Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 8:38 pm
I second volleyballrocks' idea. Though I don't have a Soquili (yet) I find it a great idea. I own quite a few Ulaya at Jokoa` and they have an entire sub-forum devoted to looking for RP and/or plots. Each owner, if they wish, creates their own thread with bios for each of their pets in it and what they're looking for for each. Looking for a giant plot in which nothing goes right? They post that there. Looking for a mate with some serious RP? They post that there. So, the other owners, even people who are too lazy to make their own thread, trot into the sub-forum and look for someone who is looking for the same thing, or for someone who needs just what you have.
Just trying to explain more into volleyballrocks' idea, giving examples and such. I really think the idea is great for a shop as big as Soquili is. <3
Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:42 am
I'd like to see a newbie custom slot each month, or even, a slot for newbie event. I only own a Usida, and that I won by luck alone. For the past gaia year, I wanted a soq, I've had the funds, but, I could never get a slot. (I was to slow, or, I wouldn't make the time frame) I'd be nice to see a slot open for those who only own a usida, or, a familiar. Or a slot for those that don't own ANY soq whatsoever. I'm sorry, but...alot of times I see the same people get the same slots, and for those who want a soq but don't have one, its a bittersweet defeat.
Also: On breedings, a few of my friends who own soqs say its hard to get breeding slots, why not open a 'new couple' slot? That way, those who never have had a breeding can try their luck. (I'm not sure if you do this all ready or not -_-"otl )
PS: I'm glad I see the RP contests for baskets being announced in the thread, it lets us know how to try our luck.
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 12:18 pm
I whole-heartedly agree with the current "Low Luck" breeding raffles. They present the opportunity for those who have been persistent enough to try for a breeding with their pair for months to finally receive their baskets.
I do not agree with Vamps' proposed "new couple" slot. The reason why it is oftentimes so difficult to get a breeding in this shop is because of the sheer number of couples trying. If new couples were given the advantage of having a raffle all to themselves, I fear that people would begin to throw even more random pairings into the raffles in hopes of winning off of those "new couple" slots. In fact, I am almost entirely certain that the number of pairings trying each month would increase. The breeding raffles are fine as they are. Yes, it's hard... but it's so worth it. If anything, the number of Low Luck raffles should be increased, giving further chances to those whose determination has stood the test of time... not introducing a new couple raffle, which would only benefit those who enter couples on a whim.
Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:34 pm
One thing I think would be interesting is a "newbie" auction in events. It always seems like the same 10 or so people win them all and while others have a few million gold to spend most dont have over 10 XD These auctions wouldn't have to be necessarily for soq newbies, more for people who have never won an auction here, because often the auctions are really special :3 Its just an idea and I thought I'd throw it out there.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:45 pm
ramenli One thing I think would be interesting is a "newbie" auction in events. It always seems like the same 10 or so people win them all and while others have a few million gold to spend most dont have over 10 XD These auctions wouldn't have to be necessarily for soq newbies, more for people who have never won an auction here, because often the auctions are really special :3 Its just an idea and I thought I'd throw it out there.
I actually like this idea. "Auction newbies", maybe? A person who has never won an auction before? It might be kind of hard to keep track of, but like you said, you usually see the same people win each time - which, hey, that's cool, it's their gold to spend... but it'd be nice for us that don't have 20 mil+ to spend every time to get a shot at the pretties.
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:50 pm
ramenli One thing I think would be interesting is a "newbie" auction in events. It always seems like the same 10 or so people win them all and while others have a few million gold to spend most dont have over 10 XD These auctions wouldn't have to be necessarily for soq newbies, more for people who have never won an auction here, because often the auctions are really special :3 Its just an idea and I thought I'd throw it out there. I've got over 10 mil! 8D ... But I agree. It never seems to be enough. Whilst not ALL of the auctions should be "LAWlZ N00B ONLY!!11" I think one every so often would be fun. I'd love to pop my Soq-Auction-Winner-Virginity. <3
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:59 pm
ramenli One thing I think would be interesting is a "newbie" auction in events. It always seems like the same 10 or so people win them all and while others have a few million gold to spend most dont have over 10 XD These auctions wouldn't have to be necessarily for soq newbies, more for people who have never won an auction here, because often the auctions are really special :3 Its just an idea and I thought I'd throw it out there. I also like this idea. Whenever there's some auctions in an event there can be the occasional one out of them that's geared towards people who haven't had the opportunity to get an auction soquili of their own :3 This way, everyone has some chance at a soquili True, it'll be hard to keep track of who has won a soquili in auctions and what not but I think it can be accomplished :3
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:56 pm
Again I don't know about breeding, only what I hear in the grapevine.
