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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:33 pm

Sheridan and Tori
Feb 21 2006

A whinny cut through the cold night air, and galloping hooves clapped against the moutains as the chocolate stalion thundered into the valley below. His body was in fluid motion, his muscles elegant and taunt as he gracefully ran across the frozen ground. He gave a toss of his head, his long ebony mane trailing like a silken banner behind him. Slowly he began to edge into a trot, and finally to a stop by the edge of a stream. It was good to run, he often found himself doing that. He laughed to himself, and bent to take a long draft of the water.

A conetnt sigh escaped him as the moonlight sparkled over the dew on the ground, casting the valley in a silver sheen. His obsidian tail whiped behind him as he relxed behind the stream, taking in the sites.

samus x
Tori's ears perked at the sound of a whinny. she went to investiage whre it came from. having snuck from Dyami's watchful eye, she came to a stream, and noticed a Stallion. she really had no idea what to do since the only stallion she knew was her dad. taking a few momunts to think, she decided to go over to the big stallion.

A rustle to the left of him caused Sheridan's velvet ears to swivle. He smiled as he turned to see the small filly. With all the little ones popping up, and the few that had come to the valley where he lived, he was becoming quite acustomed to children.

The large stalion shook his long raven mane once more and slowly stepped over to the filly and lowered his head to get a good look at her. His deep brown eyes where friendly as he looked at the small foal. "Hello there, and who might you be?"

samus x
Tori grined." my names Tori." she then pranced about the big stallion." and who are you." she stoped adn then looked at the stallion curiously.

The large chocolate stalion chuckled a bit and tilted his head as he watched the litte one prance around. He smiled, his eyes twinkling with merriment. "Im Sheridan...So tell me. What are you doing out and away from your family at this hour?" He raised an eyebrow at the little filly wondering if she often went out on her own.

samus x
Tori stuck her tounge out and pranced about more." nice to meet you Sheridan." she then stoped again and looked at him." im just out and about to have soem fun." she hoped he would not ask if her parents where near by because she wanted to get away for a bit, but knew her dad Dyami would be coming aroudn soon.

Sheridan chuckled softly and nodded. "I see, You're quite the spirited one arnt you?" He smiled and left it at that, watching her prance about. His long tail flicked behind him. "You're also full of energy... You know what gets that extra energy out?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye.

samus x
Tori stoped and grined. " no what would get that energy out?" she loved games, and was ready to play. prancing about more she waited for him to tell her what would get engergy out and also you could see she had little twinkle of cunning as she did.

"Running!" Sheridan exclaimed with a joyful whinny. He threw his head and laughed before looking around quickly. "I'll race you to the base of the mountain and back... 1.2.3.GO!" Sheridan laughed and took off like a rocket. He could act like a colt again sometimes, but at lest he enjoyed himself. Laughing as he ran, his hooves thundering onto the frozen ground, the strong stalion made sure he didnt run too quickly, should the filly not be able to catch up.

samus x
Tori grinned, tossign her head once, she then bolted right after him. having played this game with her own dad, she was actualy quite fast to keep up with the pace Sheridan had set. laughing as she ran, she tried to out run Sheridan, which was not possible for her to do, being a foal after all.

The strong stalion set himself at an easy pace as the filly caught up and stuggled to pass him. Laughing he raced through the trees jumping over a fallen log easily, he panced back to make sure tha the small one wouldnt get high centered and stuck. His tail whiping behind him as he ran, his graceful form sliding through the darkess. The moon light shined down through the canopy in dappled drops upon the path. The night air was cold in his lungs, but every breath felt as sweet as honey.

samus x
Tori was still grinning as they ran. she tryed to keep up and just barly made it over the fallen log. she enjoyed this run and the cool air felt good as they raced through the trees. as they ran she thought about what kind of a lecture she would get when her dad found out she left and came back, but she just laughed it off and enjoyed the run.

Sheridan's hooves thundered into the night, clattering over the rocky face of the mounatin ridge that signaled the end of the corse. He paused for but a moment, giving the filly more of a chance to catch him before he rounded prancing his front hoves. "This way back small one!" He called to her and showed her the way, looping through the trees. Having watched her strugle over the log he hoped to be clear of any obsticals such as that buy looping around, not going strait back through. The mighty stalion ran on through the night leading the filly through the coarse.

samus x
Tori followed as fast as she could adn kept not to far from Sheridan." OK!" she called back and looped through the trees following. she usualy like to lead instead of follow but knew Sheridan knew the way better than her.

As they rounded the corner sheridan's steps began to slow, letting the fuilly take the lead. She seemed head strong and very willful. In a way she reminded him of himself at that age. To play into the act he began to pant as they rounded the last corner...although the run was begining to ware on him a bit it wasnt nearly as bad as he let on. The stream came into veiw and he slowed a tad bit more, having even intention to let the filly win.

samus x
Tori who was a cunning little girl, and knew what Sheridan was doing, but just went along. haivng a burst of energy she went even faster and reached the stream before Sheridan. prancing about at the streams edge, she turned and grined at Sheridan." that was loads of fun!"

Sheridan approched the spring at a slow trot and came to a stop. "Few... im getting old." he said, with that same twinkle in his eye. He watched the little filly with a chuckle. "But it was a good way to get that energy out, although it looks like you have more where that came from!" He smiled and made his way to the stream, taking in a quiet drink, after a moment he loked back up at the bouncing girl. "woudnt your parents be missing you by now?"

samus x
Tori took a quick drink and grined at Sheridan." naw you not old!" she thought about her dad and figured he would be worrying." yeah i bet my dad is since i kind of sneeked off without him knowing." taking another drink she grined." but i think a little bit longer wont kill him."

Sheridan's eyebrows raised as she confessed her dad didnt know where she was. She really was a filly after his own heart. "You are a free spirit arnt you?" He said with a laugh and he shook his head. "As you wish, But dont let me keep you. Wouldnt want to see you get into trouble after all." He smiled at the little filly and sighed, his gaze shifting to the night sky, his thoughts turning to Ardia...and for a moment wondering if when they did settle down and have children if they would be head strong like this one. He began to chuckle to himself and he smiled, knowing that somewhere under the blanket of stars his darling Ardia was also watching.

samus x
Tori winked at him." ofcourse but i like having fun." she then looked up at where Sheridan was lookign and shook her head. getign a little bored of looking at the starts, she niped playfully at Sheridan's mane.

Dyami woke up to find Tori gone. he gave a gron and set off to the stream to see if she had just went to get a drink.

Sheridan found himself blinking away the thoughts of his love and looking down at the playful filly. A smile crossed his face againt as he gently head butted her. Laughing he trotted away from her, playing an odd game of tag. The chocolate stalion was clearly not above playing games with the young ones.

samus x
Tori grined and pranced after him and niped at him. she was having a good time with Sheridan, but knew soon she would ether have to go or her dad would find her.

Dyami came to the stream and saw Tori playing with another stallion. he chuckled and nickered a greetign more towards Tori than both her and the stallion.

Sheridan smiled and looked up, Seeing the stalion that could only be this one's dad he chuckled. "I think I should take my leave..." He motioned to her father and nodded to him. "Good evening sir." And with a nod of his head he trotted off into the night, not wishing to see the little one get scholded for sneaking away.

Dyami chuckled and called to the other." thanks for watching her!." he then came to Tori." how about we go for a walk since your wantign to be out and about.

Tori chuckled." ok!" she then started off with Dyami.

Sheridan 2/2/06

Little Orlando is out for a stroll with his mother, who seems to be trying to teach him the finer points of survival.

It's a fine spring day, and the thaw has seemingly come a little early to these parts: the river is rushing past, and water drips, courtesy of the snow remaining on upper limbs of trees, down onto the backs of the brown mare and her golden son. Rowanoak is resigned to it...but Orlando seems to jump out of his skin everytime another drop lands on his back. With the energy of the very young, he doesn't seem to get tired of it, either. With another squeal, he darts about in a random, haphazardly zig-zag, until he's convinced, for the hundredth time, that the drop of water was not a monster.

"No, dear, it won't kill you," says Rowanoak, wearily. "Now, stand still and listen for a half a minute. "That stuff there, the pointy off-green stuff...that's not for eating, okay? It'll make Orlando have a sick tummy and feel bad, sweetheart. But this here, this is good, you see?

Firefly wandered through the slightly grassy plains slowly. Her long silver and black tail flowing behind her as she walked casually. Not in a real hurry to get anywhere anytime soon. She just felt like takeing it easy and not rushing around like some other Soquili might. Besides, she wanted whoever happened to pass by to notice her in all her beauty instead of just a blurr that happened to pass by.

As she walked, she lowered her head slightly to look at the bits of snow that was melting away. Spring would soon be here. Or atleast she hoped it would be. Then the snow would be gone and it wouldn't be so cold. She hated the cold.

Chu'mana ran in large circles, looking at anything and everything she came across. She stopped occasionaly to stare at a rock or the grass, the black and green hair on her back moved like the grass only it didn't sway as much. She trotted in a line for a while looking from side to side, peering about for another soquilli to speak to. Chu'mana stopped at a samall stream and lowered her head for a drink.

Through the mist that darted through the trees came the thundering hove beats of a distant Horse. He smiled to himself as his powerful muscles guided his hooves surely across the ground. waves of mist trailing and parting before him, only to swallow up the trail again behind him.

He came to the edge of the forest and reared back, a wild cry escaping him as his lunges heaved within his chest. He'd run for the sheer joy of running, His ebony tail and mane streaking behind him in the wind. He Shorted and pawed at the ground, eyes glancing about for signs of other soquili.

Ceylona was pacing through the forest, her mind lost in deep thoughts. She had finally met a human, and had been honestly suprrised at how persuasive that human had been... how gentle and convincing of her good intent. She wasn't sure yet what to think of it all. But she had been impressed with the creature. They certainly were useful beings, to be sure.

The sounds of thundering hooves in the forest roused her out of her thoughts. She lifted her head and perked her ears, swishing her sweeping tail behind her. Other soquili were about! She wasn't sure she was in the mood for company. Still, perhaps it would do her some good. She set off at a stately trot towards the sound of other soquili.

Rowanoak hears Sheridan first, and looks up sharply, frowning. What's all that racket? She snorts, shaking out her braided mane, and stomps off in his direction to see what all the fuss is about.

Orlando follows hesitantly after his mother, sticking close to her flank. But he spots something she doesn't: down by the water, there's something moving. He digs his tiny heels into the dirt, and looks around for a few minutes, staring curiously. Whatever it is, it's dark. With a quick glance at his mother, he cautiously starts down towards the dark creature by the edge of the water.

Rowanoak doesn't realize that her son's disappeared from her side: her attetion is focused on the young stallion she spots through the scattered tree trunks. "What's all the fuss?" She demands, trotting towards him.

The golden foal peeks out shyly from between two bushes, leaning over so he can get a better look. It's like him! Surprised, he pulls back a bit. Like him and Kasi...it must be their type, then. His tail swishes with a sudden burst of excitement, but he's not sure he should go out there. It's by the water, and water's supposed to be dangerous.

Before he can make any decision, though, he steps on something fluffy. It yelps, he squeals in terror, and bolts out towards the black foal.

Firefly's ears flicked forward as she heared the commotion comeing from the tree lines. Her slender neck cured in the direction it was comeing from as she spotted a stallion. It must of been him that made all the rucuss. What a dope. He was drawing all the attention away from her. Though he wasn't all that bad looking to begin with.

Her ears flattened against her head as she watched another mare approach him. Flicking her tail side to side a few times she watched and waited to see what happened. Wondering, because of the way the mare was acting, if some sort of confrontation between the two would happen.

Chu'mana shrieked as a golden foal darted at her, almost knocking her in to the cold, rushing water. Her leg were wobbling and the wind didn't help her from nearly falling over. "H..Hello.... Why did you bolt at me?" She questioned in a voice as shaky as her legs. She exhaled and moved away from the water. "I....I'm CHu'mana." She offered up. It wasn't poilte to give a name in the midts of a conversation. So now would be perfect.

With a suave smile and head held high he looked at the angery female. "why To annouce my arrival of corse!" he said as if this was no big deal. His ebony tail flicked against the ground as he smirked and he bowed his head low to the mare before him, winking softly. "I am Sheridan" he said with that same dashing smile. "and who might you be miss?"

His chocolate ears swivled against his head and he glanced off to his right where another female seemed to be approching. His heart lept with sheer joy, he should come down from the moutains more often! He raised his head and winked at Rowanak. "Sometimes a little fuss and noise can be good for your soul you know." He added with a gleam in his deep eyes.

Ardia clipped along, her tail swishing languidly behind her as she walked. It had been a good first visit to these parts, drama with the mud-bound filly aside. She had met some more of her kind, and even encountered a very charming stallion. She scented the air as she walked, catching the smell of horses in the air. Heading in the direction that her nose led her, she was delighted to see Sheridan again, accompanied with two mares, one dark like shadows, the other brighter. She walked sedately over, and gently nudged Sheridan with her nose when she draw up next to him.

Ceylona drew up from her trot to observe a strangely marked mare confronting a stallion. He seemed to think a lot of himself, she mused. Still, he struck her as at least courteous. Perhaps he had been the one she heard galloping through the forest. She approached more slowly, at a sedate and cautious walk. In the wild, the stallions could be very territorial, and she had learned to be wary of them. Oftentimes they either chased her off or tried to include her in their herd without her permission. Neither approach warmed her heart, to be sure.

She neighed with a stomp of her hoof to announce herself. "Greetings, I am Ceylona." She blew lightly as she gazed at the other two curiously. What WAS the mare fussing about?

There's another one, too...a mare. But judging by their expressions and distance from one another, the two unknowns don't seem to know each other. Rowanoak gives the dark female a glance, before deciding to focus her attention on the stallion, at least for the moment.

She blinks at the statement, as if she needed more time to process it before she can respond properly. But she soon finds her voice again.

"Your entrance," She repeats, as if fearing slightly for his sanity. She stares as he bows. Oh. "I'm Rowanoak," She says, gathering herself back together again. "And my son Orlando has wandered off somewhere." She glances around, only mildly worried, but the statement was more to reinforce the fact that she has a mate, and children, already. "And fuss and noise is all good and well, but it's sometimes accompanied by pain in the form of wolf teeth or cougar claws, so I tend to avoid it a little more nowadays."

Orlando skids to a stop before he hits the filly, ears drooping in a sheepish expression. But...wait! There was something over there. He looks back over his shoulder. It was fuzzy...the black female speaks, though, and he looks back at her, suddenly shy again. "I..I'm Orlando," he says in a quiet, meek voice. "And I think I just stepped on someone."

Sheridan, Catori, and Celendria 2/2/06

The wind rushed past the chocolate stalion as his ebony locks trailed behind him. He'd already been scollded once by a mare for making a scene, but he'd never been one for standing still. His white hooves beat steadily under him as he raced across the valley. Today had honestly been one of the funest in a long while. He smiled as he thought to himself, having met a handful of beautiful mares could uplift anyones spirits.

Eventually his hove beats slowed as off into the distance he caught sight of the sparkling blue lake. He snorted and shook his head with a merry whinny, prancing his front hooves and skiping about. Tossing his head heapproched the chilly lake.

The dainty littel hare gave a happy whinny, haveing once again found herself alone in the littel valley she often visited. She splashed around, the chilly water seeming to not bother her at all, in fact, she rather enjoyed it. The chilled water was still warmer then her mountan air, and her red hooved flashed as she pranced around. A happy smile was printed across her face, and a candy-cane mark stoof out on her snowy white flank.

If she had known anyone else was in the valley, she would not be galloping and splashing around like a young foal. But still, even the sweet and calm Catori had to give into those baby-like urges everyonce in a while. With a swish of her red and green tail, she pranced around, her mane damp against the side of her neck.

Sheridan's velevet ears flicked this way and that as he slowly approched the lake. And Low and behold what sight lay before him? Than yet another playful mare frolicing around in the chilly water. He gave a laugh and shook his head and with a flick of his ebony tail he stepped onto the bank of the lake.

"Lovely evening." he said with a smile to the mare whom didnt seem to have noticed him yet. He held his head high and lightly cocked it to one side as he watched the spirited mare play within the chilly waves.

Catori gave a sqeak, he haven spoken in mid-frolic, and lept clear of the water, landing with a splash. She quickly stood up and turned to see who stopke, and saw the brown stallion ' Oh! Hello! ' she said, her sweet and kind smile flicking across her face once again. It donned on her that she had just been playin in the watter like a baby otter, and she quickly removed herself from the water.

" yes it is, " she said, giveing her tail a whip-like swish wich sent water flicking off the the side. Once again, she met someone she had never seen before. It seemed as though soquili were popping up left and right! She was a rather small mare, and easily dwarfed by the chocolate stallion with his long mane.

The stallion gave a laugh and smirked softly as his deep brown eyes washed over the small white mare. His tail flicking behind him as he turned to face her better. "A little jumpy this eve as well it would seem. Ah well.. " he smiled brightly. "ah lest you seemed to be enjoying yourself." He winked at her and stepped to the shore, bending low to take a deep drink of the water.

After he had quenched his thurst he raised his head with a toss of his long raven locks. The white strand falling perfectly down the middle. "I am Sheridan, and who might you be, miss?" he bowed low before her, seeming to be a rather perfect gentlman.

Upon the hill stood the shimmering ice mare, whom watched the land below. Her hair shining white strands blending and flowing outward like rapid water. Teal orbs surveyed the scene before her, so lush and green past all the snow that still lie in places making the ground soft yet still decent in footing. By her long slender legs stood a smaller creature that blended with the snow. Its eyes peering as intently as her own. Craning it's little neck the wolf looked up to the mare waiting for a response of what they should do.

