In the U.S., should a person who is sentenced to death happen to live in a state that revokes the death penalty, and then that state reinstates the death penalty, the sentence he received is commuted to life in prison and not reverted to its original penalty. This is what happened to Charles Manson. He was sentenced to death, then California did away with the death penalty. When voters changed their minds and reinstated the death penalty, legally Chuck's sentence couldn't be escalated back to Death. scream

Certain pieces of land are considered federal property, and not subject to state laws. What if we were to institute a federal prison in each state just for death row inmates? Would that step too much on states' toes?? eek

Better yet, re-open Alcatraz. No guards, just hidden stockpiles of food and weapons. Put in hidden cameras and sell it on Pay-Per-View. We could end the nation's budget deficit! rofl