Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 1:43 pm
E r i k...a n d...S e k h m e t [TWizTed SoUl] The night-sky hid her away, only her blue and gold giving her away. Her throbbing leg made the open meadow seem so daunting. So hard to cross. Every step was painful, and she could almost feel the crack in her bone growing wider with every step. Cool blue eyes glanced up at the sky, staring into the thick blanket of stars. She could be up there, just spread her wings and fly. Yet she didn't. Not like those other prissy, sugar-spun Soquili's. God how she hated them. Her true birthright was the Kalona form, so why had she been cursed with feathered wings? They were the only ones who might truly understand her if they dared to even talk to her. Sekhmet heaved a sigh, troddling through the tall grass. Three steps normal, one falling with a heavy thump. Followed by a pained grunt. Damn Kalona stallion! Erik was taking his normal stroll through the wilderness at night. The darkness consumed him while wandering thoughts plagued him like bees surrounding their hive when there is a disturbance. His eyes were harsh with concentration as he padded through the lands, meadow now. He was almost silent in his step, so graceful it was as if he wasn’t touching the ground. His intentions weren’t to be graceful but it was natural and to keep natural out you had to try really hard to fail at it. He hummed lightly to himself, keeping his mind at bay from unwanted thoughts. Thoughts of family, females and friends it sounded like a plan. His cool grey eyes looked up at another’s sound, it was a heavy step and the scent was female. That he was sure but that wretched noise at the last step…it made him anxious almost. His white mask reflected the moon’s pale light as he moved farther in the meadow to spot a female. She winged too and of the most unique designs he had seen lately. Though something about her put him on edge…he stepped out of the brush in due respect so it wasn’t like he was stalking her, but so he was noticed and she would know he was there perhaps so she wouldn’t get spooked. He nickered softly to see what she would, perhaps turn and notice him or ignore him. His curiosity got to him though, wondering why she was out this late and with that leg…he eyed it intently for a moment.[TWizTed SoUl] Sekhmet ground to a halt at the noise. Another Soquili. Just great. Blue eyes peered through the dark to spot the male. At first she could only see a white mask. Concentrating harder she could make out the rest of him.
"Yes?" Her voice was husky, thick and edged with pain. Her left hind hoof rested on the edge, taking the weight off her fractured meta-tarsus.((ok, one site told me it was a fetlock, the other told me it was called the meta-tarsus. It's that bone right above the ankle joint in the back legs)) [[S’alright]]
Erik’s long locks lifted slightly in the wind, they drifted back down to his ankles in the dark as he looked to her, one through his mask and the other with the perfect side of his face. He shifted almost as if he were uncomfortable but his composure and his expression gave that not away. His soft eyes looked to hers and as he peered into her eyes he could she was irritated and he knew why. Her legs was fractured and he could imagine what kind of pain she was in, because he to had had more broken bones than he could count. His brow rose as she spoke, he did not think she was speak. He didn’t know why, but her voice was hoarse and it didn’t look like it should come from her. “Sorry ma cherie, you seemed to be in quite some pain and I was wondering perhaps if you’d like my assistance?” he didn’t know what he could do but he spoke in his low, soothing tone. Almost as if it were as soft as silk and one could almost feel it cross their skin as he spoke.[TWizTed SoUl] Skin rippled in response to his voice, her coat standing on end. Feathers ruffled as if blown by the wind. "And what kind of assistance would you give me?" The tone of pain seemed to ebb away from her voice, now that the weight was off her injury. Yet her voice stayed the same: husky and thick. His crimson dappled feathers ruffled themselves as she spoke again, “Suppose, help you get to where you are meant to go?” The back leg that was adorned with a rose took a slight step back giving her some more room. He did not want to irritate her further or make her think she was trapped or anything of the sort. “Or if you would prefer, the two legger I reside with is very good at setting wounds and such. I believe others call her a shaman.” He eyed her seriously, “Perhaps she could help you with your wound.” He wondered why he was giving this female devote attention, he had never invited anyone back to the teepee. No one. And now he was extending the invitation to her, what was next? [TWizTed SoUl] She shouldn't trust him at all. Not after that Kalona's attack. She had always viewed herself as a Kalona born with feathered wings. Sekhmet had discovered that she was no where near as cruel as they were. But she nodded, taking a step forward, grunting as her leg flared in bright, blood red pain. He smiled gently but he knew, some how that this type of girl wouldn’t care if he smiled or not. Perhaps that’s what attracted him to her in the first place when she spoke. She didn’t seem like the needy and clingy type. He would have stuck his tongue out at that point but it was least bit appropriate and he was attempting to be the perfect gentleman at the moment. He nodded as she came towards him, she would set the pace. His teepee wasn’t all that far. But perhaps far enough they might have to take a short break for her. What a peculiar night it was turning to be. He would be at her side though, in case she needed to lean on him for a moment. Nothing intimate, friendly and helpful that was what he was aiming for. He was doing rather good to, Cynara had been saying lately he needed to make more friends. He didn’t know why, but to argue with that female was one thing and he didn’t want to do it.[TWizTed SoUl] Sekhmet bit her lip, keeping her pained grunts to herself. Damn Kalona, damn her, damn fight, damn leg! If the Stallion got too close she snorted at him, extending a wing a little for him to see how far she wanted him from her. Any closer then that and she'd bite him. If he decided not to put up with her, screw him. Maybe it was the aching and sharp pain that was making her moodier then usual. Otherwise, she wouldn't have stuck around. He looked to her and nodded softly, he kept his distance. He looked at her leg, “If you do not mind ma cheire, may I ask what happened to your leg?” He walked with her and let her keep her space. He didn’t doubt that she would try to get a good n** in or kick. That’s defiantly not what he wanted. But he wouldn’t leave her, not like this. He simply could not and he didn’t think there was anything she could do to piss him off to leave. He didn’t get easily angered unless you lied to him or get to touchey feeley with his mask. Rawr on that.[TWizTed SoUl] "I got into a fight with a Kalona." She was pretty damn lucky, having only gotten away with a fractured fetlock. If she had stuck around any longer, her leg would have been the least of her worries. The pace was slow, irritatingly slow to her. The same three normal steps, one thunk. Bolt of pain, then dull throb. He gazed at her, he respected her a hell of a lot more now. Not many went against kalonas without being a hard a** or getting the crap getting kicked out of them. Some cases you were both and then you had to worry about a rather large ego for those soquili. He watched her, “You came out rather well then I’m assuming. Unless you are the type to fight kalonas on a normal basis, but I’m going to cancel that assumption out now.” He looked at the land markings, they were close, they would have to cross a stream and they would be there.