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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:00 pm
OOC: Hey, I've been used and violated and everyone has wandered off leaving me behind *sob* I think I'll just insinuate Dahry and III took me along.

The shinobi was still feeling weak from his forcible Jenova removal and as such leaned heavily on Dahry during the ride. Occasionally he would mumble things but they never seemed to make a whole lot of sense. It was a little bit before Dahry realized the ninja was sleeping with his eyes open, and apparently trying to keep up with the conversation at the same time.

OOC:I really don't feel bad for you 3nodding .

Dahry paused for a moment as she realised she had left Shinrei behind. A weak grin lit her features for a moment as she imagined his chagrin at not knowing the contents of her hideaway, but it was a brief smile as chagrin filled her at the thought that he quite possibly knew the places contents as well as she. It was one ofthose points of contention between them, that he had stolen and spyed so much on her in years past, yet it was also one thing on which they had common ground, for she had taken many similarly informative trips herself. The part that really got to her was that he frequently one-upped her on the scale of knowing 'secrets'.  
PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:29 pm
Ermak Lorde

Freyr laughed, "Responsible? Me?? I thought my own brother would know me better!" He chuckled again, his gaze lifting to the sky where the Dragon and it's rider had dissapeared. "Me thinks we are catching up!" The chimera whooped suddenly, but just as he turned to share his elation with the blonde ex-Turk Leviathan's head snapped up, it's gaze transfereing abruptly east. With a roar the great serpent swerved it's sinuous form racing through the waters, with a yelp Freyr dug his claws in, leaning forward over the thick ridged back of his impromptu stead, reaching back to grab Fenrir's legs he secured his rider. "Oops!" He muttered once he had spat the salt-water spray from his mouth. "Guess Levi has other ideas..." He muttered almost sheepishly as they sped further away from Orrin and Shade.

Fenrir yelped in surprise as the sea serpent abruptly changed direction. At Freyr's comment (which revealed to Fenrir an apparent lack of control over the beast) Fenrir set his jaw in determined fashion. "Well let us hope it is a good idea." Under his breath muttered, " Trusting an adventure to an overgrown polywog...."

Eskevar Fire Cross

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:10 pm
Freyr snickered, "Better overgrown than undergrown right?" His blue eyes gazed out over the expanses of water, for several moments he stayed silent as he scanned the horizon, then all of the sudden the Chimera grinned broadly. "Oh... Levi's just going home!" He blithely informed his rider, "Ever been to Wutai?"  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:59 am
Fenrir perked up at the mention of Wutai. " I used to work there with Garm for a whle," he answered. " After we quit the Turks we just got on the first ship leaving, we didn't even check the destination. We ended up in Wutai and well... we didn't have any money for passage back to Icicle so we got a job there." He thought for a moment. " Shouldn't we going after this father guy? Or at least looking for something to stop him, not taking pleasure cruises to Wutai?"  

Eskevar Fire Cross


PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:15 am
OOC:I really don't feel bad for you 3nodding .

Dahry paused for a moment as she realised she had left Shinrei behind. A weak grin lit her features for a moment as she imagined his chagrin at not knowing the contents of her hideaway, but it was a brief smile as chagrin filled her at the thought that he quite possibly knew the places contents as well as she. It was one ofthose points of contention between them, that he had stolen and spyed so much on her in years past, yet it was also one thing on which they had common ground, for she had taken many similarly informative trips herself. The part that really got to her was that he frequently one-upped her on the scale of knowing 'secrets'.

OOC: I am well and truly hurt cry Oh well someone else has agreed to love me up-er I mean... take me with them

Shinrei groaned, By the five mighty Gods what is that racket. came his first conscious thought. He still felt terrible, and the noise was not helping. He blinked several times, his eyes hurt, his head hurt every single fiber of his body hurt. He looked around and realized he was in a helicopter. Stumbling to his feet he made his way to the cockpit, trying to figure out what was going on.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 12:33 pm
Ermak Lorde
Vaizel glanced at Dawn and started to shrug,
Oh just kill it! Sephiroth snapped.
You make it sound so easy! We don't even know what it can do yet! Vaizel snorted mentally
It IS easy! The ex-general snarled back, Watch!
And without any more warning than that Vaizel's body moved, grasping both his Chakram expertly sending first one and then the other spinning out before him as he raced towards the beast. A shreik rent the air as twin gashes marked the sides of the bomb-like creature. A moment later Vaizel folded his wings before him and body-slammed the monstrosity. Steam rose from the metal plates where it touched the mutated creature and it's saliva, but whatever Vaizel's wings were made of was stronger than the bomb-thing's acidic spit. Snapping his wings outward Sephiroth used Vaizel's body to send the thing flying his hands raised to catch the returning Chakram weapons without looking at them. A smirk twisted the cyborg's lips.

