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Halloween CYO Raffle Thread [Ended!] Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 18 19 20 21 22 [>] [»|]

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Romantic Man-Lover

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:26 pm

CC'd by Deej

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: musicaloner7
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert

User Image Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: cream, blue,teal, white, black, olive green,

Likes: bones, skeletons, lace, keys, victoran stuff, pirates, cream, blue, white, black, deer, kalona

Dislikes: zombies, mutilation, muddy colours, clowns, growths, tentacles, open wounds, usdia, mer's,
PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:37 pm



Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: malhith
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert

User Image Uncert

Uncert (: Didn't want to stretch the page.

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Green, wings, nature...gryphs. Erm...flowers. Fall colours

Dislikes: Skinwalkers, kalonas, minis, too much pink...gore...*shrugs.*

Vice Captain

Sparkly Seeker


Fluffy Pup

PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:35 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: Logue
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted


So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Blues, or natural color themes.

-All breeds
-Big, floofy hair
-Soft colors

-Excessive gore
-Facial hair
-Horribly clashing color combos (neon green + hot pink, etc)
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:13 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: Maxx D
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User Image Uncert
Gender: Female (OC)

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: -

Likes: -

Dislikes: -

Maxx D

Garbage Cat

Jun D

Shoujo Shounen

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:14 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User ImageUncert
Female (OC)

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: -

Likes: ~*~*~*Pretty Girls*~*~*~

Dislikes: -
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:09 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: bullterrierlove
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted


So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Dudes, all breeds, awesome colour combos. *U*

Dislikes: Bald.


Shirtless Spotter

10,200 Points
  • Ultimate Player 200
  • Nudist Colony 200
  • Risky Lifestyle 100

Miko Tadita

Ruthless Hunter

14,400 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Brandisher 100
  • Cool Cat 500
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:59 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Proof of Plush: certLINKTOCERT]First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: anything and everything

Likes: everything

Dislikes: nothing
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 5:08 pm


Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: Candle Wick Ghost
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted

User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

User Image Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Black/white/Blue, Black/red/white or generally anything mixed with black and/or white.


Zombies, skeletons, gore, wolves/animals, ghosts... Anything halloween-y

... neutral I'm good with just about anything, so don't threat. <3

Candle Wick Ghost

Romantic Lunatic

11,600 Points
  • The Wolf Within 100
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Flatterer 200


Generous Bloodsucker

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:29 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: Xe-mu-na-su
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
User Image Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos:

Likes: Males.

Dislikes: Anything clown related, yellow, Seathi, Usdia, bald.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:59 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: xxSaspra
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)
User Image Uncert

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: N/A

Likes: Blood

Dislikes: Excessive gore


Dangerous Capitalist

Devil NightShade

PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:13 pm

Lets see if these treats of mine have any tricks!

Username: Devil NightShade
Proof of Plush: First plushie Gifted this CYO

If I win the raffle, this is the plushie I want converted
(if no preference, leave blank)

Rest of Plushies I wouldn't mind having converted
User Image Uncert
User Image Uncert
User Image Uncert

So people don't have to ask me constantly
Color preferences/Fave Color Combos: Red/Blacks Blue/Blacks ... well ... almsot anything that isn't overly pastel and girly colors.

- All breeds but minis (prefer kalona and 'suties)
- Blood
- Varrying amounts of gore (depnding on the artist)
- Bones
- Leather / Lacy Elegance.
- Long manes.

-Overly Cutesie is about it
PostPosted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:59 pm

Raffle is closed and the list is updated. If there are any errors, quote a staff member in the main thread with the issue.

Malis Vitterfolk

Familiar Shapeshifter

ATh e a r t generated a random number between 1 and 219 ... 139!

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:31 am

Since this has been closed since last night and I don't think there are any disputes about the list, I'm rolling three of you guys now (:

    Page 1

    *CC'd - Slimy*Sabin Duvert
    *CC'd - Deej* propheticdreams
  1. Tilly_Milly_wolf
  2. o-Nightwing-o
  3. The Dawn of Twilight
  4. RockerWolfie1616
    *CC'd - Heart* Feydrah
  6. Roniel Targaryen
  7. ATh e a r t
  8. Nymphalidae
    *CC'd - DD* Sarei Stargazer

    page 2

  9. Fea Line
    *CC'd - Mind*Kara Asumie
  10. Hyperthymesia
  11. Daeril-sama
    *CC'd - Slimy* Moxxiie
  12. Meeki
  13. Hoshi Lockhart
    *CC'd - Slimy* Kiara Lime
  14. Leopleuradon
    *CC'd - Heart* She-Ra of Etheria
  15. Thamin
  16. LadyKirin
    *CC'd - Mobbu ChaosTheories
    *CC'd - Mobbu Revel1984