[TWizTed SoUl] "I thought of them as what I should have been." Black and gold feathers slicked down against her body, almost imitating wings of skin. When they paused at the bank of the stream, she eyed it. It was almost intimidating. Keyword being almost. The hardheaded mare stepped into the water, finding that it helped buoyed her hurt leg. Until a hoof stepped on a patch of something; mud, plant matter, that shifted under it. Weight was instinctively shifted back to her injured leg, making a almost human shriek sound out. She went down, wings thrashing. Erik jumped at the sound and was at her side, "Please let me help you, do not take it as anything more." he added that last bit in hopes not to get bit, unless she was taking his pain for hers which he wouldn't mind. He was at her side so she could lean on him and he pressed his wing against her other side supporting her. He looked to her in fear of damaging her leg even more. The stream wasn't that big, rather just slipppery...it was fairly shallow as well. His eyes watched her intently, hoping she wouldn't shun him away from her. Her pain was stabbing him, or least it felt like it. He didn't know why, he was helping her so much. Perhaps he was gaining a much kinder persona to those in poor health. Or he was just weak for mares. He huffed to himself at the thought.[TWizTed SoUl] Teeth snapped in the air as instinct said to. Sekhmet's ears lay back, against her dual-colored mane as she eyed him. "Fine." She leaned on him, testing out each foothold before putting her weight on it. It was slow going, but they made it to the other side. That bright, fluid pain was coursing her nerves even without movement. How close had she come to truly breaking her leg? A shudder rippled through her and she huddled closer to Erik without knowing she had done so. "Did I even get your name, masked one, or did I forget it already?" Erik felt her shudder against him and his muscles flickered from under his coat, he didn't mind she was still there. He would remain until she moved away. As they approached the white teepee, Erik whinnied toward the teepee and Itzpapalotl stuck her had and seemed to notice Sekhmet's leg problem immediatly. She went back in the teepee gathering items. Erik could hear her clanking things in the background. "I'm Erik..." he paused at the thought...he said his real name? Oh god, she as getting to him. He'd have to keep himself at a distance from her now. "Friends call me Phantom. Either is fine," he replied solemly. "And you ma cherie?"[TWizTed SoUl] "Sekhmet." Ears perked at the sight of the human. Two-leggers... She didn't understand them at all. Why live in those things? They were so tight, constricting. Choking. "You can call me Goddess or Mistress." The smirk on her face was a peek at her vivacious personality. He let out a slight chuckle, "I suppose, just for tonight I shall flatter you ma déesse." He watched as Itzpapalotl came back carrying bandages and different oitments smelling of many different herbs as well as a basket. He knew what was in the basket, it was sugar cubes laced with medicine. You couldn't taste it, but it made you sleep and it took the pain away. He knew it was bad then, she only pulled those out when it was. The two legger laid down a blanket near the pair and set down her supplies. Itzpapalotl looked at the soquili and put her hands flat out pressing down. She wanted the female to lay down on her side. She also motioned for Erik to remain near her, perhaps she thought they were friends and he would comfort her. Erik simply nodded his head, "She won't try and hurt you intentionally, though some of the herbs may sting."[TWizTed SoUl] "It's not an open wound, how is she going to treat it?" The mare complied, only because of the pain. She was wary of any two-legger but her own. Misae was soft-spoken and gentle, respected the wishes of those she cared for. A sweet scent carried to her nose. What was that? Nostrils flared as she snuffled the basket. Erik shrugged, "I've never had that paticular bone broken." He looked to what she was smelling, "They are sugar cubes, she has them laced with medicine. It will take away the pain for the night and will help you sleep." He went to the edge of the blanket and lay himself on the edge looking up to Sekhmet, "Come on ma déesse, please." he nickered. He hoped the please would be enough for her, or perhaps him calling her goddess in french. Itzpapalotl sat cross legged at the blanket with bandages, a splint it seemed of some sort, oitment and the cubes. He had no doubt she knew what she was doing, she was a shaman and a healer. He had complete trust in her more than anyone else he knew and he knew Sekhmet had reason not to trust her or him. They just met! And now he was asking her to let her heal her and consume cubes that made her sleep. Haha. The pain wasn't worth it he didn't think and he would never try anything if she even came to thinking that.[TWizTed SoUl] She had no reason to trust him... Yet she followed him, sinking down onto the blanket. The word he was calling her, she didn't know the meaning. It made her smirk though. Legs stretched out, so that she was laying on her side completely. Head on Erik's leg. Erik smiled gently reasuring her. He looked to Itzpapalotl whom had put the basket by the female's nose and opened it. He watched Itzpapalotl, she touched the female gently...so soft of a touch. She took the oitment and rubbed it over the swelling, probably to make it go down. As he scented it, he remembered that paticular oitment it was cold to the touch and then eventually got warmer. She then wrapped the leg in cottony material, it looked soft as well and put the splint in the middle wrapping it a bit more. He expected it to be thicker, but the material seemed to be thin, light weight and yet extradorniarily strong. He imagined that she was feeling a bit of pain and was their for her. The fire lit the area and kept it warm, it was a nice fire. Large and the flames licked the wood makeing slight figures if you looked into it long enough. He looked back to Sekhmet, his long mane flowing over his body and slightly on her.[TWizTed SoUl] A lock fell onto her nose, earning a snort. Sounds of pain were held back. How long had she been wandering around with that busted leg? It was sensitive to the human's touch, and extremely painful. The two-legger was lucky she wasn't kicked in the face. Erik's presence was soothing though, keeping her pacified. Itzpapalotl finished and gave a stroke to her side as she got up, gathered her thing and went to leave back to the teepee. She gave Erik a regular sugar cube and he ate it, truth was he didn't paticularly like sugar cubes but everything else was low so he let her give him the only thing she had for him. His silvery orbs looked to her, "The medicine will help," Itzpapalotl must have noticed she didn't take any. "I'll be here by your side ma déesse," he realized she probably didn't know what he was saying, sleep was even calling him to get a few hours before dawn. "I haven't been calling you my goddess in my language, french, for nothing have I?" he was coaxing her a bit but he knew she would get no sleep without the cubes.[TWizTed SoUl] She didn't trust anything the human gave her. "You're just flattering me." Blue eyes watched him. "Just go to sleep Erik." "Perhaps," he shrugged, she didn't know how stubborn he was and in the end it usually only affected him. He was still getting used to the fact that another was calling him by his true name. No one else had the privilage, if he told someone his real name he asked to be called phantom rather than giving them a choice. It was kind of nice, not having to lie. That he would admit a thousand more times.[TWizTed SoUl] It was hard to fall asleep without help. The pain kept her sleeping light, and any movement of her leg made her wake. During the night, the black mare had shifted, head pressed against the males chest. Trusting even in sleep. Still didn't know why though. She had just met Erik after all! He smiled as she fell asleep, he knew it was a light sleep because her eyes fluttered open occasionally. He fell asleep after he was persuaded she was fast enough asleep for him to be comfertable with. Yeah, OCD much? Erik worried to much sometimes. As the sun arrose his stomach growled and his muscles ached. He slipped his nose under her chin and placed it on the blanket careful not to wake her. He slipped off for a moment and lay a single, perfect rose next to her face and walked off again this time with a larger basket. He knew she would be hungary and he knew where he'd go. Around half an hour had passed and he returned carrying the basket full of fresh cloves, a few apples, oats and a couple of carrots. Good thing he knew the traders of the land whom traded with the southern parts. Good food was grown year round. This was a delicacy though even to him, he usually went to the two legger on sparse occasions. He was a good friend of Itzpapalotl and she had few friends. Two, he thought.
