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Reply 09 Level 1 - Casual RPs (archive)
The night world...soulmates ACCEPTING NEEDS BOYS AND GIRLS! Goto Page: [] [<<] [<] 1 2 3 ... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:43 am
Emily sat across from him curled up in her chair. for some reason she could think easyer curled up. "Well Obviously I know what a soulmate is, But I don't know what it has to do with us or nything else we're doing for that matter." she said seriously clancing through the index of the book on the table. She wonderd how this could help them.

She didn't want to be rude...but why would they need the soulmate princible? obviously if they couldn't be cought tigether now why should it matter if they were soulmates?" she wonderd fliping to a page in the middle of the book titles soulmate law.  
PostPosted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 6:00 pm
Nich looked through the pages and muttered off hand.

"If we can prove were soul-mates i think that there is a law that would protect us from charges, and if you havent figured out by now the reson the book of laws is so short is because every crime is solved with execution. So i think this may in fact be our last hope, even if we never talk to eachother again.."

Nich coughed the idea stung him but he swallowed it and pressed on.

"we will probably both end up dead before our time."

Nich was reading horrible words. Words that were talking about him. His quik skimming had moved from finding information to looking for something to tell him he wasnt destined to sadness for eternity. From what he understood soul-mate's worked two-ways all the time, but his eyes fell across words a moment ago about anomoles, and this thought scared him.  



PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:02 pm
Emily had stoped reading and looked at him. was he seriouse? He had completly shut himself away hadn't he. He would rather not talk to her ever if it ment him living? He was all she had. Nobody got her or could relate to her like he did. And he didn't seem to care. He was making this worse than it was.

she sighed looking back in her book. she was so tempted to just give up on it all. But then again would he? she doubted it. She could feel tears in her eyes and wiped them away before he could see.

"here" she said pushing the book to his side of the table..it was a page on the soulmate princible.  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:17 pm
Nich put the books side by side. So he could read comfortably and didnt look at her. He read from the laws, and sighed.

"It seems that because of the side-affects of the soul-mate principle then the government or ruling faction of the night world has to show leniency to any who are subject to it. Just like i thought. So now."

Nich closed the book of laws and slid it away. he flicked back to the begginning of his book and held up a page with a long list on it for emily to see. It held all the visible affects of soul-mates.

"Okay so essentially we act like were in love, but ot na extreme. Sad when the other is away, but pleasant when they arent. Even to the point of complete and utter trust when it comes to all things, and no malicious intent to one another. So no snagging the last slice of pizza and stuff like that."

Nich stood up turned his back to her. he walked bakc and forth a little as iff remembering and forgetting a [articualr something and said simply.

"Here's the plan, once we dont comply to their three day proposition, then theyll check on us and probably watch us. We're safe fo awhile, and if we send in a claim to apply to be tried as soul-mates then they wont do anything. So as long as our s**t gets processd before the next full moon, we should be okay as long as they dont send some witches after us. Then if all goes well, we can take off to somewhere far away, like an island nation or something and get back to regular life. Im thinking we should be fine an a few weeks."

Nich was gringding his own gears to keep going and not collapse from greif. He said normal life like pretending to be in love would be a chore to be rid of. To her maybe maybe not, but to him he knew it would be complete torture. He knew he fit the symtoms of this soul-mate thing, and he hated it. he was irrational about her from the first time they met. He invited her to live withhim the same evening, and... Nich balled his metal hand into a fist. He remembered how easy it had been to remove his own hand for her only a day after she'd moved in.

He was hopeless.  



PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:53 pm
Emily glanced down the list and just looked at him as he talked. This was all so agrivating. she just wanted to go back to having a simple slightly tortcherd life. But with the way he was talking things could only get worse. She watched his reactions to things and knew something was hurting him. emotionaly. Her she had no doubt. Just being around her seemed to hurt him. And now he seemed to care less about anything but keeping alive. She didn't understand him at all. if she had to leave to keep them all alive and keep him fron hurting..shouldn't she move? she sighd laying her head on the table a moment thinking. what was she going to do? she almost preferd her foster parents.  
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:13 pm
Nich sat on the table and pushed himself across it to sit on the edge beside her. He put a hand gently on her back and rubbed it softly. To him it was like carressing white-hot steel, but he did it anyway because he realized something about the positon he was in.