It appeared as if she were blushing, if a soquili could blush, as she flicked her ears, atempting to dry them of water. After composeing herself she smiled " My name is Catori " She said said, inclindeing her head, a rather rebellious lock of of red hair falling acroos her pale moon-liy face. " Pleasure to meet you Sheridan "

Sherian smirked softly an looked at the mare before him with those dreamy deep brown eyes of his. He almost seemed to chuckled softly as he hook his head a bit, clearing a few locks of hair from his eyes. "And what pray tell, is a beautiful mare like you doing out and about tonight?" He smiled at her and took a step forward.

The moon light shined down in dappled rays across the frozne ground, Patches of snow and ice, unthawed by the sun's rays, seemed to sparkle like diamons. Sheridan puffed up his chest and sighed, glancing around. That same smile pleasntly crossing his face. "The moon light mades you Glow Miss Catori."

The ice mare smiled softly at the young pup, eyes showing reassurance that none would come to harm. "Amadahy there is a huge world in front of you. Stay close to me and no harm will come to pass." she motioned with her muzzle. "Come let us enter that world and find comfort in others to talk with and trust." Flicking her silken ears, he muscles twitched, as she bounded off in a canter, her legs stretching outward to give her speed and grace. Still though she kept pace for the pup to comprehend and follow with.

The wolf pup moved with her, its coat soft yet bristling as it too stretched its legs to keep up with the frost colored mare. Little pants escaped its throat, tongue lolling downward as it kept speed and accuracy as her companion mare.

She blushed again, shifting her fromt paws. She had never been complimented before... aside from Dyami, who was praticaly her brother, and so was completly different. " Thank you ' She said, fidgeting slightly embarrased. " I came down the side of the mountain a couple days ago, but it was warm and the paths were slushy so i desided to stay down here for a few days ' She said, glanceing around the valley with crimson eyes.

As soon as she composed herself, the pink slowly fadeing from her pale face, she looked back at him ' and you? I have never seen you before " She said, looking over him, posotive she would have remembered him if she had spotted him before.

Again he smiled lightly as he could see the pink hue dancing across her milky white cheeks. His tail flicked and he took a step forward lightly pressing his nose agaisnt her warm flank. "No worries darlin, I often say whats on my mind. " He chuckled and took a step back, raising his head and bowing it at the same time to look the small mare in the eyes. "The mood does make you looke radiant though..." He pranced his front feet lightly as he heard the sound of distant hooves running towards him.

"I my dear, am new to this place. Although I hail from the mountains like yourself. I have never really wandered out this far before.. but I think with the day I have been having.. I shall be having to come down here more often."

He glanced back over his shoulder at the blue streak galloping towards him and smiled. His tail gave a flick and spun around to greet the new arival. "Greetings Celendra, You are a sight for sore eyes..."

[olor=green]She blushed again, her cheeks a faint rosey color, though her eyes shined happily, looking up at him, for once wishing she wasnt so small. Her ears twiched as she heard someone comeing, a sound like soft thunder, of wich she knew was another. And almost on cue a comet of blue fire streaked across the feild twords them.

As the stallion turned to greet Celendria, she herself gave a happy whinny, raising up on her hind legs before landing lightly, her red hooves danceing delicatly across the snow covered ground, pranceing in a littel circle as her herd-mate came near.

Celendria galloped , her legs shining with irridecence as she came in for a pause of her run. Flicking her tail, legs balanced and straightened she bowed her delicate head to Catori and Sheridan. "Greeting you two. Hmm Sheridan such a flirt as always I see." she remarked smirking with a nod.
Shaking herself she relived the tension that harbored in her withers and lower hocks. Lowering her head she motioned for her companion to come outward and meet the other two Soquili.

The small wolf blinked her charming blue eyes up at the larger mare whose eyes seemed reassuring at best. She gulped heavily, padding out from between the the giant mares strong stable legs. "hello." she squeaked with another yip that gurgled from her throat.

Sheridan gave a Knowing smile and nodded his head. "As always My dear Celendria, as always." He laughed and bent his head down low to examine the shy and timmid female wolf. His ears flicked back and forth before he finally smiled. "Hello there little one."

He raised his large head, and glance back at Catori with a laugh, rather thinking the little mare to be quite pretty when she was hopping about like a filly. "you two know echother then?" He glanced back and forth between the two and steped towards the middle of the group, as to be able to see everyone while speaking. His long rbony tail danced against the ground as he gracefully moved aside.

Catori nodded, smileing at her, her eyes shineing bright ' Catori and i live in the same littel valley in the mountains " she said, her tail swishing around in a very whip like fashion " Along with the flutter, we kinda of like a mini-herd " she said, turning her glowing scarlet orbs twords the icy mare. She tilted her head to the side, and being much smaller then either of them lowered her head slowly, not wanting to scare the dear littel pup.

" Hello there, My name is Catori, i hope ill be seeing alot more of you if you are going to be following out lovely blue around ' she said with a sweet smile. " What might be your name? " she asked, her littel white ears flicking.

Sitting, snuggeled up in the twisted roots of an anciant tree, sat a delicate littel basket, Black as the night around it. Two delicate grey feathers ruffeled from tis baskt, the ebony weavings protecting the fragil life inside. Woven into the rim of the lid, was a metalic grey stone... strangely remind someone of a twisted skull.

This information seemed to perplex Sheridan, he tilted her head and looked over at Catori. "Is that so?" He laughed and tilted his head backwards, sahking it in his mirth. Obsidian tresses follwoing his movements like streamers. "Then I find it quite strange that we havent met before now."

He smiled at Celendria and gave a small shrug of his large shoulders. "Then again, I havent been in the moutains of the reigion very long.. this whole place is new to me. " His graze dropped to the little wolf and he chuckled again. "I suppose I'll be seeing alot of you as well, little one.."

With a museing expression he turned back towards Catori. "Or perhaps I should call you, little one? However right now Radiant one suites you better." he winked and bright his gaze to celendria. "and the ice Goddess before us..."

The little pup meekly stood there shivering it seemed, perhaps afraid something would happen. "Amadahy. Celendrias found me all alone." she sqeaked with another shiver, her mouth trying to pronounce her words as they came to her. A tiny feather seemed to accent the little female's eyes as she looked upard at all of them. "I'll... be staying with Celendria miss Catori."

Celendria watched the pup with adoring eyes. It wasn't a foal sadly but it was her companion familiar now. That in a sence was like watching over your own child. She was proud of Amadahy for taking an initiave of being polite to her friends. As the wind spoke in a soft language the mare swieled her keen ears. She seemed entranced by something buried under the spring grass that grew outward like a tree. Making a nicker that escaped from her throat, she decided to inspect what it was. And upon her inspection she realized it was a basket.

Catori flicked her eyes up twords shriden, the orbs glowing like embers setteled in the snow. Though her face didnt suddenly glow bright as it had before, it could easily be seen that hre cheeks stained a rosy color, before she turned her attention back to thepup infront of her.

In hopes of makeing herself seem less scary and large, she setteled in the snow infront of the tiny pup, her slender legs folded under her. " Well then, i shall definatly be seeingyou " she said with a sweet smile, her eyes shinein kindly as she regarded the littel pup curiously. " You must be very brave, to have been out all alone untill Celendria found you " she said, a pang of admiration in her voice that would hopefully give the pup some more self-confidence.

The feathers on the basket ruffeled as a faint breeze blew past, something could be heard shifting inside, a faint rustle, but aside from that, the basket sat still, dark and alone within its littel nest of wood and grass.

If the ice mare could of celebrated she would had. Though it was not her own she longed to be with a basket. Her whickers were soft and maternal, as she leaned her head down to listen intently of the creature dwelling within. Everything else in the world seemed to melt further into non-existence around her. An infinite moment of quiet bliss as she nuzzled the basket lovingly.

The pup listened to Catori as a smile seemed to cover her meek little profile. "Its a scary place with no pack. No pack to run nor play with. Only little Amadahy till Celendria found her." she said with a timid nod. Turning her head she gazed upon the blue mare whom seemed entranced by something immensly. Whimpering she sat there wondering what the ice mare was doing.

Sheridan blinked his deep brown eyes and tuilted his head as the icy mare seemed to be intranced by something in the soft grass. He glanced back at Catori who was engaged in conversation with the pup. He smiled and quietly walked away to join Celendria un-notied.

He bowed his head by the trunk of the tree and lightly sniffed at the basket below. "A rather gloomy looking basket.." He remarked quietly and gently nudged it with his nose. He gave a gental reassuing nicker to the foal within, showing his kind paternal side that could be glimpsed upon occasion behind his flirtaous mask.

"what do you think, Goddess of Ice? Filly or colt?" He asked her as he quietly raised he's head to study the small basket from his full height.

Catori gave a gentel smile and nodded " I can imagine, it must have been scarey. And you know... back in our valley there is a littel blue fox... mind you hes not a wolf but hes still around your size right now. Im sure he would be happy to keep you company " she said, smileing. She turne her head twords the other two examening something ' its seems Celendria seems to have found something... curiouse? " she asked, giveing a sidelong glance at the pup, scarlet orbs watching her curiously.

A small snort escaped from the lineing between the basket and the lid, before the tiny baby insaide curled back off and rifted to sleep, in its foggy baby state mildly curious about who was looming around its nice, dark, warm basket.

The ice mare nickered and perked her ears to the grunt of the little foal within. She beamed quite happily as she caught the hint of her having company. "Im not sure yet. Could be a colt I wonder." she said with a soft sigh as her great lungs heaved her happiness at that very moment. She was very delicate as her breath released blowing into the weaves where the child lay. "I will watch over this little one when it heads toward the outside world. Someday I will have my own, but for now I will be a friend to this little one." she blew once more toward the child with a deep smile.

The wolf kept watch up at Catori nodding as her ears picked up on several things she'd remember one time or another. "What's in there?" she queried with the most interested bit of curiousity. Glancing once at the milky white mare then padding over slowly to see what the basket held inside.

Sheridan glanced back at Catori and flashed one of his handsome smiles and nodded his head to the side, stepping over so that she and the little wolf may examine the basket with out crowding. His tail flicked gently back and forth as he bent down to sniff at the dark basket again.

Listening attentively to celendria he nodded, a thoughtfull express crossing his face. "I think you may be right...never the less there is a strength is this one." he smirked and quirked an eyebrow at the icy mare. "You so disire to have your own, But I think for awhile, even though a friend you may be.. You my have your hooves full with this one."

Celendria smiled thoughtfully at his words of caution. "Yes I know. I've been on the move all my life, as I simply appeared with the coming winter this year. Like a bird who just one day decides its not heading to migration like the others. Oh how the wind mourns my decision to stay, but I must know of the other seasons." she said with another sigh as she blew outward to the weaves in the basket. "All young ones need someone to nurture them. I will take that task."

The young wolf padded over, sitting on her haunches as she looked curiously into the dark weaves of the somber basket. "There's a baby in there? How did it get in there?" she asked looking up at the others.

Sheridan smiled thoughtfully and tilted her head. "well then.. it will be good to hear the sound of a child in our medow." he nodded and glanced behind him, to the coll night. "alas My lady, I fear I must depart for now. My legs are aching to run, as im sure this little foals will be soon enough. Take care now, Ice goddess." He smiled and nudge her gently against her front shoulder. "and you take care as well little one." he added as he gklanced down at the timid wolf.

With that he reared back on his hind legs for but a moment before springing forward and racing into the inky night, his obsidian tail trailing behind him.

Sheridan, Catori and Ti'ran 02/05/06


Catori swished her tail, the rube and crimson tendrills brushing against the slowly melting snow. Crimson orbs glanced around. For once, she had met absolutly no-one in the lowlands today. but then of corse, she was still at the base of the mountains, her snowy white coat, shineing brightly in the sun, only her mane and tail, and the ocasonal splash of red of green makeing her stand out against the white backdrop.

Small as she was she woke out through the trees, gliting red hooved thudding against the ground as she trotted past a lazily trickeling brook, maveing bubbeled back to life with the slow retreat of winter.

"Hurry up, T'iran," a lupine goaded suddenly. He trotted loops around his much larger companion's stride, swishing his bushy tail as he pulled ahead.

The equine sighed heavily at him, and added a snort to clarify. "What in the world for?" His relaxed amble made his lack of ambition blatant.

"Well, if you want to sleep out in open snow, please, be my guest."

He had a point. The unicorn had been traveling most of a solid day now, pausing only long enough to soothe his hunger. With afternoon pulling near, he'd have to find shelter in the near future if he hoped to have any sleep by nightfall. At least with the slopes of mountains dotting the not-so-distant horizon, he had some hope. "It looks fairly cozy to me," he teased. Even with spring edging upon them, the lingering blanket of melting snow and ice did not boast hospitality.

"Enjoy," A'ier said simply, pushing himself forward with the unicorn trailing lazily behind him.

With a slow trot the majestic chocolate Stallion came into veiw. His head held high as he briskly made his way along the shore line of the babbling brook. His long obsidian tail flicked behind him as he eased to a stop, a small snort escaping him. His brilliant brown eyes seemed to glint with a bit of mischief as he glanced around before giving his head a shakde, his wild locks streaming behind him as he suddenly took off at a full gallop.

His hooves guided him surely through the melting snow as he sped on down the shore towards the sound of other soquili. as He rounded the last bend he raised himself into a rear and kicked his strong legs with a wild whinny. Setting hiself down with a laugh he grinned at Catori. "hello there again Radiant one." He spoke softly as he approched her, tilting his handsom head to the left only silghtly. "Going for another playful romp in the water?" he asked.

Catori swished her long tail in a whip like motion, something she did when she was deep in thought -or currently soaked in water- untill she heard the voices of someone near-by. She stilled, listening, the voices obviously just on the other side of the tree line. her long tail brushed against the snow, rebelious buds of new life pokeing defiantly from above, freed as she snow was brushed away.

Narrowing her eyes she stepped carefully around the side of the trees, her delicate hooves treding carefully on the cold ground, carefull not to get tangeled into the snow. Her ears perked up, her body half visible from behind the trees as she peered at the newcomers, her scarlet eyes shineing with inteligent curiosity.

To her eyes, they stood out in a starteling sight. A worl padding through the snow... and the most curious black creature plodding alone unenthusiasticaly behind. She stayed quiet, not intirely sure if she should say hello, carefully looking over the stallions horn, long tuffed tail, and cloved hoves.

Suddenly she gave a sharp whinny of suprise, leaping out from behind the trees, rounding on Sheridan " I had not inteded to! but it seems you are determined to scare me into fallin in face-first! " she said, a soft grin on her face. " That ro give me a heart attack ' she said, sence she had not been paying all to much attention to her surroundings as usual.

The two of them did indeed stand out, a stark contrast against the light blanket of landscape. Nor did they make any obvious attempt to prove otherwise, for their steps were not cautious, nor were their voices low. Appearences could be decieving though; the equine, at least, kept himself attentive, while his smaller companion took curious sniffs every now and then.

Understandably, they were very aware the moment another made an introduction. Ti'ran flicked a listening ear, but A'ier did not pay it any heed. At least, not until the startled cry met his tender senses. The wolf turned fully then, pausing his light gait. "Shall we?" he inquired, his tone more or less uninterested.

Ti'ran nodded to him, wavy locks sweeping over one eye with the movement. He offered the introduction as he pushed himself forward, halting just short of physical intrusion. "Afternoon..."

Sheridan couldnt help but laugh as his sudden apperance seemed to have really startled the mare. He Shook his head and stepped forward, nudging her gently with his nose. "Now now, Its not like I ment to scare you." he said with a laugh. "although the fright was rather cute in a way. " He smiled one of his dashing grins and stepped back, giving her room around him to get out of the water.

It was then that the sound of the strange horse and his wolf compainion reached his hears. Turning around to face them his eyes scanned first the length of the stallion before noting the dangerous horn atop his head. Raising his handsom head he slowly nodded to the stranger and his compaion. "Greetings." he said before a smile once again crossed his face. He frist nodded to the stallion before glancing down at the wolf and also nodding to him.

Catori carefully stepped out of the water, shakeing each leg carefully to free it of water before it could chill her fur and skin to greatly. ' Oh, Hello! ' she said, a sweet smile slipping across her white face, still flushed to a light rose color, still not gotten used to Sheridans teasing.

Her eyes were still shineing with a faint curious light as she looked them over quickly, now that she was out of the water, her small frame dwarfted by the chocolate stallion next to her. " nice to meet you, my name is Catori ' she said with another smile, inclineing her head in greeting, her ruby eyes sweeping over the wolf and unicorn.

Wolved did not startel her as they used to. One of her Herd-mates had a young wolf pup as a familiar, and another had a small teal wolf, so she did not still and go ridgest as she used to. But they did intruige her, for she had thought unicorns a simple myth. Though, she herself being red and green with a brught imprint of a candycane on her hind-quarters, she should have learned to think that some myths could be true.

The wolf, who had been lagging behind as Ti'ran stepped forward to greet them, pulled himself ahead now, and recieved Sheridan's nod with surprising indifference. "I'm A'ier." He gave a bit of a shrug, and tilted his narrow muzzle toward the other. "And that's Ti'ran."

The unicorn gave a sigh, and snorted dismissively at his companion. "Pleased to meet you both." He had been near enough to catch the mare's greeting to the other (and thus her name), but as she had not addressed him directly, he refrained from using it then.

"You are?..." A'ier eyed the stallion questioningly, taking a bold step toward him and flicking his twitching tail. He expected an introduction; he had, afterall, provided theirs. It was only polite, and though he wasn't particularly a stickler, he thought it reasonable to meet at least that standard.