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:25 pm
C y n a r a...L o v e l y...B l a i s...a n d... C r o u s a d e r Death to Blondes Cynara, a very unusually small mare with a sleek black coat dipped in a coffee tone in some places peered up to the noon sky. By god, the weather had been excellent the last two days. She hoped it would last the week, it seemed Spring was coming early. She smiled at the thought as her emerald orbs flickered over the open plains coated with a blanket of snow that was still melting from the rays of sun. She trotted out and nosed through the snow looking for any fresh cloves and nibbling on them if she found any. She arched her neck searching and moving over the lands. Her curled tail flicking ever so often not having to worry about any pesky flies. Life was good. She smiled softly to herself. Celeanor
Breath coming and going in rapid puffs, Blais strained against the constraint of being landbound. Overhead he could sense Crousader soaring along with the aid of the wind, easily out distancing him within a moment.
Grinding his teeth the painted stallion dug a little deeper and surged forward with renewed speed.
As for Crousader, he actually had no intention of racing the colt. The game was entirely of Blais's doing, which meant he was not about to be overtaken. But he knew his pupil well enough that when a distant figure came into view; and also appeared to be directly in Blais's path, that the young stallion would probably run into... her.
With a sigh he folded his wings and spiraled down so he hovered not to far above her.
Death to Blondes Cynara recognized the sound of beating wings in the fresh wind. She smiled and then her brows furrowed together she did not know this one. She looked up to see a white stallion hovering over her head and her eyes widened as she was taken aback. He was impressive in his strength of flying but she hadnt an idea what he was doing hovering like that. She felt the ground shake slightly and she looked down and then turned to see a painted stallion racing towards them as well. Odd she thought to herself shaking her short mane at the two new comers, raising a brow to see what siliness they were doing. Celeanor
As expected, Blais was in a headlong rush. Head down, ears pinned back, forelegs striking down into the unforgiving snow covered earth mercilessly... and he gave no sign that he had even see the mare. Perhaps he thinks he is going to beat me to the ground? Crousader thought mildly, surpressing the urge to bark at the mare to get out of the way when all she did was look at them.
Instead he adjusted his descent so he landed in front of her, just as the colt pounded up. With his wings hald spread, and his blue eyes glittering angrily, he advanced on Blais the moment he pulled to a startled stop.
"Ignorant fool! What would you have done if you had run this poor girl over? Apologized to a corpse? Think boy! THINK!"
Death to Blondes Cynara needed a minute to process what was happening, she wasn't stupid by any sense but when things happened to quickly her mind tried to process at the same speed and that put her in a bind. She looked to the white stallion and laughed softly, coming to the obviously younger one of the two's aid. "It's quite all right m'lord, I grew up with boys. It wouldn't be thr first time I'd been knocked around." she winked at the paint. "I do thank you for stepping up to the plate though." she turned back eyeing the white stallion, his eyes were so blue she was almost enchanted with them. She had a think for other's eyes like Resi had a thing for manes. She heard a lot about that mare from Cyrus, he must have really cared for the girl. She looked to the two males, curious to what they'd say. Celeanor
Crousader's gaze flickered momentarily towards the female, and he snorted distastefully. "I would have had more confidence in your words had you shown the ability to perceive danger and avoid it girl, rather then face the unknown strength of a charge." He snapped, obviously angry, though oddly not feeling the normal hatred boiling in his core when confronted by a female of his species. Perhaps it was his protective instinct, and her apparent age.
He returned his gaze to Blais, who was fighting to regain his breath. "And look at you! Out of breath... that is no way to come to a stop, have I taught you nothing?"
As for Blais, he only glared at his mentor with defiant amber eyes, unable to gather a response just yet. Other then a snort and a slow wink at the mare.
Death to Blondes "I believe one perhaps should calm their temper," she replied eyeing the stallion. "I have seen danger before and if all I have to worry about his a charging stallion from a game of race then I have less to worry about then I thought." her gaze did not harden though her tones were rather rough. "On another note, I believe I'm to old to be called 'girl'." her innocent eyes decieved her some times but now they showed some age. "I am Cynara." she gave a swift nod of her bow, trying to direct the male's attention from rather angry to perhaps more gentle and greeting. See, she had good intentions. Celeanor
The blue eyes darkened, but were quickly shuttered when Crousader closed his eyes and drew one deep breath, lest his actual temper come to the fore. Despite her words, she was still young to him, and would continue to be. She honestly couldn't be much older then Blais.
Recognizing the signs of the winged stallion reining himself in, Blais shook off the last vestige of weariness and walked forward the last few strides so he stood just at Crousader's shoulder. Unlike the older stallion, he had no issue with mares, in fact he found himself liking them more each day... now that thoughts of revenge had begun to recede.
"You'll have to excuse me nonetheless, Miss Cynara. I really wouldn't have seen you had he not so obviously pointed you out." He admitted rather sheepishly, feigning of course... Crousader would never forgive him if he caused the white stallion to lose face in front of a female.
