Name-Dazzle Surprise
Date of Birth-January 17th, 08
Obtained-I obtained Dazzle Surprise during the October 07 rl commission slots, received her in January of 08.
Personality-Dazzle is playful and innocent. She loves to have fun by playing games as well as interacting with other Soquili. She's childish and naive, her innocence causes Dazzle to believe in the best of everyone even if they're evil. She doesn't understand evil or that there are many dangers in the world. She's the type who would definitely need protection and yet Dazzle dislikes being babied.
Dazzle's a bit of a ditz, she can come across as an idiot. She knows she isn't the brightest Soquili around and so she doesn't mind so much as she knows she's capable of other things that other Soquili are unable to do. She's klutzy as well, always messing up or falling or landing herself in a situation that's difficult to get out of.
History-Dazzle Surprise grew up in a happy family. She had a mom and a dad who loved her dearly and she had many friends during her foal years. However, Dazzle yearned to have siblings but her mother was unable to conceive again. As Dazzle grew into a young adult, her playful and innocent nature remained, it was as if she refused to grow up and take responsibility. Her reluctance in maturing convinced her parents into making sure she stayed with them, so that she would be safe.
When an illness struck her home, killing off a lot of the elderly and very young Soquili, it also killed some adults including Dazzle's parents. Though Dazzle was very sad from the death of her parents she tried her best to remain happy. Leaving her home, she set out into the world. She came across the mare Rain Curl and she decided to stay at Rain Curl's human's teepee for a couple of years. Recently, Dazzle has chosen to set out into the world once more, hoping to finally mature.
Parents-Unknown (deceased)