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Strawberry Pocky Parade

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 9:45 am
Seto froze for a second as he tried to remember what it was that Mokuba was talking about. Theni t hit him. "Yes--Mokuba, you go with Honda, I'll grab them. The sooner you're out of here the better. Don't look at anything--just follow Honda, okay? I'll be right out, I promise."

If the explosion he'd heard was real, then every second that they spent in the aircraft was a second less that they might be living. If the plane exploded with Mokuba inside of it because they were just getting bags--Seto would never forgive himself...even in death, he'd roll over in his grave. Having to worry about his brother staying with him--it'd hold him up too. It would be faster if he just grabbed the stuff.

Without waiting for Mokuba to be able to come up with any sort of argument, he passed Honda by, bringing his sleeve up under his nose. The scent of blood was overpowering and sent a sickening feeling into his gut. Everyone...sprawled out all over the place... that could have been him and his brother. Every body he passed, every stone face that he saw, Mokuba took it's place in his mind.

He passed by the aisle where Jonouchi and Shizuka were laying on the ground. He didn't know whether they were dead or not. Jounouchi was covering his sister, but like everything else in the tunnel--his back was covered with blood. He didn't know it it was Jounouchi's or someone elses, but he turned his eyes and continued shuffling down the aisle.

The people who'd been in front of them were dead, but again. Seto tried not to look at them. He moved his eyes up and lifted the overhead compartment. Ironicly, it was the only one in probably the entire plane that didn't have a single drop of blood on it. It looked just as clean and normal as it had when the plane had taken off in Japan. There were a few bags that were up there that weren't his own. slipped his arm through the straps on both of them. They were very heavy, but by leaning forward he was able to off-set the weight. He knew that it would have been too bulky and akward if he had put on on each arm.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 6:57 pm

There seemed to be nothing around, it was dark everywhere. Yet he was breathing, and there was no pain. He stood gazing through darkness, there was no one else around. He wondered where Serenity had vanished to, he was the only one he could see. Looking at his hands, was he really dead? It seemed so, his body was not harmed, he felt content, there was no sadness. But this could not be death, it just didn't feel right. Then all of a sudden, there was a incredible pain.

His eyes twitched before opening. They clentched at the intence light that seemed to land on him. Letting out a hiss of pain, followed by a groan. He could feel he was bleeding, where he was unsure. He also felt anothers blood on his clothes, he was drentched all over. Eyes fluttering open softly looking around. He had made it, he was alive. The air had never tasted so fresh before, now it was alomst delicious. His arms still held his sister, though he could see they were bleeding. His head hurt severly, pounding and ringing in his skull.

He was unsure if Serenity was passed out or not, he prayed she would just be out like he had been. His eyes looked around, all of the dead bodies were sprawled across chairs and floors. Oxygen masks dangled over all the seats, his was just slightly above him. Having a sudden greed for air, he tried to reach for it. Immediatly he fell back from the pain in his arm. He hissed again, his eyes clentching. Once the pain subsided, his eyes opened slightly. He needed help, he seemed to be pinned under a plane seat. That was probably why he could not move. Thinking was hard at a time like this, though he wasn't very good at it before. Pushing himself up as much as he could, he was able to speak.

"Anybody there..We need..h-help!" he cried out.

Though it seemed more like a gasp then a shout, siting up brought him more pain. His body seemed to push more against the chair as he pushed. After he had spoken, he immediatly hit the ground again. The chair following him as it pinned him worse. Taking the pain, he pushed his body, so he would not crush his sister underneath him. Now his back was taking on the pain of the chairs weight. He could take the pain, but he would not let it harm Serenity. He hissed as his arms supported him, they began to tremble with fading strength. Hopefully his will power would be enough for him to stay strong.

"Someone please help.." he begged ready to cry.

Vice Captain

Strawberry Pocky Parade

Barking Lunatic

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 5:43 pm
Seto was already heading back along the seats with the two suitcases hanging precariously off of his shoulder. He got to where there seemed to be an opening in the side of the plane--he couldn't tell if it were a propper door or not--he was keeping his eyes closed until they blurred so that he didn't have to see all of the corpses laying around him. He threw the bags out--and heard them land in a tree before finally one of them hit the ground. One of the bags was still caught in one of the lower branches.