    page 3

  17. Looneytaz82
  18. Kesmi
  19. SylverStar
    *CC'd - Mobbu Lady_Ourania
  20. [+Katch+]
  21. II--Gen3sis--II
    *CC'd - Neph!Butt* JetAlmeara
    *CC'd - Slimy*Kamiki
  22. Ragers
    *CC'd - Slimy*OrliDeppgrl1526
  23. Cheshirekttty
  24. purrrlekitty
  25. Dea and #Teddy#
  26. Nyx Queen of Darkness
    *CC'd - Neph!Butt* -moomoolattecha-

    page 4

    *CC'd - Juls*Tara de Draiocht
    *CC'd - Deej* Redbud-Tree
  27. Lunadriel
    *CC'd - Gallow*
  28. Seiana_ZI
    *CC'd - Troll* tefla
  29. Theidren
    *CC'd - Neph!Butt* XxPrimevalPandaxX
  30. Mameha Otome
    *CC'd - Heart* ramenli
    *CC'd - Slimy*Fayt_of_Redemption
    Conversion Won in Pumpkin Patch! -Mind .Tortured. .Pumpkin.
    *CC'd - Slimy*Midori_keiko
  31. -Nessus-Euenos-
  32. Teigra
  33. Mindsend *DO NOT CC*

    page 5

  34. Xx--Fuzzy-Gumdrop--xX
  35. Beejoux
    *CC'd - Slimy* Teh Roarie
  36. Ririka
  37. Mobster Goose
    *CC'd - DD* Junglerunner
    *CC'd - DD* sbuggy166
  38. Techno Rocket
    *CC'd- Mal*Thalea
  39. Malikztiah Ankhere
  40. ladyfirefox89
  41. SummedUp
  42. Lunarflowermaiden
  43. pinkdog
  44. Summer Raven

    page 6

  45. Natelie
  46. Ishtanballa
    *CC'd - Troll* x blame it on the --- x
    *CC'd - Neph!Butt* Huroggmeten
  47. Elf Princess Flannery
    *CC'd - Heart* mangshra
  48. Amirynth
  49. Kettyn
  50. II Paradox II
  51. dawns_aura
    *CC'd - Deej* catmagick
  52. Faid Shadowlight
  53. SilverShieldwolf
    *CC'd - Mobbu magnadearel
  54. sage_the_vampirc_angel

    page 7

    *CC'd - Neph!Butt* vollyballrocks91
  55. Mia Lovasz
    *CC'd - DD* Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
    *CC'd - Heart* Tigeria
  56. Caitlyn Hellstorm
  57. Reeve_Tuesti
  58. Kathryn Dragonna
    *CC'd - Mind* -Yasha Alcehmist
  59. Buttpuppetry
  60. Polette
  61. Pollack
  62. ~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~
  63. Ktns
  64. Heavenly Snow
  65. ArashiX

    page 8

  66. Strawberri Stardust
    *CC'd - DD* FallenThroughMidnight
  67. akuma_kessaku
  68. Kirowyn Love
    *CC'd - DD* Upside.-.Down
  69. Sweenys_Revenge
  70. Rita Zyon
    *CC'd - Mind* nekolulu
  71. [X]Natty-Chan[X]
  72. Znaruto
  73. Malomy
  74. xx Aps
  75. Parasitic Candii
  76. ~Kiana_Nala~
  77. Raving. Rabbids

    page 9

  78. Mahogany Sunset
    *CC'd - Deej* [Mistress Morbid]
    *CC'd - Deej* Elvyralani
  79. Rhyleigh
  80. Windy dasher
  81. Bardess Ookami
  82. Ac.Wings
  83. Twitchapher the 3rd
  84. Derivative
  85. Apotropaics
    *CC'D Heart* Pop P u n k Craze
    *CC'D Mind* AislingJuno
    *CC'd - Deej* Ovarian Paint
    *CC'D Mind* Amira Keller

    Page 10

  86. KanamiTenjo
  87. Split Personality
    *CC'd - Neph!Butt* Vistada
  88. Akira-Kisho
  89. Divena
  90. Fatal Irony
  91. Libby Libra
  92. ~Lady Kanna~
  93. saedusk
    *CC'd - Mobbu Ryuukishin
  94. LunaRei_Silverblood
  95. MynanaFlirts
  96. C o w b o y P e e p
    *CC'd - Heart* Poe-Tae-Toee
    *CC'd - Slimy* Tygress Dream