What about Non-Auction Winners Only and just a flat newbie only. As some HAVE Soq, they just don't haven't won an auction, whilst other don't have a soq at all.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:03 pm
I know just about every one of the other Soq owners will probably kill me, but maybe have an event where at least half of the events favor newbies who either have no Soqs or only co-own Soqs. I'm coming from the background of someone who knows IRL and on Gaia how important newbies are to the system. The old folks come and go in their time, and I suspect that the same small group of people who have a gazillion Soqs keep getting Soqs every time, keeping the new blood out, or very thin when it does enter. I know people love getting Soqs, but what can make a lot of people deeply happy is the chance to own their own Soq, to have a beautiful Soq to call their own.
I co-own my only Soq with very few rights, and I'm deliriously happy myself. Imagine a time when the old people seldom come on Gaia anymore, let alone venture into Soquili, and all that's left is a sad, hopeful remainder of newbies who still have an immense amount of difficulty getting a Soq, and the thread is moving so sluggishly that there are maybe a few posts a week or month. Believe me, I can just imagine that scenario, and I don't want it to happen.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:20 pm
I highly agree with what Elf has said. As I've noticed, many of the people who win at auctions and such have many Soquili to themselves, while other have one or none. Considering that I myself have none, I have very little that I can say. But I have noticed this, and have seen how sad it can make new people who have tried very hard and are turned down in favor of someone who does have one.
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 10:28 pm
elfstar89 I know just about every one of the other Soq owners will probably kill me, but maybe have an event where at least half of the events favor newbies who either have no Soqs or only co-own Soqs. I'm coming from the background of someone who knows IRL and on Gaia how important newbies are to the system. The old folks come and go in their time, and I suspect that the same small group of people who have a gazillion Soqs keep getting Soqs every time, keeping the new blood out, or very thin when it does enter. I know people love getting Soqs, but what can make a lot of people deeply happy is the chance to own their own Soq, to have a beautiful Soq to call their own. I co-own my only Soq with very few rights, and I'm deliriously happy myself. Imagine a time when the old people seldom come on Gaia anymore, let alone venture into Soquili, and all that's left is a sad, hopeful remainder of newbies who still have an immense amount of difficulty getting a Soq, and the thread is moving so sluggishly that there are maybe a few posts a week or month. Believe me, I can just imagine that scenario, and I don't want it to happen.
HALLELUJAH! Seriously.
I've noticed the same "problems" too. There's a bunch of people with plenty of Soquili that always seem to get a slot, or always seem to win things (even if it is via games that anyone with a good-net-speed could win), and it's pretty depressing for new people. Now, that's not to say they shouldn't...but it'd be nice for newer people like myself that don't have "reliable sources of Gaia Gold" to be able to win a slot/auction/game/whatever.
Sure, it's amazing when you win if you've got a lot, but it's even better to watch someone who is new do flips because they're able to get their first Soquili...right?
I felt really lucky when Kesmi offered to co-own Eton with me (though I only received sig rights and a possible basket)...and blessed when I managed to somehow win Ari from the Spring Event Raffle (to which I co-own him with another newbette to Soq, only with more equal rights)...but there's many who don't have a Soquili yet that would desperately like one (whether it's via customs or merely getting lucky and winning one), but it's rather daunting when it seems that the same people always manage to get the slots.
Again, this is nothing against those people, but it seems to be the only way to even things up.
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:39 am
Ive got a couple of suggestions.
1) How about 'Colourist's Choice Events'? Some players have pointed out that bribes are popular, and maybe its partly due to the fact that a colourist can choose the soquili they want to do.
As an artist I agree with that idea compleatly, so I came up with the afore mentioned idea. To allow artists the choice to pick who they would like to colour, while not keeping out those of us without lots of gold. The fee would be that of a normal custom slot (according to the pricing rules per breed) but with the added advantage of the colourist getting a choice. It might open up more slots for those of us with few soquili and would give the colourist's a chance to just have fun without resorting to bribe events.
2) My second idea addresses the fears raised in the recent posts. That of the same dozen or so players apparently winning the bulk of the slots. I know alot of it is luck in raffles, or a fast internet connection, but it doesn't void the fact that it is happening. Of course everyone loves customs, but it would be nice to have a way to even things up a little.
My proposal is this: A limit on how many new soquili a player can aquire per month. This would include baskets, IRL slots, customs, FS and events. An IRL slot can hold up to 3 soquili, so it would count for only one 'slot' in the players monthly limit. After all they paid real cash for it. Maybe a limit of three soquili-slots a month, per player. Thats still plenty of room for enlarging ones herd, (as many players could win all three slots per month, every month), and could effectivly be five new soquili if one 'monthly slot' was an IRL one. But it would give others a chance to aquire a custom/breeding slot or two also and maybe help spread the soquili drop-offs around a little more.
Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 8:00 pm
I'd like to propose that more colorists open slots in the hair salon. xD Sirenz opened slots once there a while ago, and they still aren't finished (Twilight still has his long mane x3'' ), and there a handful of people who would really like to update their Soq's do's - whether they're custom or just a different default style.
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 8:54 am
I second the revival of the hair salon. XD
Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:06 pm
i agree with only letting someone get so many soquili per month, it would give others a chance at getting soquili