Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:07 pm
In the end it's up to the colorist. In the past there actually have been Non-RP slots as well as RP slots.
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:30 am
I know someone brought up the suggestion of limiting a person to one pair per month and it was shot down. But couldn't that rule be applied only to the people who got the maximum of two breedings in the past month? Like if in Feb, Mary Sue won two breedings, she would only be allowed to enter/be involved in one pair in March? It gives other people more chances but at the same time won't penalize anyone who might have a pair with Mary Sue?
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:42 am
Huni Pi I know someone brought up the suggestion of limiting a person to one pair per month and it was shot down. But couldn't that rule be applied only to the people who got the maximum of two breedings in the past month? Like if in Feb, Mary Sue won two breedings, she would only be allowed to enter/be involved in one pair in March? It gives other people more chances but at the same time won't penalize anyone who might have a pair with Mary Sue? But by doing that you are still reducing Mary Sue's chances, and just because she got two in one month it wouldn't be fair to completely cut her chances in half for the following month since she may have never had a breeding before, or may have been trying for months and months with her couples and colourists took pity or they where rolled in Low luck or something (doesn't really take into account how they where won). After all if someone won three breedings in three months (one per month) they would not be penalised but Mary Sue is just because she got two in one month.... seems a little unfair to me.
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:25 pm
But isn't the point here to make it easier for those who consistently not win in raffles to win? Reducing Mary Sue's chances increases everyone else's, which would also make other people think twice about entering again if they've already won a breeding for that month.
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:26 pm
Suggestion heart
I dont know how popular the idea is for commissioned children for a pair, but for plot usage its very helpfull. I have commissioned whole families.
My suggestion is, that a commissioned offspring be allowed to be listed as a gen 2 with the parents names on the tag. I don't think there is a way for it to be abused, maybe be listed as commissioned gen 2 on the bottom of the tag or something?
My pets Hati & Skoll, IC have a daughter wondering around out there ( even though the pair has never had a breeding before, but when I eventually get a custom slot to get her, id love for her to be able have those pets listed as her parents.
Really I don't see much opportunity for abuse up for this rule, But I thought i'd just toss it out there. ^-^
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:28 pm
Huni Pi But isn't the point here to make it easier for those who consistently not win in raffles to win? Reducing Mary Sue's chances increases everyone else's, which would also make other people think twice about entering again if they've already won a breeding for that month. Isnt that why there are low-luck raffles though? If a person wins two raffles the month before, then they are starting with new pairs, while the person who did not win is still working twords getting into that much smaller raffle or staying in there, wich gives a much higher chance of winning then the raffles that everyone else are entereing.
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:14 am
Parue Isnt that why there are low-luck raffles though? If a person wins two raffles the month before, then they are starting with new pairs, while the person who did not win is still working twords getting into that much smaller raffle or staying in there, wich gives a much higher chance of winning then the raffles that everyone else are entereing. Aren't low-luck for specific Soquili pairs? I'm talking about the people entering. People with more pairs have more chances of winning that people with fewer pairs. And since they've won new Soq, they'll have even more pairs to try with come the next raffle and the next and when will the people with only two or three get higher chances of winning?
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:32 am
Huni Pi Parue Isnt that why there are low-luck raffles though? If a person wins two raffles the month before, then they are starting with new pairs, while the person who did not win is still working twords getting into that much smaller raffle or staying in there, wich gives a much higher chance of winning then the raffles that everyone else are entereing. Aren't low-luck for specific Soquili pairs? I'm talking about the people entering. People with more pairs have more chances of winning that people with fewer pairs. And since they've won new Soq, they'll have even more pairs to try with come the next raffle and the next and when will the people with only two or three get higher chances of winning? This isn't really a discussion thread....
But I still disagree. I know from my own experience that I had like no luck for a nearly a year, then finally Maion/Sengdroma (had been trying for over a year -Nov 0 cool got a slot, Drashi/Arrianna were picked for CC (total shock) and then the month after I got Scio rolled in the drunken thread.... the fact is I know that with my luck that is like none exsisting most of the time I will probably not get another breeding for months and months and months.... so for me since I will always enter the same couples until they get slots they will just be for LL counts. Its unfair to penalise me for having two lucky months when those who win say a breeding every month don't just because they have only had one breeding win each month rather than two.... thats just my opinion and in the end of the day it is up to the staff and colourists to decide.
It has always been a tradition for soquili to have two breeding pairs per month, so I think it would become complicated if things changed so that 'if you win two the month before you can only enter one the month after' people will make mistakes and who is going to be in charge of policing it and stuff.... just seems like extra work and worry for colourists and customers. Lately there have been more first time parent slots, first breeding ever slots etc so there are chances for everything you just have to wait to get lucky.
Well thats all I am going to say..... XD
Custom Family suggestion: I personally don't think this is a bad idea since I know already that one day I am going to seek custom children for some of my soquili once their breedings have all been used and stuff so that I can give more babies away to friends smile
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 1:40 pm
Random thing!
