Rania and Hadeel do not harsh, got it?
And Rania, you think you are world best person because you turn of the light 1 hour?
And discuz about the campaign 2 hours in the computer?
I am personally not using any other electricity than my computer right now... And i don't use light when it's not dark..
I cycle, and walk/run around even though we got a car... For my health and for the earth...
But Allah will protect the world! But it's best to focuz on something else... But if u one day become president, then try to do something ^^ But i think that in some years world will be driven on electricity and stuff like that.
excuse me? We're not harsh..
Yes, I do think I'm words best person when I do that, u have a problem with that? It makes ME feel better, I don't care what u think? Who are you? Why are you always here judging me, and making me feel bad and stupid?
sad i am just trying to be friendly, but you should accept my views... Accept everyone aint u." quoting zaki
That's not being friendly, that's not being friendly to me, and what views? That I am a bad person no matter what I do? That your way is the right way? That everything I say is against you?
Talk about bad confidence...
And talk about always said, life is a test. How can it be a test if Allah is always protecting it?
What's our role here?
Good that you're doing those things, good.