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[J] Tamesis's Diary +Illusionist: Flamefire123+ Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:47 am
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The straight back kitsune knocked sharply, three times, before waiting. His crisp and clean police uniform was ironed daily by his wife, the high school sweet heart he nabbed before she had a chance to really spread her wings, giving him a quiet demure woman, just what he wanted. Nothing like the woman he was going to see now. One slightly tanned hand reached up to rub his hand over the perfectly trim haircut as his gray eyes glared at the door. They looked like twins sometimes growing up, Layla and Liam, despite the years different Layla was always a bit tall, a bit old. Now she was just young, and childish, and in Liam's mind weak. Those years at Uncle's did nothing but reenforce those stupid childish impulses she had.

Layla had her music playing loudly, her slim body dancing around the living room as she did something that might be close to cleaning. It was more moving the mess to other places in her living room, that after a few hours, miraculously actually seemed cleaner. Of course, the mess came back almost instantly but the point was made. Whom she was making the point too Layla wasn’t entirely sure, all she knew was that it was time to clean, so she was cleaning. The knock was almost ignored, half because she wasn’t sure it existed, and half because she didn’t really care, but that nagging voice came into her head, bugging her till at last she pulled the door open and sent a half smirk to her brother. Oh lord, what does he want now? she thought quietly to herself.

Liam frowned in disaproval. He disaproved of everything, from his sister's hip and reveling clothes, to the mess of an apartment, to the volume of music. Nothing she did was right and both siblings knew he felt this way. The problem was Liam wanted to fix that and Layla wanted nothing to do with him or his 'right ways'. The young officer would not accept that from his sister. Tammy was already shapping up, she was given her youth, but it was time for Layla to start acting like a proper Heaton. Even Uncle Jeremy didn't act like Layla and he was the family nut. Of course if he said that to his sister he'd proably end up with a broken bone. No amount of man pride could hide the fact that Layla could kick his, and anyone's a** if she felt like it.

"I'm here to talk about Mom's birthday" he said shortly, eyes glaring into hers. At least he got taller.

"Oh yeaaaaaaaah Mom's b-day" Layla sighed, eyes looking up as her ears flicked back slightly in thought. She didn't move from the door and she didn't invite him in. If she invited him in he'd demand a tour, actually he'd proably get in anyway, Liam was a b*****d like that, but she wouldn't invite him. "I was thinking of giving her the perfect gift. I wont be there" Layla told him, turning, wanting to get back to her life. Family was an awful anoyence.

"You know you can't do that" Liam snapped as he did just as his sister perdicited and took a few steps, all he needed to, to get into her apartment. And once he was in it would take a fight to get him out again. Luckily the siblings fought all the time so there really was no real worry about that. "Mom wants all her kids together, come on she deserve that, it's her birthday. She raised us"

"Not me" Layla said shortly, tail flicking as she headed out to the kitchen. If she was going to have family over she wanted ice cream. Rustling though the fridge she picked her current favorite flavor (she always had several in her freezer), and filled a bowl full of scoops. She did not offer Liam any, nor did he ask for any. Snaking between meals made life worthwhile to Layla.

And was against the 11th comandment for Liam. "That's bullshit. She did the best she could with you. It's not her fault that you were such a glutton she had to send you to Uncle's." Laim groweled as he took a step forward, following his sister around. Nether closed the door, both wanted the easy escape route there.

"Well her best wasn't good enough. We don't get alone Liam, besides I got stuff to do" layla replied, picking up her big bowl and small spoon as she walked around, she hated being still, especailly if she was fighting. of course if she didn't keep her hands full she tended to get physical because of that and training, so she kept moving and placated herself with sugar. The kitsune found herself heading to her room, proably because she had an e-mail open to uncle that she wanted to reply too. And the taprestry was there.

"Stuff more important than your own mother!?" Liam groweled, following her. Careful to keep his distence from the 'danger zone', Laim had to try to bully her into comming. It normally worked but Layla could be so damn stuborn. Then the male kitsune stoped, notcing the taprestry...and it moved. "What the ********!?" he yelped, jumping back.

"Yes" Was Layla's simple reply to Liam's question, as she sat down, done with this conversation, reading her e-mails and eating her ice cream, barely paying attention when her brother yelp. She flicked only one ear twords him and gave him a bored glance when she noticed Tamesis (as she decided to call the taprestry) moving around and grined. "Hey isn't that neat? I got it for only 1k. I think it's awsome"

"Do you even have any idea what it is?" Liam demanded.

"Noooooope!" Layla grined happily at her brother. "That's the fun part Liam. Wondering what will happen. I'm pretty sure this is something special"

"You need to get rid of it. You have no idea how dangerous that thing could be" Liam, all cop now, took a step closer, wondering if somehow it could leap off the page.

"Oh come on Liam!" Layla sighed, rolling her eyes. "I'm a 9th degree blackbelt, with a few years of street fighting and a good healthy pair of lungs in a building where I get complaints if I play my music to loud. Nothing is going to happen to me."

"You'd be surpised what could happen to women like you" her brother replied gravely, ears flicking back as he glared at the tapretry. "I don't turst it. I advise you get rid of it"

"And I advise you get that stick out of your a**" Layla replied lazily, "I really don't care about your opionans Liam, now what will it take to get you to leave me the hell alone?"

"This saturday, 2 o clock, bring Mom a present" Liam replied briskly before turning to leave, his voice stiff as it always when he got insulted. It got that way around Layla a lot. She never knew when to just keep her damn mouth shut. Stupid girl, she was utterly useless to the family, she had all this money but never helped out mom. Selfish b***h.

Layla sighed, rolling her eyes as she found her ice cream was running low. "Fine, I'll be there" she muttered, "Just leave, I'm sick of smelling you" She glanced over and smirked at the stiff stance of her brother. He was insulted again. Good, he always left quicker when insulted and sure enough he left without another word. "'bout damn well time" she complained and took the last bite of ice cream in the bowl. With a sigh she rose and glanced at Tamesis who was still waving all around. "Don't worry TamTam. I trust you, no one is getting rid of you"she promised with a grin, winking at the taprestry then going to finnish her cleaning.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 4:22 pm
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As Liam left Layla rose to make sure the door was locked behind him and put her ice cream dish in the sink. Since her good mood was effectivly killed the kitsune made no further efforts to clean the house. She could only do that if she was in a good mood. Infact she even turned off her blaring music, no longer needing the noise. She just returned to her room, and Tamesis. She smiled at the thrashing taperestry.

"It's okay honey, I trust you" she asured him, reaching over to give the fabric art a stroke before she turned to sit down at the computer. She brought up some online shopping sights, thinking about what to get her mom, though she really didn't want to go she promised she would, and in the end it was her mother.

Layla couldn't shop right now though so she brought up the e-mail to her uncle looking over his reply with a smile, and brought up a new e-mail, sitting down to think for a moment. The kitsune always hesitated over telling her uncle about family problems, because he believed familes should be close, but at the same time he was the only one she could talk to.

Hey Uncle, she started casually, waiting to see what would come from her fingers. I sent you a ltter the other day. I didn't say much, just stuff that will be completely out of date by the time you get it. Snail mail huh XD? Anyway it was nice to sit and write for a change but I still prefer e-mailing, at least that I can expect you to get it and you'd reply in time for your advice to be really useful.

I finnished my latest job a few days ago, it was fun, but it isn't doing the job anymore. I don't want to quit, don't worry, illistrating is the perfect job for me. I just think I need something else in my life. something, you know, fun. I dunno what to do about that.

But I did manage to find something fun. This taprestry that image moves. Not like in the image misdirection stuff but like it will disapear and reapear or sometimes the image itself will just move. It's really cool. In my letter I included a sketch so you'll have to wait for that. I think there's something special about this taprestry, I really do. So I'm going to wait and see if anything happens.

Liam came over today to bug me about mom's birthday. I'd agree I'd go so don't try to guilt me. I just am anoyed. I don't get alone with her and Liam. We fought today, first about me going then about Tamesis, oh that's what I'm calling the taprestry. He thinks I should get rid of it, I just think he's jealous or you know, overly suspious. I never met anyone with a bigger stick of their a** then Laim, and ever you have to agree with that.

That's really all that's been happening. I hope to talk to you soon, maybe take a little vaction to visit you. We'll see, I need something. I love you Uncle.


The kitsune smiled as she did spell check then sent the e-mail on it's way. In a better mood she setteled herself down to find some desent gift for her mom as quickly as possible, then she could get back to her life till the whole birthday thing was over.



PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:21 pm
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His life was very limited, his memories even more so. He knew little, only of a bright voice, a gental laugh and the reoccuring word Tamesis. He remembered the loud harsh yelling of the market place and the cool calmness that the bright voice brought with it. He remembered a strange voice and the sense of tension in the world, and he remembered the energy that it all gave him.

His bond with the bright voice was deeper than anything he might ever know, and he enjoyed the pure loving energy that she emmited easily, with her cheerful laugh and the gental touches, the naming, the caring, all of it gave him the energy his soul needed. He pulled it close to him as he sank deep into the fabric, the energy revoling around him, as he relaxed, it would take time, real time for the energy to be put in real use, but the right amount of energy was here.

He pulled the energy close, feeling it revole around him. The energy sinking deep into him as he felt something new happening, the solidifing of a form, but it would take time and as he did he though he the sun shine on him...
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:49 am
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Users: Flamefire123, Melodymh4
Layla, Tamesis, Mereneth
Setting: Park
I am Getting a What!?