He stared into space for a moment thinking before he realized tangibly that it didnt matter to him if his soul were in tatters he would do anything for her. He couldnt not. It was that simple.

"Everything will be fine emily, ill get this sorted out, and you dont have to worry about anything, im sorry i did this to you, but you can leave and do whatever you want in a few days."

He knew he would die after, it seemed extreme logicvally, but thats what the book had told him. Something about Prometheus' fated lament and how his death had been a mercy by the gods. He couldnt exactly remember but it was true, and his heart felt it, his death was days away.  



PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:00 am
Emily didn't lift her head but she shook it. She was glad he was at least trying to confort her.

"Thats just it..I don't want to go anywhere. I'm perfectly happy staying with you but you just keep acting as if none of it realy matters. You act and talk as if this hole thing is more a chore and burden than anything. I'm so tired of this all and your just so shut off. You look like i've burnt you everytime you look at me and I don't know what I've done." she said sounding as if she wanted to cry but she refused to.

"I'm just so confused and your acting so much more different than when we first met..it scares me" she admiited sitting up to look at him.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:07 am
Nich couldnt stand her pain, it was like poison in his veins, burning every inch of vein by boiling his blood. He slipped off the table and crouched down beside her and brushed her hair back so he could see her face.

"Emily its because its happening to me, this is the only way i can function like this. thats what i needed the book for. It wasnt to check about the law, that was your job, i was checking for symptoms. Im shut off because i have to save your from the s**t that ive brought into your life, i have to do this because i physically cant leave your side, if i tried, my feet wouldnt move. Its a very old and strong bit of magic, but i think your my supposed soul-mate, and its going to..."

He was just about to say 'kill me' but he wouldnt do that to her, she deserved the truth, but she couldnt handle all of it. Not right now. He thought about death for a moment and realized that if she wasnt there with hi in whatever hell he went to, it would be far worse than any torture he could experience by its hands.

He stood back up and his breath was shaky, he wanted to let a river of tears stream from his eyes, but he hadnt cried in years, and now wasnt time to start, not when he had to be there for emily.

"stay that way i think, im sorry that im like this but i cant help it. You dont feel like i do though, so we cant do anything about it, its better if we just ignore how i feel."  



PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:17 am
Emily listened to him talk feeling horrible that he felt that way. She didn't want him to feel that way and it hurt her to know he did. She sighed running a hand through her hair. "And what if you were wrong. I understand why you act this way. But what if your wrong?" she said not looking at him. "What if I felt for you like you do me?" she said softly. She thought she did. it hurt her to see him and pain and it hurt worse when he would walk away or shut himself away when she said smething. She didn't want to leave him and she didn't think she could.

"You say you have to save me..but we have to save eachother. We are all the other has..." she didn't know how to say what she felt. She loved him even more for being like this for her. For being so determind. and if she died..or he died what good would it do if the other was left alone? she wonderd. She looked at him directly in the eyes. she was so sorry he hurt like this and that they were both in trouble..but she didn't think the words "i'm sorry I love you" could quite get the point across.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:26 pm
Nich shook his head.... He didnt think she knew what she was saying, the fact that he thought these things when he had the invitation to love her was deppressing, but he could not possibly be selfish in any way. If emily were to hold a door for him he would probably refuse the courtesy.

"Emily, your just saying that because you feel bad for me, but you dont have to. I can handle the truth, and your just caught up in the moment. I was alone before and i lived just fine, and im sure things would be better for you if... well you know"

He truned from her and took a few step. He knew that had been a lie, he couldnt handle the truth at all.  



PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:12 pm
Emily just looked at him as if he were completly stupid. And in some ways he was. but she wasn't going to argue about it. She sighed rubbing her head. "Can we go now...im kind of tired" she mutterd not realy looking at him. She felt ike yelling at somebody but held it in waiting to go home so she could just lay on her bed for a little while. This hole thing is stupid. she thought.  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:03 pm
Nich felt her anger, and it crushed him. His knees started to get weak, and it took everything he had to stay standing. He had no idea what he'd done to deserve indignation, but he was receiving it clearly. Everyhting from the look on her face to her pert speech gave him the impression that he had failed on some level.

"Ya" was all he said and began walking to the door. When he got into the street he blinked back a tear and ;eaned against the building waiting for her. If this was all he had left in his life it wasnt going to last very much longer.  



PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 9:51 am
Emily knew he knew she was upset. She knew he was upset and she just seemed to do nothing but make it worse. Most of her anger faded and she just felt tired and sad. She wished he knew how much she did care. It wasn't because she felt bad for him, or because she was confused. She knew how she felt and she blinked trying not to cry.

She stood and made her way to where he was. He looked upset still and she looked down away from him waiting for him to start walking first. If this was how things were going to be...she didn't want to think about it.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 7:47 pm
Nichs hand began to shake a little bit. It was eearie really because his metal hand didnt seem to have the ability to tremble, so emily couldnt really tell how stressed he was. He put his hand ins his pocket just in case.

It was so hard doing this that he began to compulsively brush the hair from his eys or tighten his gloves. He was doing anything to keep his heart from completely shutting down. It seemed that if he did so much as look at her, the scorn would crush any will he had left to live. He knew he had to tell her the truth.

It seemed emily had broken through his front, easily in fact. she hadnt yelled or even confronted him, just beeing there was enough to make him give himself completely to her.

Pushing open the door to the apartement, he ushered her inside and closed the door. He couldnt look at her at all, so instead started to untie his shoes. Eyes fixed on what he was doing just to keep from looking completely pathetic he asked...

"Emily, i dont feel like i can last much longer like this, i need to know how you feel about me. I dont care what you answer i want it to be the truth, but i need to know completely. I mean really think about it, am i worth all of this when you could be living a normal un-stressed life?"  



PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 7:32 am
Emily noticed his constant figeting watching him from the corner of her eye. It slightly buged her but she said nothing. She knew she would only make things worse. Subconchancly she also began to fiddle with a ring she was wearing on her middle finger. Twisting it in circles in front of her. When they got the the hous she thought she was simply going to explode with the tension she knew was there. She hated this.

She sat on the couch not looking at him her heart pounding painfully. She didn't want to hurt him anymore..and she was tired of hurting. Her question cought him off guard and at first she said nothing..just thought. In that split minute she had sorted everything out...had figured everything out and she took a deep breath.

"I think you are worth staying with. You gave me a home, you gave your hand for something so little, you've desided to keep protecting me though this could easily cost us our lives. Me and you are a lot alike and...I love you for that. You have no idea how much it hurt me knowing that everything I said only seemed to make you hurt more. I can't help but to look at you and feel a mixture of annoyance and hurt, but over all..I care for you....love you i guess is the right word. It would hurt me to walk away from you after this is over. And I don't want another life. Every life is stressfull..just some more than others. I think i wouldn't live if I didn't have you there...I had already thought about giving up before you found me...finding you..changed everything. "I told you I love you and I want to say so many words.....but ..I don't know hwo to word how much it hurts watching the only person I ever cared enough to live suffer and not know why or be able to fix it." She hadn't expected to say so much it just kind of kept pilling out and she never knew how to word the way she should be able to. So she hoped this worked.

Emily stood walked over to him and made him look at her. She had confused but happy tears in her eyes and she leaned in and kissed him. It might have been to much..but she couldn't say it another way..she was never the romantic type.  
09 Level 1 - Casual RPs (archive)

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