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Shut up Furry, that's not funny!
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A what now?
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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2007 7:14 pm
OOC: They may decompose more slowly, but the bacteria which are a normal part of living organisms swell and produce gases and eat away at the dead tissue. It been several years since Aeris was laid to rest.

"Very well done..." Jenova told her loyal child approvingly. "I will need my cells and the mako... Though I may require ordinary fare soon, so it will do us well to begin making preparations... As well, we are not alone my child, no... the Traitors close in, and what they have done to me has left me very unwell, so for now we must do our best to vanish so that they cannot follow. We must leave this path you have started and take care not to leave a trail following behnd us for they shall begin hunting for us soon."  
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 9:23 am
"Why don't we go and find out hmmm?" Sephiroth chanted mockingly in response to Cloud's desperate question, he subtly replaced the now-empty cup into his satchel bag.
Heh... I wonder if I should use more bandages to make a nice 'puppet' outta him... Sephiroth mentally mused.

No... I don't think so, that's just going a little too far. Vaizel scolded,
Spoil Sport... Sephiroth gave a disapointed mental sigh, Then he glanced over his 'victim' again and noting that Cloud's wound had become mostly nice pink scars and some bruising, Sephiroth reached down and grabbed the blonde-haired man, hefting the shorter fellow over his shoulder with ease. Much like someone would carry a sack of potatoes. "Come Puppet! Shall we have a puppet show? I think I could find us a stage...." He laughed loudly, glancing around casually as though considering which way to go.  

Ermak Lorde

Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 2:22 pm
Thalon was now perfectly composed and felt much better than he had in years, really ever he thought. "Yes Mother, I can easily dissuade any followers but where shall we hide?" He stood up and lifted the black gun checking to see how much ammo he had left, eh only two shots well I suppose it will do. "but please tell me who are these Traitors you speak of?" leaning down he lifted the cells from the ground and held them towards her, as well as the belt of mako.  
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 3:35 pm
Someone had called to her. Someone had called her from the city, pass the villages and to the old glowing forest. One visible mako blue eyes scanned the tree line and looked to the sky. The voices where calling her again. They wanted her to go into the forest. Someone was waiting for her there, in that ancient place.

"Who is calling me?"

Korei looked to the sky again, her white hair hiding the eye patch over her left eye and looked back to the glowing trees. She moved her hair out of her face and began to walk again. The voices told her where to go. Someone was waiting and she would hate to keep them waiting any longer. Her appearance was unkempt and her long waist length hair was a tangle of knots. There was no time for keeping clean, she had places to be.

"Who is waiting for me?"  



PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 10:22 am
Jenova smiled, it was a kind sweet smile, that would disarm any looking at it. She could feel her children responding, soon they would return to her... even if her once Chosen Son would not. At Thalons mention of the Traitors, her face fell. "I am sorrowed to tell you that now, even your eldest brother Sephiroth has turned upon us to join forces with those who wish to destroy me once and for all..."

Yes, come my child, come and be reunited with your caring and loving family.... Beckoned the voice calling to Korei. The sweet whispers were full of promise, telling of the wonderful acceptence nly she could give.
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2007 11:00 am
Ever without shoes, Korei made her way through the glowing trees with speed that had kept her safe for most of her life. She might not have magic or the strength to break stone with one hit, but speed was her gift. It only seemed to be mere moments before she came upon the strange man and the woman.

"Are you the one that has been calling me?"

Korei's voice still held the chlid like tone of years gone by, but her form was that of a woman just becoming an adult. She tilted her head to the right, keeping the left side of her face hidden by her dirty white hair and looked at the two of them with her uncovered eye. Mako blue showed no hint of fear and she moved closer as she watched the woman. Even without her question being answered, she knew it was yes. The woman called to some part of her, without the use of spoken words.

"Who are you?"  


Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 7:28 am
Oddly when Mother spoke then name Sephiroth a smile flickered across Thalon's face for a fraction of a second. "No need to worry Mother, we shall easily reconvert or defeat him. The ease with which Sephiroth was turned from you shows his weakness of will" Thalon jumped as another person appeared and leveled a gun at her, electricity crackling around the fingertips of his unused hand. Noticing the mako eyes and her words Thalon lowered the gun but still moved himself so he could shield Mother if the need arose.  
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 10:01 pm
"I bear many names my child." Jenova said with a sweet smile. "But you can call me Mother..." she replied to Korei. To Thalon, she smiled entreatyingly. "Now is not the time for battle, indeed, I am greatly in need of a rest, but I do not feel we are in safe surroundings, all around us come whispers of our adversaries, if I remain they will find me, and I have not the strength to defend myself, while I do not doubt your prowess my Son, I fear I cannot allow the risk at this time, now we must leave." Indeed, she looked greatly wearied and greatly in need of the rest she spoke of.

OOC: She's really not exaggerating, she's probably liable to keel over from exhaustion soon, she's also shut off all sendings to her 'children' as she knows that Sephiroth can here it too.

"ungh, n-no, get, off me Sephiroth." Cloud forced, his face snarling. With what little strength he had recovered he resisted Sephiroth literally tooth and nail, trying to beat at his captor only to be hefted over a shoulder nonetheless, dragged literally kicking and screaming as he continued pounding at Sephiroth's back and shoulder. He bit back grunts of pain while doing so, the man's back unusually unyeilding. Unbidden came the thought of I know they talk about muscles of steel but this is ridiculous!

Sephiroth dont you DARE mess with Cloud any further I mean it! The poor guy's already had enough he's about to snap and ... Oh gods that's a terrible pun... She muttered mid-rant at Cloud's unwitting comment, knowing full well that what Cloud was hitting was indeed, the metal plating still in evidence on Vaizeph's back.

"What, can't you take a little punishment?" Dawn queried in a tone that booked trouble. The former remnant was feeling rather left out of the action, and being a spectator had never been one of her favored positions. However to the dread of the others, she did have quite a repetoire of such corny and lame jokes. "Why is the lifestream so far under ground? Because people are DYING to get in. Or how about, What kind of dog did Hojo keep?... A LAB! Ooh ooh, this one pertains to the current situation... Why couldn't Aeris go to the party? Because she had NO BODY to go with! Y'know 'cause now Jenova has it..."

"Dawn, those aren't even funny, Vai tell her to stop it... STOP LAUGHING SEPHIROTH! You're dead TOO you know!"

"Oh, and what do you call a will? A DEAD giveaway... And didn't you know that if you don't pay your exorcist you get repossessed?

OOC: And remember kids, Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects!  



PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 10:33 am
OOC: Uhg, Furry, I am heartily tempted to crack your head open right now...

"Nice Job." Shinrei encouraged the child. "You almost hit the target." He yanked the small shuriken out of the tree from where it lay six inches from said target, and walked over to pat the little boy on the head. Somedays he despaired if his children would ever be capable of throwing the devices straight. It wasn't through any lack of trying but the eyesight they'd inherited from their mother's line was so terrible he was sometimes amazed they could even walk straght. Then again, there were several clumsy moments he could recall where even that was questionable. Then again if he'd ever planned to actually have children who were skilled at ninjitsu he would never have broken it off with Ruo when he was a teen. But then again, look where she'd ended up. Shinrei sighed shaking his head. And here he was living with Dahry and their five children, and Dahry's steadily more senile mother Alina. The exiled Prince of Wutai hadn't done badly for himself, he kept his family well in comfort, but sometimes, he just had to miss the old days... A pleasent smile came to his face as he remembered what fun it had been all the battling and intrigue...His grin split further remembering the manyfold ways in which he'd brought Dahry right where he'd wanted her.

His face snapped into a scowl without warning, he felt something, very very faint but nonetheless familiar. In a calm voice he asked his children to go play with their grandmother, no doubt still tinkering around her workshop in the basement, and went in search of his wife.

OOC: Hope you don't mind the embellishments I made Savvy, but I just thought it would suit.  
PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 6:37 pm
OOC: Furry that was the bestest post ever.