It was the weekend. The weekend wasn't really much different than the week for the sort of self employed illistratior. Today though boredom had set in harder than normal and Layla could not sit and pretend to work any longer. So she gathered some essentials and started to head out. But as she pulled on her shoes her eyes rose to see Tamesis hanging there on the wall, hiding at the moment.

"Awww, I bet you're bored too" the kitsune realized. "That must be horrible to just have to hang." She got up and grabed the tapresty, slipping it into her pack that had some water and food because she had no idea she'd be out walking. With her finale item stored away safely Layla rose and walked out the door.

It was hours later, really midday, Layla found herself in the park. She grined, she hadn't been in a park for years. She pulled her backpack and placed it on a table, and pulled out her tapresty.

"Still hiding?" she asked the taprestry that was still blank, "Okay, okay. You want to hide, that's fine, but at least enjoy the sun. I'm going to be on the slide" she told the fabric with a mix of mother and childlike additude. "Enjoy the sun TamTam" Lyala said with a giggle before running off happily to play on the child structure with the five year olds.

He was at the park. He realised. The same one where he met Aurelius. That was much to ponder about, whether they really hated each other, from their very last meeting. How so, then, did his feet take him out of the house and here.

Frowning, he plopped down on the grass, staring up at the sky in a rather bored way. Perhaps he shouldn't think of it now. He didn't want to meet her anyway.

It wasn't long till his orange orbs fell on the rather grownup female, having fun at the playground. Observing this with a rather mixed feeling between amusement and wonder, Mereneth had absolutely no idea that another Illusionary was nearby.

Layla laughed, bright and cheery, knowing she was getting looks of confusion and she noticed one mother call her kid away as she got to close to the kitsune. Maybe a part of her pulled away in hurt and anger, wanted to go and yell at the close minded b***h about how just because she liked donig childish thing didn't mean she was dangerous to children.

But Layla stoped listening to that part of her a long, long time ago. Instead she waved cheeirly to the mother and ran up to go down the slide once more. She slide down happily, continuing the momentum in hope that she didn't ruin that kid's day by being herself. Besides Layla saw a real intresting looking child.

A child with a tail...a tail on fire! Now that, the kitsune had to admit, was cool. She walked twords him and sat down at a safe distence. Layla looked around, wondering if he had a parent around somewhere. Oh well, her eyes looked forward to the boy again, grining brightly.

"hello, I'm Layla. I love your tail. What's your name? I have a tail too" she brought hers into veiw, "But it's not onfire like you"

The woman got pretty weird glances from other, he observed. Even a mother had pulled her child away to avoid her, obviously thinking that she was a lunatic or somewhat. But now that he thought of it, what was wrong with having a little fun? If that was what she wanted to do, so be it. He didn't want to poke his nose into other people's affairs, now that he had gotten control over her powers and realised that throwing fire at everyone wasn't as fun as it was before. So he liked to throw a little flame now and then, but that was just to see that annoyed expression on his mother's face.

He was too lost in his thoughts to realise that he was being approached by the woman, only after he heard her voice. His tail. Blinking slightly, he realised that the invisibility spell must have worn off and fluttered his wings slightly. His mother had put the spell on him with the initiative to stop cutting his shirts and pants to fit his wings and tail through. However, it didn't seem to have broken throught the cloth even though it wore off.

Smiling up at her, as his eyes grazed her furry tail with piqued interest, "I'm Mereneth." The grin grew wider, happier as she mentioned the fire. "Well, I can make it disappear too." Screwing up his face and concentrating, the fire disappeared with a "pfft" sound. It was rather interesting and fun to do that, though it took much of his concentration.

The child smiled up at her, making Layla like him instantly. She had little intrest in boring children and even with that tail if he wasn't willing to talk then he would of been boring. Layla came to the park to avoid boredom. Instead though this child was bright and intresting and that tail thing made her own start to swish, back and forth.

"Ohhhh, wow that is cool" she praised, reaching over to feel where the fire once was, to prove it was really gone. The kitsune pulled her hand back though as she looked at Mereneth's face. If it took that much concentration it proably wouldn't last long. "That's very neat, I can do some stuff with my tail" she said, moving it around for him, even tickling his nose with the tip, "But nothing really cool like that. I got ears though" she giggle and pointed up at her ears as they twitched twords her finger. "Well non human ears. You got wings, I like your wings too. Very dragony. Are you part dragon?" she asked him.

As she reached over to touch it, he frowned momentarily, but it disappeared quickly off his face. Was she fireproof? He wondered fleetingly, being daring enough to touch it. But sure enough, after a while, the flame poofed back onto his tail giving off warmth and flickers of light. He giggled lightly as the tail tickled his nose and cocked his head to stare at her ears. Was she part fox? Part of that weird company thing that made Alora with animal DNA? Oh well, he'd never know. There were different people here around in Gaia.

Part dragon. He let himself give a glance back at his leathery wings and they seemed to flutter back in response. He'd never actually thought of that, but anyway, he knew what exactly he was. "I'm an Illusionary." He told Layla, still debating inwardly about the subject. Well, his sister would have a dragon right? And she would bring it home. Then, he could compare himself and the dragon and see! A slow grin spread across his face.

"Really? A Illusionary?" Layla looked up, ears flicking back slightly in confusion. Her tail swished back and forth though as she was happy and it was doing a lazy wag. Layla liked being a kitsune, she enjoyed her ears and tail, and she loved things that didn't look like humans. Attracted to odd and werid Layla was intrested in anything she didn't know or understand, eager to learn all that she could. "I never heard of those before" she admited.

"Me I'm a kitsune" she informed him proudly, "That means I'm part fox" she explained, answering his question as she showed off her ears and tail more, her tail moving over to tickle under his nose. Layla was still wary of a parent just walking up so she kept her distence and didn't try to touch or hold the boy. She didn't want anyone to think she was stealing him, but she also enjoyed touching so she decided her tail would be good enough, you can't steal with a tail but she could tickle. Layla loved tickling.

"We're a kind of...well.." A kind of what exactly? He frowned, not knowing how to explain. "Well, we start off as illusions." There. That should be rather obvious, wouldn't it? And anyway, it seemed that not many people knew about them. Not that he really cared.

A kitsune? Well, she was partly a fox, so that didn't exactly rule out D-Corp. But...he sighed. Why was he thinking so much anyway? He gave a little sneeze as she tickled him again, rubbing his nose with his finger. If only she knew, he had sneaked out of the house. Then again, Mum was at work.

"Illusions?" Layla blinked, then remembered Tamesis. "Hey will you check something out that I have?" she asked, getting up and again keeping her distence. She may seem carefree, simple and navie but she knew what kind of charge she could get with if someone made enough noise, especailly if that someone was the legal gaurdian to this cute little boy.

If she knew that there was no gaurdian Layla would of relaxed, then she would stick close to that boy to make sure that no one did steal him, before walking him home. Layla had no curfew, nothing to worry about. She would see nothing wrong in making sure this boy got home. Besides maybe she'd get invited in for a meal. Ohhhh, home cooked meal, she rarely got that.

"Yeah...illusions." He could briefly remember when he was one, when he was floating around in the air.

"Something? What?" He cocked his head, staring at her as his red fringe flopped over his eyes and was pushed away impatiently.

Layla smiled and lead him twords her bag and the table. They reached their quickly and she snatched the bag, opening it carefully. She pulled out the taprestry then stopped, blinking as something new was on it. No more was it that mildly evil symbol, now it was...a boy, face obscure, but hair and skin seeable. A little blonde boy in what looked to be some sort of habit. The kitsune tilted her head, then showed the boy.

"The picture changed" she told him, pointing out the design (it was harder to see now but still there). "It use to be just that, but now a boy is on it. I call this...well him I geuss, Tamesis, or sometimes TamTam" Layla grined brightly, tail wagging. "Is this what you were? Sometime the image goes away, and sometimes it comes back, it went away for a while but now it changed. Werid huh?"

"Yeah...illusions." He could briefly remember when he was one, when he was floating around in the air.

"Something? What?" He cocked his head, staring at her as his red fringe flopped over his eyes and was pushed away impatiently. Leaning over to stare at the tapestry, he was about to comment on how nice it was, but froze. Somehow he could make out a blonde boy. And it wasn't just his imagination.

"Another Illusionary." He meant to murmur this to himself, but somehow, as the words spilled out of his mouth, it was said out loud.

"Another Illusionary...like you?" Layla leaned over the boy to look at the picture, seeing that boy just sit there, perfectly still, face unseeable but figure clear. It didn't looke like it belonged their, the boy, he seemed misplaced, or worse traped. Layla could think of nothing worse then being traped somewhere, anywhere.

Then it clicked in her mind (Layla could be eaisly distracted and there for kind of slow at times). "I'm going to have a child!?" She demanded suddenly, jumping back. She looked around wildly and then at the boy. Okay kids were cute and she liked them but kids required...responblity....and...and...comiment and all sort of stuff that Layla didn't want to handle.

"Are you sure? You aren't making a mistake"

Another one. Like him. He was sure it was. It had been ages since he last seen one in that form, still floating, that was. He stared at it, wondering if he had looked like that before. She seemed pretty shocked to have a kid out of a sudden, not that he could blame her. His mother got a shock when she had to get three kids at once...but that was acceptable...right?

"It is another Illusionary." He confirmed.