He turned back to see if Mokuba had made it out alright. It was no use though--he couldn't see because of the seats and oxygen masks that were between the bathroom and himself. He started back, wanting make sure that Mokuba was safe, but stopped suddenly. He thought he'd heard something. His ears perked and strained to listen for it again. Was he just imagining things?

Standing up straight, he let his now fully opened eyes graze over the massacre in front of him. Instantly, he felt nauseated again. But no--there it was again--it sounded like someone breathing in the stillness. He wasn't exactly sure if it was really someone or if it were just wind outside.

They'd gone down because of the storm--they were back in the eye of the hurricane again, it seemed. Thats why the sun was out...which meant...

That things were going to get bad again...
And it was going to happen quickly.
The wind whistled and howled outside, preventing Seto from being able to hear anything else.
He just didn't see anything moving but the dangling yellow masks.
One of them in particular was swinging quickly--as if something or someone had just recently hit it. Back and forth it moved, like a pendulum.
Directly underneath it a seat was leaning forward. The fabric was black, the gray threads soaked with blood. Nothing had pierced the seat however, so he wasn't sure what it meant.

"Can you hear me?" he called. His voice was only just audible over the wind that was picking up outside. The tree that the plane was partly nested in swayed, and the aircraft shook as it slid further in it's grasp.  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:03 am
[[ lol I saw Final Destination 3 this weekend. Those girls getting a tan were hilarious! biggrin rofl ]]  

May La Nee

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 9:40 am

The wind whistled through the trees, Joeys expression grew to terror. Looking down at Serenity, who was still passed out from the impact. His eyes narrowed, letting his will power become his first nature. He needed to get his sister and him out of there, even if he had to do it alone. Pressing his hands firmly on the ground, he lifted his body and the weight of the chair. Groaning through clentched teeth as he lifted. His back muscles pulled and twisted trying to relieve themselves of the object on top of them. Soon, his arms betrayed him as gravity pulled him back to the floor, the chair colliding with him as he only had enough strength to keep himself from falling ontop Serenity.

He tried once more in a failed attempt. Refusing to give up he continued to put pain to his shoulder blades. It felt as if they were starting to cave in, but surrender was not an option. Looking down at his sister, her auburn hair sprawled along the coarse carpet of the plane. His own brown eyes grew fierce, loosing her was not a choice of the matter. Reaching his hands to grasp the now ice cold metal of the chairs legs beside him. Hopefully the other chairs would be able to assist him. Using all of his remaining body strength, he rivited harshly upwards.

The chair seemed near to the end of its time with this powerful shove. He grinned, his eyes gleaming with his cocky ego as he showed the chair who was in control. Using this new sensation, he gave another powerful push, then there was a sudden wave of pain. His eyes snapped open, the rush seemed to be coming from his arms. They had already been gashed by the impact, and with this strain the muscles seemed to rip. Letting out a blood hurtiling scream, he crashed to the floor. Now his arms were gushing red ooze all over. Each hair on his arm clinging to the blood as it trickled. His eyes now gleamed of a broken ego, it was over.

Then, his ears twitched to a sound that appeared through the wind. Being not thunder nor lighting, but a voice. It was rather faint, they must've been far from him. Turning his head as much as he could manage to look for the voice. Scanning over all the dead bodys and the thickets of the masks to find his savior.

"Yes..I can hear you. Please help." he called back.

His voice broke as he cried out, it was becoming difficult to scream. But his voice seemed to be the only remaining strength he possesed. Tears began to glaze over his eyes, with his ego being shot down, tears were no longer hidden in his chocolate eyes. As the plane rocked, he gasped. This was not good, if the first impact did not kill him, falling from the tree would. The chair already seemed to be making him numb. He had to think, harder then he had ever before. If the man did not come soon, it would be to late. Then he got it, a way to get the man here faster without wasting time trying to locate the voices general direction.

