Soq's Name: Kodah
Soq's Picture:
Describe your soq's personality/interests: Kodah is still very much a character in progress. He is full of fire, a proper fighting spirit but headstrong with it, will be likely to stumble into situations that might overwhelm him because of his personality.
Kodah will hopefully be following in the footsteps of his Uncle Ambroise, a strong and capable leader, with proper fighting skills.
Most of all he wants to protect his mother who he loves more than anything, he sees Nivriti as a precious flower who he has to protect. He teases his sister, and gets on fairly well with his brother. He looks up to his father for general guidance but is more in tune with Ambroise, his Uncle.
What is your soq looking for in a mate?: No one evil or malicious. Race isn't so important, but would prefer a non-clash of colour. Possibly a headstron mare like himself, or maybe one a little more sensible to be a calming influence. Would have to put up with his sometimes stupid behaviour.
How do you want others to contact you?: PM, or post here
XRP or non-RP?: RP
Flirt or serious relationship?: Serious
Note: I am mostly testing the waters here, looking for a solid relationship - I will be picky and this will require a good rp background.