I think that there are different kinds of slang: the slang people use to make themselves look tough (ghetto slang), the slang that refers to a certain trade or profession which lets you take less time to get your message to people who need to know and also understand (trade slang), the slang that people use with their friends because everyone knows what you're talking about already (selective slang), and the slang that people use because they don't know what else to say and can't use good grammar (illiterate slang).

Basically, in my mind trade slang and selective slang are okay and useful when used in the proper setting and with the proper knowledge of what everything means. Ghetto slang and illiterate slang just make people look stupid and serves no purpose whatever. Whenever people use ghetto and illiterate slang, they are just proving how stupid and ignorant they really are. If you can't talk right then don't talk at all. There is a time and place for everything, including slang, but there is also a time and place for you to use the English language (or whatever your native language is) correctly.

eek I never thought of it that way. I learned something today. Yay!
Learned something? That's just the inside of my head, my opinion on the matter. I never imagined two people would agree with me. Normally, no one gets what I say. Hm. This isn't too bad for a fourteen-year-old. Now I learned something. There are people who can understand me! 4laugh