Thalon bowed his head slightly not taking his eyes off of the newcomer for more than half a second. "I mean not to spark any conflict Mother I was merely unsure of the safety of this er... woman" hesitating for a second the grey cloaked man continued "Mother where shall we go to rest and regain strength? do you need assistance in walking? how soon do you think we shall need to defend ourselves?" seeming on the verge of another question Thalon stumbled half a step before catching himself, the mako colouring in his eyes glowing fiercely.  

Cecil Helden

Katrina SaDiablo

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 9:05 pm
Kit had been wandering ever since Kadaj and Sephiroth had been defeated several years ago. She avoided the towns and cities mostly because of her appearance. She still had the silver hair and Mako green eyes, but something was a bit different.

Kit was lost. The voice that had guided her after she awoke in that Lab, Mother, had been silent for so long, and Kit had no idea what to do now. To survive, she had resorted to stealing what she needed, only staying near people long enough to acquire food and water before vanishing back into the wilderness.

It was on one such foray into a town that she heard, for a brief moment, Mother's voice again. Her head snapped up, the hood of her black cloak falling back to reveal the silver hair and glowing green eyes that marked her as a Remnant for all around her to see. As the cry went up, the still young-looking Kit took off, following that elusive voice, needing guidance once more.

(OOC: I figured as I wait for the other two SLs Kit's in to continue on, I'd add her to this one. Hope this made sense...)  
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:30 pm
Korei moved closer to the woman that wanted to be called Mother and looked over at the man as he stumbled. She tilted her head slightly, relvealing the patch over her left eye and turned her attention back to the woman.

"I know places to hide. I have to hide all the time from people that want to take me back to the labs. I can lead the way if you want, Mother."

It felt different to call the woman mother, since she never knew her own mother. Korei looked to the man again and frowned as she moved her dirty hair out of her right eye. She looked back to Mother and sighed as she scratched at her left cheek, just under the eye patch. When she had time, she would need to take it off and give her hidden eye time without it's cover. So many years hidding her unquie eye had made her selfconscious of it and it was rare for her to let anyone see it.  



PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:38 pm
OOC: Aww, thank you Jeho-kun *pats and gives a cookie*

"Thank you my child" Jenova said to Korei. "Your assistance in finding us a well sheltered place to recover would be greatly appreciated." She smiled warmly to regard Thalon. "Oh my Son, it is a good thing you do, for I must shamefully admit I am too weakened to exert myself, any assistance you can offer me now, will be greatly rewarded in time. The same for you both." Her smile and eyes while sincere also held the unspoken promise of what would happen to her enemies, and those who betrayed her. "Once I am retired I will need one of you to stay to guard our shelter, and the other to find and gather my wayward children, whom I have not the strength to call." Though she left the positions open, she would prefer that Thalon was her guard, and Korei the finder, mostly as an issue of trust and also as a measure of ability.

OOC: I'm hoping that the remnants can find each other and start to gather on their own to find Mother again. She's going to be down for the count for awhile now, and the good guys are too strong to fight head on just yet. This'll be all backstabbing and manipulations.  
PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:58 pm
OOC: That's the second post I've seen furry forget her colros on, she must still be tired out from all her renfairying.

Indeed, Alina was in the basement amidst bubbling vials and and beakers, combining some and merely taking notes on others. Currently she was trying to find the missing link in what had gone wrong between Ruo's transformation. She was getting steadily more perturbed with the search, especially as there was no way to test it. Even Ruo whom she was doing this for didn't want to have anything more to do with that line of research. Bemused she looked up at the patter of feet to see her grandchildren coming downstairs. "Hello my little angels, what have you been doing today?"  

Tanya Knightmage

Cecil Helden

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:11 pm
OOC: woot for backstabbedness and manipulation that's how a bad dude should operate

The remnant caught himself before falling completely Thalon's whole body hurt terribly but he could manage it... he hoped "Ah but Mother the reward is in being with you and serving you, whatever you desire of me I shall do" gritting his teeth Thalon walked toward JENOVA, spikes of pain shooting through his body with every step. "Here Mother lean on me or do you need to be carried?" he whispered cringing as he gently placed one arm around her and the other in a supportive position so that either option could be easily done.  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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