Again the lop-sided grin that had so recently begun to grace his features naturally. "I'm Blais by the way."
Death to Blondes She smiled sweetly, "Pleasure to meet you Blais." Her emerald orbs looked from the two of them. She wondered what was stuck up the white one's butt but she wouldn't ask and decided it was best to leave him be. Though her curiousity was eating at her patience and one of the would have to win eventually. Her ears perked forward as a scent of another seemed to be coming closer, "Apology, assuming it is one is accepted." She grinned, "S'pose I am rather small compared to others." That was an understatement, she was like a midget compared to her father, her mother she was shorter and her siblings...yup she was odd one oout. But her fiery personality made up for it. Didn't it most of the time. `Swirly -pitiful eyes- Can Swirly see too? -sonosy-"Oh... to heck with it." Moving forward carefully, Lovey moved over towards the three wanting to be involved with the group. Her gait was a bit exhuberant since she was in a good mood, the snow was after all beginning to melt and everything would take on a lovely green hue. What was there to NOT be happy about?
Stopping a few feet out of the group she ducked her head in greeting to the mare she'd not met and then again to the two stallions she had spoken to briefly, "Hello, and hello again." Celeanor
Blais was far too well trained in -not- angering females to respond to her self derisive comments directly, so he only grinned good naturedly and remained silent on the subject of size. He was taller then his mentor by a good 2 hands, being close to 18 hands himself, and stocky. Crousader, on the other hand, was lightly built and about 16 hands. Both were suited to do what they did best.. marshaling brute strength and flying.
The thought amused the younger stallion, and he couldn't help the slight glint of humor in his eyes. "Size has little bearing on things, as my esteemed mentor so often points out. Brains are usually the deciding factor."
Death to Blondes "Hopefully I am not known for small and stupid." she grinned at her own joke. She watched as another female approached, this one of irregular color and she was quite jealous. As a matter of fact she hated her natural color coat and of others with wings so Crousader was a step up from her and she held a secret hate for him for it. She would have let a slight huff escape her because the female approached without giving note, not that she wanted all the attention...just some small things bothered her. She gave a small nod of her head acknowledging her prescence. Her eyes flickered over the two males catching there gaze wondering what they were going to say to the new female. Obviously, Blais already met her. Perhaps they were mated. Perhaps not, she had the right to make assumptions but usually they were far from right. `Swirly Cocking an eyebrow Lovey looked at the mare with a bit of interest, she sensed that she wasn't very well liked by the mare and had no idea why. Snorting softly to herself she tossed her mane back up in her eyes and wished she could glare at the thing, a few mares she had met instantly disliked her for the femine look that drew attention. She had "big-hair" so to speak, it wasn't like she had stallions following her around, nor did it mean she was any more special than anybody else. Shaking her head she figured her vanity was speaking and the mare probably liked her just fine, nodding back she smiled a bit and propped up a hind foot to rest, not feeling compelled to speak. Celeanor
Feeling distinctly uncomfortable and out of place, Blais attempted a placating smile at both mares. Who he had so recently met.
"Well then, two new faces in one day, luck does indeed shine." he said, rather lamely in his own personal opinion. Next to him Crousader managed a derisive snort and appeared ready to take flight.
That, however, prompted further action on the part of his student. If there was one thing Blais was bent on, it was destroying the insecurity within the winged stallion that kept him locked in his own mind. "So what brings you both out to this fine plain?"
`Swirly Smiling softly at the stallion, Lovey bobbed her head and spoke even softer, "Nothing brings me anywhere... I just roam..." Interested in the white stallions strange actions she moved over to him slowly, "You've been awefully quite, sir... Does my presence displease you?"
Noticing his tensed wings she stayed back, and demanded nor expected no answer, just curious about his strange aversion to strangers. Celeanor
Ignoring Blais's pleading glance, Crousader decided to answer the female directly, and bitterly. "My answer depends on yours m'lady. Do you desire to hear the ugly truth, or a response tailored to keep you in the dark and oblivious to things you would rather not know? Both are, in effect, the truth... one just holds a more ...bitter... truth."
Blais sighed heavily, knowing exactly how his mentor had just appeared. Malignant, ugly, and profoundly bitter. He also know the stallion would regret these words later, a testement to what he had once been.
But how to remedy the current situation...? He almost snorted in amusement again, wondering at how far his own thoughts had come. Time was he wouldn't have even found himself in such a position, he would have just left.
`Swirly Blinking slowly she let the words sink into her slowly and she pondered for a moment, "I'm fond of the truth... so feel free to give whichever is more honest." Her face was a mask, not in the least taken aback by his outburst... She'd never been around a mare or stallion that was this bitter but it wasn't in her nature to turn away or be frightened off by words alone. Lovey'd always figured that harsh words hid a core that was too soft or damaged to face the light of day. Propping her foot up again she waited, hopefully the stallion didn't freak out or attack. Celeanor
Met only by calmness, Crousader found it difficult to continue in the same vein from which he had started, so he only turned away with a disgruntled snort. "One does not gain trappings such as these through birth or happen stance m'lady. The simple truth is painful in all ways that affect a soul, and to be honest, I find it difficult to continue the explanation." he finished, his tone still bitter, but less angry with the here and now. His time with Blais and the rest of the herd and taught him to at least treasure the present... even if it was only the small bit that kept him from snapping.
`Swirly Looking over the gear that Crousader carried, Lovey didn't find it hard to believe that his past had probably been riddled with more than enough pain to go around, nor was it hard to believe taht he probably didn't particularly care for many of the people he met. Moving slowly, she circled around him when he turned away, not intrusively but just to be able to carry on the conversation face-to-face. The anger had gone down substantially in his tone, and his explanation was over so Lovey wasn't sure why she persisted and speaking when he appeared to have no interest in conversation, "Then don't continue the explaination sir, you offered it two different ways but a "none of your business would have worked too"
((O.O NOT THE CLICHE~!)) Celeanor
Despite her passive approach, he felt his hard won control wearing thin. So he looked her directly in the eyes, not even trying to hide the burning hatred in his eyes for a past he had yet to come to terms with.
"Then if it would suit you better m'lady, consider my statement rephrased." he said carefully, aware that he would pay for this later. If Blais's own pitying look didn't speak volumes, his own inner turmoil would. Naturally, the very thought of what was to come invoked the deep seated anger again, but he kept it inside, his pride would allow for nothing else.