"Not hard at all..." Sephiroth muttered,
"It's not dead yet!" Vaizel growled, nodding to where the mutated monster rose unsteadily back into the air.
"Fun's just starting!" Sephiroth laughed.

Sabel grinned, a slight thrill of the hunt coloring her emotions. Calling upon the power of her materia, she cast the enemy skill Aqualung. For the negligible amount of MP it cost, it was a very effective water attack, and though the bomb-like creature was clearly mutated, she took a guess that it was likely still weak against this attack.  


The demon Angel

PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:17 am
Nebelheim, things always seemed to come back here, only this time, Vincent wasn't heading into the Shinra mansion. His right hand firmly held the grip on cerberus as his eyes scanned the foggy mountainside, and the giant reactor visible even from this distance. So far, he could discern no movement, but he knew that wouldn't last long. He moved quickly, and quietly. His stealth born of long and constant practice, until he was close enough to hear the sounds emenating from below. Enough damage had been done here already, he decided, and descended into the mako reactor to flush his enemy out.

(( more to come, but I thought this would make a good introduction ))  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:52 pm
Something was up, there was too much movement, not all of which was readily identifiable even with his sensors. Slayer 1 activated a cellular frequency as easily as a human breathed, and somewhere else in the world, Rufus' phone began to ring. When he answered, or even if he let his voice mail respond, he would recieve a message from the android combat suit. "Significant Activity Detected Off Western Coast Of Nibel Area. Numerous Monsters Sighted Heading Towards Wutai, Chimera Classified: Freyr Also Sighted With Accompanying Summon Classified: Leviathan, Appears To Be Moving To Join Or Intercept Monsters. Request Permission To Persue And Engage." It wasn't the shortest message, but it was efficient enough, he supposed.  

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer

Ermak Lorde

PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:55 am
Vaizel grinned as the Enemy skill from his wife enveloped the monster before him.
It'll just make it mad you know...
So what? Vai snorted back, Dawn isn't some flighty girl, she contributes where she can!
She's just making it mad... Sephiroth mockingly pointed out again.
SHUT UP!! It's not like we can't take care of it right? That made Sephiroth laugh
Vai shot forward again, just as the angered Mutant-Grenade spat it's acidic spit at Dawn, without missing a beat Vai spread one great metal wing intercepting the corrosive liquid and ignoring it as it steamed off his mechanical limbs. He lauched his chakrams again and they sunk deep in the burning discolored hide, Vai followed quickly this time leaping up and landing himself, claw foot first, on the creature's face. The Bomb-like thing took the opportunity to chomp hard on the metal, but it was a futile effort. Raising his right hand Vaizel found himself gripping the plate he had taken from his wings, smirking almost sadistically he drove it down between the foul monster's eyes. it's shreik echoed through the twisted caverns. even as it imploded into rank black smoke.

Rufus was not particularly startled when his phone began insistantly ringing, considering the reports he had been receiving, he was expecting at least one of his Turks or the various other people in his employ to be updating him at any moment. He was NOT expecting to hear the robotic voice of Slayer 1 delivering said information, that surprise held him silent for a few very breif seconds. Yet even as he processed what Slayer 1 had told him he was considering the courses of action. So someone... probably this "Father" he had heard of, was in nibel? Monsters where heading to Wutai? ... He frowned to himself, there wasn't much he could do 'officially' in Wutai... Shinra Influence, no matter how minimal, would not be welcome there. Slayer had also mentioned the Chimera "Freyr", that thought lent itself to mixed feelings, the Ex-SOLDIER was frivolous and unpredictable, but he was just that... Ex-SOLDIER, and not the self-proclaimed sort like Cloud Strife. However it was the last part of Slayer 1's message that really caught the President's attention, "Persue and Engage whom?" He confirmed quickly, The Robot and he had a bit of a past... but neither held the other in any sort of affection. Slayer 1 was loyal to the letter... but only to the "letter". Which had gotten Rufus in a few unusual predicaments in his prior dealings with the android.  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:59 am
He found his quarry in the deepest reaches of the reactor, near the source of the refined lifestream known as Mako. This reactor hadn't been functioning for several years now, and yet it was 'producing' beyond it's intended capacity now. The tall mysterious figure didn't recognize his presence right away, so intent was in on it's task. He had plenty of time to line up his shot. As he squeezed the trigger three high velocity bullets screamed down the barrels of the cerberus, aimed for the heart of the creature in front of him.  