Layla had to sit down for a moment as her eyes went out of focus. A mother? Her? Jesus, who the hell decided she needed to be a mom? For the first time in a long time Layla felt fear. A child...a child, how could she be a mother? She was irresponible, lazy and selfish. And she liked herself that way! Layla would never change, not again. How many people really liked themselves? Liked their faults and strengths, liked their life?

"Jesus" she whispered, her head hanging. "I'd be a horrible mother"

It would be rather freaky, wouldn't it? He imagined himself all grown up, and suddenly gotten wind of having a kid...Ugh, he couldn't bear it. Then again, almost every grownup seemed to go through this experience from Gaia, except a mere few.

He cocked his head towards her, eyes narrowing in worry. "No, you wouldn't." She reminded her distinctively of his mother; not that she would go play in playgrounds, but the happy go lucky thing seemed rather alike.

Layla looked over at the boy, then gave him a soft smile. She really wasn't use to people believing she could do things. Her family told her all the time that she would fail, if she didn't buck up or do something better. She let out a long sigh,

"I don't really have a choice" she admited and took a deep breath, standing up. "I...really don't know what to do, but I geuss it's time I look up some information on kids" Layla frowned, remembering her upbringing and then she smiled. "I can't be that horrible anyway. And if I am he can always use it to get some sort of TV show" she snikered. "Can't be worse than my parents. Thanks for letting me know kid. I would have freaked if I just woke up to a child"

"My mom was a little freaked by me too," He confessed, as he remembered that look of shock on her face. "She thought I was some kind of imaginary friend when I was still an illusion of sorts, not that I can blame her for that." He concluded, lapsing into thought.

"You just have to remember ESP." He flashed a grin at her.

Layla giggled at the thought as she relaxed and looked over to TamTam again. A child...well...a child wouldn't be boring right? She should at least have someone to bug if she was bored. This might not be all bad, just as long as she taught the kid to respect her drawing time, when he was old enough of course.

"How old were you when you...apeared?" Layla asked quickly, wanting to know what the hell she would be getting. In the picture TamTam looked to be a young child. "And what is ESP?"

How old exactly? He racked his brains. He couldn't exactly remember much, but it was more of..."An infant, I think. The others should have too, like Aurelius." He frowned. She was also the same age as him when they first met.

"Eat, Sleep, Play." He said simply.

"Oh" she giggled, "That's cute. I'll remember that" she promised, her tail starting to wag. Eat, sleep, play didn't sound all that bad. Infact she indulged in all three as regularly as possible. She loved playing, especailly with other people. Maybe having a kid would be good but...

"Infant? Infants are...noisey" she frowned, her ears drooping slightly as she thought about loud screeching cries, the kitsune hated loud noises.

He grinned. It was a rather random thing that popped up in his head, trying to put the three things he liked to do most together as an abbrevation.

"Noisy?" He blinked. "Crying might come...a little, but uh..."He hadn't cried, had he?

Layla sighed, "Oh well, good with bad right?" she asked him and smiled, turned to him. "So where is your Mom kid? I should proably not look like I'm going to steal you. I hate it when people get anoyed with me because they think I'm doing something bad"

"Every cloud has it's silver lining." He said rather thoughtfully, fingering a blade of grass.

"My mom? She's at work." His mother's job was at an adoption center, with a rather cranky guy, an excitable plant-lover, a rather placid guy who had a winged cat for a familiar, and now, two weird people that were sent to help them. So they could get the kids back. He didn't even understand how they disappeared though. Especially the one who was his sister.

"You're all by yourself? Are you sure you're suppose to be out here by yourself?" she asked him, now worried. Sure a boy with dragon wings and fire on his tail looked pretty dangerous but he was still an adorable little boy. An adorable little boy was always a prime target. "Maybe I should take you back home?"

"I've been out here before." Which was true, he had. And met Aurelius in the cold. "Alone." He added, grasping some blades of grass and pulling them out, then absent-mindedly scattering them on the ground. "I know how to go back home, don't worry."

"Are you sure?" Layla didn't want him getting hurt and she felt like she should help him in case he was hurt. She didn't look like much but she was a firce little fighter. Besides growing up in a dojo where there was nothing to do but practice, learn and pull pranks meant she did a lot of all three. "Don't want you getting hurt or something. I could walk you home"

"Well...all right." He conceded. After all, what was the harm on being escorted home?

She blinked and her ears perked up as she smiled, "Great, wouldn't want you to get hurt after all" she reached over to ruffel his hair. "A little cutie like you would be hard to resit" Layla reached over and glanced at TamTam. She wondered if he would be cute.

He grinned back rather sheepishly. It did beat walking home alone, being left in his thoughts and getting weird looks from people older than him. Hah, cute? His mother would probably joke that his ego would blow up again. Standing up, he brushed some blades of grass of his overalls, where he had absent-mindedly scattered.

Layla smiled as she looked down at him. She loved it when people smiled sheepishly. Layla blinked suddenly and reached into her bag. She always had a paper and pencil with her. She pulled out both and began to draw, she wanted to capture that sheepish smile. She didn't ask him to hold the pose, as a woman of emtions she enver espected people to hold on to theirs for her sake. She went by memory and she wanted todraw while the memory was still fresh.

Immediately he had blinked, and scrambled over to watch he. Cocking his head, he wondered if she was actually drawing a picture of him, or the scenery. He couldn't decide.

Soon it would become clear though as his shape emerged among the vauge scenery she did as a back ground. Vauge shapes soon became a body, and a vauge body soon became him. Her style was cartoony, going for more silly characher rather than brilliant display. No she liked things to be happy, she liked happily ever afters and kids who always out wit their betters. She liked fantasy. The world had enough reality.

Oh right, it was him. Her style was rather interesting though, and he sat down next to her to watch how the drawing turned out. He drew himself, but most were just kiddy crayon scribbles on pieces of paper.

Layla drew furiously, it really wasn't her best work but these sketches rarely were. She smiled when she was done though, ripping the paper from her sketch book and started anew, all without saying a thing to the boy watching her draw. Her second picture was better, and got the look she wanted much better and she smiled at it. It was still very much a rough sketch but it would work for her purposes now.

"You can have this one" she mentioned, offering him the first sketch. "And I'll send you the finnished picture too" Or a copy at least. Everytime someone inspired her to actually make art she would give them at least a copy of her finale work, and normally the first sketch. After all they deserved something for what they did for her.

For him? He took it, staring at the picture as a smile came over his face. It wasn't bad at all. "Thank you." He said simply. He would put it in his room.

"I'll give you the real picture when I'm done with it" Layla promised, smiling down at the boy, "but you can keep the first sketch....Oh!" she grabed it quickly and wrote her signiature on the bottom, "I forget that's important now" she said with a joke.

"The real one?" He glanced down at the picture he had given him. She was going to draw another one? This was the sketch? Oh. He grinned as she signed the paper. "So I can prove that you really drew it and show off?" He joked.

"Yep" she grined at him and giggled, "I'm a famos artist now" she mentioned to him, "Well not artist, illistrator but I drew a book, it's lots of fun"

"Wow, famous! I'm honoured. "He sank into a deep bow, only giving her a cheesy smile as he ascended. " A book? What's it called?"

"Life of Piper Peppers" she said with a grin, "It's a good book, and I'm definately glad I drew for it. It's funny I didn't even try. I just got lucky. And don't bow unless you want to fight" she said with a laugh. "It's not that great of a honor. I'm not anyone really special"

"I should get my mom to buy it for me." He grinned, tucking the title of the book away in his mind. "And I'll keep that in mind, though actually, everyone's special in their own way."

"Of course they are" Layla's tone didn't sound paternizing, because she wasn't trying to be. She just didn't beleive that. When everyone was special no one was. Besides Layla had her talents but that didn't mean she was special just different. You were special if you fought to be, other wise you're just different.



PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:02 pm
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The kitsune walked into her apartment with a sigh. She droped her bag on the floor (after pulling TamTam from it) and headed to the kitchen. She placed her new...oh god, child next to her phone, pressing the message play botton before she walked into the kitchen. She went straight to the freezer and it's precious ice cream. this time she just pulled the contanior out, grabing a spoon. She grined as she took the first bite, her tail wagging at the enter of sugar into her blood stream. She needed sugar right now, especailly after the first message started to play.

Layla where the hell are you!? We need your help with Mom's party. Call me. ******** you Liam" Layla muttered, pushing delete before taking another bite of ice cream. "I got my own problems. I'm going to become a Mom myself...Aw hell." Her ears drooped till she took another bite of much needed ice cream. "Come on TamTam" she grabed the tapresphy, taking it and her ice cream to her room, another message playing in her wake.

Layla, it's James. I need your pictures, the deadline is tomorrow. Get them to me now.

"No one wants to talk anymore TamTam. You must remember to be able to talk at any time" she lectured, putting down her ice cream and hanging up TamTam before giving him a smile. "You are cute though" she admited, then turned to sit down at her computer. She grabbed the tub of ice cream and taking a few more bites, before she turned on the machine and after a moment opened up an email.


Uncle I know I am sending you a lot of e-mails lately but I just need your help. You remember that tapresphy that I told you about? Well...aparently it's going to become a child. Damnit Uncle it's going to be a baby. A baby! I really don't know that I'm goind to do. You know me. I'm not a mother. Plus Liam wont leave me the damn well alone about Mom's birthday. I really could use some help Uncle. i know you never had kids, and you'll proably say I should talk to my mother but...I don't trust Mom the way I trust you. I need you Uncle right now. I really do. Please respond back soon. I love you.