Death to Blondes [[Back]]
"Sorry..." she shook her head as her brows knit together. "Sort of zoned out there for a moment." By the look on the new female's face and Crusader's something went down and she didn't care to know what it was. Her eyes flickered to Blais searching for help though she knew she would get none. She paused looking from the two stallions and she heard something about hearing truth of something about Crusader, ah well. "I am Cynara by the way." she replied in her usual, sweet and child like tone to the mare. She bowed her head like she did for the males, she didn't know if she'd like the female...she liked most others...most. Unless they annoyed the crap out of her, that wasn't hard to do. You just had to be either very blunt or stupid. She eyed the mare with soft eyes, trying not to analyze her. Celeanor
Blais shot Cynara a quick warning glance, when she looked at him; but once again Crousader beat him to the punch.. so to speak.
"Introductions all around I see..." the white stallion rumbled to himself, noticing for the first time since landing that he hadn't even once said his own name to the black and brown mare. "Forgive for intruding Miss Cynara, Miss Lovey... but I have been lax in my manners. My name is Crousader."
Death to Blondes Cynara paid close attention to the stallion, obviously something was bothering him and she wouldn't push it rather just accept any information he'd give to her. "Nice to meet you Crousader, and please just Cynara is fine." She gave a smile to him, though not enough to make her seem prissy or better than another. She was very much towards equality in sexuality and considered neither of the sexes better than the other. "So do you two often race than? I'm assuming thats how we bumped into each other. Correct me if I'm wrong?" she looked to the two of them obviously interested. Celeanor
When Crousader merely snorted, Blais took up the vein of the conversation. "Actually... that was my doing. We were heading back towards our teepee with all due haste, and I..."
"Issued an impertinent challenge." the white stallion cut in, shooting the younger one a look. Blais, to his credit, only winced slightly and continued. "Yes... so I told him I could beat him back to the teepee. Call it impertinent, but I call it revenge for getting beaten black and blue earlier." He said, half in retort to his mentor, and half as way of explanation.
Crousader actually cracked a wry smile at that, and decided to keep further comments to himself.
Death to Blondes Cynara, "Sounds like rough play, or rather what I did as a child with my brother. Sparring and racing, all in good fun I hope for you as well. I'd hate to be tending wounds and such from you strong two. Then again I bet your both to good for wounds?" she raised her brows. She was getting eerily pissed at Crousaders' snorting but she decided to let it go for now. As they were in front of Blais, though they seemed to know each other so perhaps it was some what relevant. But she would keep it to herself. Celeanor
"Close, but unlike sparring between siblings.. or even strangers of equal ability... this is actually training. I am not so prideful to overlook that he is my superior in many things; aside from size. He is my mentor, and he has... brought me through many a conflict." The admission cost him much, but he felt that if he didn't start trusting strangers a little himself, there was no way he would be able to convince Crousader of the same.
"But don't you worry, he never takes out his anger on my hide, it is I who do that to him. You'll not be patching either of us up any time soon." Blais continued with false cheerfulness, invoking a memory of Tai telling him about some rare night blowing flower to keep the attitude partially geniune.
Cynara, "You are right." she wouldn't put up a fight simply agree, because one it was pointless to argue and second...he sort of had a point. She looked at Blais it was true he did have size on Crousader, he seemed so gentle at the moment to take anger out on Crousader. Though she had seen his determination while he was attempting to run faster than the light. The rage he held was none of her buisness and she had none to ask but these thoughts did rampage through her mind. "Do you mind me asking what you are training for, or what he is mentoring you for?" She thought it was a fair question, she didn't mean to get personal if she had. She wanted to start a conversation and if he shared a bit about his past or talked about himself so would she.Celeanor Blais thought about her question carefully for a moment, unaware of Crousader's gentle withdrawal from the conversation by way of stepping back a few paces to nibble on some long stalks of plainsgrass. "Well, I guess to put it simply, I needed a direction. He teaches me how to fight and how to avoid fights... he is still teaching me control, and in return I teach him a little of lighthearted laughter. " He grinned at the poetry of his last remark, earning a loud snort from the not-far-enough-away winged stallion. Blais merely flicked his pale gold tail and continued as if he hadn't heard. "Overall, he's the father I never had..." he paused, glancing backwards. "Or rather, that I'm afraid to have. But that's a story for another day Miss Cynara." "Didn't I tell you both to call me Cynara?" the female replied in a joking tone, "First it makes me sound old, kind of..." debating it for a moment before she continued, "And second it implies I'm single, though I don't mind and simply enjoy the freedom of it right now it makes it sound like a widow or something." she wrinkled her nose, "My brother seems to make it a theme to keep pointing that out, just cause he has a lady love doesn't mean we all need one." She looked to Blais, "Sorry I'm ranting and bringing family talk in, I tend to do that sometimes."Celeanor "Apologies, it's become habit." Blais replied, covering his mild surprise at her outburst with a low chuckle. "I'll be agreeing with you though. It's true that Lady Loves are not the best for everyone. Else where would the foals come from?" he continued. She blinked not quite understanding it but she got the jist. She shrugged it off, "I don't know. They could fall from the sky or storks could carry them?" she was making horrible jokes now to. What was the world coming to? She flicked her tail, looking past Blais to see Crousader grazing. Odd one he was. She turned her attention back to Blais, he had feathers in his hair like her father. Cept her father's were green to match his eyes. So color coded, people respected her and often came to her because her father was the first elder. She didn't see the big deal but she guessed it was a pretty big honor. Thinking about family again, how awkward.Celeanor Quickly deciding the enlightenment was probably not the best course of action, Blais changed the subject to something a little more.. substantial? Yes, best to do that before the conversation turned embarrassing. "Bad jokes aside, why might you be out on the plains by yourself?" Interestingly enough, the question meant something to Crousader a swell, for he wandered back closer to the pair and rejoined the conversation. "No one was bothering you I hope." the older stallion asked, his deeper voice echoing Blais's thoughts. She shook her head, bothering. Ha. Define bothering. "Just out wandering, I've came to the edge of these plains before but no farther." she shook her head at Crousader as he rejoined their conversation, "No one was bothering me today." She smiled to him, her respect for him just went up a bit from the concern even if it was a tad bit sarcastic. Everyone had to earn her respect, she used to give it freely as well as her trust but that ended on a short day as a foal and once again as an adult. Once physically and the other emotionally, but that was enough thinking like that for today.Celeanor The white stallion snorted, but nodded nonetheless. This exchange was odd enough for him, with Blais coming more and more out of his shell, and