I would personally be curious to know the process by which colorists decide what species traits of each parent pass on to their kids. XD I'm not annoyed or anything... I'm just curious.
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:15 pm
Revolutionary Roniel Random thing! I would personally be curious to know the process by which colorists decide what species traits of each parent pass on to their kids. XD I'm not annoyed or anything... I'm just curious. they roll, breed/traits, and gender for foals and which will have edits(if only one parent has edits)
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:13 pm
@ Samus: Cool! Thanks! I know that for edits that it's slightly weighted so that the offspring are more likely to be less edited than the parents... but do you know how hybridization works? Like if it's more likely that the offspring will be hybrids or like one parent?
XD These are the breeding questions that I have pondered for the entirety of my soq career.
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:18 pm
XD I'm back! With a somewhat more pertinent suggestion/question.
Can we request different versions of a breed's features? Like... now there are more versions of kalona wings and wind wings. Some of 'em I favor more than others and I might be a little disgruntled if my less favorite ones showed up from a breeding unexpected.
Is it possible to request certain versions of a breed's features upon winning a breeding?
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:38 pm
Har har har... XD It's kinda awkward to post right after my own post... but hey! I have a lot of opinions. This one is definitely pertinent, though.
I've spotted a rules contradiction!
Sooooo... in the breeding information thread there is this:
In order to qualify for the RP raffle, couples must have trackable/verifiable romantic and/or hormonal/flirting Roleplay.
Given that I had a hormonal roleplay recently rejected for RP qualification... I think that the guidelines for RP qualification in this thread and in the RP qual thread need to be equalized so they don't give mixed messages.
Personally, I like the breeding information guideline better. I think that you ought to be able to get RP qualification for proof of hormonal/flirting roleplay even if it doesn't show any actual lasting partnership in the soquili. Some soquili, notably many kalona and the like, are not going to form partnerships with their mating partners. That's perfectly in character and I see little reason why the roleplays depicting two soquili interacting in a hormonal/flirting manner leading up to a one night stand should be rejected. As someone who tries to roleplay out the majority of her breedings, it's frustrating to me to think that I might not ever be able to get certain of my soquili RP qualification, just because they don't have the personality to form romantic or long-lasting connections.
Regaaaaaaardless of that issue however... that line still contradicts the way that breeding qualification has actually been happening, so I think that it needs to be edited (or qualifications rules have to be changed) so as to not give a misleading impression.
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:57 pm
Revolutionary Roniel XD I'm back! With a somewhat more pertinent suggestion/question. Can we request different versions of a breed's features? Like... now there are more versions of kalona wings and wind wings. Some of 'em I favor more than others and I might be a little disgruntled if my less favorite ones showed up from a breeding unexpected. Is it possible to request certain versions of a breed's features upon winning a breeding? In general, no. Babies will inherit their parents features unless they got a throwback/variant roll.Revolutionary Roniel Har har har... XD It's kinda awkward to post right after my own post... but hey! I have a lot of opinions. This one is definitely pertinent, though. I've spotted a rules contradiction! Sooooo... in the breeding information thread there is this: In order to qualify for the RP raffle, couples must have trackable/verifiable romantic and/or hormonal/flirting Roleplay.Given that I had a hormonal roleplay recently rejected for RP qualification... I think that the guidelines for RP qualification in this thread and in the RP qual thread need to be equalized so they don't give mixed messages. Personally, I like the breeding information guideline better. I think that you ought to be able to get RP qualification for proof of hormonal/flirting roleplay even if it doesn't show any actual lasting partnership in the soquili. Some soquili, notably many kalona and the like, are not going to form partnerships with their mating partners. That's perfectly in character and I see little reason why the roleplays depicting two soquili interacting in a hormonal/flirting manner leading up to a one night stand should be rejected. As someone who tries to roleplay out the majority of her breedings, it's frustrating to me to think that I might not ever be able to get certain of my soquili RP qualification, just because they don't have the personality to form romantic or long-lasting connections. Regaaaaaaardless of that issue however... that line still contradicts the way that breeding qualification has actually been happening, so I think that it needs to be edited (or qualifications rules have to be changed) so as to not give a misleading impression. Thanks for catching that, as you may have noticed a lot of the rules have been undergoing clarification, inevitably something slips through.
Revolutionary Roniel @ Samus: Cool! Thanks! I know that for edits that it's slightly weighted so that the offspring are more likely to be less edited than the parents... but do you know how hybridization works? Like if it's more likely that the offspring will be hybrids or like one parent? XD These are the breeding questions that I have pondered for the entirety of my soq career. Edits other than breed features are not rolled, they are chosen by the colorist. I can't really speak for anyone but myself, but I generally try to distribute an equal number of edits (in the case of min/moderate edit parents) or slightly less (in the case of heavy edits) to the offspring - this varies a lot though with how much extra work I have that month or even how difficult/easy I find the specific type of edit.
As for hybridization, it's a bit less than half the time (the remainder is the rare chance for throwback traits) - the other half being equally split between dam or sire's breed.