It was a very short email but Layla pushed send. She hadn't meant to sound so beggy but she didn't know she was so damn scared. The kitsune's ears and tail drooped as she grabed the ice cream, holding it to her chest as she took another, now melty, bite. For a long moment she stared at the ice cream, thinking of all the many ways there was to escape her own fear. It would only take a short trip, a small exchange of money, it wouldn't hurt her, it only be one time. Just one time.

I need you Uncle
PostPosted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:08 pm
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It was odd, the feelings in the air have changed since I became closer to the surface. I don't know where I am, or what;s going on. All I know is my own mind and the bright warm emtions I normally recive from the bright light that seemed connected to my own darkness. I don't know why this light is connected to me, she (for some how I know it's a she and I am a he) seems nothing like myself. I am not like her, and yet...the connection is there. It feeds me, like a mother feeds a child in the womb.

And perhaps, like a child, I know the emtions she is feeling. She laughs, and jokes and shines, so very brightly, but there is more to the light than that. I can feel the undercurrents. At first I felt nothing, just the continueal light that fed my darkness. Than I was able to get closer, closer to that light, closer to the surface. Surface of what you could ask but I couldn't answer, just the surface. As I got closer to the surface I was able to tell more what the light was like. I was able to feel under currents, fear, insecurity, deperation, confusion. These dark deep emtions that fed me more than the light. Emtions that made the light less like a light and more like a woman.

A woman...

For days the woman-light fed me, letting me grow stronger as I floated in my darkness, close to the surface, but hovering just under. I waited, I knew how to wait, for the time when I would be strong enough to break free, to leave this darkness for the world where the woman-light lived. I just needed a little more time. Just a little more time. Time never seems to stop, it keeps giving you more and more, even as it takes itself away. Being traped like this gives me plenty time to think, plenty time to know things. Sadly what I know is vastly less than I think. I know so little, only my dark mists and the woman-light. I don't even really know the woman-light. I just know she exsits, feeding me, as time rolls on.

I grow bored though, the more time rolls the more I get bored. Maybe because I feel myself growing closer and closer to the surface, it makes me impatient. I want to know, I want to feel. I want to be like the woman-light. I am sick of darkness, I am ready for the light. I feel it though the thin barrier of the surface, I can feel the soft warmth, if only I was stronger, if only I could tear though that surface, break it, be free. I need to be free, need the light. The darkness is holding me back, clutching me, trying to pull me back in, but I wont go back, only forward. I will feel the light. I will break though the surface. I will meet the woman-light.

I will.





PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 9:56 pm
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The first blinks of life were no much different then the thousands of blinks in that pre-life darkness that held all of Tamesis's memories. The sun had set hours ago, it some how seemed appropriate that he fought so hard to get to the woman-light only to end up in a different type of darkness. There was more to this darkness, there was a window, not that big and holding no real view, but it was made of glass and it let in the Durem's lights and the moon's. The once assassin raised one pudgy hand to a shaft of light and watched as its shadow partner danced on the floor.

It was amazing.

Silver eyes moved from the pudgy shadow of a pudgy hand to gaze around the room. There were clothes everywhere, thrown this way and that as if their owner had no use for them, and wanted them gone as soon as possible. The bed was perfectly made though, almost military in its perfection. The dresser was clean and dusted; the TV resting on the dresser had an old sock hanging in front of it. Eyes traveled to the window where he saw dark building and bright lights, eyes continued to travel to behind him where a now blank tapestry rested, his old home, then over to the closed closet that rested near the exit of the messy but clean room.

Where was the woman-light?

Layla was just coming home, the digital clock on her microwave reading 2:12, blinking at her. The kitsune yawned, swirling around a little enjoying the light buzz she had. Those early years of harsh alcohol, harsh drugs, and harsh sex made her enjoy moderation. She found that a light buzz was really nice, much better then being utterly drunk. It surprised the kitsune to find out that she could stay at that light buzz and she wasn’t an alcoholic. (Who knew?) The fox just assumed with her personality. Well now she just shrugged, twirling a little as she started to sing (way off key) some song she didn’t really remember. Life was great, life was grand, life was free.

Slightly stumbling, already striping Layla danced into her room with her loud off key singing still going on. She probably would have gone straight to bed without noticing Tamesis if it wasn’t for the fact that her shirt fell over his head. That didn’t alert her to his present as she continued striping and searched for a night gown, she just ended up grabbing a shirt she found on the floor and looked up to see her old one moving. Jumping back the fox first thought RAT! She was ready to scream or yell or something, when a pair of silver eyes popped out from under her shirt, not beady black ones.

“Who the ******** are you?” Wow Layla was just a natural at this mom thing.

Tamesis looked at the woman-light with wide eyes, his tail kind of flicking around in confusion, as he was not entirely sure what to say to her. Or even if he could talk, he did notice that her words slurred slightly, and that she was moving kind of odd. His memories of the dark pre-life were already fuzzy, and fading but he knew that she wasn't speaking or moving right. So he did what he could to answer her question plainly. He pointed to the blank tapesphy.

Layla looked back to the tapersphy and then to the boy, then to the blank fabric, then back to the boy. Her alcohol slowed mind taking a moment to really comperhend who this kid was. A lot of it, she realized later, was that she didn't want to realize who it was. Layla didn't want to be a mother, she could barely take care of herself and the thought of motherhood scared her, but she wasn't stupid and she couldn't deny it anymore.

"Tamesis?" Oh of course it was Tamesis, he looked like his picture! Oh god, oh god, oh god. She was a mother, a goddamn mother! What was she suppose to do? She met her child drunk for crying outloud. Why wasn't he sleeping? Shouldn't kids be asleep at two? Oh jesus, where was he going to sleep, she only had one room? s**t she was going to have to move. s**t, s**t, s**t!

The woman-light was upset, Tamesis could tell. He wasn't entirely sure what she was so upset about, but he decided he would just wait. She seemed like she just had to run though what ever current emtion she was at, then she'd find a new one. Hopefully a better one than her current one as it wasn't that useful.

Layla freaked for about another ten minutes thens toped and took a few deep breaths as she managed to get ahold of her own mind. She had a few problems, but none of them could be solved at two in the morning. All she could do was take him to her bed and tuck him in and sleep. She'd have to deal with this, all of this in the morning.

"Okay TamTam, it's not good for boys your age to be up this late" There that sounded motherly. She reached down and picked him up, blinking at the tail and wings, then smiled, that was kind of cool, sort of like the other Illision she met only very different, "I like your tail" she complimented, then sat him down, "Quiet little thing aren't you?" Thank god. "Okay so we're going to sleep in here" she explained, pulling back the covers, looking at his clothes and thought it would have to do for now. Pulling upthe blankets she moved to the other side of the bed and crawled in. "I'm not really prepared for this sort of thing and you picked a really inconvent time to show up. So we're just going to have to deal with this in the morning, okay?" she asked, then took a deep breath andstroked his hair, "Don't worry TamTam, I may not be a great mom, but I'll try hard, okay?" She looked at him, and after a moment finally rested her head on the pillow and quickly fell asleep.

Tamesis watched the woman-light who had finally calmed down enough to pay attention only to fall asleep. He turned around, more than a little confused and feeling a little silly at being under the care of such an odd person. He closed his eyes, curling up as his tail wraped around him carefully and his wings folded over him. This world wasn't very different at all, just confusion and darkness. Why was he here?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 2:55 am
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Users: Flamefire123, Lavi
Layla, Tamesis, Lavi, Ayame
Setting: Store
Help Wanted!

Layla stood in a general shopping store looking around in a very confused manner. Her car was already full of stuff for Tamesis, items she gotten off of websites. Now since she was unsure of TamTam's real age she just shooted older rather than younger. She already spent several hours of hell trying clothes on. Tamesis may be quiet, oh thank sweet god in heaven for that, but he hated her doing anything for him. While his independence was nice (and all the websites told her to encourage that) it really slowed down the day. She had to sit there and wait while he slowly dressed himself and undressed himself several times till she found out his size. Then she just grabed that size and ran. Never has her credit card seen so much action.

She had furniture comming to her apartment, an entire new wardrobe in her car and several items that just made her life easier. Now she was trying to pick out toys for TamTam. Not that he was any help. He just sat in his carrier and watched with this unblinking intensity that made even the care free fox shift slightly in worry. Everytime she offered him a toy he just held it, no playing for him, he just held it. Finally she just grabed some stuffies and threw them into her cart. Now she had to try to find something else to get him.

"Someone please shoot me"

Lavi and Ayame entered the store, Ayame nearly hopping with excitement as she clung to Lavi's pants leg and focused on the store before her. She loved going to the store, it always meant she went home with something new to draw with, or clothes that made her feel like one of her drawings. Her wings fluttered with excited anticipation. Impressively Ayame stayed quiet, contrary to her usual demeanor, though it must have been an effort for the sheer amount of physical exertion she performed instead

As Lavi began to walk so did Ayame, her eyes wide and taking in everything with an eager desire to "know". Her sight soon settled on Layla and the little butterfly girl could feel the womans stress, compelling her to draw but, for lack of something to draw on she tugged at Lavi's leg until her guardian ceased to go towards the clothing and, eyes on her ancy illusion, began to head in Layla's direction, much to Ayame's pleasure. Lavi lifted her gaze to see what she was being led to and found herself short of Layla, the stress evident in her eyes and the feeling of another illusionary guardian about her.