Sheridan nodded quietly as he listened to the names of each in turn. His eyes turned from the wolf to the black stallion before him. "I am Sheridan, and this.." he said with a nod of his head to indicate the mare. "Is Miss Catori."

He stepped forward and grinned to the horned male in front of him. "Its a pleasure to meet you, Both of you." He remarked with a quick glance at the indiffernt wolf. His long ebony tail lashed about him suddenly with a quick flick. "What brings you Gentalmen this way?" He asked curiously as he moved to stand once more by Catori in a somewhat protective manner, as he really didnt know what to make of the two strangers yet.

Catori crained her head up to look at Sheridan, wondering why all of the sudden he was getting protective. She turned back to the two others, that sweet and curious look on her face " Pleasure to meet you Ti'ran, A'ier ' She said with a friendly swish of her tail, trodding a couple of steps forward, casting a curious glance back at Shreridan, nipping at him teasingly as she troted past, before turning her eyes to the unicorn before her, obviously curious but feeling it would be rude to just start blurting out questions.

Miss Catori? The formality was the first he'd heard since he left the valley; it made his inward curiosity twitch, though he dismissed it as a personal quirk and nothing more. It wasn't worth inquiring about.

Besides, their mutual curiosity overshadowed his own by far. "Hardly a gentleman," Ti'ran snorted, tilting his nose in the wolf's direction. "I am traveling; observing the lands beyond the valley. A'ier is along for some reason I have not quite figured out."

The wolf returned Ti'ran's notion with a surprisingly tolerant frown, though he didn't offer any light on his motivation for sticking around. Probably because he hadn't quite pinpointed it himself. "I wasn't aware we seemed threatening," he commented instead, as he lowered himself to his haunches.

Ignoring the idle statement, Ti'ran turned his gaze to the mare. "Is something bothering you, Catori?" This was an understatement, he knew. Her reaction was one he had seen a few times before already, but it was the best response he could manage. After all, he wasn't really itching to make an a** of himself, and there was a possability he misread her expression.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:38 pm

Celendria's Compassion for Chepi

Celendria Sat Jan 28, 2006

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Celendria: Walked slowly as the air danced around her. Her thoughts on Shaylee and her child-like tendencies. A smile formed on her muzzle with contentment. She listened for any sounds, mostly hoping the human named Chepi might be around. It was cold and dark and she longed to see Euphoria. Breathing in a sigh she listened once again.

Chepi quietly entered in, a soft sigh escaping her as her brown eyes slowly looked around the cold and frozen land. Pulling her furs tighter around her shoulder she pushed away from the tree she had been leaning against and began to walk north.

She hummed as she carried on, with every step growing a bit more merry and a bit less carefull. Not looking where she was going, she slipped and twisted her ankle, going knee deep into a snow bank. She yelled against the sudden pain and closed her eyes tightly. "AH!" The cold numbed away the pain after a few moments, but she chepi was very cross with herself, not to mention her leg was very cold.

With a grunt she tried to remove her foot, only to find it was firmly lodged in place. Her eyes went large with a hiunt of fear as she began to frantically tear away at the snow that bound her leg.

Celendria: Heard a sound not too far off. It was reminicent to her of a two-legger err human she corrected herself. Pausing she galloped a bit following Chepi downwind so she would be spotted. Pulling herself to a more comfortable walk, she found a rock about the size of an apple. Clenching it between her teeth she tossed it like Chepi did with the apples before.

As it rolled along the ground, it tumbled along till it stopped bumping Chepi's foot. The ice mare waited there paitiently to be noticed as it seemed this was their usual greeting.

Finally it seemedthe snow let go of her leg with a mighty pop. Chepi fell backwards and tumbled a bit with a low grown. She shook her head and sighed pulling her self up and dusting off the freash snow from her furs. It was then that she noticed the rock that rolled down the small hill and bumped lightly against her foot. She blinked a bit and tilted her head, turning to look up to where the rock had come from...and there stood the icy mare, looking as majestic as ever.

Lightly limping she walked before the mare and produced the ever taughting winter apple, wondering if the mare would finally come to her for the treat.

Celendria: Whickered as she watched that magic apple appear. This time she wasn't hesitant as she made her way toward Chepi. Her mouth seemed to simply drool for that one apple. With a few grunts and a nicker she nibbled at the apple in Chepi's hand. Indeed it was delicious as she drank that sweet juice. She nickered and playfully tossed her head into Chepi's chest. It had been so long since she felt the need to be a filly once more. She missed it dearly.

Chepi giggles as she held her palm flat, letting the icy mare eat her fill of it. She smiled and lightly patted the side of her neck. "Hello there." she said softly as her fingers trailed through the blue velvet fur. "and here i thought I was having a bad day." she added as an after thought as the pain in her leg seemed to start waking up as she moved. Hesitantly she roched off of it, lessening the pressure upon her foot.

She gazed into those teal eyes and sighed softly, yet..there was a joy in those eyes that almost seemed to mimic her own. "Perhaps you needed someone as bad as I did today." she chuckled a bit and with her free hand reached behind her hand produced a single sugar cube. It was no apple, but still the horses here where fond of them.

Celendria: wished she could speak to Chepi as her words were plain and understandable, but deep within her heart she knew they were different.
But still the ice mare was fond of this human. Craning her neck she nudged Chepi's leg with her velvet muzzle. The girl seemed perplexed with it for some reason in the mare's mind. She continued to nudge Chepi to see if she was correct in her observation. Nickering she looked up at her friend and swiveled her fine ears listening.

Chepi winced a bit as the mare nudged against her leg. Gritting her teeth toegther as the pain washed over her in waves. She steadied herself against the strong mare for a moment before regaing her balance. "I Hurt my leg, stepped into a snow bank." she sighed and murmured under her breath. "not paying attention."

With a sigh she looked down, she should take off her boot to examine the swelling, but...if it where too bad she may not get the boot back on again...and she didnt facy a treak through the snow back to the village with only one boot.

Celendria: Paused and looked at Chepi's leg again still a nicker here or there came softly from her throat. Her voice asking, "What's wrong? Why are you hurt? Can you walk?". Still though Chepi's gibberish sounded just that to the wise mare's ears. She snorted a bit and then lied down, careful not to get her weight on Chepi. Her eyes looked at the girl as if to say, "Curl up with me, for I am warm against the cold that torments you."
Her whickers were in spurts but she still tried to comminicate to her friend the best she could.

With a small sigh chepi curled up with the mare who seemed to understand the situation a bit more. "You are very intelegent." she commented as her fingers slid through the silvery locks of silken mane. The warmth of the mare against her furs seemed to seep into her body. She nuzzled against the thick neck of the mare and sighed, quite contently.

Celendria: listened to Chepi's contentment and seemed to smile herself. The cold was but an insect bite to her as she loved it even worse in temperature then this. Tossing her head she snorted and closed her eyes thinking about the sandy colored stallion whose wingbeats forever played within her mind. She had met him once yet her heart fluttered like a butterfly at the mention of his name upon her distinctive muzzle. She re-opened her teal orbs to watch over her friend. She was a good hearted Soquili whom would protect the ones that she truly deeply cared for.
Deep in her mind the sound of wings flapping in the wing still haunted her.

Chepi sighed softly and closed her eyes as the mare seemed to dript upon her own thoughts, as did she. Her fingers trailed over the velvet blue fur as she thought of the many strange yet beautiful horses she'd seen as of late. And of how foolish she'd been to let her thoughts wander while she was walking. Now she was not only in pain but would be slow in her every day tasks until her ankle healed.

Her slient repremands to herself faded away and as she settled against the warm mare.

Celendria: dreamed a bit as Chepi absorbed the warmth she was giving freely. She wondered where her friends were. As in Alona, little Orchu, Palla, Hania, Settia, Dyami and others that seemed a blur to her.

"What are they up to I wonder? Have they gone on with their lives? Do they remember me that I've headed off to be with Euphoria?"
She asked so many questions as those wingbeats played like a song in her mingled thoughts. She also wondered what Chepi was thinking as well. Humans were a strange sort but she still seemed fond of this one anyway. The night crept upon them like a predator and she knew well poor Chepi wasn't going to be able to stand the cold much longer.

Slowly looked up at the sky as it began to darken, clouds rolling in from the west promised more snow and a cold eve. She shivered softly as she slowly pulled herself away from the warmth of the mare. "I should be getting back." she said, to the horse as much as to herself.

She winced as she stood and slowly put as much pressure on her foot as she could stand. It was going to be a long walk.. that was for sure.

Celendria: Stood as Chepi did for her concern was utmost right now. The human was injured and she was attempting to cause herself even more pain it seemed. Stomping her right hoof Celendria showed a bit of irritation that Chepi would endanger heself even more.

Sniffing the air she caught wind of another creature not too far off. Turning her elegant icy neck she spotted a bear eating fish. Turning her head slightly she looked at the human to see what she would do now. Her tail swishing back and forth in worry that the human would try walking the entire way herself.

Chepi indeed had every intention of trying to walk the entire way on her own. After all she would never have dreamed of riding such a wild and free, not to mention beautiful creature as the icy blue mare. She Patted the Mare and smiled reasuringly at her, chuckling as she watched her stomp her foot in adgitation. "I'll be alright....besides...I cant stay here all night now can i?"

Her eyes drifted towards the bear and the fish as if to make her point clear. She took a limbing step, biting her bottom lip as she did so, and trying her best to keep her resolve around the majestic mare. For some reason however, she didnt get the feeling she was off the hook so easily.

Celendria: Stamped her foot again and snorted as if scolding a youngun. She pulled her ears back and whinnied with a flick of her long silky tail. "Don't think you can get off the hook that easily." she whinnied with a scolding look once more. The mare started to follow Chepi like a mother hen almost, her gaze never leaving the human. Letting the girl on her back seemed pretty far off to Celendria. She was quite fond of Chepi but didn't want to challange all her thoughts at one time. Stubbornly the quiet mare purposely stood herself next to Chepi as if to say, "Hang on to me and I'll help get you there." Her eyes very soothing as she watched the girl for a response.

Chepi couldnt help but let out a laugh at the mare's reaction. She nodded and placed her hand on her neck for added support while walking. "alright, Since you insist you may come with me.." She chuckled a bit. "stubborn little thing arnt you?" She asked after taking a few steps behind the mare.

Travling was easier with the horse beside her to help balace, and wuicker too with less frequent stops due to pain. Inside she was deeply thankful for the help the horse had offered her, and in time hoped that she could repay her gesture of kindness.

Celendria: Nodded in stern approval that Chepi did infact see her reasonings. Foolish it seemed was a creature to stubbornly injure itself even more in Celendria's opinion. She snorted and continued to walk onward slowly. Atleast the darkness wasn't as lonely when someone else was there for comfort.

It seemed she had traveled with her friend for over an hour till they reached the village. The mare's eyes widening at all the teepees that were lined there. Tethered at some were what looked like Soquili she thought. Nudging onward the mare brought her down into the village investigating the surroundings. She waited to see which Chepi would go to as they looked strangely warm.

Chepi sighed softly, rather feeling like a burdon to the mare, but she continued onward towards the fire light of the village. Those warm lights seemed to spur her on and she quickened her pace as much as she dare through the inky darkness.

The Moon and stars glittered from abover, raining down streams of silver light. The rays seemed to dance against the snow and over all made for an easy night of travel. As they reached the outskirts of the village the snow began to fall. show downy flakes slowly descending from the sky. Soon perhaps as they rained down upon them in forzen torrets, they would not appear so friendly, but for now.. it was a friendly enough sight and Chepi knew she had reached shelter just in time.

She smiled brightly at the mare and threw her arms around her neck, nuzzling in against her warm body. "Thank you." She murmured against the warm velvet coat.

Celendria: wouldn't admit that being this close made her uneasy as anything near this many humans. The smells that filled her nostrils were highly confusing and argumentive to try and figure them out. She blew outward to try and get rid of the confusion that plagued her senses.

As the girl thanked her with arms around her neck, the mare lowered her head and nuzzled back. All her years in solitude of wandering with the fridgid weather, she'd never known what it was to have a companion. She was envious of Shaylee sometimes, but felt sorry as well for poor Everly.
She shook those thoughts as she was released from the embrace.

It was time to return back.

Nodding her head with a few whickers she gazed at Chepi one last time and bolted back toward the mountains awaiting her joyously. As she ran on she thought to herself, "Fare thee well human. I shall look for you when you are able."



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:39 pm

Celendria - DYami- Kanti (Tue Jan 31, 2006 )

The ice mare stood waiting outside the village as she knew the human known as Chepi wouldn't be too far off. She closed her eyes and listened to the wind, such a beautiful sound it always made. Her ears swiveled off and on listening for any sound or noise to alert her of danger looming.

It had been almost a week now that she did this routine, some may have thought she was bonded to that particular human. Call it good nature in her own regards that she did indeed favor Chepi lately.

A yawn escaped Chepi, and she drew her lithe fingers through her ebony tresses. Blinking sleepily out against the icy plains she smiled, as out in the distance she saw the form of the mare. Lately she'd grown accustomed to the sight of the mare. Glancing back at the busy village, and with a smirk she ducked into her teepee, only to emerge a few moments later with her winter furs placed warmly over her shoulders.

She walked quitelt out away from the village, and as she approched, she sent her customary winter apple sailing through the air. It landed with a soft squish on the thawing ground and rolled to a stop about 5 feet from the mare's hooves.

The ice mare chuckled to herself as she craned her neck down to reach the apple. The sweetness filled her nostrils as she ate it with a grunt and a wicker of thank you. She raised her head upwards again watching the girl for anything else she had planned or up her sleeve.

Chepi smiled as she watched the mare enjoy her treat. She walked forward slowly and rubbed her hand along the velvet blue fur of her neck. "Hello again.." she said with a chuckle."You seem to be hanging around here more often." Patting the icy mare's strong neck she glanced around for any sign of the other horses that this one seemed to run with. However she doubted so many would willingly wander so close to the village.

Celendria perked her ears and snorted as her head turned. Dyami wasn't too far from her and... could it be? The mare looked at Chepi and nodded as she headed off for a trot toward the two. "Dyami.... is that... Kanti?" she queried with a huge smile.

hanging gallow
Kanti ears perked up. Who was this icy colored mare that was coming toward her. She didn't recongize her... or at least she had never seen her outside if her basket. "Hello.....who are you" she said prancing up to her to get a closer look at her.

samus x
Dyami turned his head at the mention of his name and saw Celendria. he nodde." yes this is kanti, and i actualy meet her berifly a while back." he smiled at her." and its been a while since i have seen you."

((not sure what Shar wants to do sad ))

Celendria: Whinnied with joy as she knew it was Kanti. "I'm just so happy to see you dear one. I used to talk with you when you were in that basket." she nodded happily. "I'm Celendria from the Northern mountains... Alona is a wonderful friend of mine.""

Quietly watched in awe as the little filly approched the icy mare. A smuie crossed her face as she watched the interaction between the two. She giggled and reatched into the pouch at her side, and offered the little filly a winter apple as well, hoping the mare wouldnt be to jealous of her kind gesture.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:40 pm

Sheridan- Ardia (Thu Feb 02, 2006 )

(( ninja ))

A figure moved quite fast among the hills, his muscles moving with his entire form. Mane and tail swaying behind him, shimmering silken black as obsidian. Traveling from the northern mountains where he was staying he was staying, he decided to see what else lied out there. Perhaps even a pretty set of eyes would catch his attention. Pausing his gallop, he danced in place noticing a band of Soquili. With a toss of his head, and a gleaming smile he trotted over. "Hello there," he announced with his head held high.

"One can hope..." But couldn't be sure. Surely she'd have enough sense not to repeat the situation twice though, right?

And who was this stranger? "Greetings," Loki responded, adding with it a polite bow of his head. "Sorry to say hello and goodbye, but I should probably be off as well. Have a good afternoon!" The stallion flashed an apologetic smile before turning and taking off at a gallop.

((Feeling slow and uninspired; don't want to hold you guys up. Have fun, I'll lurk instead. <3))

(( Ooh very pretty Yayoi..I should randomise mine as well if I knew how to do it hehe ))

Ardia's tail swished again, watching Loki leave, and then she went over to the white socked stallion.
'I'm Ardia,' she said, introducing herself to this striking Soquili.

Sheridan: Flashed a smile like non other with a wink. He bowed his head to her with modesty and grace. "Ardia" he thought to himself letting her name sink in quickly, noting her appearence as well. He loved to check out the female Soquili, made him feel quite the stallion. "Greetings Ardia... I am Sheridan." he returned the greeting with another smile. He was feeling quite energetic today as he watched her.

(( Thanks Yayoi ^_^ ))

'Hello Sheridan,' Ardia blew air through her nose, pressing it against his warm flank. It was a peculiar sensation to be appraised so frankly, and especially by such a stallion. What was she thinking? She'd just met him. She calmed her thoughts.
'It's good to meet you. I am new to these parts, are you?'


Sheridan: Welcomed her paying attention to him, made his head even more full of happiness. He smiled once more thinking only for a precise moment. "I just came into this area not too long ago. I live more Northern with a bunch of mares. Mind you only housemates." he said with an embarrassed grin. "They only live up there where I do, seeing that I'm quite single and available." He pranced about in place thinking how gorgeous she was but thought it best not to be such a flirt, causing her to blush as he'd done previously in the past. Bad enough he was announcing he was single. Well it was the truth after all.

'Oh?' she tilted her head, walking around him a little. She chuckled inwardly at his stating so quickly that he was unattached, unmated.
'So you came down here to...look for a mate?' Ardia asked sweetly, inwardly astonished at her own boldness.