"I'll count, so you can find me faster, we need to get out of here. I have a sister to save as well. One..two.. three..four..five." he chanted, his eyes closed thinking of Serenity.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:42 am
Seto couldn't hear what Jou was saying anymore... he only heard a few key phrases, "Yes...help...sister." He didn't know that it was Jou talking about Serenity at the time, but he knew that how he felt about Mokuba. He saw the turned over chair he was looking at move. He didn't know if that was who he was talking to--but he knew that someone under it was alive. Immediately, he was moving. He jumped over the back of seats to get to where he was though, because of where in the aisle he was standig--it was the fastest way.

He hoped that the dead wouldn't mind being stepped on to save to living person from their fate.

In no time at all, he was pushing on the chair, trying to get it to move. Some of the blood on the seat was soaking through the cloth on his white shirt. He ignored it though--it wasn't like it was his nice clothes that were being ruined. He was glad that for this vacation, he'd dressed differently than he usually did.

"Heh, Vacation. Some vacation, huh...?" He couldn't help but mutter to himself. The chair was heavy and wasn't moving. He adjusted his position so that his shoulder was underneath the headrest and he could move it by standing. Whomever was underneath it had an elbow in their back, but they'd thank him later, he assumed. He saw a young lady laying between his stance, but her hair was covering his face so he wasn't freaked out by the staring as much.

Then, the plane shifted again. "s**t!" he cussed as the seat pushed him back down again. "Work with me, God damnit!!" he yelled at the person he was trying to save. He felt adrenniline pump through his veins when he realized that if he didn't get this guy out soon--or otherwise leave him--he'd die and Mokuba would be all alone.

At the same time though... if he had a sibling... a sister... wouldn't the sacrifice be worth it?

'No, not really...' he thought, but he kept trying anyway.  

Strawberry Pocky Parade

Barking Lunatic

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Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:22 pm
((sorry I was gone for so long sweatdrop ))

Tristian got Mokuba safely on the ground, which was no small task, since he insisted that the kid ride down on his back. Tristian saw Bakura and Duke sitting next to each other, Malik watching the airplane start to sway.
s**t... Kaiba and God knows who else is up there... Tristian started back up the tree.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 8:23 am

((pff. He doesn't know what it is like :eyeroll: xD))

There was a sudden thud along the seats beside him. The man had heard his cries and had flown to the rescue. His mouth twitched to a thankful smile. Soon he could feel the chair being pulled off of him, though it still clung to his body. He heard the muttering of the man below his breath, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yeah..some vacation.." he muttered back.

It seemed to be one of those moments when you just had to laugh to keep from crying. But once the laughter seemed to fade in the air, his eyes narrowed. Using his arm strength to prevent his own body crushing his sisters. The muscles began to tremble, they had ripped far, so at the moment they could not tear any ferther. The plane shook and caused Jou to curse aloud as well. He heard the man shout at him to help. At any other moment, he would tell the man that his muscles were breaking and it was near impossible to feel his arm at all. But the thought of Serenity left him silent as he obeyed. But then, his brain caught the voice, once not so close but now close to hear rather clearly.

"Kaiba!?" he called out shocked, but somehow scared as well.

He was so happy Kaiba had made it, more tears fell out of gratitude. Until now, he had hated Kaiba for all he was worth..literally. But now, in times of near death, even your enemy seemed to become your friend. He became even more determined, thinking of Mokuba all of a sudden. The last thing he would do was leave Serenity alone in the world, and he was not going to allow Seto to leave his brother alone in the world. That seemed to be the only common ground for the two of them.

Kaiba had gotten most of the chair off of him, he could move his legs. Now it was a good time for a little extra help. Pulling his knees closer to his body, using their strength to push his lower torso up. In a flashes instant, the chair was releaved. He could feel the harsh winds upon his back. Hopefully Seto had not been crushed by the chair. Looking back, he gave Seto a small smile of gratitude. Now it seemed Kaiba was not as bad as he had thought. Scooping Serenity in his arms, he looked at Kaiba, his eyes giving the notion to run for it. Once they reached the planes edge, he saw Tristan making his way up.

"Tristan, take Serenity and get her out of here. Kaiba, you next." Jou shouted so they could hear over natures cries.