"Are you alright miss?" she turned to look down at Ayame for a moment, "It's ok, you can calm down, why don't you say hello since you've brought us over here littling."

Ayame smiled and nodded, satisfied, and went over to Layla, giving her a judgemental look before greeting her as she smoothed her dress, it's silken fabric a blending match of pink and silver to accompany wings and hair.

"Hello, I am Ayame!"

Layla was surpised at being aproched. That was a new one for her. Normally she aproched people or at least years of self defense training coupled with fox ears makes it hard for people to sneak up on a girl, but she was really stressed. She geussed she looked it since these people seemed to be really concerned. Layla smiled at the girl, she was adorable, maybe Layla want to play airplane. Really the fox was fine with kids, just as long as they weren't hers. So she gave the woman a strained smile.

"I feel like a divorced dad with his one a month visit" she said truthfully, laughing weakly as her tail and ears drooped with the bad joke. Okay so she wasn't funny right now. Looking down at her hands Layla realized she was deciding between a toothbrush and toothpaste. Since they were both for kids she just threw both in her cart and turned to where Tamesis sat paitently. He glanced down at the girl though and then looked back to Layla. No words were spoken but the fox reached over and picked him up and out. It had been a bloody battle getting him into that seat as he couldn't do it by himself but getting him out was easy enough, hopefully putting him back in would be easily. Layla didn't think her arms could carry him any longer.

"I'm a new mom" she admited, "It was sort of...sprung on me" she gave another weak laugh, and finding her hands empty she put one out. "I'm Layla, Layla Heaton. This is my son, Tamesis" Her other hand went too his head.

Tameis looked up at the woman with a long steady look, one that made a person think he was memorizing their details so he'd never mistake them for someone else. It was looks like that reminded Layla of cops, or certain shady drug deals, both types of people she liked to avoid right now. Luckly Tamesis didn't have much other cop like or drug deal like qualities. Layla wasn't sure if she could live with ethire one.

Silver eyes turned their attention to the girl next, he was slightly taller as he looked and frowned at her wings. He looked at her wings, than his, noting the many differences. Odd, there were more than one type of wings. And it seemed big people didn't have any. No that wasn't right, he saw a grown neko with wings. Wings differeant than his or the girl's. This Ayame person. How odd.

Ayame grinned and turned her attention to Tamesis, where her eyes locked with his. He had wings too...but they were black and a little smaller. She quietly reached up to try and make contact but her cursed height was still not enough, thus she settled with waving at the other illusion. She fluttered her wings in a quiet attempt at companionship and continued to look up at him inquisitively.

Lavi nodded with a smile. so Ayame had led her to a new guardian who seemed about ready to collapse.

"Lavi, Lavi Devinheart. Good to meet you properly miss Layla. Ayame is a bit energetic at times, but she's mellowing out a bit, your Tamesis shouldn't be that hard to care for, he's so quiet and calm, what has you in such a rush and beyond the new bond between you, stressed? you're going to run yourself into the ground continuing like this."

She reached out slowly and ruffled Tamesis's hair with a smile. He was so quiet at his age compared to how Ayame had been then, how quaint!

Layla gave another strained laughed as she turned to look at the little girl. Would she deal better with more energy? Or should she be greatful for this quiet one? Oh god she just didn't know. Damnit she needed some help! Next time she gets a kid Layla was going to get a damn dad involed. Then at least she could throw the kid at someone else when she felt like screaming her head off. Worse all this stress had brough some serious creativity on her (damnit) and she couldn't draw. Layla was miserable. And for some reason that made the kitsune happy.

"I'm ******** up" she muttered, mostly to her self then sinced at her choice of words. "Sorry. Not use to having kids" she admited blushing. Taking two calming breaths Layla closed her eyes, trying to pretend she was practicing a new move. She had to be calm for that. A few deep breaths later she opened her eyes again. "Anyway...sorry for being so frazzeled. I'm afraid I have a serious lack of cofidence in myself" She grined brightly after saying like.

Tamesis was glad to be on the ground. He watched his mother, tilting his head slightly at the new word then shruged as he turned to look at the girl. He took a few steps forward, but kept his wings back, for some reason the thought of the bright gril infront of him trying to touch his darkened wings didn't seem right at all. She was the light, she shouldn't be tainted with the darkness of his wings. She wasn't born into the dark like he was.

Was she? She had wings like him, maybe she was just a different kind of what ever he was. He heard his mother call him an Illiusionary, then eventually told him what an illiusion was. He was born of an illiusion, born from a trick of light (or shadows) maybe she was too.

"Illiu?" he tried to ask, only able to pronouce part of the word. Tamesis hadn't done much talking, mostly he just prefered to learn. He pointed to Ayame though, than to himself, "Illiu?"

Lavi gave another soft smile and lay a hand on Layla's shoulder. "These are more then children, at least Ayame is to me, these are our charges as they come from a world with more chaos then you an imagine...." her voice lowered almost to a whisper, "it's something you have to see to fully understand..."

She perked back up quickly, setting aside the visions of turmoil and chaos she had experienced and turning towards what thus far looked to be a better future, at least from what she could tell of the other Illusions. I'll help you through this love, you can count on me to lend a hand when you can't stand on your own two feet from any problems you're having. All you need to do is know, just know, and you won't have a problem with your confidence or anything your adorable little Tamesis could put you through.

Ayame pouted when the little illusion held his wings away, making only one more brief attempt to touch them before her attention diverted itself to Tamesis himself. A little timidly she leaned forward and looked him over more thoroughly. She could feel something about him, hiding what should have been his element as Aure*[PD What are Friends?] had taught her during her visit.

Ayame listened as Tamesis tried to speak and found herself reminded of how she had been recently, able to understand but not to talk enough to be understood very well. She nodded, knowing what he meant and pointed at him, "Tamesis, Illusion." then back at herself "Ayame, Illusion!" She edged closer to peer right into his eyes, keeping her hands at her sides and out a little as she peered at him, her wings fanning open and closed slowly. After a moment she proferred a hand, slowly, and held it palm up to him. "Happy to meet you, Tamesis."

Layla watched her close, ears perking slightly at the mentioned of choas and danger. Looking down to her quiet son with the big watchful eyes. Layla saw it was a sad thing when a child looked at you with no innocence in his eyes. No childlike innoce anyway. He had some innocence. The innocence of the stupid, which wasn't real innocence at all. And since she knew he wasn't stupid he'd be loosing that innocence soon enough, nothing she could do (or wanted to do about that)

"Well I live on chaos. It's what makes me money" she admited. When things got calm, she got bored and then she couldn't draw and then she couldn't sell her drawings for money. "Though I have to admit, help sounds great right now. My mom and I aren't on good terms right now. I tried to contact my uncle but he isn't responding back, which is rare for him" Which really was just a whole new worry on the fox girl.

Tamesis smiled when the girl understood what he said, it was a shy bashful smile, as if he really wasn't sure what to do with a pretty bright girl smiling at him, but at the same time proud that he managed to express himself. He frowned though as he struggled to say more. Speaking was just another thing he had to learn, another thing to know. Tamesis was obessed with knowing, knowing everything he possibly could. With knowlege came power after all.

"Ha-py to meeeee-t" he struggled with the syllables, slipping overing them as he tried to say the four words. "Yeeeeeeou" he finally grined when the words were out, promising himself that he would practice them at night. Tamesis found that he was rarely tired and didn't seem to need as much sleep at Layla did, which just gave him more time to pratice stuff.

Lavi nodded and then smiled as a thought occured to her, "Do you and Tamesis need somewhere to stay for a while? Tamesis can share a room with Ayame and you can take my bed, i've wanted a good excuse to camp out on the couch since I got it." She looked past Layla at the cart and shook her head. "You won't need nearly half of what you've gotten If 'm any judge of things, " she picked up a toy that looked far closer to a toy for a girl, "like this, i wouldn't think, unless you got it for yourself!" She smiled softly and placed her hand on Layla's shoulder caringly. "I'll do what I can to help you two out. Oh! look at his smile! That blush makes him adorable!"

Ayame grinned gleefully, her wings beating rapidly in her excitement. What could she do with this new playmate? What would he do? she waited eagerly, hopping slightly from her inability to contain her new found energy.

She soon found an outlet as she backed up a few steps and beckoned for Tamesis to follow. Surely there was something here they could do for fun while her guardian and the other Woman...Layla she had called herself?...talked!

"I wont?" the fox looked back at her cart and her ears drooped. s**t what if she wasted a lot of money on stuff TamTam didn't need? Then the girl toy was brought up and a whole new fear hit her. What if everything she got for Tamesis was too girl? That would be a whole lot of moeny down the drain. The fox let out a whimper as she tried to calm herself down again, setting ehrself to work into a frenzi again. So she tried to focus on this woman's, Lavi's, words.

"Actually, I got a place to stay. TamTam and I are sharing a bed but I got someone looking for a bigger place" she admited. Good thing she had plenty of moeny stashed away from royalties. Oh yes did she love royaltiess, and the writer who just didn't sell his work to the publishing house but actually demanded a part of what the book sold. Of course their next book was going to get a bigger percentage but that was fine with her. She'd need more moeny now.

Layla than turned to her son where she stoped and smiled, looking at him. He really was cute, especially with that smile. She'd have to draw that sometime, if she could trick another smile out of him, or maybe she'd be able to remember it. She really hoped so, but didn't trust herself today.