Sheridan: Watched her, her chocolate coat melting in his deep set eyes. "Looking for a mate? Hmm possibly." he mentioned with a wink. He danced again with a flick of his long tail. "Is iot wrong of me to be convinced you are quite beautiful?" he smiled and grinned still watching her wondering if he was being too much of a flirt today. But he was taken in by a Goddess' eyes and seemed to be eternally slipping in a large pit of his soul.

Ardia shifted her feet, pretty much stunned right then. She kicked at the ground, looking shyly away.
'Beautiful?' she looked sidelong at him, wondering if his words were serious, or if he was talking in jest to accompany his dancing steps.

Sheridan: Wanted to smack himself thinking quietly, You idot stop being an ego trip and be nice to her. Clearing his throat he paused his hyperness and bowed his head once more. "Do forgive me for being a flirt. I happen to do that quite much." he blew outward apoligetically.
"But I am serious when I say you are very beautiful."
His eyes shown very sincere as his words when he mentioned his little mishap to her. "I don't lie when I mean something." He stepped up closer to her blowing gently with a soft smile.

Sheridan: Did beam at the sound of handsome as it came from her, sincerely at that. He was a flirt, he knew it, and perhaps that would never change. But what he did know for a fact is that she atleast accepted he was being quite serious. That made him feel quite wonderful and a little more less of an ego. "I won't lie when I say yes I've heard that before. But its an honor to hear it coming directly from you." he nodded blowing againsst her again with a subtle nudge.

Raising his head upward he noticed the silken blue mare standing in waiting for his return to the mountains. Lowering his ears and drooping his tail he sighed. "Ardia I must depart back home, but mayhaps I'll get to talk with you again sometime." he said with a playful nod to her flank.
Then with a bow, he sprinted off toward the hill where the ice mare waited paitiently to retrieve him.

((work time... I'll hop back on tonight after I return))



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:42 pm

Celendria-Catori-Sheridan- mystery basket (Thu Feb 02, 2006 )

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Upon the hill stood the shimmering ice mare, whom watched the land below. Her hair shining white strands blending and flowing outward like rapid water. Teal orbs surveyed the scene before her, so lush and green past all the snow that still lie in places making the ground soft yet still decent in footing. By her long slender legs stood a smaller creature that blended with the snow. Its eyes peering as intently as her own. Craning it's little neck the wolf looked up to the mare waiting for a response of what they should do.

The ice mare smiled softly at the young pup, eyes showing reassurance that none would come to harm. "Amadahy there is a huge world in front of you. Stay close to me and no harm will come to pass." she motioned with her muzzle. "Come let us enter that world and find comfort in others to talk with and trust." Flicking her silken ears, he muscles twitched, as she bounded off in a canter, her legs stretching outward to give her speed and grace. Still though she kept pace for the pup to comprehend and follow with.

The wolf pup moved with her, its coat soft yet bristling as it too stretched its legs to keep up with the frost colored mare. Little pants escaped its throat, tongue lolling downward as it kept speed and accuracy as her companion mare.

Again he smiled lightly as he could see the pink hue dancing across her milky white cheeks. His tail flicked and he took a step forward lightly pressing his nose agaisnt her warm flank. "No worries darlin, I often say whats on my mind. " He chuckled and took a step back, raising his head and bowing it at the same time to look the small mare in the eyes. "The mood does make you looke radiant though..." He pranced his front feet lightly as he heard the sound of distant hooves running towards him.

"I my dear, am new to this place. Although I hail from the mountains like yourself. I have never really wandered out this far before.. but I think with the day I have been having.. I shall be having to come down here more often."

He glanced back over his shoulder at the blue streak galloping towards him and smiled. His tail gave a flick and spun around to greet the new arival. "Greetings Celendra, You are a sight for sore eyes..."

She blushed again, her cheeks a faint rosey color, though her eyes shined happily, looking up at him, for once wishing she wasnt so small. Her ears twiched as she heard someone comeing, a sound like soft thunder, of wich she knew was another. And almost on cue a comet of blue fire streaked across the feild twords them.

As the stallion turned to greet Celendria, she herself gave a happy whinny, raising up on her hind legs before landing lightly, her red hooves danceing delicatly across the snow covered ground, pranceing in a littel circle as her herd-mate came near.

Celendria galloped , her legs shining with irridecence as she came in for a pause of her run. Flicking her tail, legs balanced and straightened she bowed her delicate head to Catori and Sheridan. "Greeting you two. Hmm Sheridan such a flirt as always I see." she remarked smirking with a nod.
Shaking herself she relived the tension that harbored in her withers and lower hocks. Lowering her head she motioned for her companion to come outward and meet the other two Soquili.

The small wolf blinked her charming blue eyes up at the larger mare whose eyes seemed reassuring at best. She gulped heavily, padding out from between the the giant mares strong stable legs. "hello." she squeaked with another yip that gurgled from her throat.

Sheridan gave a Knowing smile and nodded his head. "As always My dear Celendria, as always." He laughed and bent his head down low to examine the shy and timmid female wolf. His ears flicked back and forth before he finally smiled. "Hello there little one."

He raised his large head, and glance back at Catori with a laugh, rather thinking the little mare to be quite pretty when she was hopping about like a filly. "you two know echother then?" He glanced back and forth between the two and steped towards the middle of the group, as to be able to see everyone while speaking. His long rbony tail danced against the ground as he gracefully moved aside.

Catori nodded, smileing at her, her eyes shineing bright ' Celendria and i live in the same littel valley in the mountains " she said, her tail swishing around in a very whip like fashion " Along with the flutter, we kinda of like a mini-herd " she said, turning her glowing scarlet orbs twords the icy mare. She tilted her head to the side, and being much smaller then either of them lowered her head slowly, not wanting to scare the dear littel pup.

" Hello there, My name Catori, i hope ill be seeing alot more of you if you are going to be following out lovely blue around ' she said with a sweet smile. " What might be your name? " she asked, her littel white ears flicking.

Sitting, snuggeled up in the twisted roots of an anciant tree, sat a delicate littel basket, Black as the night around it. Two delicate grey feathers ruffeled from tis baskt, the ebony weavings protecting the fragil life inside. Woven into the rim of the lid, was a metalic grey stone... strangely remind someone of a twisted skull.

This information seemed to perplex Sheridan, he tilted her head and looked over at Catori. "Is that so?" He laughed and tilted his head backwards, sahking it in his mirth. Obsidian tresses follwoing his movements like streamers. "Then I find it quite strange that we havent met before now."

He smiled at Celendria and gave a small shrug of his large shoulders. "Then again, I havent been in the moutains of the reigion very long.. this whole place is new to me. " His graze dropped to the little wolf and he chuckled again. "I suppose I'll be seeing alot of you as well, little one.."

With a museing expression he turned back towards Catori. "Or perhaps I should call you, little one? However right now Radiant one suites you better." he winked and bright his gaze to celendria. "and the ice Goddess before us..."

The little pup meekly stood there shivering it seemed, perhaps afraid something would happen. "Amadahy. Celendrias found me all alone." she sqeaked with another shiver, her mouth trying to pronounce her words as they came to her. A tiny feather seemed to accent the little female's eyes as she looked upard at all of them. "I'll... be staying with Celendria miss Catori."

Celendria watched the pup with adoring eyes. It wasn't a foal sadly but it was her companion familiar now. That in a sence was like watching over your own child. She was proud of Amadahy for taking an initiave of being polite to her friends. As the wind spoke in a soft language the mare swieled her keen ears. She seemed entranced by something buried under the spring grass that grew outward like a tree. Making a nicker that escaped from her throat, she decided to inspect what it was. And upon her inspection she realized it was a basket.

Catori flicked her eyes up twords shriden, the orbs glowing like embers setteled in the snow. Though her face didnt suddenly glow bright as it had before, it could easily be seen that hre cheeks stained a rosy color, before she turned her attention back to thepup infront of her.

In hopes of makeing herself seem less scary and large, she setteled in the snow infront of the tiny pup, her slender legs folded under her. " Well then, i shall definatly be seeingyou " she said with a sweet smile, her eyes shinein kindly as she regarded the littel pup curiously. " You must be very brave, to have been out all alone untill Celendria found you " she said, a pang of admiration in her voice that would hopefully give the pup some more self-confidence.

The feathers on the basket ruffeled as a faint breeze blew past, something could be heard shifting inside, a faint rustle, but aside from that, the basket sat still, dark and alone within its littel nest of wood and grass.

If the ice mare could of celebrated she would had. Though it was not her own she longed to be with a basket. Her whickers were soft and maternal, as she leaned her head down to listen intently of the creature dwelling within. Everything else in the world seemed to melt further into non-existence around her. An infinite moment of quiet bliss as she nuzzled the basket lovingly.

The pup listened to Catori as a smile seemed to cover her meek little profile. "Its a scary place with no pack. No pack to run nor play with. Only little Amadahy till Celendria found her." she said with a timid nod. Turning her head she gazed upon the blue mare whom seemed entranced by something immensly. Whimpering she sat there wondering what the ice mare was doing.

Sheridan blinked his deep brown eyes and tuilted his head as the icy mare seemed to be intranced by something in the soft grass. He glanced back at Catori who was engaged in conversation with the pup. He smiled and quietly walked away to join Celendria un-notied.

He bowed his head by the trunk of the tree and lightly sniffed at the basket below. "A rather gloomy looking basket.." He remarked quietly and gently nudged it with his nose. He gave a gental reassuing nicker to the foal within, showing his kind paternal side that could be glimpsed upon occasion behind his flirtaous mask.

"what do you think, Goddess of Ice? Filly or colt?" He asked her as he quietly raised he's head to study the small basket from his full height.

Catori gave a gentel smile and nodded " I can imagine, it must have been scarey. And you know... back in our valley there is a littel blue fox... mind you hes not a wolf but hes still around your size right now. Im sure he would be happy to keep you company " she said, smileing. She turne her head twords the other two examening something ' its seems Celendria seems to have found something... curiouse? " she asked, giveing a sidelong glance at the pup, scarlet orbs watching her curiously.

A small snort escaped from the lineing between the basket and the lid, before the tiny baby insaide curled back off and rifted to sleep, in its foggy baby state mildly curious about who was looming around its nice, dark, warm basket.

The ice mare nickered and perked her ears to the grunt of the little foal within. She beamed quite happily as she caught the hint of her having company. "Im not sure yet. Could be a colt I wonder." she said with a soft sigh as her great lungs heaved her happiness at that very moment. She was very delicate as her breath released blowing into the weaves where the child lay. "I will watch over this little one when it heads toward the outside world. Someday I will have my own, but for now I will be a friend to this little one." she blew once more toward the child with a deep smile.

The wolf kept watch up at Catori nodding as her ears picked up on several things she'd remember one time or another. "What's in there?" she queried with the most interested bit of curiousity. Glancing once at the milky white mare then padding over slowly to see what the basket held inside.

Sheridan glanced back at Catori and flashed one of his handsome smiles and nodded his head to the side, stepping over so that she and the little wolf may examine the basket with out crowding. His tail flicked gently back and forth as he bent down to sniff at the dark basket again.

Listening attentively to celendria he nodded, a thoughtfull express crossing his face. "I think you may be right...never the less there is a strength is this one." he smirked and quirked an eyebrow at the icy mare. "You so disire to have your own, But I think for awhile, even though a friend you may be.. You my have your hooves full with this one."

Celendria smiled thoughtfully at his words of caution. "Yes I know. I've been on the move all my life, as I simply appeared with the coming winter this year. Like a bird who just one day decides its not heading to migration like the others. Oh how the wind mourns my decision to stay, but I must know of the other seasons." she said with another sigh as she blew outward to the weaves in the basket. "All young ones need someone to nurture them. I will take that task."

The young wolf padded over, sitting on her haunches as she looked curiously into the dark weaves of the somber basket. "There's a baby in there? How did it get in there?" she asked looking up at the others.

Sheridan smiled thoughtfully and tilted her head. "well then.. it will be good to hear the sound of a child in our medow." he nodded and glanced behind him, to the coll night. "alas My lady, I fear I must depart for now. My legs are aching to run, as im sure this little foals will be soon enough. Take care now, Ice goddess." He smiled and nudge her gently against her front shoulder. "and you take care as well little one." he added as he gklanced down at the timid wolf.

With that he reared back on his hind legs for but a moment before springing forward and racing into the inky night, his obsidian tail trailing behind him.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:48 pm

High flyer meets King and Shaylee


King creeps over and nibbles High Flyer's wings, they afterall did kind of look like some form of candy. O.O


High: The small mare yelps and Tooks back at the stalion with a wide eyed look. " Im no food!" She childishly sticks her tongue out at the winged male.

King blinks and pulls back from the wing that he was trying to nibble on. "They look.. kind of yummy." He flicks his tail and sniffs at them again. "Sure they aren't food?"

High flyer's pale ears swivle back and forth as she looks at him. Puffing herself up in an attempt to make herself look larger. "If they are attached to me, why would that be food, eh buster." She hops forward slightly and nudges at his wing. "are those food then? Feathers resemble blue cotton candy.."

Shaylee: Zips overr to check out King, her little hooves shining as she trotted over to him. "Oh you got big wings. They look sugar coated and yummy." she said with a little giggle as her transparent flutter wings shimmered lights of amythest about the ground.

King blinked more and he nosed his own wing a bit. "I never thought of that..." He sampled one of his own feathers and blinked. "Nope, don't taste as sugary as yours are." He smiled and nosed the smaller Soquili lightly. "I never saw one like you before... I'm Kinguyakkii."


The flutter humphed softled and raised her elegant head. Her blue tresses falling in front of her face and pooling on the ground around her tiny hooves. "Im High Flyer." She said, still a little miffed by her wing being sampled. Her eyed glanced up at the sky as yet another flutter skimmed through the sky. She beamed and Hopped around The much larger blue stalion to get a better veiw of the flutter. "Hi!" she whinnied loudly, pleased t have someone else like her around.

Shaylee: Really felt dumb because of the favored tree incident. Her little nostrils could not loose that horrible stench of molded compost. Scrunching her nose she snorted to try and relieve the icky smell that clung like superglue to her. She pranced about shaking her head, purple tresses flowing liker a fluid stream with her. Finally a sneeze emerged and cleared her of that haunting captor that clung so tightly.

She shook herself once more then fluttered her wings to rise above the ground. Fanning quite lyrical her wings made whooping noises. "Hmm yeah its cold up there now. Say do others think you are a scatterbrain? I get told that way too much." she nodded with direct mentioning of Catori in mind. But you have to see the basket Celendria found. Says it fell from the sky." she chirped and chittered quite happy to be around another of her kind.

High flyer streached with wings with a long yawn, giving herself one finaly shake before she lightly skimmed across the ground, tucing her hooves up under her as she lazily flew through the air. A thoughtful expression crossed her face. "I suppose I could be sometimes, but ive never been told so directly. " She nodded softly and giggled.

Her long teal tresses brushed the ground as she mae her way to where shaylee hovered. "Hmm, A Basket you say? Not very safe for one to be falling from such great heights!" She exclaimed quite taken back by the fact its parent had been so careless. "Probably best this.. Celendria has the basket now then."

Shaylee: Scrunched her nose and looked at King. "Ignore me will you?" she snorted and fluttered her wings. Looking though to the side of him she noticed another flutter. "Helloooooooooo there. I'm Shaylee." She looked back to King and snorted again thinking Azure was way much cooloer than him.

King blinked and backed up. He looked up at the other small winged thing and swallowed. "Oh.. I guess I never noticed before."

The little flutter beamed and took flight, lazily skiming over the ground. "Nice to meet you, Im High flyer." she said with a giggle. The little one seemed to be in better spirits now and she slowly circled king. "So... Now that we have established wings are not for eating... Its a pleasure to meet you."

King bowed his head gracefully, watching the little one flying around. He smiled and nodded a bit. "I will not try and eat your wings again. I understand that they are not food." He looked down at the ground and sighed a bit. The snow was melting and soon it would be uncomfortable for him. He needed to find a nice cool cave to live in. Heat was not his friend.

Shaylee: beamed as she watched the other similar colored female greet her in welcome. At last another who understood how and why a flutter acted the way she did. Turning though she looked at King, "No proplem. Us short ones get ignored most of the time.... but I'm bigger than I look." she announced and began puffing out her chest.

High flyer couldnt help but giggled and she mimiced Shaylee's action, Her little wings buzzing as she puffed out her slender chest. "Indeedy!" She said and tilted her head down at king. "Oh?" she frowned suddenly swooping down so that her nose barely touched his she eyed him carefully. "...Something changed your mood suddenly.." She tilted her head and reguarded him through her thick mane of shimmering blue. "You got Sad... No time to be sad! Be Happy!" She said this more in way of a command than a request.

King looked down at the ground and shook his head. "I am sorry, it is that the snow is melting, when it does I will have to hide and wont be able to make more friends. The heat isn't good for me." He looked at the two energetic butterfly winged females. "Maybe.. you will visit me when I find my hideing place though...?"


Shaylee: Still puffed out like a marshmallow looked at King, "Hey Celendria likes the cold. She misses the snow she does." she strutted around flitting her large wings then looking to Flyer, "Happy is a good thing. Yes lets all be happy!" she chirped as she contininued to strut about, her tail flicking back and forth.

High gggled at Shaylee and nodded to her, but her eyes looked back at King with a hint of sadness. "yes, Soon the snow will be long gone.. But then the flowers will return and there will be much joy!" She smiled as she hoved in front of the blue male. "Sure, I'll come visit you. everyone needs friends. " The purple flutter beamed and suddenly shot around to the far side to Shaylee and nudged her left flank. "Tag!" She yelled and with a giggled Spead off around to the other side of the large male. "hide me!"