Now that Serenity was safe, he had to make sure Kaiba made it down to his brother before him. That seemed more important then him at the moment.

Vice Captain

Angel of Flames2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:45 am
"Sure thing, Joey." Tristian hauled the unconcious Serenity onto his back, but she felt to limp, to much of a dead weight to him. Keeping the sudden, dark thoughts at bay, Tristain started back down the tree, only to see the airplane start to slip in gravities grip.
"Holy s**t... GUYS!!! GET OUT!!!" Tristain yelled towards the plane. The shock was wearing off, and he was starting to feel naucious.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:42 am
Duke saw Tristan and Serenity there, and would have offered them a smoke if he wasn't so shocked by Tristan's appearance in the first place. "I... Thought you exploded...?" he asked Tristan, not realizing what a weird question it was.  

May La Nee

Strawberry Pocky Parade

Barking Lunatic

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:46 am
Serenity continued to be like a deadweight in Tristan's arms. She'd died when the plane first made contact with the ground. It wasn't, ironicly though, because of injuries she might have sustained. It was a mixture of a few factors that led to her death...The stress and fear of the situation she had been in had shot adrenniline through her body, making her heart beat faster. While her heart pounded in her chest, she held her breathHer body wasn't able to fix this by passing out because her mind wasn't able to shut itself down from all of the adrenniline. The lack of oxygen to a rapidly beating heart made her blood sickle and clot. The bloodflow was still forcefull though, resulting in an aneurism. She'd died the moment her vessles burst.

((Now...isn't that such a long winded explanation though? Believe it or not though, it's based lightly on scientific fact. ;]

Wow, ya'll must think I'm such a brain in this RP... knowing about the weather and clouds and such...and also about the heart... It's random little things, I promise you. sweatdrop ))  
PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 8:50 am
Seto didn't need to be told twice to get out of the plane. In fact, as soon as Serenity and Tristan had dissapeared from his sight, he leaped out of the plane, grabbing branches to swing down from. Several smaller branches whipped him on his decent, but he landed with both feet and a hand on the ground before he lost his balance and fell backwards onto his butt. He jumped up quickly though and began searching the faces for his brother.

There weren't too too many down there, so it was a fairly easy task... Mokuba was the one who wasn't as tall as everyone else and who was currently comming towards him.

He greeted his sibling in a hug, glad that he was safe still, and looked over his shoulder. Two of the bags had made it to the ground, another was hanging off of a branch still. Someone would have to climb up to get it.  

Strawberry Pocky Parade

Barking Lunatic

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:01 pm

Joey didn't take another look back as he leaped from the plane as well. First landing on his feet to soon fall backwards on his butt. He groaned a little bit at the contact, but he made no hesitation on getting up. Walking over to Tristan and taking his sister bridal style in his arms. Kaibe did not seem like such a bad guy when he thought about it, even if he picked on him all the time. But he would make friends with Kaiba later, besides, he did not want to pressure it on Kaiba. Then it would really look like a little puppy clinging to its master.

Making safe distance between himself and the plane, he set his sister gently on the floor. He smiled and chuckled to himself, he could not believe they made it through this. But Serenity seemed a little too light in his arms to be confortable. Looking down at Serenities drooped expression, peaceful and without any life. His laugh turned to a nervous tone as he nudged her.

"Hey Serenity come on..we made it through." he said through his laugh which seemed to be troubled now.

As Serenity remained without a single twitch, his laughter faded. His eyes looked pained before they got a glint of hope returning to them. Giving Serenity another gentle shake, insisting on her opening her eyes. Then the smile faded again. His hands started to shake softly, before slowly making their way to her neck. Almost pulling back before Joey forced them to move closer.

"Serenity?.."he choked as his fingers touched her cold neck.