his own emotions... Well he hadn't even felt the inkling of protective instinct since Blais first entered his life at the beginning of winter. Even then it had been hard for Crousader to accept that he was needed again, needed in a way he hadn't know he yearned for until it was there in front of him. Back then, Blais had been sucha red-hot anger... the living embodiement of Crousader's own inner torture. And so young... Blinking his bright blue eyes, Crousader shoved the memories back to the halls of past where they belonged, lest the young mare ask any more questions. As for Blais, he tilted his head curiously to the side. "Wandering eh? Seems we all have to do that sometimes." He said with a touch of irony, unaware of the brief flicker of anger that flickered in his amber eyes. She looked at the two, something in the past she thought was haunting them both or perhaps it was just preferences. When she had zoned out with Lovely had been here there was a harsh anger towards her from Crusader. She didn't know why, but she had a thought maybe it was being female. If it was her own emotions would be raised from her own past. She huffed at the thought and shoved it to the back of her mind...where it belonged. She didn't notice her own rage withing flashing through her own eyes but when Blais spoke she had noticed his, but said nothing. She felt slightly awkward here...not uncomfertable awkward. She didn't know what to say to his eyes. She knew what she wanted to do, to go to him and comfert him perhaps. That was her tendancy to do, either comfert or kick it. Something was either friend or foe in her eyes. She didn't know about these two yet.Celeanor Whatever comment Blais would have had, it was lost when a piercing call shattered the silence. Looking up, the painted stallion squinted against the bright light of the noontime sun, scanning the sky for the source of that oh-so-familiar call. "Marahute." Crousader supplied after a moment, leaving Blais to look down in relief. "I wonder..." the white stallion continued, more to himself then the two younger soquili. Then without warning he spread his wide white wings and sprang aloft. Taken aback, Blais only stared up after him, though he was not at all surprised to see the golden hawk drift close to the white stallion... probably to impart news...but why not land and tell them? Suddenly embarrassed once the only logical reason crossed his mind, Blais turned to Cynara. "I'm sorry about that, I guess Marahute didn't know if you were friend or foe..." he started, only to be interrupted again. "BLAIS! We need to go, NOW!"
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:29 am
A r e s ...a n d ...C y n a r a The pale stallion drifted back to the teepee. He needed to talk to Cynara. He had been a complete jack a** to her. He still couldn't believe some of the things he had said to her. God, why did he have to be such a jerk. He knew why, she had accused him of doing something he didn't do and that was one of his number one things he hated. When other made assumptions on first appearences. She did not know the whole story. He was merely defending the defenseless, was that not a noble cause. Deed? He sighed no one understood him and sometimes he wished someone would. No one knew him nor calmed his temper that seemed to grow each day. He dropped his head to the ground and sang softly to himself, "Looked to the sky for a sign, looked to the ground for my path. Where did you go? My light, my lead. Where did you go? Have you left me for good this time?" He rose his head into the breeze that blew his beaded braids. Birds songs rose higher than his own and he could hear the distand sound of wooden flutes from the villages. He scented Cynara and the embers of the never ending fire at their teepee.
Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:53 am
E r i k...a n d...S e k h m e t OOC RP
Lindsey says: Erik: Than that is what we shall do. Run and fly. -he smiled faintly as thoughts crossed his mind, he had never flown with another female, let alone someone he cared for this much. None of them had been blessed with wings-
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] Good. *stretches out her leg, wincing at the soreness under the numbing of the medicines*
Lindsey says: Erik: -blinks- You have never heard me sing. That makes me laugh as it was a big part of my life.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] You sing? *tilts her head, obviously interested*
Lindsey says: Erik: Yes, and quite often. Has a lot to do with my...um past. -shifts a bit uncomfertably-
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] Oh? *shifts to look at him*
Lindsey says: Erik: Sorry, s'pose I should be more comfertable and honest with you about things. -wrinkles his brows, frustrated-
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] What did you sing?
Lindsey says: Erik: Songs, poems, anything...I created music as well, as in wrote it.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] You were good?
Lindsey says: Erik: I suppose. I became a teacher of one student in Paris, tis where I am from. Hence the french, but I fell in love with her. My mistake, I thought she could love me. But she found out what I was, am. She hated, loathed me. She went with a past friend in despite of me, loved him in front of me. I turned insane almost, and tried to keep her still. I suceeded but knew she would never love me so I Lindsey says: let her go. Lindsey says: -looks down ashamed a bit-
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *chews on that, before shrugging.* Life is cruel and there are idiots in this world. Too bad that girl was one of them.
Lindsey says: Erik: -smiles slightly- You are so comferting ma déesse. Do you wish to know more of my past before her? I wish to be brutally honest with you, so it wont come to bite me later as it has before. That and I have told no one else, and I trust you.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *Eyes widened as she heard he trusted her. He trusted her? Normally she would have thought him a fool. But... that pleased her.* It is your business what you tell me
Lindsey says: Erik: My business is your business, I hope.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] You can tell me if you wish.
Lindsey says: Erik: -takes a breath before recalling the memory- As a child my mother ridded of me because I was not normal. Wings were abnormal but my face as well. I was a gargoyle she called me. I wound up in a freak circus, I don't remember how still...but they put me in a barred cage. Put a bag over my head, the master of me whipped me bloody, plucked my feathers gave them as souveniers and took the bag Lindsey says: from my head to show me. I killed him with a spare rope. Strangled him. A performing horse led me down to the opera house and I surrendered to the catacombs. It was my playground as she said. I stayed there, until I met my pupil and then you know the rest.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *Wings bristled as she heard of the man who hurt Erik* He should be glad he is beyond my reach. A hoof or two to his head would fix him. *The Egyptian mare studied the mask on her mates face* Is that why you wear that?
Lindsey says: Erik: I told you, he is dead. I already killed him. If I had not I would not be here I do not think, nor with you. -he winced as she mentioned the mask, sometimes he had forgotten it was there...he was getting better- Yes, it was made for me.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] That's why I said he better be glad he's out of my reach. *gives the mask another glance before shifting again to lean into him.* My life isn't as exciting as yours.
Lindsey says: Erik: -he smiled- You don't have to protect me. I was thinking about taking out that kalona that did that. -gestures to her leg- Though if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have met you. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *hides her shudder* I'd rather you not.