Shaylee: Paused and nodded enthustiastically at King, "Sure we will. Yep. We'll visit you. Need to meet the ice mare too." she chirped and fluttered once more. Feeling herself tagged she squeeed happliy and charged off after Flyer. "Hey now. Better runcause I'm going to find youuuuuuu!"

High flyer squeeked as king ran off to find his home, her shelter now gone the little flutter waisted no time flitting off to find somewhere new to hide. Her colorful wings carried her swiftly thrugh the air as she zipped two and fro looking for a likely spot. Finally she crammed herself into a large nook of a long dead tree.


Shaylee: Zipped like a crazed dragonfly hunting for Flyer. "Hmm if I were a flyer where would I be.... lets see here..." she murmered stiking her head in a hole in a neighboring tree. "Hellooooooo innnnnnnn thereeee." she thought a bit and tried to pull her head back out, only realizing she was a tad stuck. A fickle thought covered her mind. And the answer was "uh oh.

After a few moments flyer peered out of her large hallow. Quietly she crept out with out a problem and she delicately stepped up behind Shaylee. Her bright eyes watched her struggle for a quiet moment before she anounced her presance with a laugh. "Need help?" The flutter giggled. "You look rather stuck there." Flyer pranced over near the hallow where Shaylee found herself crammed. "Hmm.." She tilted her head this way and that examining the situation. " ah ha.. this should do it... i hope." And with those words of encoragement she pressed her head into Shaylee's left flank and pressed with all her might.

Shaylee: Looked quite perturbed as she stay stuck in her little dungeon. She tried with all her might to get loose, but somehow seemed forver bonded to the old oak she was stuck within. Scrunching her nose she tried once again and snoerted her dislike of the tree.

When her ears perked she caught the sound of Flyer and felt embarrassment cling in her violet cheeks. The little captive pondered of how all could be seen was her rump and her wings. Though she was grateful for the assitance the other was giving. The tree smelled like moldy leaves inside.

Feeling the push she moved with it popping her head out like a a wine cork releasing. So much so she made a "pop" noise as she fell backwards in an unsteady motion. Shaking her limber form she giggled and whinnied joyously at Flyer. "Thank you. Thank you. Blech that tree does not smell nice." she mumbled shaking herself of any dirt that might of lied on her neck from being stuck.

Shaylee had gotten herself stuck quite nicely, So much so that when the force was finally gone and out came little Shaylee with a pop down fell high flyer into a heap on the ground. She shook her long tresses and whinnied gratefully at Shaylee. "You're out! Most welcome." She shook her hair and and tried to stand, her wings fanning away the leaves that had clung to her body during the fall.

With a laugh she tilted her head and looked over at Shaylee. "Do you often stick your head into tree hallows?" A smirk crossed her face, as much as a horse can. She lifted her small head and glanced around. Distantly she thought she could hear others talking. Good thing they hadnt noticed Shaylee's little innsident.

Shaylee: Looked dumbfounded thinking how immature that must have been. Her stuck in a tree with nothing but rotten leaves wafting into your nostrils. The thought of it almost brought her to tears, but instead she just giggled. Her happiness made her who she was, though quite naive at times, things did occur.

She shook herself one last time, "Nah. I like dodging leaves and snow flakes. Stupid thought on my part really. Thought you'd might be in a tree." she nodded her cheeks flushing a bit. "Why would you be in a tree?" she pondered flickering her large purply wings. "Hmm you're new here yes? Welcome then. I live in the forest near the montains."

High flyer grunted a bit but other than that never let on that she had been in a tree... never mind the fact that it was the one just to the right of the one Shaylee had gotten stuck in. "Yeah, Silly. " She giggled and glanced to the side clearing her throat. "Yeah, Im new. Is it that obvious?" She said with a giggle, her front hooves lightly prancing against the damp leaves and soggy ground.

The snow was fast departing and the wing was hearadling the coming spring. Yet Flyer couldnt help scencing there would be a storm or two yet to come as the winter fought to keep its hold on the valley. She shook this passing thought from her head and grinned at Shaylee. "I should like to come and visit you sometime in the mountains I think. "

Shaylee: Really felt dumb because of the favored tree incident. Her little nostrils could not loose that horrible stench of molded compost. Scrunching her nose she snorted to try and relieve the icky smell that clung like superglue to her. She pranced about shaking her head, purple tresses flowing liker a fluid stream with her. Finally a sneeze emerged and cleared her of that haunting captor that clung so tightly.

She shook herself once more then fluttered her wings to rise above the ground. Fanning quite lyrical her wings made whooping noises. "Hmm yeah its cold up there now. Say do others think you are a scatterbrain? I get told that way too much." she nodded with direct mentioning of Catori in mind. But you have to see the basket Celendria found. Says it fell from the sky." she chirped and chittered quite happy to be around another of her kind.

High flyer streached with wings with a long yawn, giving herself one finaly shake before she lightly skimmed across the ground, tucing her hooves up under her as she lazily flew through the air. A thoughtful expression crossed her face. "I suppose I could be sometimes, but ive never been told so directly. " She nodded softly and giggled.

Her long teal tresses brushed the ground as she mae her way to where shaylee hovered. "Hmm, A Basket you say? Not very safe for one to be falling from such great heights!" She exclaimed quite taken back by the fact its parent had been so careless. "Probably best this.. Celendria has the basket now then."

Shaylee: Pulled herself into the air flittering her wings quite gracefully. She nodded listening to Flyer thinking of the white foal carrier. "Celendria raised Samedi too.." she paused and shivered thinking about that wicked heel biter. Samedi was going to eat her one day. One big gulp and Shaylee would be a sugar coated snack.

"Brr Samedi.. evil incarnate that one. Ebil look in her eyes that one has. She will eat me in my sleep some day." she shivered almost losing her glide as she zipped back and forth. "Still though i'm glad to have you to talk with as it gets boring some days. Sensless mare chatter and Everly is right there with them too. Some friend he is." she pouted then did a loop de loop with a long happy "Wheeeeeeeeeeee".



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:50 pm

Glory Goes Out Again Sat Feb 25, 2006

The ice mare moved slowly as her eyes stay focused on the ambitious charge by her side. A little hyper this one seemed today after her introduction of little Tori. Celendria's own thoughts drifted to her mate, and even her own foals someday. She smiled softly and returned her gaze to Glory once more.

Ambitious. Yes that's what they called it. Ready to strike out in the unknown, to fly on wings of pure imagination. Surely they were there... you just have to know where to find him. She pranced, her head held high alongside the crystaline mare. So happy her little heart fluttered just being there.

With a snort the chocolate Stalion shook his head, his eyes dropping from the stars. It seemed to him days where passing so fleatingly these days. His long ebony flicked behind him like a whip. With a turn of his proud head, his ears flicking in the direction of nearby hooves. Sheridan quickly trotted over to the brushline to investigate. In the disatnce he clearly saw the outline of the icy mare, and her compaion the little filly. He folded his ears back against his head and let out a merry whinny of greeting.


At her side trotted a youg foal, her body black as night, marred only by the creamy skull that glowed from beneath flesh and blood. She smiled, wicked and cold, surveying the bush spotted valley, her glowing red eyes, like embers floating on a sea of black, narrowing in a supriseingly wicked look.

Celendria whinnied back to the tall stallion. How bold he melted into the blacked canvas behind him. Only the white like the vision of the sun's first glance gleamed back at her. She stood there, a vision of her own, crystaline blue as ice itself. Her mane flowing like the endless waves of the oceanic tide. Not once though did her senses leave her little one standing tall and proud beside her. For to turn your back on the ocean was never a good action to follow.

Glory however noticed the black form adorned with the glowing skull. So much these two kept in contrast as light and dark. She snorted and whinnied quite loudly to get Samedi's attention.

( Um... can you RP a pet you dont have? O_o; )

Samedi stoped and glanced over at the littel unicorn! Oh! And Celly! she praticaly beamed... in a dark.. sorta.. way... She didnt seem to mind that her nick-name for Celendria sounded alot like Celery...She was her Celly Dammit. And this littel unicorn, however annoying, was like a littel sister to her. Even if she was an annoying one. She raised her head an whinnied, though it was gentel like a tree creaking in the wind, and sprinted over twords the white and pueple unicorn, her fluffy balck main poofed about her face in dissaray.

The large stalion rushed from the underbrush towards the glowing beauty in the gentle waves of moon light. His hooves thundered upon the ground as he raced towards his friends. Pulling up along side them with his long ebony mane and tail flowing behind him like streams of silk. "Good evening Ladies." He said with a quiet chuckled, holding his handsom head high. "How are you doing this eve?" He cast and eye to the unerving little fully who snapped at him, he snorted lightly but politly nodded to her. His tail once again seemed to whip against the frozen ground. His attention turned to Glory, the magical filly who had stolen the heart of Celendria and had a certain soft spot in his own. Moving to stand beside the icy mare he watched the snow white unicorn with a tilt of his head. Fleatingly he thought of what it would be like to have his own foals. A smile crossed his face, a chuckle escaping him at that thought of his Lovely Ardia pregant.

The ice mare noticed Samedi arriving by the timid unicorn's call. By what to the infant sounded loud and bold was but a squeak of the trees as the wind slipped by. She chuckled as she tossed her head to both Sheridan and samedi who was coming closer to them. "Welcome both of you. Catori is here as well Samedi?" she queried with a soft swish of her long silky tail.

The snow white unicorn whinied again to her sister. Yes even darkness of a wicked nature was a relation to her. She knew not what good nor ebil was. In her crystal orbs Samedi was her sister. Their mother whom loved them, treated both souls with this nature. Therefore family was the true word in this vocabulary.

Samedi slowed to a halt right next to the littel unicorn, giveing her ear a n**, though a gentel one.... very unlike a n** she would give sheridan. She grinned, looking as different as day a night. White and violet, Black and red. She turned her head to her mother, and looked looked around, with her best attempt at inocence. " Mabey " she said, doing her best to look at her through lashes, ivory hooves scuffing at the ground in a mimicry of cuteness, though all it did was make her look all the more scemeing, sence Catori's tail could be seen from just behind aan early blooming bush.

The stalion blinked a bit and tilted his head, half expecting little Glory to scream at the bite the dark filly gave her. Yet it seemed the 'demon' as Shaylee liked to call her was being gentle with the unicorn. He smiled, very pleased by that, perhaps there was more affection and love locked away under that laughing skull and dark hide than met the eye.

Sheridan's white hooves pranced lightly against the ground as he looked over at Celendria. "Well now, seems like we're having quite the gathering here tonight, what has brought you all down from the mountains?" It seemed only the flutters where missing from the group this eve, and with their hyperness and good natured love of play...there was no telling where those two might be.

As ice touched upon obsidian black around her, shimmering like a diamond in the sky, she stood still and serene. Her mane flowing softly behind like a cascading waterfall. While in the company of them all she was released back in time. The rythem of the wings upon the wind. Shimmering gold reflected in her waterlike orbs.

He was calling her.

A simple smile. A graceful turn of his head. Her ver name rested upon his thoughts and deep voice. "Celendria" it said so affectionately. As if playing with her thoughts her head raised to the heavens for a glimpse. A sign he was there in waiting. A cry of lonliness escaped her own throat, one of longing and sadness.

Glory seemed not to worried by the n** for her own eyes fell upon her mother. Strange it seemed she had just drifted like she did. A tilt of her head, wondering why Celendria had acted the way she just had.

It seemed in that time of longing the blue mare had faded from the entire picture. Gone away to the mountains to be with her phantom lover that entined her feelings, heart, and soul within his.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:52 pm

High flyer, Kinguyakki, King and Frosta 03/13/06

The little flyer giggles as she flitted through the trees, steadily climbing upwards towards her home. She closed her eyes and trotted over the tree tops, her tiny hooves knocking the snow off the larger branches. her velvet ears flicked from side to side as she seemed to hear a framilure voice. She opened her eyes and peered down with a tilt of her head. Her long teal tresses trailing behind her like a fan fair. "AIIIEEE!" She bellowed, puffing up her tiny chest and she barrow rolled from the sky, dive bombing down upon the two blue forms below.

Frosta giggled. "Well thats nature. Many forms and many sizes and patterns. Even males and females are very different." Frosta looked up at the caps again at his inquiry. Yes that sounds like a good idea. Maybe we will find others like us up there...those that prefer the cold." She could feel the iciness of his body and it chilled her. It reminded her again of those wonderful snowy days she had spent frolicking about the small valley, and sliding on the ice with her tiny hooves. As she turned to head upwards, heard a sudden loud booming voice and turned to see a blurred form heading straight for them. "What the.....?" her eyes widened in shock.

Kinguyakkii tilted his head a sudden phrase she used comeing to his mind and hovering there. "Males.. and females..?" He looked at the one beside him, and at her sudden shift of glance he followed her gaze to... "Ohhh.. the little winged one.. its wings aren't edible by the way.. they just look like they are.." He grinned and frisked abit dodgeing around and makeing himself a very mobile if bouncy target. "Isn't it cute?" He still didn't know that the two that he was going to be spending time with were females.. and he wasn't.

High flyer laughed as she zoomed down upon her intended pray, only to pull up short of the ground and land with a feather light touch upon the ground. She held her head high apparently very pleased with her self at the stunt. "why Hellow there." She giggled, her wings flicking behind her. With a flick of her whip like tail she sent a long stream of teal dancing along the snow. "who's this?" The little flutter tilted her head and pranced towards the strange female, she cirled her once, head tilted all the while. Finally she stopped in front of her and puffed up her chest in an attempt to make herself look larger.

"Edible Wings? You tried to eat the wings?" Frosta watched King bounce around and her icy eyes lit up in amusement. she looked back at the approaching blur. "oh what a cute little female....like a bug....butterfly wings!" She stared at her, fascinated with the wings yet again. She watched the pink female land as if walking on air with the softest touch. "She giggled softly. "Hello! oh my you have such pretty wings!!" Frosta moved forward to meet her after the little one had finished circling her, completely taken in by the sight of new wings to investigate.

King blinked a few times as the other Soquili flew toward them, and he tilted his head whispering softly. "That.. is a female... so.. maybe.." He blinked and looked at the wings. "So.. these wings make you female.. so..." He looked back at his own. "Wings.. female.. no wings....." His eyes widened. "Frosta.. You're a male."

He shook his head and murmured.. "Anu.. is a male... " He sighed a bit. "What does it matter anyway.. what is the male and female thing important for.. I don't get it.."


High flyer giggled and hopped forward as she finally approved of the strange mare. "Hiya! Im high flyer." she said with a flick of her tail. Her wings seemed to be forever in movement, fluttering this way and that, fast and slow. "Yes, That Silly Boy tried to eat my wings...apparently they look tasty." She glanced back at her wings and beat them slowly as to get a good look at them. The seemed to sparkle against the sunlight that reflected off the melting snow and rained through the canopy in dancing dappled patterns. "Do they look tasty to you?" She asked the female, tilting her head yet again. She glanced over at King and blinked, suddenly she burst into a fit of laughter. "You are a Boy and she is a Girl, See look." She trotted over in an exagerated fashion to stand beside the Blue female. She was much smaller than the larger frosty female, but this didnt seem to phaze her, she thought it should be obvious they where both girls.

Frosta's eyes widened as King stated she was male. She looked down underneath her back legs and back at him, flushed red, "I'm most certainly not male!" She looked back at high flyer. "Hello I'm Frosta. " She was beat beat under her blue coat, which made her face look as if it was going purple. "Yes he mentioned they aren;t edible...although I can;t imagine why one would think they are....they wouldn;t really taste good I don't think" As High Flyer beat her wings, Frosta's gaze was glued to them once more. "ouuu pretty....sparkley" She shook her head breaking the trance ionce more. "No they look very pretty to me, but not tastey." She wanted to rub her muzzle against them and see how they felt. Were they like King's? Soft and feathery...

Frosta laughed at High Flyer's comments and her eyes followed her still mesmerized by her wings. "Yes, King you are a male...we don;t have that...thing ...down undeneath there. " She pointed underneath King's back legs.

King's eyes widened a bit. "I am male.. you are female.. and.. you are female.. and.. " He shook his head blinking at the two females before looking between his rear legs and swalloweing. "Anubis had one of those too I think.. so he is male... then again I would have to look again to be sure.." He nodded. "I will look next time I see him." He made a mental note to check all the people he met. Surely this was of some importance.

"Why does it matter though? What are these things for?" He looked at the two females, sure that they would have answers for him. They seemed much more wise than him.

Above.. circling around was a hawk, its majestic wings spread wise.. light shineing on it bringing out its blue icey markings.

High flyer giggled as she looked up at the larger female. "aww thanks. Im glad you like my wings.' She flicked them again for good mesure, a sparkling sheen dancing across her vibrant colors. Her attention snapped promptly to King and her cheeks became a bright pink, flushing a deep rosy Hue. "Are...You ...serious?" She cast a nervous look at Frosta. "Uh...You see when a male and female like eachother...really really really well... They mate. Surely you know of mating? " She tilted her head and suddenly wondered how old King was. Surely he was old enough to know of these things.

As king got higher and higher he noticed a group of soquili and decided to go over to them. he was nit curious what they were all doing up here and then spotted that two of them had wings. He approached them giving a friendly whinny to see how and if they would reply.