    Page 11

  97. x Yuki Bear x
  98. astroaries
  99. NovaCracker
    *CC'd - Deej* Buffy_the_Bloody
  100. Zee Oddwyn
  101. Puhterodactyl
  102. Angelique DelaMort
  103. slimycrow
    *CC'd - Slimy* Tirokio
  104. pippi18848
  105. Natitsuri
  106. Moon_Princess_Yuki
    *CC'd - Juls* AlexiaSilver
  107. Leez0rz
  108. LydaLynn

    Page 12

  109. mewmew kittykat94
  110. Schicksalswende
  111. Darkmoon Dancer
  112. iJimmytheKitty
  113. StarieMichie
  114. Snowbelle Thundara
  115. Kyaishi
  116. iCatNipTequila
    *CC'd - Troll* Roadkill
  117. Viva Viola
    *CC'd - Heart* MoonRazor
  118. charLOLLI sheen
  119. FitzRoyal
  120. Of The Epidemic
  121. LexThetaSigma - Revoking my CC, since I'm a derp and didn't notice the Bee Raffle win >.<

    Page 13

  122. JadedTiger22
  123. Ice_Dragon_Demon
  124. Lady Argentum Draconis
    *CC'd - Heart* Belalusiia
  125. Cornetified
  126. Scaramouche Fandango
  127. River of Sand
    *CC'd - Gallow*
  128. Snow_Leopard_Anthro
    *CC'd - Heart* Nim Haven
  129. Draconian_Peacock
  130. odet amo
  131. Rein_Carnation
  132. Naru_Uchiha007
    *CC'd - DD* shadica
  133. PixelDeerest

    Page 14

  134. Jinx Creed
  135. Meepfur
  136. vballlvr5
    *CC'd - Deej* DarkHeartedSorrows
  137. irishgirl1017
  138. Nyhility
  139. Dooma
    *CC'd - Juls* Natsuko-neko
  140. Phail Ninja
    *CC's - Gallow*
  141. icy serenade
    *CC'd - DD*Demite
  142. Freaksrus
  143. Tamiko_kitten
    *CC'd - Deej* Thy Reaper
  144. Hero Rarehart

    Page 15

    *CC'd - DD*~InfinityTrust~
  145. Roserain
    *CC'd - Troll*baby_gwing
    *CC'd - Deej* ImAHarumiBunny
  146. keliptis
  147. Aurrie Beaues
  148. -_Wish of the Goddess_-
  149. dbz2010
  150. littletomol
  151. naggeela
  152. Tristam Lockhart
  153. Kyriana Razian
    *CC'd - Mal*Skypriestess
  154. Yayoi

    page 16

  155. Dollfie
  156. xKOVAKtheWOLFx
  157. Amasis
  158. Dreydrop
  159. Kallysto
  160. Jezbel
  161. Rabid-white-mongoose
  162. Zakiax
  163. -[The Spoof]-
  164. JulianMoMo
    *CC'd - Deej* BikiCakes
    *CC'd - Troll* Evilpirateduck
  165. Werebit
  166. Yin-bug

    page 17

  167. Sesshy552
  168. Seruta
  169. Fayth-x
  170. angelgirl2345
  171. milly17
  172. Tenko72
  173. DeeJaye
  174. White Neko Chan
  175. cyhorse
  176. DieKraft Fe-Amon
  177. XBlind-DarknessX
  178. GrnGriff
  179. Ruyail

    Page 18

  180. Alanna the Pirate Queen
  181. Mei Silja
  182. dolphingurl
  183. Ol-j-man
  184. Faithofthefallen
  185. Insanity_Of_The_loveless
  186. Lady in the Golden Wood
  187. Saint Sergio
  188. Andranis
  189. Froggie Doll
  190. Alliisara
  191. Bloo Starr
  192. DivenasMom
  193. Laroawan
  194. Depawsit

    Page 19

  195. Pukie7
  196. ~Twilight...Angel~
  197. Jaded Sunset
  198. Syaoran-Puu
  199. Yuri2476
  200. Sachie Whitby
  201. TrigunKittie
  202. Lysia_nyteblade
  203. Bella dea
  204. ~Masamune~
  205. Muffinsbaby
  206. Ultima Vita
  207. Manasstalker
  208. Yeomso
  209. Riffler

    Page 20

    *CC'd - Deej* Musicaloner7
  210. Malhith
  211. Logue
  212. Maxx D
  213. Jun D
  214. Bullterrierlove
  215. Miko Tadita
  216. Candle Wick Ghost
  217. Xe-mu-na-su
  218. xxSaspra
  219. Devil NightShade

ATh e a r t generated a random number between 1 and 219 ... 209!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:32 am

Second Rolled slot~

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

ATh e a r t generated a random number between 1 and 219 ... 210!

ATh e a r t

Romantic Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:33 am

Third Rolled slot!

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