Lindsey says: Erik: -shrugs, realizing he forgot a big portion of his life- I have childeren too.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] Really? They must be pains. *smirks*
Lindsey says: Erik: Haha, your so funny. Ares is my son, he lives with me. My daughter lives with her mother, Jailbait. I have never met her.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] Oh? Every foal I've met has been a pain in the a**. *tilts her head* And yours aren't?
Lindsey says: Erik: -he thought of something and kept it to himself- Ares and I had a rough start, we are working on our relationship and whats left of it.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] Good luck on that
Lindsey says: Erik: Yeah, you'll meet him and decide if he's a pain as you say. He's grown now.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] Do I get to terrorize him?
Lindsey says: Erik: He is not as patient as I am ma déesse.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *sighs* Oh alright...
Lindsey says: Erik: You can terrorize me if you feel the earge. -sticks his tounge out playfully-
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *grins, almost evilly* I'll remember that
Lindsey says: Erik: I bet you will. -smiles gently- I still know little about you. But if you don't wish to share its alright.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhmet] There's not much to my story. I come from a far away land of sand and stone. The people there wander from place to place. Horses are treated like Gods, for we provided for them in almost everything. When I was born, I was a oddity as well, but praised. Named Sekhmet, after the Goddess of War. I was given to a Warrior, who took me overseas. The ship I was put on was the wrong one, hence I ended up here.
Lindsey says: Erik: He smiled, you weren't a prize to be given. You and Ares have something in common, he is named after the God of War.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will devastate my inner child forever says: [Sekhy] *a slow grin formed on her lips, but she said nothing*
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:08 pm
Erik stepped from the teepee ruffling his wings, it had been a long night of flying with Ares. His son was still sleeping, they were getting better and he was proud of himself and glad Ares was starting to accept him more. He ruffled his feathers with a yawn...it was mid day. Jeebus, he had gotten up late. He was thinking about taking a dip in the lake that was so conveniantly located by his teepee which was always nice. He didn't mind that the water was cool, the sun was actually pouring down today and melting the snow. He walked to the water's edge and took a soft sip and then entered the water cooling himself off and washing of the grime that he seemed to have gotten in on last nights joutney. He flicked the water over himself with his wings, feeling much cleaner than before. His long mane and coat dripping with water, he had removed his mask and dipped his face into its coolness. Only to return to the shallow end to put it on as quickly as he could before anyone could see.[TWizTed SoUl] A familiar black mare stood at the shoreline. She had looked for him that morning, and upon not finding him at his teepee, had come here. It seemed the most logical place to look. Blue eyes stared at the uncovered part of his face with a uncaring look. "Erik." Death to Blondes Erik turned to see the female before standing their, she had been watching him take his mask on and off, yet said nothing? She did no flee or cry demon? Why? He stumbled backward slightly as he let his long mane cover most of his face, perhaps it was only because he had helped her out this paticular time and pitied him like everyone else did. Their was no other explanation for this. He did not know what to say, only looked down in shame. All was perfect, his coat, wings and muscles yet the torn part of his face that he kept hidden so well except now he had been careless and this had happened. He did not want pity from her, nor anyone. [TWizTed SoUl] "You know, hiding your face like that is going to make you break your leg." Her voice was lightly teasing yet serious. She wasn't scared of him nor pitying. "I would have to take care of you then." The black mare continued to wait for him. Death to Blondes Erik looked to her with a slight smile, "You mean you do not mind my..." he watched her, weren't males supposed to be the brave ones? Boy scout, he thought to himself. "Face..." he added with a slight hesitance. He watched her, he hadn't seen anyone react so kindly to him withought the mask he thought he needed and would never give up. No matter what happened. She even sounded as if she was teasing him which he found quite peculiar. [TWizTed SoUl] A brow was raised. "Your what? Your face?" Blue eyes stared at the patch of skin on his face. "I've seen worse ones on War Steeds in the desert. Hot oil leaves some nasty ones." Cobalt hooves stepped into the water. "Now are you going to come out or do I need to drag you out?" Death to Blondes He watched her carefully and took his steps out of the water, ruffling his wings slightly. There could be worse than him, he did not think so. This was not about him nor in an all about him way, he had grown up having everyone calling him the ugliest and grosteque. "I would have liked to see you try ma déesse." he teased her back with a slight glimmer in his eyes. "What brings you out here again?" he asked her curiously. He had indeed enjoyed her company but he had to wonder why she would come back here. [TWizTed SoUl] Sekhmet looked away. Unwilling to say that she had wanted to see him. She was evidently embarrassed though, and covered it up with icyness. "What? I can't go anywhere without being questioned?" The mare loved her freedom, being questioned about it by someone she liked made her bristle. Death to Blondes Erik watched her grow into a fuss, that reminded him of someone he knew. But she was different, "No ma déesse, you do not have to be questioned. I was just curious, I am sorry if I have angered you." Her coldness did not bother him, well it did. He hated to see someone with such perfection turn cold. But he did not think it of anything less of her, but more as it was her and her personality. [TWizTed SoUl] Muscles relaxed and she grew a bit guilty. "Sorry... I'm used to being followed everywhere I go. I like my freedom in this land." The black mare turned to him, nudging his scarred cheek without flinching. Death to Blondes "Thats one of the great things about this..." he cut himself short as she touched him and flinched. He was not used to that, he flung his mane over his face. "I should put my mask back on, I am sorry." his eyes held a slight sorrow though he was over joyed that their was some one out their who did not mind his facial features and perhaps liked him for him. [TWizTed SoUl] "Leave it on, leave it off, makes no difference to me." She nuzzled his cheek again, to help relieve his discomfort. "But it is your decision, not mine." Death to Blondes His muscles seemed to relax a bit around her, in the beginning when she had first seen him he was so tence if one were to prod at him they might have broken a finger from him being so solid. And when she nuzzled him, chills ran up his spine no one had touched him like that for a while. He listened to the teepee where a casual rustling was heard. "Thank you," he nosed her cheek before he walked to where he had left it and slipped it on, feeling more confident than before already. "It is good to see you again, though." he smiled softly. [TWizTed SoUl] Sekhmet blinked at his words. Really? Had he missed her? Her herdmates in the desert had disliked her intently. Wings, the markings and bizarre colors of her mane and tail had alienated her from