Frosta watched as King talked in confusion. She giggled at his antics again. "Poor confused King. Has no one ever told you the difference? or why?" Her eyes lifted skyward a moment as she noriced the icy looking hawk soaring above them. Turning her attention back to High Flyer she smiled. "Yes I love wings, although I have none of my own." Frosta grinned widely, enjoying the moment and the fact she made another new friend. Frosta snickered softly as High Flyer tried to explain to King the differences of male and female and their roles according to gender. "mhmm yep. Masting is to make little soquili. you know, foals. Like we all were once. "

just then Frosta heard a whinny and noticed a stunning brown male approaching. She whickered softly in reply. "See King, he is another male. "

Kinguyakkii's mind was whirling at all the new information. He was trying to puzzle out what mateing was, and why one would have to do something like that to make little soquili.. "How does one mate..." He murmured softly, before glanceing up as well to see the icey hawk as it continued its spirals heading closer and closer to them. The colors matched him well, it was almost as if it... nah. It wouldn't be there for him.

Shakeing that silly thought from his mind he looked at the brown male, tilting his head a little. "Male... Male.. Female.. Female.. So.. that is a male, which means it has the..." He moved closer to the approacthing Male and dipped his head, looking for the dangly bits that Frosta so nicely pointed out to him. "You have some too?"

Yup.. lovely idea of a greeting... Kinguyakkii had a lot to learn.

High flyer giggled a bit and shook her head, her cheeks turning an even darker shade now that asked how one mated. She thought to herself that he must have been a very sheltered horse, which in itself was an odd thought to her. For King had wings, like she did and she was always about using them to get to knew places. Blinking she turned to the new male whom approved and nickered a greeting. "Hello there." She snorted and turned away as the winged male went to investigate if this truely was another male. Quietly, highflyer arched her proud head high to whisper as best she could to Frosta. "Is..is this an act of some sort or..is he truely that Naieve? "

King bowed his head to the three soquili and was curious as to why they were talking about male and female.. What he was even more curious about was why the obviously young stallion was looking at his package.
" Does soemthing intrest you?" king asked jokingly and notice the young stallion was a bit confussed so he decided to ask the two mares
" What are you trying to teach him?" King thought he might be able to help since he asumed he was older then the other soquili that where present

* keeping it pg here XD*

Frosta giggled at King. He was so innocent and child-like. Very rare for a stallion nowadays. Frosta whispered back to High Flyer, "I am very sure this is real. What male do you know that would want to admit he does not know how to mate or what male and female are? " She turned to look at Kinguyakkii and tried to think about how to explain it, without getting too detailed. Frosta pranced nervously on the spot as King asked what they had been teaching him. "Well, he uh, doesn't know what male and female are until we told him. But he does not know what mating is for.....or how to for that matter" She thought a moment and trotted over to Kinguyakkii and whispered softly into his ear what mating was and all the details to go with it. She turned a very deep bright purple, but someone had to tell him. Moving back towards High Flyer, Frosta introducd herself to the new stallion. "My name is Frosta. These are my new friends. and you are?"

Kinguyakkii stood in place as if frozen there, and now part of the mountains. He blinked a few times and shivered all over before uttering one phrase. "Ewwwwwww...." His nose wrinkled and he shook his head. "Yuck...."

During the time he was still, the hawk landed by Kinguyakkii, crying out and trying get his attention.

Shuddering all over, his back moving as if something was crawling on it, The icy stallion looked over at the new comer. "I am Kinguyakkii.. It means Northern Lights.. Most call me King.." He sighed. "I.. er.. ewwww..." He shook his head. "Mateing doesnt' sound too fun."

The flutter although blushing deeply cracked up laughing when frosta finally whisperd to him the truth of what he'd been asking. The little female turned away as not to laugh directing into his face and did her best to hold in the rummbling giggle. What came out with a large snort, and she coughed trying to mask it. "Hmm, oh excuse me.." She glanced away and nickered to the Strange Male. "Im High flyer." She said with flick of her brillantly colored wings. "Pleasure to meet you." She smirked a bit, and turned her eyes towards the hawk. High flyer practically bounded towards it, Gigggling as she did so. She nosed in, sniffing at the silly bird whom seemed to be colored in the same tones as the silly male. "Is he Yours?" She asked to the wingged male.

" Nice to meet you high flyer" he said as he again tipped his head but to her.

Frosta laughed. "You say that now but once you experience it I'm sure you'll see it differently. Its supposed to be an act of love...although some males see it as only pleasure." Frosta then heard the hawk and looked at it. "I think it wants your attention King" She turned to look at High flyer and couldn't help but laugh at the small one. She was so outgoing and amusing. And jsut then the small pink soquili was off after the hawk. "ahhy is that a wise thing to do?" Frosta called after her. She shook her head, chuckling. "Well its nice to meet you...King...wow 2 Kings...This could get confusing. " It was then she realized they were supposed to be looking for a nice cold home or cave for King. "Hmmm should we continue our search for your home u til winter King?"



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:54 pm

Celendria & Kohana go to see Chepi Fri Mar 17

Chepi stood at the corner of the village, looking out upon the horizon as she had every night, looking for the icy mare that had befriended her. Her brow lightly furrowed as she looked out into the cool night. She'd become worried as the nights had passed and the winter began to give way to the thawing spring. Steping away from the village to the path she had walked night after night she sighed. Perhaps the mare was gone with the winter, would she ever return?

Lithe fingers brushed away her ebony tresses and she pulled her furs closer around her. Glancing off to the west two moving shapes caught her eye, Pale in the moon light she could clearly make out the blue sheen upon each. Her heart lept, could it be?

Something moved on the lower horizon making her heart flutter with anticipation. Her clear teal orbs focusing with definite recognization. It had been weeks since she had stood this deliberate, calm yet energized.
Tossing her head she bellowed a whinny high with sharp accent as it carried over the crest where she stood.

The colt blinked watching the mare's movement become more interesting. She was waiting for something. But what? What moved so far away from them? He snorted keeping his query glued upon that of the mare. What exactly was she waiting for? He frowned slightly yet following in tow bellowed his own little marcrame of jumbled squeaks and snorts. His little chest trying its hardest to carry a tune like that of Celendria.

Chepi's heart lept as she heard the cry of the mare echo into the night. A Smile broke upon her face like the crashing waves of an ebbing storm. All at once she ran, as fast as her legs could carry her. Long strides carried her over the bluff where the moon light shown clearly upon the mare and the young colt. The maiden slowed to a halt as she reached them, her eyes difting from the elgant grace of the mare to the inquisitive look of the small colt.

"Its been so Long, I feared I wouldnt see you again...and who's this.. he bears your colors..." she chuckled lightly. "Is this the reason you've been gone?" She couldnt stop smiling as she slowly approched the two soquili.

The mare chuckled at her son in his inquisitiveness of everything. Her attention pulled away slightly toward the advancing creature she called "friend". She nodded her head repeatedly toward Chepi in quite an array of giddyness. The winter was departing on fleetings wings as summer moved in in her place. The grass was so much greener, as the trees blossomed like happy children smiling upon the sleepy world.
She stepped on wings of grace, her gait soft and smooth gently nudging her delicate head into Chepi's hands. Her whickers were soft with harmony as she made sounds off and on gurgling from her deep chest.

Meanwhile, The colt was confuzzed beyond anything trying to guess what he was supposed to do. This creature looked funny to him. No. Quite the contrary she was just odd. Nothing like the others in the herd where he was hatched. Even his father looked nothing like... odd.
He did however have that tinge of curiousity that neared him closer to the fraile maiden. But he still didn't know what to think of her just yet.

Chepi smiled as sher ran her fingers under the silver white forlock of her compaion. The velvet fur was soft and supple under her finger tips as she calmly stroked down the mares nuzzling head. "He's a fine young colt." she whispered softly into the mare flicking ears. She turned, nesstling her body in against the mares neck, yet her brown eyes washed over her teal blue son. "he's still young, he'll get into plenty of mischief im sure." She chuckled softly and dug her hand into the pouch at her side, producing the last of her winter apples which she had been saving special for her dear friend.

Celendria was at peace in her heart and mind. She was not forgotten as winter fleeted into the mountains. That was refreshing to intake as she nodded in agreement. The touch upon her cool blue coat sent random shivers up her spine, though the caress was warm and affectionate.

Though human speech was strange to her, the mare felt sincerity and love echoed in Chepi's own words. Comfort. She rumbled a whinny in her own language of love. She was so worried that she was forgotten when her thoughts were mere oddities to what was acurate.

The colt tilted his head with a deliberate snort for attention. The mare was transfixed by this creature. What about him? He snorted a little louder this time. The apple however perked his ears and interest. Shiny red thing. He nosed in closer while keeping his guard up. Looks yummy. Scary creature. Yummy? Creature? Things were so intense to decide on right now. Again he stamped his little forefoot for attention.

Chepi wove her fingers into celendria's silver mane as her finger tips caressed her velvet blue coat. She smiled against as the mare made soothing sounds to her, sounds of understanding in the basic form. Blinking she looked to the colt. Tilting her head so that the hands of ebony graced her cheek bones. "what is it? You want attention too?" She chuckled a playful smirk dancing upon the corners of her lips. "He'll be a headstrong one." she said to the mare, while streching out her hand to the colt, sure he would shy away.

The mare regarded the silliness of the colt as basic nature. He was still new to the world yet he was demanding and attention seeking all in the same mannerism. She chuckled lightly speaking in her soft intelligent voice, "Kohana this creature is a human. She is very kind and thoughtful. Pay attention and do be polite." She knew the words would slip away like ice from the colt's subconcious.

Kohana narrowed his eyes at the soft hand reaching out to him. No way. No way was that touching him. He snorted and backed away thinking the ice mare was quite dillusional to be around this creature. No way. He backed up even more with an abrupt whinny.

Chepi watched as the mare seemed to turn and talk to her son. His ears went back as he shyed away from her hand. She chuckled softly and dropped her arm to the side. "No worries little one, I wont force you." She smiled and bit a chunk off the apple, tossing it to the ground in front of his small hoves. The rest she offered to the ice mare, for which it was orginally intended.

Out of the corner of her deep brown eyes she watched the colt with interest, he'd warm to her she knew in time. He was still learning the ways of the world and to him whom had only known horses she must look very strange indeed.

Celendria shook her head at her son's insolence. Perhaps as he grew he'd be more of a social type. So proud he played himself to be. A fine stallion someday he'd make. The moon danced on his dappled coat creating hues of ocean and sand as they weaved in and out in the tide's eternal rythem. He was indeed a handful... Sheridan's words playing in her contemplative mind. Samedi was quite the handful indeed. Glory wasn't too bad though her inspiration mingled with ambition to fly was sometimes overbearing. Now her son, flesh and blood of her own, was her next "handful". She chuckled in a soft whicker letting her memories play along like the opening of a favored tale.

Kohana pulled back his ears looking quite fiesty. Though when the human lowered her advance he simmered down slowly. Inching back in to inspect her a little more. He snorted blinking his eyes set directly on Chepi then swerving to lie upon the ice mare.

Chepi chuckled softly and wraped her arms around the mares neck, nuzzling in against her warm coat. "seeing you tonight has been the gift I have been waiting for. I had hoped you would come back, and now I see you had a very good reason for leaving. Please come back often now that your son is with you." She smiled and let go of the mare, giving her a friendly pat on the end of the nose. "I have to go, I left my fire unatteneded.." she sighed, of all the nights she could have let the fire burn to embers tonight would not due. She had a ketle on the fire, and surely the liquid would simmer completly away.

She cast a longing glance back at the mare and her son before slipping back into the inky darkness, back to the village and her home.

Celendria felt the maiden's grip loosen around her thick neck. The words seemed foreign but the tone was clear. Departure was inevitable.
She whickered with a brief sigh as Chepi released the bond between them. A sad wind swept past the mare as she watched the sweet girl return to the darkness leading her to her hearth.
She turned to look at her son who seemed perplexed that the "creature" was leaving. "Someday my son... you will understand."

Kohana flicked his ears to catch the mare's words. He knew not what she meant but held much trust for her. She was infact the same colors as him. Though the strangeness that flowed throughout his coat made him different then hers. No matter though she was like him. But still he trusted not that strange creature she so willingly opened herself to.
He snorted once more watching what she was doing. Mimicing her every movement the best way he could.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:55 pm

High Flyer Meets Scar 03/21/06

Scar galloped into the clearing. Maybe today would be the day he'd learn to fly. Instinctively, he stretched his wings out wide before bringing them back in to fold at his sides only to repeat the maneuver a few more times. He always liked to exercise his wings before he attempted to fly.

high flyer yawned as she danced along the sky, her little hooves running upon the clouds. It was upon chance that she noticed the little brown dot on the landscape below her, streaching out his wings. Tucking her own wings behind her she dove from the sky with a yell. "Weeee!!" With a graceful trot she landed upon the grass and skipped up to the young winged Male. "Hi!" she said, beaming exuberantly.

Scar jumped in the air as the flutter female landed nearby. He had seen these type of Soquili around before but never so close to him. He snorted at her after the shock sank in and responded with a curt "Hi" in return.

The purple female giggles and puffs out her chest as she trots around the young winged colt. Holding her head high with her nose stuck up in the air. All of a sudden she jumps and spins around to face him, her front legs spred out and her head lowered. "Mwha!" She tilts her head from side to side, a casscade of teal following her every movement. "Im High Flyer, who are you?"

"You sure move around a lot," Scar noted with youthful curiosity. "High Flyer, huh? Does that mean you can fly really high? I'm trying to learn to fly and one day, I'm going to fly the highest!" Scar seemed to forget his rude nature at the excitement that bubbled up in him at the idea of flight. "My name's Scar," he finally added.

High flyer chuckled softly as she watched the colt seem to melt into a better mood. Her Transparent wings fluttered softly, sending a soft dusting of shimery essance across the air. "Yeah, I can fly really High." She nodded looking up at the sky for a moment. A soft grown masked her face. "You cant fly yet? But your wings look strong enough... Maybe you're doing it wrong." She stated in a blunt manner as she pondered over how the feathered wings worked. The small female trotted forward and lightly nudged at his soft left wing. "You're not hurt are you?" She paused and took a small step back. Her brow furrowed as she looked the colt over. He looked healthy enough to fly in her eyes. "Hmm.."

"Of course, I'm not hurt!" Scar retorted while holding his head high. "I just haven't been able to get too far off the ground. I can fly.. just not high..." Scar angrily flapped his wing in High Flyers nose when she nudged it. He was healthy. Perhaps his wings were simply not strong enough yet to carry his weight. He'd show her though and everyone else. One day, he'd fly the highest any Soquili had ever flown!


High flyer giggled a bit, snorting as his feathers tickled her nose. "Ok ok, calm down. What exactly have you tried to Do? just stood here and flapped or have you ran really hard and fast to get the wing gliding beneath your wings? " She asked with a tilt of her head. It had taken her several tries to learn how to fly, however her wings where quiet differnt than his own. Her's required stamina and speed, Her wings worked like that of an insect rather than a bird. Still...she thought she could be of some help to the colt.

Holding her head high once more she pawed at the groud and pranced aroud in front of him again. The little flutter was barely bigger than he was. "If you want to fly you have to build those muscles in your wings. You wont get very high at first but as you grow you'll be able to soar with the eagles. "

"I have tried what I am supposed to do. I wish you wouldn't treat me as if I am a foal.. even though that's what I am. I'm not stupid, you know," Scar pouted, "and I've been trying to make my wings stronger but it seems to take soooooooooooo long. I wish it didn't take so long. I wish I could fly right now. I am starting to wonder if they are any good." Scar bucked and stomped around the ground angrily for a moment. Once he remembered that High Flyer was there watching him he promptly stopped and found himself feeling embarassed for the first time.

High flyer could only chuckle, remembering how frusterated she'd felt when she couldnt get her wings to work correctly. Sighing She looked at the colt before her. "All things take time..and although you wish to fly very badly I wouldnt want you to grow up to quickly. Your wings will grow as you grow, and so will your strength. Practicing every day will only help and you'll be able to out fly your friends in no time." She chuckled softly and flicked her tail, sending a pool of teal dancing upon the grass.

"Now.. As for talking to you like a foal, I am sorry but such things are habbit. " Grinning she lowered her head to look at him, before turning to whisper into his ear. "How about a Race.. Above the ground then? Training and fun all in one? Fly as hard and high as you can to the base of the mounatin and back, and I'll race you. Just because you Cant get very high doesnt mean you arnt swift." The purple mare let out a whinny of Glee quite hoping he would take her up on her offer. She didnt like to stand in one place very long. And all this seriousness was getting to her.


Scar nodded reluctantly. He had been practicing every day and knew he would continue until he was able to fly but it didn't stop him from being impatient. Her request caught him off guard however, and he couldn't help but look at her as if she were crazy.

"I can barely get off the ground and when I do, it's only this high.." Scar lifted his front leg to about a foot or so off the ground, "and not for very long at all before I end up back down. I can't do it.. not yet." Scar hated admitting that but it was the truth. He knew it wasn't in his body and wings for such a race. I will show her one day.. he promised to himself. He would be the new High Flyer.


Tilting her head to the side the hyper mare sighed a bit, her wings visably drooping. She'd hoped to see what the little one could do, but he was being stuborn. Perhaps in time as he grew and his wings became stronger he'd be more wililng to take her on. "So be it." A smile slowly crossed her face again. "Alright then, We'll just have to take a rain check on it now. You'll race me when your ol-....more experianced." She nodded, trying her best not to talk down to him.

Having Stood longer than she could really stand she hopped to the side and pawed lightly on the ground, refraining from flight as she didnt want to show off. Little ones could be easily offended by such things.

Scar wanted to say something rude but decided to hold back. She was attempting to be nice, he figured. "Alright, I'll come and find you when I am ready for this race. Be prepared! It may come sooner than you think. I am going to run off and practice right now." Scar started to gallop off before stopping to yell, "Nice meeting you!" He didn't show acts of kindness or manners often but he felt indebted to the strangly winged mare. She had given him a goal, afterall.