Waiting to feel a jolt of energy rush to his fingertips as they lingered. But the touch remained cold and still. It seemed to be as if he were touching a rock. His heart seemed to fall as still as his sisters non exisitant heartbeat. His eyes filled with a mix of emotions, not even feeling the tears roll from them as he fell numb. Beginning to tremble all over as he pulled away. His eyes clentched as he looked away. Anger built under his skin as his body tried to hold it back. But it was no use, pride had died along with his sister. Letting his body fall in front of him, his fists pounding the earth in punishment as he began to harshly cry.
PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:14 pm

Mokuba stared up at the plane waiting for his brother to appear out of the smoke and wind. His eyes looked troubled, clinging to Tristan as his only support at the moment. But soon Tristan made his way back to the plane, leaving Mokuba to cling to himself. His eyes grew longing as he gazed up, trying to locate his brother out of the reckage. Soon enough, he saw him along with Joey and Serenity. He smiled at the sight, he did not know that he could feel worried about loosing Seto twice in the same day.

Watching as Serenity was taken by Tristan, watching his brother plumit to the ground. He gazed in awe as his brother seemed to glide swiftly to the earth, landing on his feet. It seemed like he posessed wings of some sort, he was so gracful, he was perfect. Once Seto made contactt with the floor, Mokuba rushed over. Calling Setos name as it remained muffled from the wind. Seeing Setos eyes shifting around, scanning the area for him. Soon enough their eyes met, and Mokubas filled with tears again. Still calling to him as he leap clinging to Seto.

"Onii-sama!" he cried as he grasped him.

His hands wrapped around Setos neck, his leg hugging his thin hips. With the support of their hug Mokuba leaned into Seto, his head buried in his brothers now messy hair. Sobbing lightly of relief into his brother, taking in his scent, adoring every inch of him after nearly loosing him. One hand made its way to run through his brothers hair, tangling his fingers in his strans swiftly. Becoming completely intertwined with his brother, letting the rest of the world fade away.

"You're so strong, we made it through big brother. You're the best." he sobbed into him with a smile in his voice.

Then, he heard a cry in the distance. Taking his head out of his brothers to look in the general direction it came from. His arms stretched for distance even though they remained clung to Setos shoulders. Joey was off by himself, his sister beside him and he was in a hestaria of tears. Mokuba caught on immediatly and his expression fell grim. Joey had not been as lucky as Seto and him. His heart ached for the guy, he could only imagine what it would feel like to loose a sibling.

"Oh no..Joey.." he whispered, simpathy rang in his voice.

Vice Captain

Strawberry Pocky Parade

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 6:03 pm
Feeling his own sibling pull away from him, Seto looked where Jou was crying over his.

He'd layed her out on the ground, but from the angle, Seto couldn't tell much other than that she wasn't making any drastic movements like sitting up, flipping her hair off her shoulders, or hugging her brother. He felt bad for Jou, but he didn't know what he could do... he felt compelled to though. Suddenly a thought hit him, and he turned back to Mokuba. He looked at him like he was shocked that he was standing there. They were both banged up pretty badly, but Seto realized something that he hadn't before.

Serenity... She'd been sitting in what would have been Seto's seat. It could have been him laying on the ground like that, and Mokuba crying over his dead body. He could have left Mokuba all alone with these people... Alone and unprotected. He didn't know if he should explain what he'd realized though, because he didn't want to upset his younger sibling even more.

His gaze moved back over to Jou and Serenity wheeler. Or...what WAS Serenity wheeler. His hand moved up to Mokuba's shoulder and he squeezed it, standing up to his original height again. "I'm going to go and talk to him..." he explained to the wide questioning eyes that followed him up. "Will you go over and talk to Tristan about what's going on? Stay away from Ryou and Malik though...and Ishizu..." he remembered Otougi's disposition. "...and Otougi--just go talk to Tris--" Behind them, the plane fell completely from the tree and smashed into the earth. It began to slide down, knocking over trees in it's path back into the ocean.

The wind started carrying water into their faces as well. Seto hoped that there wouldn't be a tsunami... and that it was just the white caps of waves...or that it was the rain from the storm.

..the storm. It was going to pass over where the crash had been! They'd flown in the middle of the storm, and it was about to continue it's track.
"No! Wait--we have to get shelter!" he turned over to Jou, needing to warn him. He was too busy thinking about Serenity to be able to think clearly. "JOU!!" he called over the sound of the wind.  
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