-haters jealous is childish. What about people in your own country who dislike him? What on earth are they jealous of then? Or do you see them as plain stupid?

I don't even think it's real anti-Americanism. I think it's more anti-American government.

It's really funny, seeing as the government itself, the concept of it, it's NOT bad at all. In fact, it's really damn good.
It's the people running it that screw it up. Who elects the people? The citizens.
Therefore, it is just as much our own faults. You can't blame a politician for ******** up if you're the own who elected them.
Slightly off-subject, there ARE more than two parties in an(American) election, more often than not. And people always b***h about how if they voted third-party, it'd be a waste of time, but if everyone who wanted to vote third-party would vote third party, there'd be enough to make an impact.
But.....yea.....people need to quit bitching, unless they have a reason. I'm sick of hearing, "Bush is stupid!!" when there are other people you can blame as well. I'm also sick of hearing, "because he is," when I ask why.
I'm ESPECIALLY sick of hearing "I don't care about politics," from someone as soon as I mention an important matter, but then they b***h about Bush/America soon after. I have a word for them: HYPOCRITES.


The Reused

PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:23 pm
well, in my case i love the country, im not a huge patriotic, i just hate bush.  
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:51 pm

I just detest the Bush adminstration, not just him in general. But as he is the face of his adminstration, when the s**t hits the fans more of it hits his face than his advisors. There are numerous parts of the adminstration I found hypocritical, disgusting and in my view, a distortion of what America is really supposed to be.

But hey, it's true that we elected him, bitched about it, and then re-elected him. Can't we figure out who we want in office after the firts four years?

-Lasciate Ogni Speranza-


PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:13 pm

I just detest the Bush adminstration, not just him in general. But as he is the face of his adminstration, when the s**t hits the fans more of it hits his face than his advisors. There are numerous parts of the adminstration I found hypocritical, disgusting and in my view, a distortion of what America is really supposed to be.

But hey, it's true that we elected him, bitched about it, and then re-elected him. Can't we figure out who we want in office after the firts four years?

Fortunately, we have only about one more year until the next presidential election.
I heard Hillary Clinton was running. Can someone tell me if this is true, or not?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:54 pm
wow. nazus. i cant believed i made a single mistake typing. i ought to go and kill myself out of shame for not being 100% accurate with my keystrokes.

I'm asking a mod to lock or delete this thread due to extreme drama. some people cant respond to another's opinion bout politics that they disagree with without over-analyzing the OP, then flaming the hell out of it. yeah. who's immature now? wait. everybody who cares more about 'proper grammer and spelling' than what another person has to say. I meant no offence, and you shouldn't have taken any. i just wanted to say my peice without some clownshoe doing exactly what you guys did. otherwise, I would have posted in the GD.  



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PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 4:19 pm
I'm going to ask everyone to stay on topic.

Behave yourselves.
Since lurichan has already warned people in this topic, this topic may just disappear once I see another insult.

No need to resort to insults.
It distracts from the point of conversation and only results in a group headache.  
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