High flyer chuckled as the colt ran off, she watched him for but a moment before she lept into the sky. A whinny escaped her as her farewell to the colt. She was sure she'd see him again and when she did he'd be ready to fly. Her wings felt stiff from sitting too long but this was quickly fixed as she took off into the cool air.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:56 pm

Sheridan and Ardia � April 03 2006

Ardia watched with amusement as Dory cantered around, the fox familiar Squishy gripping tightly with her teeth to the hair of the brightly coloured mares mane.
'I don't think she likes that Dory,' Ardia said, almost laughing as Dory trotted to a halt and the fox slipped off, wobbling about on shaky legs before flopping on the floor.

'No? But it seemed like such a good idea! And its easier for her to move around then on her little legs,' Dory giggled sheepishly as they stood in the meadow, sun warming their backs. Dory looked at the fox and nickered.
'She looks ill now..'

Ardia laughed a little;
'Yes I imagine she would.' and she moved away, grazing a little as the other mare went over to her familiar, nudging the fox to try and get it to stand.

The Handsom stalion couldnt miskate the framilure whinny of his love for anyone else. His ears flicked lightly back a forth as a smile spread across his face. His heart lept at the chance to see her again, for even a minute was too long in his eyes and it had been several days.

Sheridan lightly moved into a trot, guessing by the sound of her voice that she would be around the corner to his left. His white feet pranced lightly and he held his strong head high. The sight of her as he broke through the brush was something to truely behold. Basking in the warm sunlight as she was. In a Single fluid motion he brought himself up to her side. "Good morning." he whispered into her ear before giving her an affectionate nuzzle.

Ardia fair jumped from her skin when Sheridan suddenly appeared beside her and whispered into her ear;
'My goodness!' she exclaimed, heart thumping hard as she recovered from the surprise.
'Sheridan!' she chastised.
'You made me jump,' she was pleased to see him, and so smiled a little anyway.
'Baad body,' she nickered, blowing air at him and lipping his neck.

Sheridan couldnt help but laugh as his love jumped nearly out of her skin. "M'sorry." He said through a chuckle, most half heartedly. A handsom smile crossed his face as he took a step back as if admiring her. "I think You look rather cute when you're cross with me though." He winked at her and nuzzled her lightly again. His long mane flowing out beside him as a small breeze began to blow. "An what has brought you out here on this fine day M'dear?"

'My hooves,' she joked a little, presenting a polished looking hoof for inspection. Ardia's tail gently swished as she looked at Sheridan.
'I wasn't really cross you know..just made me jump.'
She looked over at Dory, motioning to the other mare.
'I was out here with Dory, making sure she didnt forget her way home. She is a lovely Soquili, but a little...forgetful.' she looked at Sheridan again.
'Down from the mountains for long?'

Sheridan smiled and leaned down, craning his neck ever so lightly to glance over her hoove. "Ah, So you mean to tell me that M'lady is fancy free and goes where ever she pleases?" He chuckled lightly and glanced over his shoulder at the blue mare. "Oh? Well thats too bad. One would think she could remember things of importance, such as the way home. Thats a pitty." He turned back to Ardia with that grin once more. "But Leave it to you to lend one of those Shiny hooves." Nickering softly he shook his head, raven mane following his every movment like a fanfare. "Why Yes I am. "

'She remembers the important things..like how to be a good friend, which she is.' Ardia said, walking a little, and watching over Dory and the other stallion. She looked at Sheridan.
'I go where I wish yes..' she smiled.
'But I always come back here, and I will always follow you.' she reached out, neck arched gracefull and tugged on the long hair of hs silky mane.
'That's good. I had missed you.'

Sheridan's heart skipped a beat as she tugged his mane lightly, her words echoing on into his mind. He smiled and lightly closed his eyes, capturing this moment in time. "As I will follow you to the ends of the world M'love." He whispered softly, as if a sigh. His tail flicked gently against the ground as he moved his head against her own. Nuzzling her softly, he hadnt known how much he had truely missed her until now. Sure he knew his heart had ached to be by her side. How he had missed her laugh and smark remarks. Yet.. to feel her warmth beside him was something he hadnt known he truely longed for. Slowly he opened his eyes and moved around to face her. "I Missed you too..."


'Then you should never leave me again,' Ardia said, only half joking. She missed him when he returned to his mountainous home, but she also knew they had discussed this before..and that he had said that he would have to return there from time to time. Ardia didnt want to become one of those clinging mares, but she did miss him. She moved to stand beside him, letting her flank rest against his for a moment.

"oh if you only knew how it tore my heart to leave you each time." He said with a dramtic sigh, even though the words where very true. "I have to go back, you know that. However.. I can try and stay down here more often. " He lightly closed his eyes again as her flank rested against his own. His tail lightly flicked and he moved his cheak to rest against hers. "Would that I could be with you from dawn til dusk for the rest of our lifes.."


'So dramatic..!' Ardia teased, her tail swishing along with her merriment.
'I know..I know this all. A mare can dream right? Of a time when you stay with me and never leave...and of a time when around us clips tiny hooves.' she said wistfully.

Sheridan chuckled. "And if you think i'd leave you when around us clip tiny hooves you're out of your mind. I think You'd have to push me away to get some quiet time." he laughed and nuzzled her again with a sigh. Truth be told with all the baskets that had somehow found their way to his mountain home.. he had found himself longing to be a father himself.


'You'd make a good father..' Ardia commented, shifting a little so that she could rest her head on his shoulders. Her tail lazily flicked an annoyance, a fly alighting on her haunches.
'You think I would be a good mother?' she asked idly. She had a hope that she would be, but well, you never knew right?

"With Your caring nature how could you not be a good mother? I think you'll be a fine mother in fact." he said with a smile. Tilting his head lightly as she laid her head across his neck. He sighed softly, the question was would he be a good Father? She certainly thought so, and he was fine with the colts and fillys that others had.. but what of his own. Would he suddenly become strick? He snorted lightly at that thought.


'I hope so..more then anything I want the opportunity to find out,' Ardia curved her neck, shifting so that she could rest on him and nibble at his mane. Her mane fell onto his sides.
'What are you thinking?' she enquired, curious as to his thoughtful seeming silence.

Sheridan chuckled softly and huffed. "Your right. No use fretting over it when we're not yet expecting." He looked back at her and sighed closing his eyes again. "Just wondering if we'll change at all when we have children..." he said almost sheepishly.

'Change? In what way?' Ardia was confused; did having children change you? She supposed there would be some adustment what with added mouths to feed etc. but she wondered what Sheridan meant by that.

"You know.. Like make your strick and stuff. Change who you are because you know have ofspring to look after." he shifted lightly, feeling suddenly awkward to talk to seriously about such a thing. He smiled lightly and chuckled. "Im sure it wouldnt now that I think about it.. "


'But I think being strict can be good...I wouldnt want to raise a wayward foal.' Ardia mulled his words over.
'But you are right..its not like you have ever shown any sort of firmness in your nature to me. Love, and sweetness..' she smiled a little.
'I think its natural to wonder about stuff like that.'

Sheridan nodded softly and rubed his cheak against her own. "Im sure you're right. Just a thought that crossed my mind is all...Do you often think of what they would look like? Act like?" he chuckled softly. "Im sure we'll have our hands full whether we had fillies or colts." This was a side of sheridan that was rarely seen. Many would think that this handsome stalion wouldnt think of such things as having children, and dreaming about what they would look like. What with him dashing through the woods and making such a show of himself as he did. Some would also call him arrogent, yet only Ardia had the privlage of seeing the sides of him that no one else could dream of.


'Handsome just like you,' Ardia smiled a little, drifting into thoughts. She realised she would become meloncholy if she continued to think of the things she might never have.
'How are the others that live up in the mountains with you? Do they venture down here at all?'

He chuckled and although he wished to speak with her about their possable children to come he noted her expression and shifted topic with her. "Hmm, Some do..if not all. Celendria has been coming down much more rarely since she had her sons." he paused and glanced up at the sky. "and the two flutters are always out and about. Never know when one may drop in in on you. " he laughed heartily and nudged her side softly. "Sometimes Its just me up there...which is when you can find me down here."


'I don't think I've met Celendria..or the flutters that you speak of. They are winged I take it?' Ardia chuckled.
'Oh I see! So I am your fallback when you are bored huh?' she feigned indignation.

Sheridan gave her an aprasing eye and laughed. "Oh yes, When I get bored roaming the Hills I figure its about time to come and see you again." He nudged her softly purely in jest and laughed. "Celendria is an ice mare, she is the purest blue you ever did see.. very calm. The Flutters are like giant butterflies. They have the wings of them yet the body of a horse....Chittery little ones. Always hyper and jumping about, zooming this way and that." he rolled his eyes softly.


'Feh,' Ardia tilted her nose upwards, flicking him with the tips of her tail hairs.
'Celendria is calm? How does she put up with your high spirits I wonder.' she teased him again.
'Well the flutters sound interesting to be sure. I'd like to see them sometime,' she sniffed the air, noting the different smell that hung on it, and as she looked up, the darkening clouds that had drifted in whilst they were talking.
'Maybe we should head into the Village...might need to take shelter soon.' she suggested.

"She takes people as they are I suppose, although I have gotten a few icy stares." he suddered softly and glanced up at the sky. "I think the flutteres would like you too. Shaylee is quite high spirited and High flyer is a bit more clam. At lest she appears to have a head on her shoulders. Sometimes I think Shaylee would loose hers." He laughed a bit and with a furrow of his brows nodded. "a Little rain never hurt anyone." he chidded her. "But ...shelter might be a good idea with the way the wind is turning..."

'I can imagine,' Ardia clipped off, wandering towards the Village, intent on waiting out the turn in the weather in the lee of a teepee. They could carry on talking there..
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:58 pm

Sherdian meets Izusa and Rhiana April 07 2006


Sherdian smiled to himself and with a leap he was gone and cantering down the hill side. His steady hooves beating along the well known moutain path down into the valley. He had time to get away today and his only thoughts where on seeing his sweet Ardia. Little did he sence the change in the air, the chill creeping up his spine. If he had been a wiser stalion he would have paused and reconsidered his actions, at the same time he probably would have gone strait to the village in search for his love.

But he did not, and with prancing hooves he slowed him self, white socks dancing upon the plush grass. He pulled up short of a stream that cut through the valley, and bent his head low for a deep draft of the cool water. He drank deeply, and closed his eyes, ignoring that little voice that tried to tell him something wasnt right today.

Izusa had watched the stallion prance up from the shadows of the trees, a sneer on her features at his evident joy. It wasnt until he had stopped at the water's edge to drink that she realised just who this stallion was...the dopey looking thing that hung around Ardia. She had watched them before - and now he was on his own. A terrible grin spread on her face and she stepped crisply out, wings folded, tails flicking the ground just a little. She walked straight over to stand beside him, lowering her own head with a graceful arch of her neck and drinking some of the water herself.

The chill seemed to creep around him and he finally sighed and lifted his head. When he opened his eyes, icy fear seemed to freeze the blood in his veins. He forze where he stood. While he had heard the beast approch, he'd thought it another horse, not this....thing that stood beside him.

A light snort escaped him as he lowered his handsome head, a veil of shadow crossing over his face as his hair casscaded over his shoulder. He spoke not a word, only watching for now. What did this ....THING...want?

Mmm fear..how she loved that smell. And it had been a while since she'd come across a Soquili that was fearful from the start. She daintily shook her head, then stepped away from the stream, circling him, spreading her wings to add to the effect she was having on this stallion...this was the one Ardia had chosen for a mate? She knew the mare was stupid, but this stupid?
'What's the matter Sheridan?' she said, pitching her voice to be as sweet as she was able to be.
'Not afraid of little me are you?'

He raised his head, his velevet ears flicking back at the sound of his name, Spat like acid. He snorted again, he wast fearful of her exactly, but the fact that the stories he had heard where true...that these things did infact excist.

His right front hoove suddenly slamed into the ground before him, and he sneered his teeth at her. Showing all the signs of an agressive stallion he snorted again with a shake of his head. "More like discused by your pressance Demon." He spat at her, the fear melting away to anger, and replusion. His thoughts quickly turned to Ardia.. today was a fine day and she would most likely be out in the valley somewhere grazing.. he hoped that she was alright.

His long ebony tail lashed behind him, his handsom features distorted by pure hate. His jaw was set and he never let the demoness out of his line of sight as she circled around him. That chill creeping into his bones....

Rhiana turned her head and stuck her tongue out at the tree that insulted her. Stupid tree. Turning, she caught sight of a couple horses. What fascinating creatures! One even looked exceptionally strange. She decided to hop over for a closer look. She can always search for a carrot afterwards.


Sheridan snorted. "You seemed to know me well enough a moment ago as you knew my name." He wrinkled his nose, not falling one bit for the ploy. "You're kind of full of nothing but hate and malice, I want nothing to do with you. The very air around you stinks of fowlness..."

His words trailed off, he wanted desperately to leave, but he was a stuborn stallion and wouldnt give into common sence. His right hoove pawed again at the ground, his deep brown eyes never leaving the demon before him.

'I know your name because Ardia told me!' Izusa said, making her eyes widen and shine. Her wings fluttered as though she was shaken and upset.
'She said you were nice,' the kalona let fly a wounding blow, knowing the stallion to be smitten with the mare. As she spoke, a new scent was carried on the air to her, and she turned her head, blinking at the new sight.

This quite took the stalion by surprise. "You know Arida?" she asked scepticly? He was rather surprised that his love would let such a thing near her close enough for conversation...Yet she was the most caring mare he knew, and perhaps to kind for her own Good.

His guard dropped but only by a small degree, he looked at the demoness before him and his heart skipped a beat, for there coming towards them..another white mare, her demonic wings folded back across her length.....

Once Rhiana reached the two bickering horsies, she dropped down into a sitting position to watch them. She was surprised that she could understand them. She was happy that they could speak rabbit so well. She wondered if either of them had any carrots.


'Yes..' Izusa said, nodding, looking again at the Soquili that she had come to realise was a Kalona..another mare! Who..was..sitting down as if she was another animal altogether! Well then..she looked at Sheridan again, still pretending to be dreadfully wounded by his words.
'She is a dear, kind friend.' Izusa managed to say, swallowing back the bile as she said those words.
'I shall tell her I met you, and that you were beastly to me,' she walked a step away, head lowered.


He sighed as she stepped away, he couldnt not for the life of him believe that the stories where not true.. not with the way that odor crept up into his lungs...and yet maybe he was to harsh to immidately think that she was bad..

But that sneer! She had the same acidic tones towards him...

Sighing he followed her, reluctantly towards the other demoness...was this an ambush? "Wait... Tell me.. how do You know Ardia..and why is it she has never once spoken of you?"

Rhiana turned to the stallion that asked her a question. He looked like an animal she saw once.. but couldn't quite place. He seemed to speak rabbit fluently as well. Boy, was this her lucky day! "Hello Sir, I am watching these two fine horsies fight while resting from my search for carrots. I think they are having a lover's spat. It's quite intriguing. I wonder what will happen next!"

Izusa spoke through gritted teeth, having overheard the other Kalona mares words.
'This one is not my mate..' she looked back at Sheridan.
'Dear dear Sheridan..do you believe you know Ardia so very well? She has known me longer,' she lied skilfully, letting her words spin a devious web.
'Ardia has many many secrets...and only I have been allowed to know them.'
Izusa folded her wings against her flanks again and regarded the white kalona.
'Why do you sit like that?' she asked of her sharply.

Sherdian sighed as she scowled at the dark demoness. He couldnt honestly believe her, but there again was that nagging voice wondering if she really was speaking the truth. Did his beloved Ardia have many scerets from him?

He shook his head snapped from his throughs from the white demon who sat before him. "wait...what? Rabbit? " he glanced about. "I see no rabbits anywhere.." he skimmed over the fact that she though he was mated to the other, delightfully remaining ignorant like she'd never mentioned it.

Rhiana blinked a few times at Helaku. He wasn't terribly bright was he? But then again, he had to be smart to learn a secondary language. "I am a rabbit. Haven't you ever seen one before? We hop, we procreate a lot, leave little pellet droppings everywhere, especially in places they shouldn't be, and we eat greens and carrots. We are really under-appreciated. Always having to dodge wild animals that want to gobble us up. It's a demanding life, one of the rabbit!"

Rhiana finally turned to the strange Kalona that had addressed her as well. "I sit like this because it's how my rear landed. Why do you look like that? You look extremely weird, you know."

Izusa just..stared at the other Kalona.
'If you care to take a look in the river you will see you are no stranger then I. You are a Kalona...just the same as me. You..are..not..a..rabbit,' she spoke through gritted teeth.
She walked away...
'I tire of this. Sheridan, I will give Ardia your regards.' she snickered, running a little before taking to wing.

Sherdian sighed as the demoness flew away, taking with her all chances her had of putting his mind at ease before next seeing Ardia.. he'd just have to speak with her about it. His tail lashed against the ground with a sigh.

He glanced back at the white demon and chuckled, she..he could at lest stand.. a demon who thinks she is a rabbit is quite an interesting occurance after all...

Rhiana looked confused. Surely she was a rabbit. Why would she think she were if she weren't? That's just ridiculous. Rhiana turned her head to look at as much of her body as she could. "Oh..," she started as the truth started creeping it's way back up, "Perhaps when I ripped that rabbit to pieces earlier, it did some sort of psychological damage. It happens sometimes. It was quite a mess. I'm still proud of it. I left it's corpse hanging on a branch near some two-leggers teepee. Haha!"