The demon Angel

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer

PostPosted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:44 pm
Slayer 1's response was delayed just a fraction of a second, which Rufus knew by now meant that he was 'calculating' his response. "Pursue And Engage All Entities Classified: Monster." He responded tacitly.

The 'creature' responded quickly, far quicker than any human, even a Jenova enhanced human, could have responded. A barrier surged outwards, intercepting the bullets and deflecting them harmlessly from the air as the 8 foot tall 'thing' turned coldly in Vincent's direction. "Arogant, and foolish." He said in a deadly voice, it's wings spreading artfully behind him as his clawed hand began to glow. He chanted an arcane invocation the likes of which this world had not heard in centuries, and suddenly Vincent's head was wracked with pain, all the 'tainted' energies within his body rebelling within him. Though 'father' looked perhaps a tad confused, this wasn't quiet the reaction he'd been looking for. It meant that Vincent's taint was not the same sort as his, or even the refined Mako. Well, far be it from him to deny himself a curious examination of something new.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 10:23 pm
Rufus paused breifly to consider Slayer 1's response. "Freyr is not classified as a monster."

Freyr chuckled at Fenrir's confusion. "Levi's the gaurdian of Wutai," He informed the Ex-Turk cheerfully, "So something has to be really wrong in Wutai for Levi to disobey his summoner's orders. Which likely means that Father is up to something there... right? I mean who else is running around making mischief?... Besides you and me of course."  

Ermak Lorde

Eskevar Fire Cross

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:28 pm
Fenrir contemplated Freyr's words for a moment and then responded with, "I suppose so.... I'm just not all that excited about going back to Wutai right now."

The ex-Turk fidgeted a moment and then launched into a completely unsolicited explanation, " It's only there was that girl's father who um... got it into his head I had... that is... in a word.... compromised his daughter in some manner (I didn't, I swear). He totally went ballistic on me (he never believed me when I said it was Garm) and tried to make me marry her! I'm wasn't ready to leave my short sweet life as a bachelor; not that she wasn't pretty and all.... But the long and the short of it is I'm not sure if he's forgotten yet..."
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 5:46 am
Vincent was prepared for some sort of attack, but the agony was still very nearly debilitating. He didn't let it stop him from firing off another couple shots, though whatever barrier he'd erected stopped them too. It looked like he'd need a bit more firepower to punch through it. Gritting his teeth, and blinking past the tears brought on by the mindnumbing pain he growled the word "Flare!" And the green materia socketed in his weapon glowed briefly before the powerful burst of heat and force blasted between him and his opponent, shattering empty holding cells, and bursting a nearby pipe as his opponent was knocked backwards and up, dissappearing momentarily from view. Vincent wasn't sure if it'd penetrated his barrier or simply knocked it back along with him. But he was soon to find out.  

The demon Angel

Janus HighPriestOfPlayer

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 1:00 pm
His response was quick, already calculated, "Partially Correct, Freyr Classified: Chimera, Chimera Classified: Monster. As Recorded In ShinRa Databases, Sir." if the robot were capable of inflection Rufus had a sneaking suspicion that last comment would have sounded a tad patronizing.

Durova found himself amongst steaming and broken fragments of machinery, but overall unharmed. His barrier had taken a solid blow, but was still intact. He pushed himself back to his feet, using his wings to shove a few things out of the way to get back at his opponent. It took a little doing as his physical body was not overly strong, and he wanted to save his energy for the fight. This could be interesting, ultimately futile, but at least the mortal wasn't a complete push over. As soon as he had the cloaked figure back in sight he uttered a few more harsh syllables, and the man braced to resist, only this time the spell was a bit more indirect, a rumbling was heard below, and suddenly boiling mako streamed around them both, not bothering Durova's barrier in the slightest as it surged towards the gunman.  
JENOVA's Witnesses

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