.:Flutter Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Ichisumi
Owner: Dixie
Gender: Female
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Loyal
Breed: Geisha
Description(wing/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Body Color: Pure White
Pattern: Golden chinese dragon wrapping up her rear leg, wrapping around her body, ending on her chest.
Reference for golden dragon (Any variation of a chinese dragon will suit.)
Eye Color: Gold. Reflective gold if effect is possible.
Mane and Tail Color:Mane Design: Mane Accessories: Dangling hair piece like
THISTail Accessories:Facial Make-up: Based off of
THIS image, please.
Clothing: Black, red, and gold pattern like
THISNot sure how to adapt it to a horse, but the large billowing sleeves from a
KIMONO on her front legs, dragging the ground behind her.....maybe sash of some sort on her chest/body to partly cover her golden dragon marking. (I don't want her fully clothed, just enough to get the sense of a kimono)
Reference image(s): All listed in write up above.
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to colorist
Tag frame color: Black/Red/Gold
Tag feather color: Black/Red/Gold
If possible, I'd like an eastern themed background for her...or cherry blossoms.
Also, some soquili have little items and such lieing around at their feet. Would it be possible for her to have an open oriental fan spread behind her and a small bowl of rice with chopsticks somewhere?
Finally, I'd like to get a clothed and unclothed version of her.
Hair/clothing edits (if any): Please see write up above.
razz ure Skinwalker Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Deimos or Dardanos
Owner: Dixie
Gender: Male
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Blood Thirsty
Breed: White Tiger Skinwalker
Description (pelt colors/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Body Color: Black (maybe faded or striped going down his legs?)
Pelt Color: White Tiger pattern
REFEye Color: Golden, almost reflective or glowing
Fangs: I would like the soquili form to have fangs like a
SaberToothJewelry: I'd like him to have a some jewelry (necklace, leg wraps, tail wrap...whatever) with some skulls or fangs...or both. Artist design, I have no reference.
Blood spatters: I'd like for him to maybe have blood dripping from his fangs and splattered around his paws. If it would be possible to have a bloody paw print or two on the ground beneath him, that would be awesome!
Reference image(s): Please see above.
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to artist
Tag frame color: Up to artist
Tag feather color: Up to artist
Hair/clothing edits (if any): Please see above.
.:Fluttercorn Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Faunus
Owner: Dixie
Gender: Male
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Methodical
Breed: Peacock
Description(wing/eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Body Color: Light sky blue fading to white under his neck and belly and around the ankles.
Body Highlights: Light Lavender highlights. (Not patterns or designs really, just highlights.)
Eye Color: Light Lavendar to match his highlights. Perhaps just a touch darker.
Mane and Tail Color: Pure white with small strands of gold. (Or blue/lavender if it would look better? Up to colorist)
Ribbon Color: Whatever color the artist thinks would look good.
Head and Tail piece: Gold. Perhaps with a few small jewels?
Jewelry: Several small dainty gold chains of different lengths wrapping around his neck/chest. Artist design.
Reference image(s):
Basic ConceptSketch is correct except for the wings.
Wing DesignI like the wispy furry design of these wings.
Jewerly conceptI like the layers, dangles, and small shinies like this necklace. Just not quite so girlie.
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to colorist
Tag frame color: Up to colorist
Tag feather color: Up to colorist
Hair/clothing edits (if any): Please see above image
The peacock feather will actually be connected to his head/tail gaurds, I do not want him to be a mutant. For the feathers connected to the tail piece I'd like them all different lengths, but I'd like a few that either nearly or do drag the ground behind him. Also, the feathers and peacock traits should not be in traditional peacock colors. They should be in the blues, lavenders, and whites. He is being customed to match Syaoran-Puu mare of a similar design. If Puu's is made before mine, please make them aesthetically pleasing.
.:Edited Regular Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Takoda
Owner: Dixie
Gender: Male
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Tranquil
Breed: Natural
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc):
Mane and Tail: Custom mane and tail. Up to colorist design.
Head Piece: Native American themed headpiece. Feathers, Furs, Tails, Beads, etc.
Eye Color: Light light sky blue. Almost white.
Reference image(s):
Basic Reference for markings and color.
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to colorist
Tag frame color: Up to colorist
Tag feather color: Up to colorist
Hair/clothing edits: Please see above.
Basically this will be a colorist designed stallion. Basically an indian themed stallion. Feathers, coon/fox tails, beads, etc.