Rhiana stood back up and bared her fangs at the two males that were still nearby. She regretted that she wasn't able to officially meet the other Kalona. Her spiked tail kept swishing about behind her in a whip like manner as she watched the two of them curiously. "Who should I kill first... or maybe.. one of you would like to volunteer? Then I could kill the one that didn't volunteer. Or maybe that's a trick and I would really kill the one that did volunteer. You just never know with me!"

Sheridan sighed and thought to himself. �I really hate demons..."



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:59 pm

April 24, 2006
Princess clipped at the grass with swift accuracy, ears swiveling to catch the sounds of the breaking dawn. So far, all she heard was birds, rabbits, and the occasional smallish predator. Intent on her meal, she was nevertheless alert for signs of others of her kind.

Waya sighed softly as he looked up at the sky, the sun slowly began to break into the new day. His tail flicked the grass and his front paw lightly pawed at the ground. To his left a sound caught his attention, and there was the mare from the evening before. He nodded his head to her and slightly whickered. "Greetings."

Princess raised her head at the rustling of hooves against grass. Spotting the dark grey from earlier, she snorted slightly. She hadn't had a chance to get the measure of him yet, but he hadn't immediately come across as arrogant nor cowardly. "So I run into you again," she said bluntly. "Though you didn't stick around long enough for me to get your name."

Waya lightly nodded his head. "I wanted to find shelter for the night.." he said with a light shrug of his shoulders. His flicked his long hair from his blue eyes and looked at her with a very light smirk. "I also wasnt in the mood for some of the company." her said, reffering to Rahu. One had to be in the right mood to deal with that one.

He took a small step forward and lifted his handsome head high. "Im Waya." he said and left everything at that, Not only could he be blunt and to the point but he often didnt speak unless he really warmed up to someone.

Princess replied to this with a grunt. "Yeah, that Rahu is no walk in the park. One of those arrogant, lazy types. He'd probably like the power from leading a herd, but wouldn't be good at it at all." She tilted her head slightly to get a better look at him. After all, she was short as most Soquili went, though when it came to her particular line she was rather average height. "Name's Princess. More to it but the whole thing's a mouthful."

The large stallion nodded a bit and chuckled. "I can imagen how it went last night. He probably insulted you for being a weak mare through out your conversation...." he snorted a bit and glanced up at the sky. "Herds have never been for me, Ive always been alone. But one day, Maybe... never can rule out the future." He shruged a bit as his tail skimmed the ground with a lazy flick. "Nice to meet you Princess..."

Princess snickered. "Let him think what he wants, I've yet to see a stallion shove a foal out their arse. Though I think I managed to keep him somewhat in line...it's not easy when they're that arrogant, and that ignorant of the natural scheme of things. My home herd, led by a mare, protected by a stallion. All the herds I saw were such." She tossed her head. "Not bad meeting you, you're smarter than most without being full of yourself."

Waya nodded softly and snickered at her comment of shoving a foal out. He'd rather leave that to the females...."I've only seen heards in passing...so I honestly couldnt say. But Rahu is the type...that No female is above him..He reminds me of a lion. Lazy sit in the shade, and let he woman do the dirty work kind of aditude.."

Princess shook her mane, curls spilling in a dark fall down her shoulders. "And whether alpha or protector, the leaders of the herd cannot afford to be lazy. Less food, less safety, less everything if that happens."

Waya nodded, although he'd never been a part of heard this seemed very logical to him. By himself he'd always had to be very vigilant, with more horses to protect one would have to be doubly so. Thinking through this, he certainly didnt think Rahu was heard material, at least at this time. Maybe when he found a mate he'd calm down a bit. Then again, who would want to mate with a womanizer like him?

He nickered softly at that thought and tilted his head looking at Princess again. "You prosent a logical point." he stated, his baratone voice filled with mirth as his mind lingered on Rahu...

Princess' ears flicked forward. This stallion was pleasant to talk with...perhaps, if she ever managed to find others that also wished to work together to present a stronger whole, he might be well suited to a protector. He was large and strong, and while he wasn't a coward he seemed to have enough sense to defer to higher authority. She chuckled. "Of course I do, I grew up in a herd, and my parents had ambitions for me to be alpha mare. The current one was rather old, you see. However...my parents weren't the only ambitious ones, and I was soon turned out of the herd by the new alpha." She flicked her tail. "Of course, I was not yet fully grown then."

Waya nodded softly and looked up at her. She was delecate and fragile looking, but she also spoted corded muscles. He smirked a bit, yes this little thing packed a wollop. "Im sure now that you are grown..if you truely wished to lead the heard you could go back and challeng them. " Waya didnt really know how those sorts of things worked, perhaps that sort of thing was below her anyway.

His tail skimmed the ground once more. "You're a strong and spirited mare, Im sure one day you'll lead a heard. " even if it was only of her own ofspring and mate, she would lead others one day. That was certainly clear to waya in that moment.

Princess was a bit taken aback, but she didn't let her surprise show. So far any hints of a mare leading a herd had been met with scorn, and she'd almost started to believe most of the stallions here defied the natural order of things by leading herds. At the mention of her home herd she shook her head. "No...support will have solidified behind her, and she'd have the herd backing her. One-on-one yes, but as things are...makes more sense to find my own place." Her ears flicked slightly but other than that she managed to hide her surprised pleasure at his last comment.

Waya remained indiffernt, clearly oblivous to the fact that he'd both surprised her with his words and installed a kind of hope that not all Stallions here defied the natural order of things. He shook his head again, his raven tresses spilling over his shoulders like a veil of shadow.

The sunlight crested over the mountains and waya squinted into the light. "I should get going. Dispite the fact I went to find shelter last night I never slept..."

Princess nodded, noting with relief he'd not seemed to notice. She wanted a herd and a firm hand on the reins of it before she chose a mate, and she barely knew even a few candidates to be in a herd, let alone be a mate. "There's a bit of shelter up that way, where a tree fell part of the way down. There's some thicker brush there too so it should be shady even in this light." She tossed her head, gesturing in which direction he would find it. With a soft snort she walked away, mind busy. Waya would make a good protector for a herd, at least. Her mind busily squashed any sneaking thoughts that she wouldn't mind more with a disgusted snort. Now was hardly the time to be thinking of such things.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:00 pm

April 28, 2006
Princess trotted through the forest with remarkable agility for one born of the desert sands, dodging obstacles and pitfalls. Then again, she'd been exploring quite a bit lately...and if she didn't know these lands at least a little by now, than what was she doing starting a herd? There was little sound other than the huff of breath and the crunch of twigs (and other forest debris) beneath her feet.

Waya's ears flicked behind him and he slowly turned his head towards the approching beast. Princess trotted fully into veiw and the stallion tilted his head to the right, his ebony locks falling over his shoulders. He nodded to her as she passed, not knowing if she'd stop to speak of carry on with her journy. Either way he'd at lest acknolaged her and in doing so felt he'd showed the strong mare respected due to her.

Princess snorted as she came to a stop, and a slow smile spread across her face. "Hello Waya! Just who I wanted to see." A sincere statement...she'd been looking for him for a bit, since she'd made the decision to start the herd. After all, she needed someone to keep everyone in line and keep an eye on things when she wasn't around.

Waya blinked for but a moment, the only sign he gae that he was truely surprised by her statement. "Well, Seems you found me. " he commented after a pause, a small smile at the corner of his lips. Perhaps she wanted him to show her somewhere? truely he had no idea why she would seek him out. His tail flicked across the ground as his mind pondered over what she could want with him.

Princess quirked a brow. "Of course I found you, you're standing right here in front of me aren't you?" She paced around him, grinning slightly. "You look like you're wondering why I would look for you, hmm? Well...what would be the most likely reason in your mind?"

The dark stallion turned to face her as she moved around him, she was practicly beaming in his confusion. He chuckled a tilted his head to the side. Seemed the strong mare did have a sense of humor at times. "True." He said softly, waiting for her to continue. As she paced around him he watched her and listened intently to her question. "Honestly Princess I've been trying to figure that out, and I cant rightly think of any good reason. The most likely would be to show you some where, but i doubt thats the case as you seem to like to explore by yourself. "

"Oh really?" Princess looked surprised. "I thought as protector of the head you would know that I'd found a couple of members...Oh!" She chuckled. "I forgot to tell you about that, didn't I? I can see from your face I must've. Yes...you'd make a fine protector." She shook her mane and waited for his response, quite evidently in a fine mood.

Waya blinked a bit and raised an eyebrow. "Protector? You want me to Protect your heard? " He chuckled bit. "My you are quick. When I said I see you leading a heard some day, I didnt invision it so quickly. I suppose in that, I under estimated you. Which I will never do again mind you..." He added that last part not as a stallion bowing before a mare who had astounded him, But as a friend, who was truely awed at the speed in which thise mare could get her dreams to mold into reality.

He paused for a long moment, doubt shooting into his mind. He'd never been a part of heard. Sure he could protect himself just fine, but when he was looking after others how would he do? "I dont know if im exactly the right stallion for the Job... you know im a loner...."

Princess snorted and nipped Waya lightly. "Of course you're a loner. The protector needs to hold himself a bit aloof, so he can keep his decisions in quarrels objective. You're strong, you're respectful, you're aloof." She nodded. "Thus making you the perfect candidate."

The large stallion stared at Princess for a moment. After all when she put it that way it did sound like he fit the role to a 'T'. Waya was slowly beginging to warm to the idea. After all, It might be nice to belong to a family group for once. And since he was in the role of Protector his privacy was assured when he wanted it. " Well.. I suppose I could give it a shot..."

Princess nodded. "Alright then...for now, the others are in the clearing north of the village. Once the grass there's grazed down, we'll move to another spot...I've got a few in mind, all with some sort of shelter nearby if we need it." She smiled slightly. "I look forward to workin' with ya."

Waya nodded abit and glanced off into the direction she stated. "How many are in the heard now, other than us?" He asked her all the while looking off into the direction of what would be his new home, at lest for awhile. Working with a heard would be difficult at first, just because he didnt do well with crowds. He was sure however that once he got to know the members that he would warm up and be himself.

Princess followed his gaze. "Only two others so far, the stallion Helaku and his mate Chu'mana. I'd rather small and strong than large and weak, though. I like starting out with a small, strong core." She stamped a hoof absentmindedly. "Helaku will probably back you on decisions, so your job should be that much easier."

Waya nodded a bit and broke his gaze on the horrizon to look back at Princess. "Alright, Hopefully this will all work out well. " He nodded softly and smiled. He was going to be part of a herd... all be it sudden and not really a choice on his part, for he knew better than to question Princess. However, it wasnt as if he really minded, sometimes life presented you with a path, and although you could ignore it and go your own way...you'd have been much better going on what it presented you. Reguardless of what was to happen from this point on, it would be a life lesson. Waya smiled despite himself and nodded to Princess. "I Look forward to meeting the others. "

"It should be interesting." She tilted her head and looked up at the sky. "Hmmm...it's been a while, I should probably get back. Might as well show you the way there as well." With a swish of her tail she started off through the woods at a brisk walk.

Waya nodded softly and silently took off after princess, Her brisk movements hardly made him pace for his long strides kept him firmly at her side. His trail flicked once behind him, the braided locks thudding against his hind quarters. Was he following this head strong mare to a new life, or only a pit stop through this place? He hadnt thought that deeply, however as he had planned to move on to plusher grazing grounds so did she and the heard would follow....maybe this next winter wouldnt be as bad.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 11:01 pm

(( Slightly out of order I know <.< ))

The dark stalion had made his way out of the mounts and away from the strang herd he'd found living there. Sometimes it seemed he missed his solititary life style, but it was nice to talk with others whom where at lest mildly on the same level as himself. Beging alone for so long he wasnt one for many words but perhaps in time he'd open up more towards them.

He moved near silently into the still valley, his charcole mane lightly flicking against his neck as the wind blew across the plains. He scanned the area before him and sighed. It was beautiful here...he was glad he came.

samus x
(( >.> *eats banana creme yogert*))

Rahu had some how managed to wander off into a valley. it was rare he would stop and actualy look around for someone, since he liked being alone. looking about his eye caught shight of a dark colored stallion. " hmmmm mmaybe he could be someone worth my time talking to." he mumbled and walked towards the stallion.

Waya's velvet ears flicked back before he turned his head. He watched the approching stalion with intrest and a lightly furrowed Brow. "Hello." He said calmly, his baratone voice lightly soothing to the ear. He didnt mean any harm..perhaps he was tresspassing on this males land. If that was so he'd just move along...not like there was anything special about this particular chunck of dirt anyway.

He turned his eyes to the dark male and lightly nodded his head. "Im waya." he remaked in that matter of fact way he seemed to find himself speaking now a days.

samus x
Rahu flicked his tail boredly. " hello Waya." he was not one to tell everyone his name, so unless asked or he felt like saying it, he would not bother saying his name. growing a little bored, Rahu hoped this stallion would atlest be amusing to talk to.

(( >.0 *pokes brain to work* ))

Waya cocked an eyebrow at the mostly silent male and shrugged his shoulders. He remained silent himself. He wasnt going to press the black stalion for conversation when he really didnt want any. He bent his head to the ground and took a mouthfull of sweet spring grass and idally began to chew. His lashing at the ground every now and then. For all intents and purposes it seemed that he'd ignore the other male.

samus x
Rahu eyed the other stallion. he never had to really talk to anyone, since all he like to do was make anoying little comments half the time. snorting, he never thought he would have to actualy talk. " well you seem like a quiet one.... and if you wanted to know im Rahu." flicking his tail, he was starting to think this Waya was a boring one.

(( XD Rahu has a fan girl, My sister was all ooo he's pretty, Get waya out of my face and scroll up! *snickers*))

Waya finished chewing upon the sweet grass and lightly swallowed before her raised his head to look up at the other male. "Nice to meet you I suppose... " He stared at Rahu for a long moment, reading the bored expression on the stalions face. "Im not one for talking." he said in a point blank fashion, lightly shrugging his shoulder.s

samus x
(( xD ahahhahahahah sweet!!!!))

Rahu shruged. " im not one for talking ether,but i try to atlest have a conversation every once in a while." he was bored and wanted some kind of amusment. flicking his tail, he was going to find some way of finding so kind of amusment.

Waya sighed softly and nodded. "I suppose you're right... Rahu was it?" He tithed his head to the side and lightly shruged his shoulders again. "So then what do you want to talk about? I havent been here very long... "

samus x
Rahu grinned. " yes and i have no clue what to talk about. i just figured i would find it amusing to get someone like you to talk." he shruged a little. " i'm a little new to this area but i wander about." flicking his tail, he wondered if Waya whould talk more now that he got him to talk.

Waya sighed and cocked an eyebrow. "I see, well Neither do I. So what shall we do then?" waya was growing more bored by the minute, just content to stand here and eat other wise.


Aruna trotted slowly out, when she noticed two stallions. One was very familiar, and the other, well, not. Slowling to a walk, she moved over to them. "Well, if it isn't Rahu," she said in her usual toneless voice. "It's amazing I see you so often." She turned to the other stallion. "And who are you? I can't believe that someone like you would talk to this bore." She indicated Rahu, though her voice had lightened to a teasing tone.

samus x
Rahu gave a smalll snort. " i have no clue, but im growing bored just standing about not doing a thing." intruth he was, and he usualy found someone more talkative that he could make remarks to. but Waya here was jsut too quiet and untalkative like him. he then turned to see someone he really did not wanna see. " oh my it seems you found me again." he rolled his eyes in annoyance, and would have to get back at her.

(( xD man this rp is like i donno *brain goes flat* xD ahahahaha ))


Aruna quirked an ear at Rahu. "Seems I did," she admitted, not backing down. "You don't have to state the obvious, dolt," she retorted, eyeing the dark coated stallion. She turned to the grey stallion. "I'm Aruna." She gave him a soft smile. "I'm sorry Rahu's been bothering you; he has to have someone to bother, elsewise he's just a bore who likes to stay to himself."

samus x
Rahu rolled his eyes. " well atlest i'm not the one following others around now am i." he snorted at her next comment. " who said i was bothering anyone, but it seems you love to." not wanting to back down, he would keep making comments at Aruna if she kept it.

(( xD heheh

Rahu: *snorts* she just had to be thrown into the rp ))


"I'm not following you," she replied curtly. "I just happened to live in the forest nearby, thank you, and I saw you talking with him." She tossed her head, her braided mane falling gently against her neck. "Besides, I thought you lived elsewhere?"

samus x
(( xD ahahahah ))

Rahu grinned. " if you say so, and i tend to wander about. so im always in different areas , at different times." it was the truth and he was always wandering cause it was just what he did to pass the time. he never did it to meet anyone, but it seemed he was always running into the same soquili after meeting them once. " also why whould you care if im around here and besides i dont live anywhere, since i wander."

((I dunno. I think she might have forgotten... XD We could remind her... Oh, and I'll be back later. I'm off to eat. -has finally finished her homework- YAY! XD))

Aruna, for once, dropped her impassive exterior, and rolled her eyes, exasperated. "I care because you're in my land. I don't mind that you haven't a home, or wander about to pass the time, I just want to know why you just had to be here of all places!" She shook her head. "I want to know why it is that I can be myself around you, Wyvern, and Ballestra, besides my family. It is very confusing." She hadn't meant to say that aloud... oh dear. She said it out loud.


samus x
(( xD ahhahahhhahah ok ))

Rahu rolled his eyes." like ment to come around where you live. and i dont understand how i can be around you or wyvern ether, but i tend to atlest try to stay away but it seems everyone finds me." grumbling, he was more than annoyed with Aruna and regreted ever accedently wandering over into this valley.

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