Dark Times

It....it is difficult to believe that three years has passed, and that for all of my writings I haven't placed a single word in this journal. So much has gone on, so many things that, now looking back, seem insignificant in the grand scheme. Why did I find it so appealing to serenade on and on about the color of the flowers in the desert oasis I visited?

What was so important about the texture and flavor of the bird eggs I consumed in that mountain town, only to end up poisoned and bed ridden for days afterward? Or those fights I ended up in, because of my race? Or the money I won because of those fights. I placed those funds in a secure location, so that if I ever needed to use it, I would have it. No I will not write down where it is in here. Who knows whose hands this might fall into.

The most notable things are the fact that I am now three years old, wiser, and stronger. My bond with Ginza is as strong as ever and I love her just as fiercely as she does me. Life would be good, if it were not for the fact that my Master had summoned me home. And so here I find myself, writing down my thoughts and...waiting.

Master has been so very tight lipped about the reason he called me home, and why we traveled, on foot no less, back to Vanya. Master Mirror too looked quite perturbed about the reason. Perhaps it had something to do with the disappearances that started happening three years ago? Perhaps some bodies were found finally. But surely there are enough Liches and Necromancers in Vanya to do the raisings? Perhaps there was some sensitive information that needs to be shared and no one trusts the other methods of communicating?

Either way, I don't like the way things are starting to appear. Just days after we arrived and were locked up in this school, the gates to the city was barred shut and things have just gone down hill from there. Something is afoot in this city. Something evil. Master Serpentis is on edge and...and I am frightened. More afraid with each passing day then I have ever been before.


Hey kiddo. It's not that we don't want to tell you what's going on. It's more like we can't. Pet and I need clearance first and there's so much to do that we just haven't gotten around to getting that. I'll try to get you the info you need to know. I refuse to allow you to die in this damn war.
