Reposting for another try at getting her someone
sweatdrop rofl Soq's Name: Morgana
Soq's Picture: Describe your soq's personality/interests: Morgana is a strange mare, having been raised by a kalona then put through rough trials the rest of her life. She has a hatred of flowers that started at a young age and a dark streak that she hasn't been able to shake yet. The poor girl's heart as been broken many times and it's left her bitter against stallions. She also sees herself as a 'plain jane' hideous on the outside so she puts on mannerisms to match. Because of this she is very hard to get close too and she tends to act very distant, and sometimes crazy, upon a first meeting. Once a soquili is able to get past those emotions though she tends to be a very loyal mare whom will do whatever it takes to protect a friend and loved one.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: Someone that can show her that she isn't as plain or hideous as she thinks herself to be. A stallion
(or mare) that isn't overly lovey dovey but can show their affection in a more grown-up light. Being a traveler at heart as well she wants someone unafraid to travel and be on the move a good bit. Said soquili needs to be able to deal with her attitude and mannerisms which won't likely e shaken very easily.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM
RP or non-RP?: Either
Flirt or Serious Relationship?: Either is fine.