As attentionwas brought to Tamesis's blush increased but his smile faded. He really wasn't one for much attention. Honestly Ayame, that was the girl's name right?, was much preetier, she should be the one to get the attention. Not him. He looked up at his mother who seem to keep on looking franticly at stuff. He really wondered what they were suppose to do with all the stuff. The clothes he got but how much did he need?

Then Ayame started to move on, Tamesis thought for a moment she was abandoning him before she beckoned with her finger. Smiling he moved forward, easily ditching his mother for this other girl. After all she was intresting, and he hadn't ever walked around by himself before. he should learn a lot from it.

"Aya" he said softly, only able to get on syllable easily but didn't seem bothered by it.

"No, I could help show you a number of things you have that can be put back or show you things you might want. Having Ayame has..." She drifted off as she thought about Mereneth and her connection to him before she had gotten sucked into the illusionary world, surely leaving him crying....She shook her head and returned to the subject, now was not the time to get worked up.

She smiled, a facade but enough for ehr to run past the subject of Mereneth. "Well, you always know you have a place with me if you need it, I'm sure you know Shen? She can guide you to my place if these directions aren't enough." Lavi wrote down a set of directions, though close to illegible by writing on her knee, they might well do the trick. "And i'm certain Ayame would be pleased to have Tamesis over... She looked around to try to find the little butterfly girl and her new companion and her mouth fell open in shock, as the two were not to be found!

Ayame had taken Tamesis by the hand as soon as he started forward, a gleeful smile on her face, and tugged him on as fast as she could get him to go, laughing and flapping her wings as if they might enable her to bring them faster into the forest of clothing racks and valley's of varied supplies, toy's and other gloriously odd devices of which she had no knowledge of what they were for. She stopped to giggle and breathe as she looked Tamesis in the eye with a mischevious smile, They would have so much fun!

Lavi and Layla were at the back of her mind now, not the slightest thought fleeting forward to suggest that her escapade into the belly of the beast of a store might bring anything but entertainment. "Tamesis happy? This place is so big and there's so many things to play with!"

Layla took the paper, looking over it and then brought it to her nose for a quick sniff, she was part fox after all. Oddly enough the scent seemed to tell her more than the writing she tucked it away into her pocket. If this illistration thing fell threw (and in her life she didn't expect anything to last) she would use this. Layla took anytime literatly. She could never talk to Lavi again for twenty years and she could apear on her door step asking for a place to stay for a while. Anything, even the street, was better than going back to her mom's.

"I don't know Shen" she mentioned, "Though I can always ask around" Or look in a phone book and call random people. Layla had no real shame. She smiled, feeling more and more relived the longer she talked to this woman. Things would be alright. Layla was strong, young, healthy and (dispite what certain sources might say) smart. She'd find a way to make it all work. After all she had more to worry about her, she had...Layla turned and yelped, "s**t!"

Tamesis, never one to think much of others to begin with, certainly took no time to ponder how worried Layla might be to discover he was missing and instead concentrated on the important thing. He was having fun, and he was happy. There was no reason to worry or stress. He held Aya's hand tightly, afraid she'd disapear like some wonderful dream if he let go. There was no darkness here, just comforting light and pleasing shadows. Or maybe it was pleasing light and comforting shadows. Tamesis wasn't sure how he really felt about the dark yet. He had to get use to the light.

"Yes. Aya hap-py?" he asked, his syllables spaced oddly but his grin shy and bright. Sparkeling silver surounded his pupil, shining with happiness, but he had to make sure she felt the same way. She was giving him a lot, just by being there, and he had to make sure that she felt the same way.

Lavi was shocked, and although not entirely swallowed with worry was a near panicing. She looked around, somewhat frantically before turning her attention back to Layla. "You didn't see where they went did you?" She pushed her buggy aside and kneeled down, eyeing under the racks in hopes of locating them; how long could they have been gone?

She stood back up and looked around before looking back to Layla. "Do we split up or go together....They shouldn't be in any danger, Ayame knows well enough to not have anything to do with strangers she hasn't met with me and found to be ok...but I don't know what your Tamesis is like." She continued to fret, glancing around the store and wanting to run off looking, only she couldn't allow herself to leave Layla standing there, the woman had been stressed as it was when she met her.

Ayame nodded, her smile broadening as far as it could, she liked the little illlusion, he was quiet but his smile felt like getting a new set of crayons, and it was constant! She fluttered her wings and tugged him into a rack of clothing to hide as a store clerk walked by. That was the one thing that might get in the way of her fun with her new found friend. She sat down on one of the circular poles that made a rack for some very big shirts and smiled up at Tamesis.

"Ayame is happy, Tamesis still Happy?" This little adventure had her giddy with excitement, and to have Tamesis with her made it more of an adventure, adventures were always more fun with another, especially when they were close to your age! Ger sight caught on to the glint of silver in his eyes as she focused on him. "Bestest friends?" She held out her hand again, smiling with satisfaction, near certain of his answer. She was ready to make another dash through part of the store again, him in tow, though she would wait on her friend this time. If all it took to have fun was to run around with him, they wouldn't need to find anything to do. Besides, there was something about him that made her wonder, that there was something....about him.

Layla looked around, ears going back then shot back up as she tried to pick up the sound of their voices or something like that. Letting out a sharp sigh she turned back to her cart than away from it. she didn't care about all that stuff. She just needed to get TamTam back.

"I never told Tamesis any of that stuff" she admited, ears drooping a little, "But I got him last night" she added, in her own self defense, "I'm still amazed that I'm a mom at this point. But..." she galnced around, "I think it Ayame that lead them off, not making accusions or anything but your daughter, I've seen people like her" Like herself, "And they don't like to be still" Layla looked around, "They proably went this way" she mentioned, pointig in actually the right direction. "The other way involes going right past us which lowers their chances of actually being able to leave"

Tamesis moved easily with the butterfly girl, finding the child like company comforting. She was bright, like the woman-light but unlike the woman-light his presence didn't seem to be utterly distressing to her. Infact she seemed happy to have him around. He enjoyed that. So he gladly followed her into the rack of clothes, where they could spend a few more minutes alone.

"Tam happy" he asured her, smiling happily as he managed to say his first two syllable word properly. He kept his silver eyes on hers, falling silent when feet drew close and he tugged her deeper into the shadows natrually, years of training he no longer remembered told him to get ready to fun if their hiding spot was found. Run...or attack.

Lavi did her best not to get mad at the woman for saying such contemptable things about her little Ayame. This was a crisis, and they were both frustrated and worked up. She took a quick breath instead of yelling back at Layla and nodded as the kitsune woman let her nose and logic do the work. "Then let's go, they may be little but i've learned to not doubt how far they can get in a small amount of time!"

With that Lavi turned to go in the direction Layla indicated, all thoughts of shopping temporarily forgotten.

Ayame looked back at Tamesis and grinned before he pulled her into the shadows as another set of feet went by. She looked over at Tam, he udnerstood how this worked fast! Yet his eyes..... She shook her head and took him by the arm again as they plowed out of the clothes and made a dash closer to where all the truly fun stuff was. "Tamesis like toys? We have more fun if we go to toys ."

She ducked into an opening between two set's of shelves, it was dark but spacious inside, and at the end she could see their goal!

Layla would of been confused if lavi showed her anger. She didn't see the insult in what she said, probably because the fox didn't see insult in truth (or care what other people said about her). She saw the sparkle in the girl's eye, and it reminded her of one that was once in her own eyes. One that said the girl was looking for adventure and fun and sometimes to the wrong path to find it. God knows Layla did. Maybe because in the fox's mind she compared the girl to herself but didn't say so outloud also meant that Lavi could think that Layla was critazing when in reality she just stated. layla wasn't one for judgements, at least concreate ones. Her emtions changed daily and quickly.

"Right" she said softly, moving forward, her tail flicking as she kept her eyes pealed for blond little boys and buterfly winged girls. How hard could it be to find winged girls and demon tailed boys?

Tam looked a little confused when she mentioned toys. He hadn't had a chance to actually play yet, and it was a natural thing to him. In his past life all his 'play' was training of some sort. Of course in a few weeks he'd know all forms of playing (Layla believed in playing hard and working light) but for now he was a little confused at what she was talking about. Still Tamesis liked being with her so he followed her loyally.

"Where go?" he whispered, voice soft as he leaned close to her ear. He folded his wings closer to his back as his tail wraped around his waist so it look more like a belt and less like a tail.

Ayame gave Tamesis a confused look in turn as his face contorted in perplexment. What had she said wrong? she tried to debate the matter to herself and just settled on the last thing she thought she had said instead.

"Toys, Tamesis, things to have fun with and play with."

She left him little time to respond as she edged to the opening and peeked out. No one coming, now was their chance! She looked back at Tamesis and nodded towards the aisle laden with suvh a variety of things one could only imagine. there were crayons and marker's and colored pencils, pads of trace paper, graph paper, sketch and landscaping draft paper. Rulers and erasers, fine scalpel like knives meant to trim the paper with, hidden securely behind glass. Obviously Ayame's idea of toy's and fun was drastically counter to what a normal child would want, though as she looked back at Tamesis hopefully she remained clueless that he might not find the same things entertaining.

The surrounding aisles held a surplus of other mysterious odd's and ends, from lawn gear to pet food and such a variety of other things that if Ayame tried to think of them all she may as well turn and go back to find Lavi, as she would find herself weary with exhaustion at just finding names for all of the oddities.

"What Tamesis want to play with?"

