The weird doodle looks like the start of possible some shape exersices with silhouette.
It's where you blob down black and make shapes and what not for a character and try to make the shadow look really interesting. From there you fill in details inside the shadow with grey and white.'s my teacher's website. On this page you'll see a guy in black and white on the right. First the shadow of the character was made, then the details were put in. same for the guns. He gave them interesting shadows (sihouettes) then he cut away details.
I'm not sure what your doodle is but you can try this exercise if you'd like with the shadows.
Marth and Roy.
Roy looks okay. The little bit of shading keeps his hair from being too flat. THe character is fairly on model too. I think pushing some more contrast (light areas vs dark areas, not to be confused with black and white) in the shading will help pop out the characters. Marth isn't looking as hot as Roy is.
I think it's that sword shadow. It's rather out of place. ALso it points off the picture plane.
razz A suggestion would be to get rid of the sword shadow.
I think Marth's just looking really flat from the lack of contrast on his face compared to Roy.
Good job on these pics though. You've got a basic understanding of some of the fundamentals.
3nodding not to crit your other pics