them. She knew how Erik felt, more then he knew. "Um... thank you..." Death to Blondes He looked to her, "Your quite welcome." his silvery orbs drawing over her eyes. His brow rose, he had saw something in her eyes that reminded him of himself..."Deep in thought?" he asked. He hoped she didn't take it offensivly, his tones were soft and soothing like normal not to mention deep but thats how he had been after he 'grew up' into a stallion. [TWizTed SoUl] "I was." She trotted away from the water. Paused at the woods edge with a look over her shoulder. "Coming?" Death to Blondes He tilted his head, perhaps she was more of a mystery than he. "I s'pose." he smiled slightly to himself. He followed her and then went next to her side, still keeping his distance remembering their first meet and almost got a good n** in. [TWizTed SoUl] Sekhy noticed that he kept his distance. Smart stallion. That was one of the things she liked about him. His care of her while her leg had been fractured had touched some part of her she didn't know existed. Forged a bond, maybe. Heroine and damsel? Yeah right. Death to Blondes He watched the female is interest piqued, "So where are we going?" he asked. He remembered her leg and it was obviously better that was good. He wouldn't mention unless she did though. the familiar woods were getting less and less familiar, he didn't think he had went out this way before. Sekhy smirked, knowing the way. "We are going to my humans' meadow." Misae didn't live in a Teepee, she lived in a rickety building that resembled a longhouse. Often, one of her Soquili spent the night with her, mostly the one flecked with many colors.Death to Blondes He blinked curiously, "Why?" he asked, he didn't usually get the vibe that she took stallions to her human's house a lot so he took it as a gift and an honor but why him. Just because he helped her with her leg, someone else could have came along as well and she probably could have made it on her own...maybe. But as long as he was around he wasn't going to let that happen. "I am not trying to sound rude, I am just...curious." he looked to her softly with his silvery orbs wondering what was going through her mind. Blue met silver, clashing. She said nothing, but said plenty. A little bit of wariness that was her, that was bred into her. Trust, however small, fondness, affection. Something instinctual and a part of her reaching out to a male that was like her.He gazed at her for that moment and had seen something he hadn't seen in anyone that had ever laid eyes upon him. He turned back to gaze at the landscape, still dead from winter...oh he could not wait for Spring, or could he? He paticulary liked winter, he was left alone and it was nice out for his black coat. The sun did horrors to it in the summer, and sometimes it felt as if his very mask would melt from his face. But as his minds wandered they always traveled back to the mare that stood beside him and scented of some foreign flower. He had been told by Cyrus as a joke he was in the rose patches to long because thats what he often scented of but he didn't take him seriously even though if anyone were to be taken seriously it'd be Cyrus.She reached out. Pressed her muzzle against his shoulder. Something was happening here. What, she didn't know. It was nice, frightening, exciting. She'd only known him for a short while though... Yet, so had Kai, and that mare he swooned over.He stopped moving as she touched him almost affectionatly. He was betting she didn't do this often. So perhaps she was feeling what he had been thinking to. He smiled kindly to her and nosed her cheek gently. No words spoken, yet everything again. He wondered what was to become of this, was it to blossom like a flower or die off like the winter?[TWizTed SoUl] Hooves stopped the same time Erik did. Ears pricked forward, listening for any sound he would make. Sekhmet, herself, made a small snort when he touched her cheek. More out of surprise then anything else. What the hell was going on? Death to Blondes He tilted his head at her curiously, "I do not know about vous, but I 'aven't felt 'zis way about another for awhile." his french picking up as he was getting nervous about speaking about his true feelings again. He eyed her wondering what she was going to say, he was either going to be shot down or perhaps a change for the better and she too felt the same as him. His words were spoken soft and almost soothing as he gazed at her. She seemed to calm in a way that no one else had before. Cobalt eyes stared at him. First in confusion, then in dawning understanding. The gold and blue tail flew over her hindquarters, beads smacking against the black hide with a small stinging sensation. He... he what? Cared for her? That was impossible! It made her heart flutter and her wings fluff. A heady sensation... "I...I..." She was stuttering! She never stuttered! "I've never... felt like this before..."Death to Blondes He paused looking at her, "I am hoping 'zat it iz a good feeling?" he chuckled slightly looking at her. What seemed like a friendship was turning out to be something much more perhaps. But it wasn't like Erik to take things so fast. Plus he was semi-romantic if you counted him giving roses to his beloveds and almost...almost anything they asked but their were spots where he drew the line. Wait...how could he be thinking of this at this time, perhaps it was lust and not love. How that vile thing toiled with his heart. He wouldn't want to hurt her. [TWizTed SoUl] "That depends upon the point of view... but yes." She breathed out. This was like a sandstorm. Something you couldn't control, that came out of nowhere... could only hope it would pass by quickly, leaving everything a mess... Yet this sandstorm didn't want to leave. It was tearing everything up that she had believed and seen, tossing them about. More like a tornado, then a sandstorm.
Death to Blondes "Ah, I feel 'ze same way I t'ink." he watched her carefully. "Sorry for 'ze accent. It picks up sometimez." he blinked. "But I am kind of glad 'zat vous and I feel 'zome what of 'ze same way about each other." He sighed hopefully, always taking baby steps at a time. But he did not want to rush things, and perhaps end up with another disappearing mare and another child. [TWizTed SoUl] Sekhmet had no idea what to say now. They must have looked stupid, standing there in the middle of the forest. Professing their emotions and inners thoughts. Like those stupid fluttery, sugar-spun Soquili in the plains. Death to Blondes "Ma desse?" he questioned looking to her, "I am afraid to say 'zat I do not know where your human resides?" he had a slight smirk upon his face as she had nothing to say. He thought it was kind of cute, actually. He did not take his eyes from her however, he had fought off Itzpapalotl before he had gone out from her braiding his mane and now it free flowed as he liked it. He didn't like the feeling of feeling...contained. [TWizTed SoUl] The black mare led the way, staying silent. She had enough to think about at the moment. Forest gave way to a small meadow after a half-hour, with a wood and bark 'hut' by the edge. There were no Soquili there, but the smell of them permeated the air. Mostly males, one other female. A soft voice sounded, singing a tune inside the structure. Death to Blondes Erik followed her silently from behind, his step echoing hers. He was slightly anxious at the many scents of soquili but the two legger, he didn't like them in general. He tolerated Lily because she and Cyrus offered him a place to stay but others...they were the source of his past pain, well the white ones. But he trusted Sekhmet, on a level that he almost couldn't comprehend. His ears flickered at the tune and as he listened he hummed an octave lower but just as beautiful in his low tones.