Tamesis was still confused when Aya explained what toys were. Things you played with? He thought that was friends. Did that mean that Aya was a toy? Because they were playing together. Was there a difference between things and people? Because he was having fun with Aya and they were playing...but she wasn't a thing was she?

"What about you, are you a toy?" he asked her confused. "I'm haivng fun with you and we're playing" he pointed out.

Though he tugged her down the alsie before he really had a real chance. Still he didn't mind as he looked around at all the many art suplies. He looked excited for a moment because he knew what this stuff was. Since he only knew a few amount of things right now being introduced to things he already knew made him quite happy, because that meant he could offer something back to Aya.

"My mom has this stuff!" He told her eagerly, "If you want, maybe you could come over and we can play the toys there too"

Layla was frowning as she grabed a shirt that hung in the rack the the two were hiding in just a few moments before. The kitsune was breathing deeply though her nose but only got a hint of a scent, nothing like a real trail. She was really relaying on something that proably wouldn't comfort Lavi at all. She was relaying on blind luck and her own assumtions.

"Ayame, what does she like Lavi?" Layla asked, "Tamesis hasn't really had a chance to show me his likes yet so I don't know what he'd drag her too"

Ayame giggled at Tamesis's question. "Silly, toy's aren't live, like you n' me! I get to help have fun and enjoy the fun! And if i was a toy cause i have fun with you, you be a toy too, 'cause i'm having fun with you! As Aure taught me, we are fri-ends, we have fun t'gether!"

Ayame looked up into the top racks at some other drawing instruments until Tamesis spoke up once more. His guardian had this stuff... and she could play with it with Tamesis? She barely contained her joy and resolved to frantically flap her wings with a smile of glee on her face.

She hurried over to Tamesis, eager mroe then ever to get back to where they had left the grown ups. "I love to!" She flung her arms around him and hugged him to her as tight as she could, so excited at the chance. "Let's go back to where Lavi and your mom are! She giggled again, giddy with the situation, before running off once more back the way they came, almost, Tam in tow.

Lavi paused, the thought hadn't occured to her to check in a place like that! "Art, she adores art, and for her age she's incredible at it. I find myself slightly bothered by it at times, as sometimes it can be very...eerie. But that doesn't matter, we should check the art supplies, i'm sure she remembers where that is."

She stopped completely to find the sign and then without waiting, certain Layla was behind her, took off, passing the children by mere feet, tucked away beneath some clothes once more, wary of anyone finding them

He geussed that made sense. When you had fun with people they were friends. When you had fun with things they were toys. But if you have fun with someone or something alive that's a friend. That made sense. Tamesis was glad there was a difference between the two, he wasn't sure if he wanted to be some form of toy.

Then again if being a toy meant that he could get warm hugs from Ayame he wasn't going to complain. He gave a shy sort of smile, not sure how to really respond to a hug, he didn't even hug back but if you looked into his eyes you'd see the quiet happiness sparkling in his gray depths.

"Okay" he said softly, taking his hand as he followed. he noticed this wasn't the exact path they took back but he asumsed it was close enough. And still new enough to the world to think that because he left his mother in the isle with the cart she'd still be there, conviently forgetting that she might worry or move.

"Ohhh, an artist" Layla complimented, following her. That was intresting, she'd have to try to talk to the girl, she'd love to see her art. Since Layla lucked her way into a career in drawing she figured it was only right if she tried to help someone else. And if that someone else was a friend of Tamesis all the more convienent.

But first the pair had to find the kids, then they could think of the furture. Part way to the isle Layla paused for a second, frowning, before she shook her head and told herself she was being silly and moved on.

"We could always call store security" Layla mentioned, "Tell them to keep an eye out for kids like ours. They have to be pretty unquice they should be found quickly enough" she suggested.

Lavi came to a stop a few aisle's short of the art supplies as Layla suggested talking to security. That might work...She hoped. "That's a good idea, You go on to the art supplies and check there, i'll head back to the front and try to get some help from security."

She loped off in the other direction to leave Layla to her task, to concerned about Ayame to be concerned for her abrupt nudges of control in the situation. Finding the children would have to come before niceties, hurt feelings could be mended, vanishing kids could not so easily be fixed.

Breathless, Lavi pounded on the door at the front, bringing the attention of a rather startled guard. Lavi tried to explain the situation but her breath was hoarse from the running, so she took a moment to breath and then explained it all much more clearly to the guard. It only took a moment for the guard to radio his coworkers in various sections as he realized the seriousness, as odd as the situation seemed to be putting a store watch out for two children with wings. in all of his years here....

Lavi began running back toward the art supplies as soon as he told her they were looking. She wondered silently as she ran if Layla had found them. she squeezed her hands together and hoped.

As Ayame and Tamesis reach the display of shampoo they had left earlier, next to which she was sure Lavi and Layla had been standing.

Only they weren't there anymore....

Ayame looked back at Tamesis, now rather worried. Where had Lavi gone? There was Tamesis's cart...but no Layla! She looked back at Tamesis in dismay. "They are not here! Where your mama?" she could feel the tears building in her eyes, she oculdn't let Tamesis see her cry, no one could see her cry....She squinted her eyes and shook her head and ran to where Lavi had stood, looking back to make absolutely sure Tamesis was stil behind her. She didn't want him to dissapear too! She ran back a few steps to catch up Tamesis and clung to him, very deeply worried. She found his presence comforting, not quite as much as Lavi...but it was a good feeling to have right now, and she wanted to feel comforted and secure more then anything right now.

"I want go home, go with Tamesis or take him with..." she stuttered as she spoke and then whispered in his ear, "I'm scared...."

Thing was Layla wasn't insulted at all. Okay made a few hairs rose at her almost natural instint to bite off the hand of any one who dares order her around but she felt the same way when her uncle gave her orders so it was something she learned to ignore in her new life time. So beyond that she honestly understood the orders, besides Lavi was clearly more scared than Layla.

Not that Layla didn't care, she wanted to find Tamesis, after all she loved him already. It wasn't that she was apathetic, she just wasn't as scared. maybe because she's looked into Tamesis eyes and seen something beyond childish knowlege. Even now, in his infantcy he seemed more adult than she did in ways. After all he didn't freak out when faced witha problem, he just slowly and methodicly worked his way though it.

Just like he'd work his way though this. No Layla was sure that Tamesis was in this story and they would find them, it would just be a matter of time.

Layla reached the art supllied and let out a small whimper as she didn't see ethir kids there. She hoped it would be a short matter of-Ohh! She didn't have that! The fox rushed to grabed the special drawing pencils and hold them up. Perfect! She needed something like this.

Okay so Layla was a little ADD, especially in times of stress.

Tamesis frowned when he noticed his mother wasn't here, now that wasn't right in his mind. Wasn't it the job of a mother to be there? He glared down at the ground as he tried to think about this whole situation. Mothers were suppoe to be there weren't they? When you needed them? Wasn't that the etnire point of having parents?

Well then where was their mothers? Tamesis looked up when he noticed Aya was freaking out. Now his concern and confusion esclated into full blown anger. They left Aya! Okay so they left him, that was fine, ignorable even. But how could they leave Ayame! His arms went around her body lovingly.

"Okay, Tame-sis here" he asured her, stroking her back. "I help. You not alone"

Lavi slid to a stop as she came around the corner...to see Layla staring lovingly at a set of pencils...."Layla! What in the world are you doing, We need to find Ayame and your little one!" Rather annoyed she ran off, shaking her head and holding in her anger at the woman, too concerned about finding Ayame to worry about Layla. with a thought she began back to where they had vanished, hoping to find some clue she had missed previously.

Ayame sniffled and sat down on the tile by Tamesis, glad of his attentions. What had happened to Lavi...Tamesis's mother's cart was still there...so where was she? She looked up and caught Tamesis's eye for a moment as she twittered her wings in concern and to try and keep herself from openly crying in front of her new friend.

"Thanks, Tamesis. I wait here...maybe they come back?"

She felt unsure about it, though Lavi had never dissapeared in the past....could she be in trouble? but how could she help...she was so little...

Unable to hold it in anymore she tucked her head to her knees and cried where she sat. This day had been perfect, she was going to get new crayons and some new clothes, and now she had lost Lavi and didn't know how to get home....

"What?" Layla pulled herself from looking at the stuff and shook her head, "Geez, sorry, easily distracted when put under pressure" she explained to Lavi's retreating back. Now she was sure that Lavi was mad at her and while the thought depressed the kitsune a little she understood why this time. Turning Layla looked around confused, where in the world they could be. Ethir way she steped from the arts supplied to make sure that she didn't get so distracted again.

Tamesis bent down, pulling his sobbing face close to give her the comfort she clearly needed. Anger rippled though him as he sat down. How dare they make Aya cry! She didn't deserve this, didn't deserve to be so scared. If he could he'd go out and find them right now. The boy wished he could fly then he could quickly search the place before Aya would miss him but he couldn't leave her like this, scared, alone and crying.

So he just held her close, humming some forgotten tune from a life he had escaped. He hoped it would calm her down enough that she could get over her fear but if she didn't Tamesis would stay, right here, with her. He looked up at Layla's cart and knew she'd be back eventually. He'd just wait till then.

Lavi came out behind them with a crash as she fell over a rack of coats in her desperation to get around the store in her search. As she righted herself and looked towards Layla's cart she saw Ayame, tucked in a ball on the tiles, Tamesis evidently hugging her for his own comfort and to protect Ayame from the look on his face.

"Ayame! Don't run off like that on me again! You..."

