Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:06 pm
I think its GDMFSOB
I think the decoding is God Dam Mother ******** Son Of A b***h ((sorry for the profanity))
Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:08 pm
LostInTheRed 1337 and anything that is supposed to be an abbreviation, but makes the word longer, as in: meh (me), teh (the). Also stuff like, "this stuf is so vry stpd. y wld any1 take teh time 2 mispell there wrds. its takin meh a good 10 mins to type ths out...." Except in shorthand note taking, "Whch s jst tkng t ll vwls. Y thn pt thm bck n ltr." "Which is just taking out all vowels. You then put them back in later." I use Meh and Teh sometimes beacuse I kinda like them XD
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:04 am
People who use Meh and Teh are just trying to be cute. I find all text talk and that other weird one with the numbers and overly complex sentences annoying. But, if I have to chose one... IMAO!!!!!!!!!! Die Die Die!!!!! I hate that one!!!! stare Sorry, I seem to have lost it for a bit there...
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:41 am
Leet talk and text talk are equally annoying for me. I am twenty four and I grew up with slang but I do not consider leet or text talk to be slang. It's just annoying and plain rude. If people choose to speak that way, I say go for it, but do not speak that way to me. It makes me feel as if they are saying 'You don't deserve a full sentence or even the correct spelling of words. You are a lesser human and I shall use language to show you that.' Though, it also shows me how very immature and ignorant they are. If you cannot take the time out of your busy life to spell out words, and use proper grammar, then don't talk. Simple as that.
Most annoying leet is- 1337 which translates to 'Leet'. A word that doesn't even mean what they want it to mean. 'Leet' does not equal 'elite', contrary to popular belief.
The definition of the word 'Leet' as given by Dictionary.com
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source leet /lit/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[leet] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun British Obsolete. 1. a special annual or semiannual court in which the lords of certain manors had jurisdiction over local disputes. 2. the area over which this jurisdiction extended, including the manor itself and, sometimes, nearby counties or shires. [Origin: 1400–50; late ME lete meeting (of law court) < AF lete and AL leta (both perh. < OE gelǣte meeting of roads; cf. wætergelǣt watercourse)]
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:03 am
Judas lscariot Zareidriel I don't mind 1337. I tend to speak in 1337 now and again myself. For example: 1331-1011), 1 51>331< ///1_1(1-1 1337. 5337. I'd have to agree with Firesong. "u" is the worst. Backslashes are getting cut, and nobody ever uses a 1 for a bar like that. But I can still read it. Behold, I speak much leet. Sweet[?] We have a winner. Though I do wonder why the slashes got cut. Hirashio, 1337 isn't really supposed to mean leet. It is, indeed, "elite" spelled in 1337. To write the name of a language in that language is doubly confusing. Many people not affiliated with Japanese culture, for example, wouldn't be able to translate a bunch of little pictures into "Nihongo" and from there into "Japanese".
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 2:12 pm
I hate 'dno.' That's worse than atleast putting in the effort to write dunno. twisted scream
Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 6:29 pm
LostInTheRed 1337 and anything that is supposed to be an abbreviation, but makes the word longer, as in: meh (me), teh (the). Also stuff like, "this stuf is so vry stpd. y wld any1 take teh time 2 mispell there wrds. its takin meh a good 10 mins to type ths out...." Except in shorthand note taking, "Whch s jst tkng t ll vwls. Y thn pt thm bck n ltr." "Which is just taking out all vowels. You then put them back in later." 'Teh' isn't a supposed abbreviation, and it doesn't make the word longer. For those fast typers, it can just be a type-o... sad Also 'meh' and 'mah' and 'teh' and the like are sometimes used just to sound cute, not as abbreviations. Anyhow, I think the most annoying phrase is probably 'KTHXBI'. What the hell is that? In English, that would be "OkayThankyouBye" Which would be okay if you were thanking someone and then going away or something, but a lot of people don't use it that way... For instance "GIMME UR GOLD KTHXBI!" ....*Shakes head*
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:53 pm
I really dislike "OMG" and "lolz".
For the longest time, I COULD NOT FIGURE OUT what that was.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 2:35 pm
I just generally hate text talk. I occasionally will put omg or lolz, but that's when I'm in a big rush or I'm talking with a close friend and we're being stupid. I really do not understand 'leet'. What is the whole point? It'd take me so much longer to read and type it than to just type the actual words. I just don't get how some people think that it's cool...
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:05 pm
[~♥ I absolutly hate leet speak. (Or 1337 speak) The worst phrase I heard "Plz", "vv47" and the worst phrase I ever heard: "pls coment in meh prof."... ♥~]
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:06 pm
All this text talk makes me wonder how the person talks in real life. If they can't type out acceptable grammer, then how do they talk? It makes me cry. crying
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:19 pm
i hate all of it, usually, but 'omg,' 'ttyl,' and 'brb,' are the worst for me. teh doesnt bother me as much, it's kind of accidentally funny, like pwn. but yeah.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:41 pm
I detest things like "kwl," "tho'," and symbol stuff - <3. But the most annoying thing EVER - forgotten apostrophies! (Oh dear, did I misspell that? I really don't know.) That's really more of a grammar hang-up, though.
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:15 pm
I don't especially hate l33t, but when people use it too much, it tends to get annoying. One of my pet peeves is using 'u' instead of 'you'. Another is dropping apostrophes. Just reach over with that little finger and type in a damn '! It really doesn't take that long. I agree with the abbreviated sayings thing. I don't mind if they capitalize it like abbreviation are supposed to be, but when they don't, it annoys me to Hell and back. I use 'meh' a lot as a sound. I don't use it instead of 'me', but I do use it to express indifference. As in "meh, I don't really care either way". Anyone else use it like that?
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:49 pm
I think "lol" is very annoying.