But she couldn't find the heart to continue and just ran to her little ones side and scooped her up into her arms, holding her close and pressing her nose gently to the girls cheek as she softly stroked her little ones silver hair.

Ayame looked up with surprise, choking back a sob as she turned around to see Lavi. She couldn't make a sound and only held her hands up eagerly as Lavi ran forward and scooped her up, not even giving notice to Lavi's reprimand as she hugged herself to her guardians chest. Lavi was here, she hadn't dissapeared, all was better in the world, almost. She leaned back and pointed down at Tamesis.

"Tam help me *hic* make me safe *hic* his momma dissapear *hic* we help him?"

The sentences were garbled as Ayame hiccuped through the sentence, looking down at Tamesis caringly, ever so glad to have had his presence, so calm and comforting, and a fun friend. She wanted to make sure he was ok as well, and no matter what Lavi did Ayame wouldn't even consider leaving until Tamesis found his mama. "*hic* Tamesis with me *hic* He friend."

Lavi looked down with some respect for the boy, heartened that despite his age Ayame had found a protector in the child in her time of need, as well as a good friend. She came to one knee and, settling Ayame on her other knee, extended her other arm to the boy, the action bringing a smile to Ayame's cheeks. "Lets go find your mother, eh Tamesis? I'm certain she'll be worried sick, we've both been looking all over for you two."

Layla, with her luck, managed to go the opposite direction as Lavi and was currently trying to find out where she was. The kitsune looked around, finding herself surrounded by lots of gadgets to help...cars? She wasn't sure, she was just tyring to get back to where she knew where the hell she was.

"Damnit...I'm lost now" she whimpered, turning around, "And not even on a fun row"

Tamesis stood when Lavi suddenly apeared, but he wasn't so easy to forgive as Ayame was. She seemed to just be relieved that Lavi was back but Tamesis's clothes were still wet with her tears and he wanted to know why she even left. Worse as soon as she came back she tried to yell at Ayame, like her disapearing was her fault! Oh no, Tamesis was Aya's friend and he had to defend her. From enimies and from friends wanting to take advatage of her.

"You leave!" he yelled at her, ignoring what she said about his mother. He didn't matter right now. He could handle being alone, after all if he waited with Layla's stuff long enough she would come back. He was more concered with Aya, she was the one that got so scared.

"Aya need you! You leave! Say sor-ry!" his hands fisted, as if he was ready to force her to say sorry.

Lavi looked down half in amusement, half in shock at th boy's daring. Ayame had more then a simple friend in this one, she was certain just by looking into his eyes. Slowly she knelt back down and looked him level in the eye.

"Tamesis, I only left, Layla and I, because we were trying to find you and My little Ayame, we turned around and you were both gone. I am sorry for yelling at Ayame, more so then words can express." She nuzzled Ayame's cheek and rubbed her arm slightly, drawing a sigh of relief from the little butterfly girl.

"Will you come with me so that we can find your mother? She should have been right behind me, but....well i don't know." She shrugged and extended her free arm, offering to carry him alongside Ayame.

Ayame felt a glitter of an amazing feeling inside as Tamesis fussed at Lavi, though she wasn't entirely pleased Lavi was being yelled at, the comfort he had given her and the fun was more then enough for her to brush it aside as Lavi spoke. She could feel her tears drying on her cheeks moments before leaning into Lavi's with a closed eyed smile of happyness. "Tamesis, come with Ayame?" She smiled hopefully, gripping the arm around her chest lightly with her little hands as she stared at her new friend.

If it had been just Lavi and Tamesis, the dark little boy would have shook his head and said he'd just wait by his mother's stuff. He would asure him that she would return eventually and that would be the end of it. After all Tamesis felt no great like for Lavi, even though she apologized and Ayame seemed happy to have Lavi back. She still commited a sin and Tamesis was into sins being punnished.

But Aya asked him to go. Aya wanted him to stay close. Aya was his friend. So Tamesis nodded slowly, wings streaching out before pulling near again. He wanted to just find his mother and get this trip over with. Meeting Aya was really nice but the rest wasn't so great and now he'd have to try and chase his mother around a stupid store. This was all a waste of time.

Layla was so freaking lost. She ditched the maybe car suplies and now was surrounded by guns, and knifes and other form of hunting gears. The entire row made the kitsune a little aperhensive as she noticed a few fox traps. She was trying to get back to the main rows, away from the back of the store but she was so turned around she didn't even know how to do that. Her other option was to locate someone to help her but she was having a hard time doing that as well.

"How the hell did I manage to get lost!?" Layla whined.

Lavi sighed and scooped up Tamesis. He obviously didn't like her much, though she was satisfied at having found the two. "Hold on now, we need to find what's become of your mother...does she get lost easily?" If anyone else saw her asking the child such seemingly complicated questions, they would have given her none to few odd looks, though she knew how advanced the illusionaries intelligence was, despite their speech abilities when young.

Children in arm, she began down the main aisle, looking down each aisle and out into the clothing and more to try and sight the odd woman. How easy could it be for her to get lost when the kids could find their way back, and they were.. little kids!

Ayame looked over and Tamesis and grinned with childish innocence, tilting her head to one side to giggle at her friend as they continued their adventure in search of his mother. She gave a pained look momentarily as they shot past the art supplies, but then she smiled with renewed vigor at the thought of why she would have to wait.

Why did Tamesis look so...angry though? Had she done something? Was something wrong; what was wrong? "Tamesis?"

Tamesis wraped his arms aroudn Lavi to try and help suport himself. He wasn't a big fan of being carried, he would have prefered to walk but he was slow and he was sure that Lavi wanted to dump him back on his mom as soon as possible. Than she could not have to wrory about the werid shadow boy anymore. Tamesis frowned deeper as his tail swished back and forth angerily.

"Tamesis?" ayame whispered, making the boy jerk as he turned to give her a soft smile. He didn't want Aya to worry after all. He was fine, and she was fine. That was all that really matter to him right now.

"Yes Aya?" he responed, forcing a smile to give to her.

The funny thing was that Layla was thinking the same thing lavi was. How the hell did she get this lost? The worst of it was that she turned down a corner, just another blind turn, just more dumb luck and soon, about two minutes after Lavi and the kids left, Layla found herself right back where the whole fiascoo started.

"Jesus christ I just did a really big circle" the fox groaned, and hit her own head. She slid down to the floor and reached up to grab that bag of chips she bought two stores ago. That's it, she was just staying put now, no more moving. She'd let everyone else come to her. She was tired of running around.

"Tamesis is mad at Ayame and Lavi? Tamesis go," She made a face and frowned at him, trying to mimic the anger she had seen. The she noticed behind her, back towards Tamesis's cart, Layla sinking down to the ground by the cart. "Layla back!" She pointed at her find and looked over at Tamesis, though she stayed quiet and grim as darkness wafted over her thoughts. she felt scared but calmed at the same time....interesting.

Lavi didn't speak as Ayame cried out and pointed but turned just in time to catch view of the woman. She sighed and shook her head, turning around and quickening her pace towards the cart, not wanting to lose her again. Tamesis was an odd child, and she wasn't entirely certain anymore of if she wanted Ayame to have any association with him, although Ayame would enjoy the chance to see and learn from the woman's skills, the fact hse was a decent artist dredged from her thoughts from the encounter with the art supplies. If there was one reason left to let Ayame visit, that may have been it.

She neared Layla and slowed her pace till she stood before her and slowly set Tamesis down in Layla's lap, not noticing Ayame's slight pout at being seperated from her friend. "You have my number Layla, call me sometime so that Ayame can come and visit, I need to be on my way as this little incident has set me behind alot, though i'm glad we've retrieved the children." Lavi hefted Ayame up that the girl's head was over her shoulder then turned to go, not noticing the pack of crayons stuffed in Ayame's dress pocket as she walked out the door. She could shop for the things they needed later, right now she only wanted to get home and rest and let Ayame enjoy the evening. She sighed and shook her head. What a day.

Ayame looked down mournfully as they went away, keeping her eye's locked on Tamesis for as long as she could, waving to him and Layla. She really hoped she would get to see them again...

"No mad at Aya." Tamesis asured her, reaching over to pat her arm. He said nothing abut how unsure he was about Lavi. Just like Lavi wondering over Tamesis, Tamesis wondered over Lavi. Still she seemed happy and he was too young to change anything. So he remained quiet and hoped that they be able to see each other again. He really did like her, she was his friend. Tamesis didn't have any other ones.

Layla's ears twitched as she heard people talking and she looked up, grining as she saw them at last. Yes! And she had the two kids, that's perfect. Now there be no more walking around like idiots and getting lost around the what ever department and disctracted by all the pretty art supplies. Not that she needed any new art supplies.

"There you guys are!"Layla grined as she got up, about to apologize when Lavi almost shoved Tamesis into her arms and basicly retreated as fast as humanly possible. The kitsune blinked and held her son close as she watched over the gaurdian.

"I don't think she liked use Tamesis." Layla said in all honesty. The fox was always honest.

"I no like Lavi. She made Aya cry." Tamesis pouted as he watched her take Ayame away from him now too. No, he definately wasn't sure about Lavi at all. As far he seen, she's eager to get away from Lavi, then Lavi makes her cry, then yells at her and now the woman is taking Ayame away from no. He has yet to see a reason to like the woman.

"come now, I'm sure she didn't mean too. Come on TamTam. Let's get this gunk home. I'm beat." Layla said, shrugging off the encounter easily as she slipped her son back into the cart.



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